Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

July 2012 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • £10,000 Reward for Witnesses re Cardiff Cabal Shredding Still More Evidence of their 20 Year Conspiracy

    Best summed up in latest Cardiff court conduct, yesterday  when I had to call the police to Cardiff Magistrates building to try and prevent the cabal from shredding still further documents all of which should have gone before the May 'Breach of a Restraining Order' jury.

    I visit again, today or tomorrow and will refuse to leave the public counter, this time, until Mr Morgan or who ever opens the the sealed up 'brown envelope' contained in the file marked 14th November 11, by coincidence the day before the part heard hearing that led to my 1st December 12 conviction of 18 week imprisonment.

    The sealed up 'brown envelope' orders from the Recorder of Cardiff, it states, was only to be opened when I was sentanced....clearly indicating still further conspiracy.

    I have spent moths trying to get that Judge Christopher Llewellyn Jones Court Order from both Crown Court, the manager saying she cannot find it while at the magistrates, along with Cardiff Crown,  have written saying I am not entitled to court logs !

    Makes a complete nonsence following the nod and wink from the very Crown Court to which I then appealed on 1st March 12 with the envelope and advice confirming the higher Cardiff courts backing of my not being allowed to cross examine the doctor or call contrary medical evidence from doctors in rebuttal, have my legal papers in court or produce my own evidence.

    But, then, what is new under the Cardiff sun? 

    I will publish all this, shortly, off a hurriedly made photo of one late disclosed page of court log, previously refused in writing and now far to late for last few weeks of JR applications before Mr Justice Beatson, Singh J et al


    12 07 31 Criminal Court of Appeal Criminal Court of Appeal re1.pdf

    So I write yet another, possibly,  futile letter to England remembering only too well as the  cover-up at Swansea Crown Court recently procured when South Wales Police were protected from their conspiracy exposure over the false imprisonments in the Lynette White murder here in Cardiff. 

    The following witnesses had others with them at the scene of some hundred or so police incidents where I often expereinced extreme police bullying lleading to malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments in order to have my name removed from the veterinary register

    Up to £10,000 reward, per individual, is offered for to any one assisting in my tracing the where abouts of known and yet unknown witnesses, to obtain evidence for the forth coming 10 week trial. Many witnessed road side , police station and court incidents needed for my prosecdution of the case. Do you know any one? Thankyou

    List of Ex Chief Constable's and current Chief Constable's defence witnesses








    Dr Baig


    PC 2866 Clive Barber


    PC 322 David Barrett


    PC 3200 Richard Bassett


    PS 1625 Claire Baxter-Jones (now Lamerton)


    PS 3174 Philip Beer


    PC 644 Roger Bickerstaff


    DS 3849 Abigail Biddle


    DI 3074 Gary Bohun


    PS 2602 Stephen Booker


    PC 620 Peter Bowers


    PC 1444 Philip Bracegirdle


    PS 4008 Linda Canterbury


    PS 3619 Mark Cocksey


    Dr Coleman


    PC 1417 Steven Coles


    Inspector 2947 Geoffrey Coliandris


    PC 2981 Richard Collins


    PS 594 Dennis Crutcher


    DS 3120 Robert Davidson


    Inspector 1909 Howard Davies


    Vivienne Davies (deceased)


    DCI 732 Simon Davies


    PC 881 Vincent Donovan


    PC 3126 Lee Driscoll


    Inspector 1973 Steven Evans


    CI 2282 Daryl Fahey


    DS 1694 Dinlle Francis


    Chief Inspector Brian Albert Genner


    DS 3544 Michael George


    DC 787 Philip Gibbs


    PC 1008 David Giboney


    PS 1301 Roy Goodman


    INS 1385 David Greaves


    DC 2784 David Griffiths


    Civilian Dianne Griffiths


    Inspector 913 Sydney Griffiths


    PC 1696 Robert Guest


    PC 3487 Robert Gunstone


    T/C.I 3737 James Hall 


    PC 2 Gary Hayes


    PC 122 Paul Hayes


    PS 2483 Paul Ivor Hillman


    PC 3438 Stephen Holehouse


    PC 3546 Gareth Holmes


    Inspector 2837 Timothy Hubbard


    PS 202 Alexander Huckfield  


    PC 3583 Richard Humphreys 


    DC 1623 Martyn James


    PC 972 Jonathan Johnson


    Keith Jones


    DI 2858 Eric Herbert Kendall


    DS 1324 Julian Kerslake


    PS 3444 Nicholas Kihlberg


    PC 1289 John KirkPatrick


    DS 4059 Jane Lott


    Inspector 526 Jonathan Lott


    PC 1532 Keith Lovell


    Dr Lush


    PC 301 Zachary Mader


    Former PS 32 John Mahony


    PC 808 John Manders


    SPC 7781 Deryn Martin


    INS 651 Paul McCarthy


    DS 3432 Barrie McGregor


    PC 1590 Robert Morgan


    DC 673 Stephen Geoffrey Murphy


    PC 1215 Robert Osbourne


    PC 3202 Richard Paines


    PS 2148 Huw Phillips


    PS 2244 Raymond Pickett


    DCI 1978 Stephen Robert Powell


    PC 3689 Gareth Price


    Clare Reohorn (now Willis)


    PC 3983 Cheryl Rewbridge


    Inspector 1581 Andrew John Rice


    PS 2788 Geoffrey Roberts


    PC 1953 William Glenville Roberts


    PC 680 Andrew Roch


    PC 3100 Roche


    PS 1815 Robert Nelson Roe


    520 Simon Rogers


    PC 450 Tracey Ellen Selleck


    Inspector 1419  David Smith


    PC 389 Stephen Smith


    PS 2727 Andrew Stephens


    PC 1290 Michael Stone of Avon And Somerset Constabulary


    PS 585 Nigel Streeter


    PS 3052 Phillip Thomas


    PS 1831 John Mark Uprichard


    DC 2568 Jonathan Venners


    PC 949 Pauline Walters of Gwent Police


    PC 2398 Thomas Warren


    PC 485 John Wellbeloved


    PS 3227 Adrian Williams


    PC 566 Robin Wilson


    Delyth Hannah Woods


    Deanna Linda Young








    more to follow shortly

  • "Is this a dagger which I see before me?" "Why Didn't the Judge Stop the Trial?" the Police Sergeant asked


    12 07 26 Criminal Court of Appeal Criminal Court of Appeal ref.pdf 

    Is this a dagger which I see before me?  11 12 01 RO CPS Draft.pdf 

    Handed to us in the dock of Cardiff Crown Court by this CPS barrister admitting there was yet another, the one over scribbled by District Judge John Charles in the full view of the court


    12 07 26 The Manager of the Administrative Court CO.pdf 

    I now have documentary proof on how Cardiff High Court Judges were consulted before the Cardiff magistrates altered the ground rules, in 2010 to stop my cross examining any more prosecuting police officers after my eight successful Crown Court appeals from 20 years of South Wales Police bullying to have me struck off as a veterinary surgeon.


    This Friday, CPS (Wales) finally deny having any record of any 'draft' restraining orders that led to my nine months prison sentence, subject to appeal in the Criminal Court of Appeal in the Royal Courts of Justice shortly.


    This week's revelations over Cardiff Civil Justice Centre's withholding the Royal Courts of Justice CO/6357/2012 file to pervert the Mr Justice Beatson hearing is just 'small bear' to the disclosed court logs now indicating High Court intervention without the defendant or as an appellant, being notified and thereby being denied a right of appeal.

    Deja Vu? Just like 2nd December Cardiff 2009 hearing, before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, when South Wales Police rogue psychiatrist and rogue CPS barrister, Richard Tohme, in the machine gun case, disgust in my absence, with  court tape recorder deliberately switched off, the ways they may get me sectioned, IPP, to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric prison. My luck lasted that day. 

    My application to the RCJ led, also this week, to a witness statement available to confirm its authenticity.

    The concerned police sergeant, on hearing my McKenzie Friend at May 12 jury trial, recount what he saw, reluctantly took a statement. Senior police officers immediately stopped all other statements being taken, including my seven page draft, to be copied onto MG 11 official police/CPS documents for investigation.

    "Why Didn't the Judge Stop the Trial?" the Police Sergeant asked my McKenzie Friend after the statement was taken down.

    12 06 19 Statement of Meirion Bowen.pdf

    But my visiting solicitor to the prison has recorded my account of the GEOamy custody manager entering my cell and asking me to comment on the part hand written document by District Judge Charles long before he convicts in my absence.

