Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

June 2011 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • 12th Welch Judge Defends the Current State of Judiciary by saying Maurice is 'Stark Raving Mad'

    12th Welch Judge confirms Maurice is Mad

    District Judge Martin Brown yesterday, in Cardiff Magistrates Court, dismissed seven private criminal prosecutions, ‘out of hand', including ‘attempted murder', brought under common law.

    He stated from a pre-written judgment, "these are serious allegations" against ex-Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Cardiff and Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic psychiatric prison, Bridgend.

    "The Crown Prosecution Services should be dealing with this matter and who, in turn, would immediately dismiss the evidence".

    Stupid Idiot, of course they would, they are at the heart of the conspiracy to murder.

    The learned judge went on to say, refusing Appeal to the Crown Court, these allegations have been brought by a man clearly suffering under a ‘paranoid delusional disorder' believing he is being persecuted by the South Wales Police.

    A great pity Judge Brown did not see this video taken in court:

    The CPS, having already conspired with the above accused and already fooling  eleven Cardiff Crown Court judges, no less, I have a brain tumour, in a last ditch attempt to having me sent to Broadmoor Psychiatric prison, for life, would the ‘immune to prosecution' lawyers of Regina do anything else?

    Fooled judges, by the CPS, include: (urgently need photos of each... please-mail to

    HHJ Nicholas Cooke

    HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC

    HHJ Llewellyn Jones

    HHJ Elerri Rees HHJ

    HHJ Vosper QC

    HHJ Neil Bidder QC

    HHJ TM Hughes

    HHJ Morris

     HHJ Paul Thomas QC

    HHJ Jones  

    Remember, both Hitler and Stalin used these tactics to hide the truth of what really goes on in courts.

    First, ignore the complainant. If that fails, ridicule the complainant via the media. If that also fails, serve the ‘Gulag Card' and get him sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act or else: kill him.

    Who is next?

    A wee missive sent off, today, to the ring leader, to remind those who helped get me get out of prison, when destined for an indeterminate sentence.


    His Honour Judge Nicholas Cooke QC

    Cardiff Crown Court,

    Widespread Welsh Corruption pervades the Royal Courts of Justice

    4th July 2011

    Your Honour,

    Bristol Magistrates Court, England, has ruled, today, that my ‘laying of information' against Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, of:

    • 1. Criminal contempt of court
    • 2. Attempt to pervert the course of justice

     should be put back before the very Cardiff Crown Court where the crimes first took place!

    What a joke, I politely indicated to a very helpful District Judge Cooper, to expect it to investigate its own conspiracy to have me imprisoned in Ashworth Psychiatric Prison, for life.

    Cardiff judges knew, full well, Dr Williams should never have carried out or given the only opinion on potentially dangerous SPEC and CT brain scans to a criminal court, lying, through his teeth, that I had irreversible ‘significant brain damage' and a possible brain tumour knowing, at the time, two experts' opinions totally contradicted his fabricated evidence requested by you.

    So you, after my lucky release from prison, gave HM Partnership immunity to prosecution across the Principality protecting CPS barristers, Dr Williams, Professor Roger Wood the Welsh NHS who refused me a follow up brain scan or urgent much overdue hip replacement operation.

    Only by travelling to France did I get a brain scan, pilot's licence renewal and the operation.

    The rapidly spreading depravity and stench from South Wales courts was witnessed in the Criminal Court of Appeal, London, last week, a video recording the fiasco following my refused basic human right to speak about your unlawful conduct, frantic to hide the crimes of so many.

    The Bristol Magistrate was not aware that in June 2010 I had already taken this very issue of your conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, refusing medical disclosure, backing the Welsh Crown Prosecution Service and other Cardiff judges refusing to investigate my complaint. You were the one that secretly instigated the employment of Williams to do your  dirty HM  business.

     Last week, District Judge Martin Brown, making it now eleven Cardiff judges refusing to assist, means the ‘buck' currently is back with you before further anarchy breaks out on your patch. I apply for Dr Tegwyn Williams' full notes that caused my months of shear hell in Caswell Clinic.

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc                                                                   District Judge Brown enclosures


    After my lucky release from prison are members of the Cardiff Cabal going to just let Dr Tegwyn Williams sink on his own?

    The Barry and District Newspaper covered the story, in court, but, of course, were censored.


    5th July just spent 6 hours between Cardiff Crown Court and Central police station across the road playing their games of pretending they will investigate:

    1. Barbara Wilding using the huge South Wales Police fund to having me shot


    2. Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, allowingt falsified documents, affidavits and witness statements, filed  to having me jailed and running the close risk of IPP for life


    3. Dr Tegwyn Williams falsifying my medical records to prevent my hip operation and having me nearly jailed in Ashworth High Security prison for life.

    Meantime the media in Wales is gagged....the way the new world order intend to proceed. 


  • Criminal Charges against Barbara Wilding, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Adrian Oliver: Royal Courts of Justice 28th June 10.30 court 9 & Cardiff Magistrates 29th June10 am

    Criminal Charges   

    Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary

    1. On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26th Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25th Feb 2009, for His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.
    1. On a day between 1st June 2009 and 25th June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown and by laying false information before Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings, you attempted to murder Maurice John Kirk knowing it to be unlawful and contrary to Criminal Attempts Act 1981.1.
    1. On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Chalice, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, one WWI Lewis machine gun, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.
    1.  On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of ammunition, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.
    1. On or about 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Orchid, you did harass Maurice John Kirk and/or Kirstie Louse Kirk and her daughter, indicating social services may remove Genevieve Kirk from the family unit when knowing the reasons to be false and contrary to section 2 of the Harassment Act 1997.

    Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Windsor Place, Cardiff

    1. On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26th Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Barbara Wilding and other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25th Feb 2009, following the Order of His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.

    2. On a day between 19th and 20th June 2009 in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information, namely, threat to cause criminal damage,knowing it to be false and causing Maurice John Kirk to be arrested, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.

    Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Bridgend, South Wales

    1. On a day between 8th June and 17th December 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of psychiatric reports of Maurice John Kirk knowing them to be false and written without the necessary qualifications, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.

    2. On 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales, with Richard Thomlow, Crown Prosecution barrister, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, knowing it to be false, namely, that Maurice John Kirk had significant brain damage and a possible brain tumour and recommending he be sent to a high security psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate period.

    FAO Their Lordships
    Royal Courts of Justice

      27th June 2011

      Contempt of Court Appeal

      I enclose my HM Court Service blocked, 13th August 2009 Judicial Review Application, for urgent consideration, relating to falsified prosecution medical evidence, written by Dr Tegwyn Williams who was not even qualified so to do.
      The very same issues were before HHJ Cooke QC on the day that led to the contempt of court conviction, now under appeal.
      Issues included the fact that I was in severe pain with NHS (Wales) closing ranks, refusing to either conduct a brain scan or carry out a much overdue hip replacement operation.  
      I also enclose draft copy of private criminal prosecutions shortly to be laid in Cardiff Magistrates court and elsewhere, should  there be no appropriate remedy or guidance from the Royal Courts of Justice
      Maurice J Kirk BVSc 


      Anarchy is just about to take over