    So how does the CPS 'square the circle' on having 'no record' when all was recorded on CCTV under magistrates control?

    Does it stink any more than we already know?

    So I have been appealing to the Cardiff High Court, all these years at vast expense and time wasted, on arbitrary refusals by both Cardiff Crown and Cardiff magistrate's judges refusing to expand on their, on the face of them, both obtuse and asinine, no where to be found in the law books.

    Next thing is to see if this lot is sorted out in the public as who will be next?

    12 02 16 MJK Complaint to HHJ Hughes.pdf 

    Oh what a disgusting environment I am currently in.

  • Mr Justice Beatson 'Vexatious Litigant' & JR to 'State' a Case

    But I wasn't there was I?

    The judgment of today's JR hearing, written some weeks ago, had not allowed for my absence due to ill health.

    But who cares? 

    Three things you can rely on here in Wales. They are taxes, death and widespread deceit throughout Cardiff’s judiciary, while they fight for their independence away from any interference from Whitehall.

    But not too quick, chaps, not before they can persuade that same HM Treasury Solicitor’s vast legal team in Whitehall that, between 2003 to 2008, slaved tirelessly when last trying to have me registered as a Vexatious Litigant over RCVS and South Police bullying.

    Yesterday the usual attempts were made to ridicule a GP's medical certificate, I had handed in at the court door but that is what happens when their own rogue doctor is allowed to say I am 'mad', with irreversible, probably, 'significant brain damage' and a possible brain tumour and get away with it! 09 09 01radiologist scans report.pdf

    Their very own forensic psychiatrist was to suite their collapsing 'machine gun' trial, the latest in string of false imprisonments. Reliant on a widespread Welsh judicial conspiracy, which even meant using MAPPA and England’s FTAC, as they did, was bound to fail, but now, again, compounding an ordinary GP’s work, someone just trying to do her job.

    Remember, Cowbridge Health Centre, my registered practice for nearly 18 years, dropped me like a ‘hot potato’ as soon as I won the ‘machine gun’ Caswell Clinic fiasco and walked free from the abuse of the Mental Health Act.

    Remember, my Ravenscroft, Barry medical practice, very soon after, also dropped me like a ‘hot potato’ as soon as they produced a medical report, deliberately withheld by the Cardiff Magistrates, from the then 2nd Nov 10 presiding judge, for the ‘relatively minor incident, as District Judge Charles called it.  Charles confirmed he knew of my being pushed down a flight of stairs by a bully boy ex-police officer, to finish up in Casualty with a broken leg but was the judge to prevent my cross examining, on medical grounds, any prosecution witnesses leaving it to another to adjudicate upon.

    District Judge John Charles, even said the penalty for my common assault conviction carries ‘no order’ frantic, of course, I did not appeal it as it was heard in my absence, with no cross examination whatsoever. Yes, you guessed it, the GP’s report in 2010, as with yesterday, was also ridiculed.  

    So when this NHS (Wales) GP writes that I now need a another brain scan, whatever judges, may wish to say or do behind the scenes, how do they go about stopping it?

    Only in the minds of those who were brought up in believing in 'the rule of law' feel it is time for some prosecutions around here.

    So what just did The Honourable Mr Justice Beatson have to say relevant to Article 6?

    His first duty was to consider the content of this police commisioned and Crown Court used medical report now with my GP pending result of another brain scan....

    Reliable witnesses sat in court only to hear the continuing Welsh judiciary, MAPPA and HM Prison Cardiff and NHS (Wales) cover up over a rogue NHS (Wales) doctor backed by a Swansea Professor who also falsified medical reports. Why? Just to get an IPP on an Englishman having failed in getting him shot.  The crime, pray? For 20 years of questioning Cardiff courts’ inherent conduct, clearly only answerable to cyberspace.

    This was an oral Judicial Review Application CO/3970/2012 from apparent failures in both Nov/Dec 11 Cardiff Magistrates and 1st/ 2nd March 2012 Crown Court hearings concerning allegations of harassment of a NHS (Wales) level 12 consultant forensic psychiatrist who had knowingly falsified the victim’s medical records without appropriate qualifications 

    Mr Justice Beatson said there was 'no challenge' in law to the fact, in both sets of court proceedings, I was:

    1.       refused any of my legal papers in court left lying my prison cell...... exactly as in the Jan/Feb 2010 ‘machine gun jury trial’ fiasco

    2.       refused any of my legal papers from my own solicitor, especially collected and delivered to court by so many frustrated helpers...... exactly as in the ‘machine gun’ trial

    3.       refused the right to cross examine any prosecution witnesses, not even the investigating police officer...... exactly as in the ‘machine gun trial’ when allowed only six questions


    4.        appointed  a lawyer, against my wishes, given no defence instructions or any idea of the defence’s case (the  reasonable right to detect and prevent further criminal conduct etc)

    5.        appointed a lawyer who refused to challenge prosecution evidence including that of the unqualified doctor, the complainant, who had contradicted  the diagnosis from doctors who carried out the series of brain scans  


    6.       refused my right to call defence witnesses, the above doctors, for example or even to be allowed to interview, as eye witnesses or obtain police personal note books including  those  from the seven police officers who had concluded, at many of the incidents, no crime was likely to be committed should there be distribution of ‘Wanted’ posters.


    direction of Mr Justice Wyn Williams, on Friday 1st June 2012, to make this application  etc (extract from JR Form)

    His Lordship went on to say, I am told, he was notifying the next JR judge, about to deliberate over His Honour Judge Hughes QC, of March 12 Harassment appeal, also refusing me right to cross examine any one when not even giving reason.

    This next JR application is should Cardiff courts be made to ‘state a case’ as to why it was it lawful to prevent my cross examining anyone, with no prosecution evidence challenged by anyone either!

     As with  District Judge John Charles' 2nd November 10 'common assault' Cardiff case, appealed to Bristol Crown shortly, when the cabal first tested their new tactic concerning the above there is far too much at stake, now, for any hope of justice.

    An extract from the 1st March 12 Appeal transcript, paid for and sent to The Royal Courts of Justice on the 8th June for Mr Justice Beatson to indicate just how nefarious conduct is rife here and clearly inherent in their nature.

    Despite the expensive transcript being sent onto to Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, confirmed to me by letter,  Mr Justice Beatsonclearly clearly indicated, to my four witnesses at the back of Cardiff's Administrative, he never ever saw them.

    It didn't end there ,apparently, he went on to  I repremanded me for not complying with Mr Justice Singh's order to do just what I did! 

    It stinks , doesn't it?  12 06 01 JR Refusal Singh CO 3970 2012.pdf

    JR 'State a Case'

    Case Stated.pdf

    12 06 18 Section 8 JR Application 18th June 2012.pdf


    12 01 27 A20110290 - kirk - proc - 27.01.12.pdf

    12 02 22 RO trans re YJCE Act.pdf

    12 03 01 A20110290 - KIRK all proc - 01.03.12.pdf

    2nd March 12 HHJ Hughes QC transcript is too large so on downloads section of this site.

    2.      Further enquiry, since the Applicant was released from Cardiff prison over this latest conspiracy, indicates there are a significant number of other victims in South Wales with similar accounts to tell, explaining just why this doctor continues to enjoy immunity as an ‘absolute witness’, an expression to be milked, no doubt, in Cardiff, in the next few years, during judicial melt down when he need only to be ‘cross examined’, even if from HM Partnership’s court own appointed lawyer!

    3.      Enclosed are a few extracts and copy from a few other JR Applications (Sections 14 and 15) all conceived in South Wales’ current climate. They all relate to this notion of an ‘absolute witness’, a forensic psychiatrist for the South Wales Police and who, all alone, obtained the protracted incarceration of Maurice John Kirk under Section 35 of 1983 Mental Health Act.


    This list is far from being exhaustive.


    Nothing was said in court, because I wasn’t there, about the RCJ already having notified this judge, by their 19thJuly letter, adjourn to join with this application the pending ‘state a case’ and time for me to find a lawyer.

    Oh no, of course not, just like my 23rd April High Court hearing, while I was in prison, Civil damages 20 year running damages claim, ‘striking out’ the police prosecution incidents where numerous Cardiff court officials had been caught falsifying, again, court records.

    Cardiff court judge and /or staff truly excelled themselves, yesterday, in saying ‘no application’ had been made for an adjournment….

    My helpers came out of the Cardiff Civil Justice building to demonstrating ‘Rick on the Roof’ and me, to say my case 'would be' dismissed, as I should have notified the court earlier for an adjournment with  my suggestion and application that it was only common sense to consolidate both JRs as 'state a case' in the Crown Court appeal  was a similar but  very different argument in law. I have suffered  20 years of Cardiff Civil Justice managers' campaign to distort the facts and withhold vital sent in documents to RCJ visiting judges

    The judge had to adjourn for 30 minutes for another matter. Quick as a flash I was on the phone paying a court fee of £80 for another application while the blank application form was being tricked out of them for me to fill in. One of my portly but able ‘runners’ then alighted the court steps, again, at break neck speed , with form filled in and  with much aplomb served the papers on the disreputable organisation.

    Within a mere few nanoseconds, it seemed, a  smart young but  somewhat embarrassed court official came panting out on to the pavement, grasping in his hand , ‘Chamberlain style’, a piece of paper.

    It was the sealed/stamped court record of my latest application to consolidate this current episode of Cardiff Cabal skulduggery.

    “Your case has been dismissed and I have been sent down by the court to reimburse the £80 court fee”, he said, as I quietly logged the time he spoke on the back of my hand.

    I looked at the piece of paper, my hurriedly but sealed by the court, filled-in application of seven minutes earlier and made off with it to ’have it out’ with the judge and a bloody nose did cross my mind.

     But did this visiting judge know any thing of this reimbursement scam either?

     I was considered too unwell to enter court by those present, as did my GP and so returned the form to the clerk, remonstrating I was not allowed an application but promised a copy.

    No, of course the case had not yet been dismissed, it was just bluff but was the judge aware? Had this judge ever been told of the first application let alone the second?

    ‘HM Partnership’ has once again come to their rescue.

     I continue to be banned from the building, except for court room of listed case and soon even that will be blocked when I am registered a Vexatious Litigant.

    After a convivial lunch with the K-Team, my helpers hear the case, without me, culminating in the judge’s indication that the outstanding ‘state a case’ JR or any others in the pipe line will be linked.


    At last, this week, as if in stereo, both CPS and Magistrates admit having 'no record' of any draft 1st Dec 11 'restraining order' or what ever was served on me in the cell, but identifying a high court judge, on the records, had given directions without myself being notifed thereby obstucting the appeal remedy

    It stinks, doesn't it?    



    There leaves, of course, the small matter of  the outstanding 12 03 30 Application for Case Stated .txt , to be heard shortly by yet another frilly nickered judge wheeled in to protect the gravy train.

    He or she may well agree with me that this remaining, deliberately aimed at the heart of the principles upon which British justice is based, JR Application, may look a little incongruous amongst what I have just witnessed in South Wales these past twenty years but who around here any more cares?

  • Another Farcical Day in a Deceitful Welsh Court Looking for my Guns

    I shortly set off, today, thursday 19th July, to Cardiff magistrates to try, yet again,to get my antique guns back the police confiscated well over three years ago!

    Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitor, schemed with MAPPA and the then Chief Contstable, Barbara Wilding, first to having me shot but when
    that was cocked up settled for having me jailed instead.          

     For eight months I suffered, three of them terrified under NHS(Wales) supervision before a jury
    decided the WW1 Lewis machine gun, that had been sold a year earlier attached to
    my aircraft and had flown at Farnborough Air Show, was perfectly  legal and not contravening Section 5 (1) (a)
    of the 1968 Fire Arms Act.

    The South Wales Police had not just altered its colour tofit the time when I owned it they appeared to have unblocked the barrel in
    order to fire it!

    Despite the MAPPA team painting the gun a different colour,silver to black, to try and fool the jury, I was found not guilty. But the
    police had to paint it back to silver in order to give it back to the
    Lincolnshire Air Museum making it , you would of thought, ideal for an IPCC
    complaint!  Now what about another Welsh
    farcical institution, alongside the talking shop in the Bay, the IPCC?

    Dream on

    Based here in Cardiff, no less , the IPCC is full of retiredSouth Wales Police staff no doubt ‘cooking the books' for their mates.....incest,
    an inherent culture, here, based on deceit?

    Even NHS (Wales) again using one of their rogue doctors andCPS (Wales) could not persuade His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, in the Dec 2009
    Crown Court hearing, to have me sent to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison,

    They tried again last September in Tottenham police station,
    to have me locked away for life, using the same welsh rogue's false psychiatric
    reports but the English magistrates were having none of it.

    While I am still breathing we have a lot in store for this
    evil Cardiff Cabal and the culprits, I suggest, should be putting extra bolts
    on and checking their insurance.

    Apparently, NHS (Wales) tell the CAA, et al, I have ‘significant brain damage ‘ and a possible brain
    tumour  that needed an armed helicopter
    and hoard of marauding armed police  , in‘Operation Orchid', to try and snatch my then ten year old daughter , for her own
    safety.......and this lot, would you believe, are getting their own judiciary!

    Evil, evil Welsh or just evilness in those I have encountered?

     To many, the sooner Wales has its own full powers, in its talking shop and judiciary, the better.  As long as both Severn bridges are quickly dismantled,
    with English investment and armed forces out, I really do not mind any more, I've really
    had enough.

     Before we go, though,must buy more spades to heighten Offa's ***.

    Incidentally, I defy anyone to prove I was not the first to fly
    under that first  Severn bridge, back in
    the 60s, in a RAF chipmunk on twelve shillings pay a day.   Having patiently waited for the centre
    section to be put into place it was, of course, a doddle......but as with my Cub's
    arrival at Sydney's coat hanger, in April 2001, again,  the plan was to loop it but RAF fluorescent orange,
    just miles from Filton airfield, may well have led to my being in difficulties,
    so early on in life.

    Back to the cesspit.  Some
     local liar, to day, will shuffle into adjudicate
    in Cardiff's version of a law court and refuse to order the police to immediately
    return my property as rusts away in some smelly local police station. Nor will
    they prove there ever was a prohibited weapon in my possession.

    But then
    there is the real ‘prohibited' weapon they say they took from our house....a walking
    stick shot gun!  An excellent
    weapon for poaching it is strongly rumoured.

    Why did they not prosecute for that then?  You may well ask. If you understood their
    culture as I now do, having had to suffer their bullying and petty jealousies
    for the twenty years, you may have a better understanding as to why I was
    arrested for having automatic ammunition for a machine gun but never prosecuted
    for that either despite placing it on my desk as the police helicopter hovered
    over heaed.

    It took three years and an English court to make Adrian
    Oliver eventually hand over a copy of his law firm's statement to his client,
    the police, to get me sectioned and that featured so heavily in IAG/ FTAC
    meetings and on the arrest orders that June 2009 morning.

     They missed the shot
    gun pair, in their haste, the comparison to be used in some future court when
    they are sued for the deliberate deterioration of my antique collection

    I have to withstand the stench of that Cardiff building at
    10am and be expected to give due reverence to a thoroughly deceitful institution
    with a well full of liars........more of this blog to be written after the

  • Know a Rogue Doctor? £10,000 Reward for Witnesses make it £20,000

    much more shortly

    In the mean time:

      Dolmans, solicitors
                                                                                          BS6141159‐MC 65

                                       CF204141, CF101741                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                           7CF07345, 8CF0226

                 ‘Machine gun', MAPPA, Rogue Doctor and ‘Breach of Restraining Order' Damages Claims

    Kirk v South Wales

    13th July 2012

    Witnesses needed for

    Further to His Honour's direction
    for me to consider your letters to me, 26th March 10 and 24th
    February 10, admitting an incident and court cases, police breaking into my
    surgery, denied by the Chief Constable in her affidavit, drafted by you and my
    having to travel to an English court in order for Court Orders for disclosure
    to be effective, it re opens the argument for the need for ‘consolidation' of
    all cases and they be taken well outside Wales. 

     Your direct influence and involvement in continuing
    nefarious conduct with the South Wales Police, scheming repeatedly to getting
    me jailed, needs to put in the hands of The Director of Prosecutions.  

    Your ignoring the repeated Court
    Orders to disclose your 20th June 2009 Mr Nightingale police
    complaint statement designed purely to have me jailed is replaced by the now  bogus ‘restraining order', the latest  parcel being passed around the incestuous
    Welsh judiciary until  the music stops.

     I require the names of the other officers
    involved, not just Sgt Roe that I had to supply you with, in the first place, some
    eight or so years ago
    . It proves Inspector Griffiths, your investigator, a
    liar and/or widespread cover ups within the South Wales Police Force.

    I have a list of some of my
    witnesses needed for evidence and refer my 6th June 2009 incident schedule,
    submitted about then listing my witnesses and the  then known police present 

    To expedite matters I need to
    know those police you are calling and the names and addresses of those,
    relevant to each incident, you are not calling in order to complete my witness
    list with the summary of evidence for each that have not or will not furnish me
    with a witness statement

    My £10,000 reward for witnesses
    will again go up on websites in the hope retired police officers etc or their
    neighbours come forward with names and addresses for the issuing of witness

    This mimics the situation no
    different to that of 22nd June 2009 when police Operations ‘Chalice,
    and ‘Orchid' had me sectioned under the Mental Health Act and registered MAPPA
    level 3 for jail.

    Many Cardiff judges refused bail
    due to this advertisement just to lock me up for many months


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc


    Clerk of the Court

    Criminal Court of Appeal                                  Your Ref 2012 03241D2

    Royal Courts of Justice


    13th July 2012

    Regina v Maurice Kirk

    Appeal from ‘Breach of Restraining Order' 9 Month Prison Sentence

    Dear Sir,

    This case of breaching of a restraining order was quite unknown to me, at the time, as no such document was ever tendered for agreement or given to me to sign.

     The standard procedure in Cardiff, at least, is that in order to obtain release from the custody of the court the prisoner has to sign the ‘licence' relating to such conditions. As I was neither in court nor in the prison no such licence was procured and despite my numerous visits to the court building since, to establish the truth, there is serious indication the official restraining order may well not have been printed and or placed on the court record until the following day.

     As I expected I found on the court copy of the official restraining order, during this week's twenty year running damages claim hearing for malicious prosecutions, duly signed over by the County Court clerk, following the orders of His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC to disclose it, a hand written note by someone unknown, dated 2nd December 2011, the day after my alleged offence.

    I have been refused proper disclosure of evidence before, during the jury trial and even now.

    The Crown Prosecution admit no record was made of service in either the magistrates court log or that log held by the private custody firm, GEOamey.  CCTV proof, filmed by different cameras under the control of different owners, either court or GEOamey, were ‘un available' for the jury.

    I write because the CPS (Wales) and South Wales Police have now both been furnished with MG11 witness statements to support what actually went on in court when a draft was being hand written.

    Both the police and CPS (Wales) are now refusing to take my complaint or take statements from eight more eye witnesses who were, both in and outside the court, on the day of the alleged offence. Five custody officers were present at the time of the alleged offence but I was denied their attendance to give evidence.

    The excuse given is that sufficient evidence is before them but none of the witnesses that have visited Cardiff Central Police Station, so many times, are allowed copy of any of the information given and purported to have been given the CPS (Wales).

    CPS (Wales) state that until I am granted ‘leave to appeal' they will not inform you of this important new evidence.

     "What if I had not appealed as I have served the sentence?" resulted in silence on the phone.

     "If I withdraw my appeal will the police then investigate further?" again, resulted in silence.

    CPS staff then stated here in Cardiff we do nothing until the appeal papers are returned to them via their London office. Yet one more telephone call, my twentieth, this time to your office, confirmed my appeal was filed , case worker allocated and papers sent on to the CPS on the 1st June 2012.

    I apply to  your court to order the release of Meirion Bowen's witness statement, details attached, he giving me written permission, as it is needed for a number of outstanding directly related matters with the Administrative Courts ( CO/3970/2012 and 6357/2012 and CO/ 4298/12011) and GMC, the earliest due to be heard on 24th July 12  before Mr Justice Beatson in Cardiff as well as this Thursday's magistrates hearing, before district Judge Bodfan Jenkins, for the return of my shot guns and other weapons unlawfully confiscated  whilst attempting to snatch my daughter during an armed police response with helicopter in ‘Operation Orchid'.


      Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    Enclosed Merion Bowen's copy of permission original sent to CPS (Wales)

    Copies to Cardiff Administration and Magistrates Courts




  • Cardiff's Judicial Cabal Caught Conspiring Playing the Race Card

    So, following my May ‘Breach of a Restraining Order' jury trial conviction and the fact we all knew, from the start, it was all faked, we each having our own agenda on how the trial was to be conducted; now it is pay-back time.

    We witnessed Cardiff cabal's latest bit of skulduggery, their refusal in accepting there was no ‘restraining order' even having been printed when, on 1st December last, I was supposed to of had it officially served on me down in the magistrates' cells by some privately employed custody lackey.

    Did anyone one sign for it, did anyone log it into either the magistrates or custody logs, did anyone hear me say anything or even agree to its terms in order to be released, as was, that day? - No, of course not.  The evil little shits had already swept away so many procedural rules, in the past, what was the worry for a few more?

    Their pre-planned second term of imprisonment, one of nine months,  was to further hamper my preparation for the numerous outstanding civil damages claims against the South Wales Police and especially for the latest malicious prosecution, the ‘Lewis machine gun' conspiracy. Can they not just forget King Edward and simply move on?

    Is not a shame I let so few know, over twenty years living in the Principality, my grandmother was a Morgan and my eminent grandfather was a Jenkins?

    Is it not a shame Dolmans, solicitors, with their own little conspiracy, to ‘pervert the course of justice' for their client, Barbara Wilding, did not appear to know before instructing their Mr Nightingale to get me arrested.

    09 06 20 SWP Dolmans MG 11.pdf

     As you read in his 20thJune 2009 statement had he detected a Welsh accent over the phone I may never of then been incarcerated for nearly eight months at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

    As in the ‘machine gun' case we all knew the police had had to paint her a different colour, in order to attempt to fool the jury, long before the 2010 trial started, as it was to be hawked
    around the country first, almost two thousand miles I calculated from my cell, to try and find a tame prosecution witness to say what they wanted in order to get that ten year custodial sentence if two rogue doctors could not be found for IPP and a certain life sentence.

    So, once again, a similar bunch of Cardiff judges were rolled out to again turn a ‘blind eye' this time to fact that, for a conspiracy to succeed, basic court procedures, CPS responsibilities and policing methods all had to be thoroughly  distorted.

     For the facts to fit the case there just had to have been some prior planning even before the 1st December Harassment conviction.

    What the cabal had planned, for their ‘breach of restraining order' scam, was for a much longer custodial sentence from the preceding summary offence of ‘harassment' and NOT  just the eighteen weeks  prison term  District John Charles had just read out straight from his government instruction pamphlet!

    But Charles had to ‘about turn' at the very last moment because just too many in the public gallery were up to speed of what the Cardiff cabal had orchestrated.

    Once this judge realised the audience knew the prosecution exhibits had been switched mid trial and seven police had already advised the accused that both his pamphlets appeared legal then both he and the CPS barrister, David Gareth Evens, now had real problems.

     Also, to obtain a prison sentence, I would of have to have posted to or telephone to the complainant directly but evidence, following cross examination, showed neither could have occurred, incident three disclosing the posted purported wanted poster envelope having been written by someone in the postal service as a redirected letter.

    So, in the dying moments of this farce of a trial, the barrister whispered in the ear of the judge but I heard it from the dock, he seeking permission to allow both my ‘Wanted'
    versions of the posters, displaying the rogues faces involved in the ‘machine gun'/MAPPA conspiracy, to be admitted as an act of harassment.

    Some had just' Wanted' printed above the culprits mug shot, see photo gallery on this web site, while others had ‘Wanted Dead or Alive' the reason for exhibits hurriedly being switched not just in the lower court but again, in March this year, in the Crown Court  at the appeal! 

    Since May I have offered ten or so eye witnesses to give witness statements to the South Wales Police that this latest jury was successfully fooled this time by the need for a Cardiff clerk of the court being used to lie, on indictment alone as to the desperate measures these individuals are prepared to go now just to preserve their ‘gravy train', ‘jobs for life', cesspit environment while they patiently await autonomy from England's judiciary.

    The court clerk stated he had been asked to hide in an unlocked vacant cell by the GEOamey manager, only to poke his head out and peep through the corridor grill when hearing this custody manager speaking to me.

     He said from the witness box I had been walking down the corridor, on crutches, from the lavatories when the papers were served.

    The custody manager stated things quite differently. He had to unlock my cell door, first, to hand the single piece of paper to me my not even needing to get up from the bench seat on the opposite side of the cell. He, in fact, even stated it was from the CPS for my ‘approval' or not, before taking it back to the court.

    It worked alright though; a majority decision was given by the jury but no Exhibit One, a copy of the restraining order, had ever been handed to me until after my arrest and Exhibit
    One turned out to be significantly different, yet again, to the two variations, this very week, obtained by His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC during my on-going  20 year damages claims.

     It was this rough part hand written unsigned document, the same most likely, that my eight or so witnesses had seen the CPS barrister hand up to the district judge. They all watched him alter, with his fountain pen, in dis approval and then directing the clerk take it to me to see if I agreed.

    This action, instead, was palmed off as an authentic ‘Restraining Order' once my release was announced, prison staff expecting to serve it on me to let me out on licence once I had signed as proof of the agreement for my release.

    District Judge Charles' sudden change of heart and ordering my release on the same day by shortening and backdating the prison sentence completely cocked up plans of others.

    That is why all cctv footage from inside the cell and the corridor was shredded when obviously essential to establish the truth.

    It, as is so usual, therefore went all pear shaped with neither court nor custody staff anticipating my retrospective time in custody to count for the eighteen weeks.

    I cannot recount the many lies that then followed, from my numerous visits to Cardiff magistrates public counter and phone calls to both Crown Court and CPS offices, once I was told,
    over the telephone from Llantwit Major police station, that there was an arrest warrant out for me for breaching a restraining order I had never even seen!

    Everyone seemed to be trying to pass the ‘buck', again.

     And they still are today and will be tomorrow if someone from Whitehall does not finally step in.

    The Restraining Order stated I was not to harass someone who had ‘convinced' nine Cardiff Crown Court Judges' I had ‘significant brain damage' and possible brain tumour. Do you want me to name all these Welsh judges? Well, I suggest you study some of their conduct recorded on the PDFs on web site ‘Downloads'.

    But, today, with witness evidence already lodged at Cardiff Central police Station, the police quickly wash their hands of it directing all enquiries to CPS repeatedly refusing me the right to submit four more witness statements or even my own!!!!!

    Well over twenty long telephone calls were made yesterday to CPS, Crown Court, police and magistrates and to their bête noir, the Royal Courts of Justice.

    No one in Cardiff was prepared to come clean and face the music, the facts so plain for all to see.

    One certain named lady of the CPS says we can do nothing with the  new evidence as their own barrister was the one who sent his own draft of a proposed
    restraining order, written over by Charles using his fountain pen, to my cell, only to be returned to him by the court clerk or custody officer.

    Well, she didn't, in fact, word it quite that way.....far too bright; she actually said that until the Criminal Court of Appeal in London granted me ‘leave to appeal' none of this new
    evidence from police investigation would even be disclosed to their London CPS office.

    "So, what if I had not appealed?"......silence.

    Anyway, she said, nothing at all will be done until the London CPS office return papers of my lodged appeal and they have not.

     The RCJ told me, yesterday, they were dispatched by them on the 1st June.

    This same prosecuting barrister, remember, admitted much this in Crown Court, before Mr Bowen and myself, the former I hasten to say, only in the Dock with me as my Mackenzie Friend and even the presiding judge was tipped off, a man who should never have allowed the case to even start having read the contradictory depositions from the two key
    prosecution witnesses.

    No, of course the Cardiff police, CPS and HM Court Service, HM prison and GEOamey custody staff will never put up their hand to any of this or the whole HM Partnership , the bed rock upon which welsh version of justice is based, will come tumbling down.

    So, what next?

     All so predictable when dealing with those I have experienced in these past 20 years.

     Oh, how I long never ever to have to cross the Severn Bridge ever again in my life, unless, of course, it is to see my daughter.

    This photo was taken just minutes after my being physically thrown out o fthe cells, after 5pm, by five GEOamey custody officers throwing my crutches on top of my head

    IPCC seem to protect the police elswhere in the UK 


  • Will IPCC Investigate South Wales Police Conduct?

    01 06 018 SWP MG IPCC Conclusion.pdf

    South Wales Police will not admit as to just which statement(s) of the targeted victim have been submitted to the Professional Standards Department!

    My IPPC reply to 18th June 12 South Wales Police Professional Standards Dept. refusals to properly investigate my many complaints arising from one decommissioned Lewis Machine Gun attached to my Farnborough DH2 WWI fighter display aircraft.

    Web site photo off gallery of machine gun in capable hands:   


    1.       The police letter exudes bias in many paragraphs and quite erroneous about their conduct.

    2.       The gun was used to prosecute me under Section 5(1)(a) of 1968 Fire Arms Act.

    3.       The gun was used to have me remanded in custody for nearly eight months.

    4.       Used to have me imprisoned under Section 35 of the 1983 Mental Health Act.

    5.       Police have not even re interviewed the owners despite their new August 2011 statements!

     South Wales Police accept in their original August 2009 gathered evidence that the new owner had painted the black gun to part silver immediately after their 2008 purchase from me.

    The police then returned the gun, after my 2010 successful trial, even in a different shade of silver!

    I had sold the gun as ‘all black' just as the gun was then presented in my 2010 jury trial and in my August 2008 U Tube video, also shown the jury, having been  filmed an hour before it was collected.

    The same video can be seen on  as used by the police for the Cardiff trial.

    6.       The ‘investigation' was wholly disproportionate because:

    a)       I faced a minimum  five year prison sentence on each of the remaining charges

    b)       I was registered MAPPA level 3 at level 3 management, meaning 24/7 armed surveillance

    c)        aided by their forensic psychiatrist, also using falsified evidence and quite unqualified medical reports, stating I had ‘significant brain damage' and  possible brain tumour

    d)       allowed the police to ask His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, on 2nd December 2009 (transcript available), I be further sectioned under the 1983 Act in order I be further incarcerated to  Ashworth high security psychiatric hospital, IPP, meaning possibly for life

    e)      Inspector Richard Holder continues to refuse to let me finish or even give me copy of my part written signed witness statement, for the IPCC, I made in Cardiff prison on 7th February 2012 in the presence of his colleague, Inspector King.

    f)       Aircraft mechanics, when I owned it, Civil Aviation Authority and Lincolnshire museum licenced mechanics, all state it was decommissioned and that the barrel was blocked.

    7.       The police admit firing the gun only after the new owner's August 09 statement that it was blocked when the police took possession of it on 22nd June 2009, on the day of my arrest.

    8.       Since this IPCC inquiry started solicitors for the police have only, this month, now disclosed but only by a court order from an English court, all previous orders from Cardiff courts having been ignored, that my arrest had been instigated by Dolmans, solicitors, defending in a 20 year running civil damages claim for numerous other malicious and failed prosecutions.

    09 06 20 SWP Dolmans MG 11.pdf

    9.       Since this IPCC complaint was registered I have established that seven MAPPA monthly meetings were only conducted within the knowledge of police and NHS (Wales) staff at Caswell Clinic, Glanrhyd Hospital, Bridgend.  All documents proving these facts are available.

    9 12 15 SWP MJK MAPPA Statement.pdf

    10.   A policy to ‘having me shot' was the only reason to delay my arrest for well over three weeks and is recorded in the leaked MAPPA minutes and original executive summaries of this conspiracy to again pervert the course of justice. 10 09 27 Medical MAPPA 4p.pdf

    Under Cover Tactics


    11.   ‘Foxy' was the name given at the 2010 Cardiff Crown Court trial to the anonymous screened off male police officer I was denied, as with others, to properly cross examine.

     He pretended to be the officer who telephoned each time when attempting to purchase the machine gun. He knew, full well, it had been advertised on my web site for almost ten years and had been sold a year earlier!

    Female police communication to me included a telephone call to my then wife, Kirstie Kirk.  

    The police have not even interviewed Kirstie Kirk following my current allegations to the IPCC.

    Police refused to disclose evidence recorded during her original interrogation, during ‘Operation Chalice', for the machine gun coinciding with ‘Operation Orchid', the latter being to coerce her into signing a witness statement that I had a history of mental health issues.

     It was for the purpose of ‘snatching' our ten year old daughter on behalf of the Vale of Glamorgan Social Services following the 8th June 2009 discussions at the clandestine MAPPA meeting at Barry police station with only police and Caswell Clinic staff in attendance.

    MAPPA Status

    12.    The August 2010 MAPPA ‘Executive Summary', of the so far disclosed MAPPA meetings, was only written following my paid for application before His honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC.   10 12 3 MAPPA Executive Summary.pdf

    13.   As for the 8th June 2009 minutes, leaked from Caswell Clinic, the document clearly indicates I would be shot should I again approach Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable, as I had done following her 26th February 2009 now proven to be false sworn affidavit on disclosure.

    14.   Crown Prosecution Service advise was recorded in the minutes to the effect that my intentions to expedite the ‘mutual exchange' of witness statements, in the on-going civil trial, appeared legitimate. Dolmans, solicitors, it was disclosed, were giving contrary advice.

    15.    His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC's refusal to order further disclosure of the monthly minutes he confirmed only yesterday in that his responsibilities were only for the civil action.   

    16.   My private prosecution applications, except via Bristol, in anticipation of the usual negative response by those ultimately responsible, have also been blocked in all the criminal courts.

    Maurice Kirk BVSc       11th July 2012

    An unfinished summary of how this South Wales Police conduct influenced Musa's Mackenzie Friend representation during 2011 Family courts12 07 12 Re Kirk v South Wales Police re Sept 11 unfinished.pdf

     re their six snatched Nigerian children by Haringey Council with criminal convictions now under appeal

    My UK mobile: 07907937953
    My e-mail:

    Who in South Wales is the next target victim? Oh, it appears to be Manchester.....

    Parliamentary Inquiry into the Independent Police Complaints Commission

    Tomorrow (18/7/12) sees the start of the Home Affairs Select Committee hearing into the future of this much maligned organisation. Called to give evidence is the new IPCC boss, Dame Anne Owers (i've heard good things about her from trusted sources), Doreen Lawrence (mother of Stephen Lawrence) and the Police Action Lawyers Group.

    Now, both Cardif Crown and Cardiff Magistratef, of course, refuse to list my private prosecutions.

      Even though the Bristol District Judge agreed my allegations were  so serious ( rogue doctor falsifying my medical report and police re painting the machine gun with the hope of fooling the jury) they should be transferred to Cardiff Crown ( this was a year ago) the Cardiff judiciary is so incestously  biased, because I do not have a Welsh accent, ignore all my letters to list the case. 

  • 20 Year Running Civil Damages Claim for Countless South Wales Police Malicious Prosecutions Continues on 9th July in Cardiff County Court

     The last case, an interim appeal against 'strike out' , on 23rd April, was in Cardiff's High court before Mr Justice Morgan when I was, again, refused my right to have it heard in  England by lawyers.

     HM Prison again refused me my legal papers in court, as in recent criminal hearings, His Lordship, refusing me an adjournment, dismissed my appeal , out of hand, thereby blocking the politicaly sensitive court  cases being examined. In the 90s Cardiff courts used them to have me struck off when all were riddled with the usual refusal to disclose public records or for court officials to have them altered or back dated.

    The tactics, therefore, used by HM Court Service (Wales) in the May 12  'Restraining Order' conviction, when the clerk of the original 1st December magistrates court lied alongside the custody officer, saying that they had served the court order, on me personally, is nothing knew for these vermin that dominate Cardiff courts.

    So I slipped a bail application in at Bristol Crown Court, from Cardiff prison and this was the astounding result:

    12 04 17 Court Order Dolman Wit Stmt.pdf

    It has taken three years to get this further evidence of the conspiracy by Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable, using her private solictors, Dolmans, all at tax payer's expence, to have me MAPPA jailed having missed the opportunity to getting me lawfully shot.

    His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC ordered this police statement's release at least twice in the past years but Dolmans just laughed.

    His honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC will again be reminded , on Monday, when the Cardiff prison, in order to wriggle out of a £50,000 Court Judgement, for my false imprisonment in 2008, simply had the HM Court Service (Wales) tell theie appeal court they had no record of serving the Particulars of Claim but had banked the court fee!

    If an englishman chooses to climb down into the gutter with Cardiff court criminals then what do you expect, justice?

    That is the routine filth we have to regularly experience in Cardiff courts, but then my father warned us , all six of us, while at Taunton School, of their inherrent culture based on deceit and intrigue.... remember the rhyme, "taffy was a welshman, taffy was a thief".....

    Never saw it in my veterinary clients, though or my friends made over these past two decades.

    What is it, then, that drives this thoroughly corrupt Cardiff cabal, using venom of such magnitude, to allow us to  expose, on cyberspace, these perverse professionals, in both executive and judiciary when they ought to know better?

    A sample of other ongoing issues with this lot....

    12 06 23 MJK to Brstol Crn and CPS .pdf

    There must be a JR hearing this week , sometime, re 1st December 11 'harassment of a doctor' but having tendered eight witnesses to police, re conduct of District Judge Charles, Judges Hughes and Curran all refusing me prosecution disclosure, my own legal papers from my prison cell, any witnesses, even legal papers from my English lawyer, the right to cross examine or re examine, why do I bother? Crown cockoo land and a thorough disgrace to the name of Great Britain.

    I even took witnesses to the police station, car loads, three times and each time Cardiff police refused to take statements knowing it to be all true......disgusting but in keeping with their past record and worse is planned.

    Some other High Court automaton, no doubt,  will be wheeled out later, this week, to go through the motionsall *** scared of going against the HM prerogative.

    Similarly, something very sinister is going on in the Musa on appeal

    Video from my last farsical Royal Courts of Justice Criminal Court Appeal over the same falsified psychiatric reports (not allowed to be published by court order).

    Viewers in the UK are blocked as it portrays 'what really goes on in our courts'.

    Comments invited 

  • Musa Jury Misconceived Belief & Demonstration at IPCC Cardiff Offices re Police Re-painted Machine Gun 

    20 Year Running Civil Damages Claim for Countless Malicious Prosecutions Continues 9th June in Cardiff County Court

    I have fought for forty years for the preservation of the dwindling numbers of the lay magistrate and criminal and civil court use of jury service while the legal profession are so determined to tie up their last possible remaining source of revenue, in an open court, not already hitched onto their 'gravy train'.

     My determination for Wales, never to get their own judiciary or it will finish up like a tax haven's system  like Guernsey, is miniscule compared for the need to preserve an independant judiciary.

    Analysis of this Musa case, the witnesses and documentary medical evidence used and not used, the huge unecessary expence and the conduct of Haringey Coucil cover ups, when all this could have been settled by early deportation of the whole family, is a waring to us all of things yet to come while white collar crime is so protected by HM Parnership..

    Firstly, a comment on a circulating e-mail:

    .........This case left 'egg on their faces' of certain supporters?

    I do not accept that at all.

    Remember, the old 'misconceived belief' problem lies not just with a jury and in the way the facts were handled, as in this case, it was no different to many a case in which I have suffered.

     All cases are reliant on the laws of disclosure and the integrity of those entrusted to administer it.

    This Musa case was no different. If you get relevant disclosure invariably the case against you collapses but if you do not, well, take my latest jury trial for example:

     This fictitious idea there had been 'service of a Restraining Order' on me, in the cells of Cardiff Magistrates court, about their NHS (Wales)  doctor, was just a small part in the twenty year conspiracy by the Welsh Authorities to cover up 'white collar crime'.

    It is now clear, now  that I am out of jail to expose the culprits, that this exhibit, later before a jury, marked 'Restraining Order' was, at the time of the well filmed incoident, not even printed!

    The Musa case is a classic example for the overhauling of the UK adversarial system and secrecy of family courts, the latter ecpecially tailored to steal the tax payer's money if their client has none.

     Having experienced juries more times than the average recidivist I know they get wrong and once, I remember, either way.

    'White collar crime' is the root cause of so many similar pantomimes in our law courts and only MPs, with all your help, can sort it.  These crimes are ot just restricted to doctors,politicians and bankers, the practise is rife in UK law courts because there are, deliberately, no effective safe guards set in place to protect the vulnerable tax payer.

    I visited the offices of the IPCC, yesterday, for example, in the suburbs of Cardiff, of all places! Why do I bother?

    IPCC COMPLAINT     See recent Downloads on Home page

    [ Demonstration date to be announced shortly]

    I was complaining again to the IPCC as to what was afoot many months before my 2010 'machine gun' trial, then from my psychiatric 'Gulag' cell in Bridged, re South Wales Police painting the gun a different colour to fool the jury.

    Nothing was done about it, last time, so why should they investigate now despite clutching, in their hands, signed witness statements from a Lincolnshire air museum revealing the truth, the evidence of 'white collar crime', withheld from that original well manipulated bemused twelve?

    Secondly, Michell Collins

    [also on gallery]

     (One of my photos used in the trial during that harrowing experience of verbal abuse)

    Copy from notes of another:

      This lady's report of my, Mr. Maurice Kirk, and Chiwar and Gloria Musa's visit to the outside of her abode on the 12 September 2011 is completely without merit, and is not a truthful report that she has given under oath to the court. I was at the location at the date and time spoken of on 2 separate occasions with Mr. Maurice Kirk, and what I consider to be a true version of events I have tried to describe below.
    To begin with, may I describe the location of the abode of Ms. M. Collins. There are 2 photos attached to this email which attempt to do this - pic no. 1 being the abode itself, showing the position of M. KIRKs vehicle during the visit, and also showing the front door doorbell that was used by Mr. KIRK in a close-up.
      The abode is in a typical North London road. It is a terraced house, nondescript in my humble opinion, about the same size average house one sees all over London, with a small front garden, with a small driveway to the left {or east} of the front door and front garden, a fraction over a car width wide, extending from the house for about 10 yards to the typical London street pavement and public road alongside. A small wall approx. a yard high adorns the front garden.
    The front door has a secondary extension directly in front of it, with a door, this 2nd door being about 3 feet from the front door proper. The secondary extension door has a bell-push positioned on it which Mr. Maurice Kirk used on the day referred to, as shown in pic 2, a blow-up of pic 1. The pavement is of standard width - typical for a London side-street.
    Firstly, Ms. Collins stated whilst in the dock under oath that somebody "banged on her {front} door" {in order for her to open her front door}. This did not happen. Mr. Maurice Kirk, the individual who was summoning the attention of Ms. Collins at the front door in question, rang the front doorbell as any normal human being would {see 2}. To suggest there was any "banging" on the front door is greatly misleading, and suggests a type of behaviour that was not present on that day, as is suggested throughout Ms. Collins report from the dock, I allege.
    Secondly, Ms. Collins said there was much "shouting" and that she felt "intimidated" by the entire proceedings. There may have been shouting, indeed there was, but this "shouting" came only from her and did not derive from anybody else. Maurice Kirk, who engaged in almost 100% of the interaction between Ms. Collins and himself, always spoke in a normal voice which was never raised. Indeed, when the front door opened to reveal Ms. Collins, no shouting took place at all. Maurice Kirk was holding in his arms Ms. Collins cat, later to be put down on the ground by him a minute or so later before Mr. Kirk retreated to the driver's seat of his vehicle. Had any shouting occurred by Mr. Kirk, I put it to you the cat would surely have bolted from Mr. Kirks hold in his arms, as, being in close proximity to Mr. Kirks "shouting" voice, the cat would surely have found this somewhat frightening. The cat obviously did not find anything untoward during his/her time in Mr.Kirks hold as he/she sat quietly throughout Mr. Kirks preamble with Ms. Collins happily receiving the attention Mr. Kirk was giving before being put back on the ground.
    Thirdly, I do not recall Chiwar Musa, or Gloria Musa ever speaking to Ms. Collins at any time, let alone raising their voices and actually "shouting" at any time. I believe i did utter one sentence to Ms. Collins, which I do not remember the subject of, but my voice was at a normal level, and i definitely did not shout. Indeed, until the police finally arrived some 2 hours approx. after our arrival, I found myself almost asleep in the back of Mr. Kirks vehicle - finding the entire proceedings quite boring, for want of a better word. I would say all concerned were far from producing any "intimidating" behaviour we are led to believe occurred.
    Fourthly, Ms. Collins may have "called the police" as she claimed, {i did not see her use any phone, mobile or otherwise, whilst in my sight} but it was Mr. Kirk who got the police to arrive after calling them himself at around 90 mins or so into our visit. They arrived, approx. 8 of them, in 4 marked cars, to stand around and generally survey the situation, asking questions mostly to Ms. Collins, and Mr. Kirk, who had exited his vehicle at their arrival, to stand at all times with his hands in his trouser pockets, to show completely and unequivocally that he did not intend in any way to use his hands, or fists, in any inappropriate way. He seemed to me at all times to be peaceful, cooperative, and talking in normal tones. I would refer you to the recoding made at the time to hear the decibel level of Mr. Kirks voice. Indeed, the banter between Mr. Kirk and the police seemed most friendly and unobtrusive, the police in my humble opinion, realising no laws were going to be or had been broken, even though Ms. Collins, I may add, claimed and told us again and again Mr. Kirk was breaking the law by parking outside of her house {qu.} "on her land" {unqu.}. As Mr. Kirk is a payer of "Road Tax "to the British government, he is surely entitled to park normally as he did anywhere he is allowed, which includes the road outside Ms. Collins abode. What's more, it is as much every British citizens land as much as it his Ms. Collins's, and to make a claim like that as she attempted I found not only ridiculous, but clearly without merit.
    Fifthly, Ms. Collins stated also that Mr. Kirk had blocked Ms. Collins driveway with his vehicle - this being the driveway her car enters and exits her premises. This is also questionable, as I clearly remember Mr. Kirk arranging the parking of his vehicle so no inconvenience of any kind would befall Ms. Collins. Her driveway was not blocked as is claimed as on the 2nd occasion we visited she actually drove up in her car and parked it in her drive as shown in pic/attmt. no. 1. During the 1st visit to Ms. Collins Mr. Kirk's vehicle was parked 250 yards or so away from the abode at all times.
    So, to recap on the version of events as given by Ms. Collins under oath regarding the 2nd visit to her on the 12th Sept. 2011, all I can say is her report of what happened is not truthful and is very inaccurate and is not a legitimate account of what happened. Indeed, surely if this account, in my humble opinion, is without foundations of truth what are the rest of her verbal accounts' foundations based on given under oath in a British court of law? Truth or an inaccuracy? Sadly I concur the latter is at play here, witnessed by all in that courtroom which is unacceptable in any court case where truth is a requisite at all times, especially regarding accounts given under oath which are sworn on a bible for the benefit of a jury and a judge.
    Whilst seated in the back of the vehicle owned by Mr. Kirk I happened to record on my mobile phone about 5 minutes of the conversation between Ms. Collins and Mr. Kirk. One can notice from this recording the level of the volume of Mr. Kirk's voice and that he is not shouting in any sense of the word. The loudness of his voice, I put it to you, is of a normal decibel level as one would expect speaking to be during a conversation from a civilised human being. There is no shouting whatsoever from Mr. Kirk as is suggested by Ms. Collins. {The recording is made up of 2 parts, both parts approx. 30 minutes into the proceedings from our arrival late morning on the 12 Sept. 2012. The recordings are made a couple of minutes apart from each other and joined as one in the finished item, and are noted on my mobile phone as having been recorded on the 12 Sept. 2012, and indeed are still on my mobile phone memory card which can be shown to this day.}
    Earlier that morning Mr. Kirk had called on Ms. Collins house at around approx. 8.30 BST whilst I remained by Mr. Kirk's vehicle. He had parked his vehicle about 2-250 yards from Ms. Collins house further down the road from the house. While Mr. Kirk was at Ms. Collins house I had exited the vehicle and was standing by it at all times. During my standing by this vehicle I called Mr. Kirk via my mobile phone about what seemed like about 5 minutes after he had left to van to go to the house of Ms. Collins 2-250 metres away. When Mr. Kirk answered his phone i heard at first muffled conversation between Ms. Collins and Mr. Kirk, the bulk of which was coming from Ms. Collins, at one particular point her words being "...not those effing kids again!". After those words were clearly shouted, for it seemed that Ms. Collins was very irate and was talking in an extremely loud voice, pertaining to shouting, I heard mumbled talking, coming I believe from Mr. Kirk, which I could not understand. The phone cut out at this point and I was unable to hear any further conversation. My phone was on record during this episode, and this entire event I have described was indeed recorded, though shortly afterwards on listening and re listening with Mr. Kirk to the recording in the cafe opposite Hornsey police station my phone malfunctioned and I lost this particular recording.
    Minutes after this event I walked up the road on the opposite pavement to Ms. Collins house to see Mr. Kirk walking up the road, followed by a young black male, Id say around 20 years old, and a young white female Id say around 25 years old who was following the black male who as I said was following Mr. Kirk, both of these people having exited Ms. Collins abode immediately after Mr. Kirk had begun walking away from Ms. Collins house, being behind Mr. Kirk 20 and 35 metres respectively, myself being about 30 metres behind them. All of us were walking away from the Collins house towards the top of the road approx. 100 metres away. Mr. Kirk arrived at the top of the road first, and he then crossed over the road to the opposite pavement where I was approaching him. He spoke to me. As we spoke the 2 people following Mr. Kirk, the black guy and the white female,  followed Mr. Kirk across the road and walked by us as Mr. Kirk was speaking to me. The white female looked me in the eyes and I recipricated. I was wondering who these 2 people were who had followed Mr.Kirk up the road who had exited from Ms. Collins abode, and I put the female down to an "au pair" or "housemaid" of some description. I immediately wondered why there was a young male who seemed of African origin coming from Ms. Collins house too.
    After Mr. Kirk and I had exchanged words, and these 2 people I have mentioned had passed us by Mr. Kirk and I split in separate directions.
    Having left Mr. Kirk and all that transpired I arrived via public omnibus at the cafe opposite Hornsey police station to await the Musa parents whom I had arranged to meet around 09.30 that day for their signing on at the police station. Janet, a supporter of the Musa cause, also arrived in the cafe to await the Musas too who were due to sign on at Hornsey police station. Mr. Kirk arrived also at the cafe after I had left him. We all were to be the Musas witnesses that day to show they were signing on and fulfilling their bail conditions at every opportunity. It transpired the Musas were told to go to Tottenham police station to sign on by police at Hornsey police station, so we all then went to Tottenham police station so as the Musas could sign on there. Much has been made of the fact that the Musas did not sign on the 12th Sept 2011 anywhere, thus breaching their bail conditions, making them liable for arrest, and indeed remand in prison which has now transpired. I can say under oath I personally, along with 2 others, accompanied the Musas to both Hornsey and Tottenham police stations on the 12th Sept. 2011 in order for them to sign on and fulfil bail conditions and if it is reported by anybody - police or otherwise - as it indeed transpired - this was definitely not the case, their version of events is without any shadow of doubt untrue. The CCTV film footage at either station will confirm what I have alleged and documented here to prove what is written here is the truth. We were all called "liars" by the counsel for the crown at Wood Green crown court and other characters at the end of December 2011 when we tried to tell the court the truth about that signing on at Hornsey and Tottenham police stations when we were witnesses for the Musas but nevertheless the Musas were still remanded in custody for breaking bail conditions, viz. not signing on at specified times and locations - the 12 Sept. being an example. - which they definitely did then. The CCTV footage from either police station foyer would clearly show the Musas - and our - presences there on that date.................

    Thirdly, the Appeal and fate of the children

    Where Are They?

    There are many issues now for the Appeal team to consider not least being the original iniquitous politics that drove this gravy train so far down the tracks.   

    UK Police seize day old Nigerian baby, five siblings

    There is likely to be an appeal with or without lawyers


  • Musa Parents Found Guilty of Child Cruelty

     Sentance date     14th August

    Michelle Collins a Liar and a ‘Can of Worms' in Musa Wood Green Crown Court Trial


    I now understand His Honour Judge Patrick is an ordained priest with particular interests relating to this case not unlike the General  Pinochet case and Lord Hoffman, the latter being my old adversary at HM Privy Council's Judicial Committee's RCVS and Guernsey hearings, then held in Downing Street.

     I arrived, yesterday, to pick up purely gossip, I hasten to add, that a para legal from Powell Spencer, solicitors, of Kilburn High Road, had been called by the prosecution, after their case and that of the defence had been closed.

    But this African woman turned out to be from the very same law firm that had first taken instructions from the Musas, last year in June, whilst they were in custody in Hornsey police station under arrested for these allegations of ‘child cruelty'.

     I was asked to come over from Brittany to help, as a Mackenzie Friend, only to be gaoled due to the lies from Haringey Council lawyers, anything to leave the Musas more vulnerable in the oh so secret UK Family Court system.

    Despite matters of ‘legal privilege' and written permission needed to be given, by both clients, she slipped in irrelevancies to why the judge had given her permission, including her client(s) confidentially discussed issues. All this and more was unusually disclosed, apparently, on Thursday, to clear up a query over the statements made whilst under caution to the police.

     She did not miss the opportunity in saying her client(s) refused to take her advice..... right in front of the jury.

    But this was the law firm in around mid September 11 that had refused to hand over, to the Musas, their own legal records, on termination of their employment, despite having agreed they had no lien on them. This called for our delegation to visit the lawyers as someone suspected the makings of a conspiracy.

    We stood our ground until I was dragged across the floor and out of the solicitor's office door and onto the street by two burly policemen determined not to make an arrest and thereby start an audit trial. Mr Musa heard and saw it all.

    I went back a few days later, deliberately on my own, with letter of permission from the Musas, as the firm indicated the legal papers could now be collected. This turned out not to be the case as some other lawyer had, apparently, countermanded their release and proposed releasing them only to another unauthorised third party.

    This definitely smelt fishy so I asked for my own legal papers back having employed, without them realising, the same paralegal whilst being sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act, at Tottenham police station, just a few days earlier. Sectioned, it was becoming obvious, to get me away from the Musa family once and for all.

    The Metropolitan Police applied at Haringey Magistrates that I be further sectioned to St Anns psychiatric prison, reliant purely on Cardiff Crown Court 2009's psychiatric reports which, in themselves, had been fabricated when the South Wales Police had realised the Farnborough Air Show ‘machine gun case', against me, was also going ‘pear shaped'. I was kept me in custody for three days.

    Criminal allegations, all later dropped, included ‘criminal damage' and ‘conspiracy to abduct the children' ie fly them back to Nigeria in my WW2 two seat Piper Cub.

    This para-legal ‘bl**k b**ch', as I may have described her, on account of her conduct in the cells, contrary to my instructions, led to my receiving a Public Order conviction, quite unrelated, then used by the South Wales Police to successfully oppose my release from custody all this winter in Cardiff Prison.  

    To obtain this criminal conviction, assisting in the HM Cardiff prosecution's cases,  May 12 jury trial for ‘Breach of a Restraining Order' and arising from District Judge John Charles' 1st December 2012 ‘Harassment' summary conviction, someone had to, obviously, now distort  the facts and stop my attending the London court.

    Tottenham police station psychiatrists wrote a report using MAPPA/FTAC South Wales Police nonsense which prevented my release and so help the Musa family.

    The very doctor who had singularly signed the original 2009 MAPPA  Crown Court psychiatric reports, stating I had both ‘significant brain damage' and ‘possible brain tumour', is now destined, I am pleased to hear, shortly to go before the General Medical Council on this and other more serious issues.

     While talking of fishes he is the least important target currently in the sights of my loaded gun as the ramifications of his conduct is frightening.

    HMP Cardiff refused to allow my attending the London's 28th November 11 ‘Public Order' magistrate's court. Spenser Powell telephonist, for my second visit to the law firm, stated I had called her a ‘b**ck b**ch' which was quite untrue.

     She had nothing whatever to do with the incident as my complaints to police were re the Musa/Haringey Council cover up and for lawyers, again, conspiring for my incarceration for their financial gain (see Dolmans, lawyers for Welsh Police).

    Upon my 1st December 11 release from Cardiff prison I was immediately ‘gate arrested' and returned to Haringey court for sentence, refused  a rehearing, with HM Court Service denying later I had sent in an appeal within the statutory 21 days. A minor but politically sensitive criminal conviction it may be but it is now on my PNC record for life, the tactics originally played to have me struck off.

    Not only did I get that unfair conviction but also received one for FTS, ‘failing to surrender', both used, later, by District Judge John Charles and others when blocking my various September 11 to May 12 bail applications from Cardiff prison.

    It helped cause to have written, on the 20th January 2012  Cardiff Remand Warrant the words  ‘mental health issues', explaining, perhaps, how it took seventeen prison officers to drag me out of the prison hospital unit before someone, most unexpected, later intervened and supplied me with a copy.

    No wonder, I must consider, I was not needed for a defence witness to ridicule actress re Michelle Collins and her deceitful account on oath.

     I heard by chance, from the judge in his summing up, yesterday, of her evidence of lies. What really happened, the tape recording of her fowl language on the way, when we twice went there desperately looking for one of the children, last seen in her North London house with the others, near Alexandra Place......but dark forces contol our judiciary only understood by those who havew worn the T shirt, read the book and seen the movie


    Rang court office, today, to send this info, if relevant, to the judge.  After much hassle I was  told the manager, Ms Kavalleres, would ring back with appropriate e-mail but that was over eleven hours ago!!!!  Enclose better version of my letter to the judge should anyone, in the interest of the general public, consider to go elswhere on all this apparent abuse of process, so much the norm these days.

    Addendum 17th July 2012

    The Musas

                     are now refusing to go to the oppressive outrageous secret family courts, their latest hearing being at the Royal Courts of Justice today and tomorrow {Tues. 17 July}, where they are rushing through the adoptions of the remaining 5 Musa children to get the case closed, cut and dried.

    On Friday a prison lackey tried to serve papers on Chiwar for his + Glorias presence on todays and tomorrows sham hearings at the RCJ - Chiwar refused taking these papers and refused to go to the secret closed court - for the final stages for the adoptions of his 5 children, the 2 babies have already been passed for adoption - this being done "without attendance" by judge Charles a couple of weeks ago. "without attendance" means this so-called judge can just issue his directives without anybody else being within 100 miles of him - no opposition - no nothing.

    I pray daily for their demise .