Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

September 2013 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • 4 Days to Alderney Schneider Trophy--Bristol Bailiff Threatened Arrest by 12 Police Officers --Maurice Now Jailed for Entering Cardiff Prison

    Monday 23rd Sept


    Speak to Jeff in Alaska, re express flying in my set of floats for Sunday's Schneider Trophy,can be done but there is delay in getting them to Alderney from Gatwick means the cub may need to stay in Southampton Water, on the South Sea  beach, until Thursday night 

    Based at Southsea is my specialist in the field and in other things, I might say, being rather an unusual sort of pilot for Wales to spawn. Captain Steve Davies is very safe in the air but elsewhere, well, some may consider debateable. (For latest Floats Alaska e-mails see sequence below.


    Still waiting at CAA  air Crew Licencing Gatwick and should of slept have in the car!

    Urgently need two head sets and hand-held assuming cub radio is not working lease borrow or steel as needed pdq!


    09 .49hrs

    Schneider Trophy Air Race number allocated  69



    At a Biggin Hill B&B to wash clothes etc, looking for my old mate Singh Bamrah (last seen mustering his man to sort my radio minutes before start of 2001 race to Sydney).

    Time to put up a couple of Thruxton shots before being on route for front of queue at Air Crew Licencing CAA Gatwick    Thruxton, I remember in1965 where Mike White and myself did our first parachute jump out of a tired old Draqon Rapide biplane.....  me landing on concrete and Mike finishing up- in a tree!

    On the way back nearly fiddled our way into RAF Boscombe, with our BUAS RAFVR APO uniforms on, to see the TSR2 tragedy caused by Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson.


    My GFT completed now its Gatwick, LAA in Bucks and back to the cub in Winchester



    South Wales Police block phone calls out of and my visitors/witnesses/helpers into Cardiff prison which may focus the minds of a few sheeple out there of the true state of our judiciary.


    Sunday 22nd Sept



     A phone call at 1.24am Sunday morning 22 Sept. told that Maurice was arrested on entering Cardiff prison after being told to go there to pick up his passport.
    No further info is given.


    From the 6th Sept. 13: Maurice leaves prison and is found lieing on pavement:

    Maurice arrested again 23 Aug. 13:

    See Maurice Kirk’s site for much more on his 20+ year battles with the Welsh Cabal…
    please see the shocking Musa case, 7 children stolen by a London council:
     - the Baylis family case, Norman Scarth, Maurice Kirk, Hollie Greig:
    my blog: http://www.butlincat.blogspot.comfacebook:!/
    youtube: Reply Reply to all Forward

    1929 Schneider Trophy You Tube


     A cold & foggy Biggin Hill start for 2001 London/Sydney Race

    My memory is bad, nowadays, but I am not sure if this is the route I took?

    In the meantime looking for three lists of pilots who also had a 'flight of a life time' ( cant find them either so back down to rummage in the garden shed and up in the attic).





    Schneider Trophy Race 27th/28th/29th September 2013 Alderney


    Diary Count Down


    Saturday 21st Sept

    04.10hrs   My dongle is dead ive has used up 3 GB in no time and no way to  top up so its  down to McDonalds empty car park near Barry docks

    04.40 hrs   Open yesterday's post found on the car seat in amongst the rubbish.   Great, that is just what I want with such precious few hours left in the week to get to Alderney by Friday sun set +30! Contingency plans considered to fly Cardiff Delta Charlie Tango to Alderney on D-Day 10 gallon tank


    Police have told Maurice to pickup his passport , for Alderney race, at prison despite prison officer Rogan denying, on two occassions, it is at the prison!Jeff rings up and insists he be witness .

    They both wait for over 30 minuters as kept waitingf.

    Then, of all poeple Rogan opens the prison gates and comes out ranting.

    Maurice goes in demanmding hisp asport after refering to the nonsence to the Recorder of Cardiff in court a week earlyer

    Rogan orders gates lock him in.

    Rogan is arrested for suspicionm of theft

    Police arrive inclyudi8ng the police man ewhoi had to0ld KIRK to go gert his passport and refusionmg to witness or assist further.

    Arrested for entering HM prison withiout permission abnd common assaut on Rogan despite, yet again , for the 4th time now all on CCTV but controled by Cardiff Cabal

    KIRK now due in Cardiff Crown at 10am Fri re trial by jury agenda and has to land in Alderbney , bright eyed and bushy tailed, by 30 mins after sun set that night in a WW2 cub G-KURK


    Friday 20th Sept

    I Still have no aircraft race number allocated to me and for  tail on of my Liberty Girl II because:

    1  My licenced has lapsed....needs GFT and  with my precision log book, recovery from my Cardiff flat or a confounded time consuming vist to my dear cuddly friends of CAA, Gatwick, for new one

    2. Wrong insurance on the Piper Cub, registration G-KURK, means needs re vamping just for Guernsey!

    3. She still needs  three hours more of flight tests to issue Permit (MOT) cert to be rushed up to and  presented at LAA HQ

    4. She still needs radio or hand-held. URGENT Can any one lend/sell + head sets,  please?  Hand -held got me to Australia , alright , in her stable mate, Liberty Girl I's little jolly..

    5. There is still no Cardiff Court order for my getting police escorted access to my own flat to retrieve safety equipment/ EPERB/North Sea Survival suit etc

    6. Police  have confiscated my passport and refused to return it contrary to Her Honour Judge Eleri Rees,The Recorder of Cardiff's explicit remarks in court, this week

    7. Cardiff squatters, with convictions including prison terms for GBH/drug dealing and multiple thefts, even had the assistance of 12 uniformed South Wales Police officers to be in attendance when their sergeant threatened my daughter's Bristol based court bailiff with arrest if he did not immediately vacate her own premises. [His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC has had to stop my 20 year running trial until, on police bullying and malicious prosecutions, in order  I may get access to my Cardiff premises and Breton house in France. 

    8. When test flights are completed, (I am not allowed within a 5 mile radius of her, apparently, until certified), my WW2 D-Day cub still needs her engine and log books express delivered to LAA HQ at Torweston, Bucks airfield, for a one day paperwork examination owing to my sophisticated 'Kirkularising' mods that needed to be done for her flight to South Africa (then on to the Falklands, with I hope, better luck this time).

    and some cash, patience, energy, sleep and 'a bit of luck' thrown in, is all still needed!



    Friday 08.50  20th  Sept 


    car broken down with 450  miles of driving needed in 2 days (scabies ointment on camera lens having just had 3 sleepless nights waiting to get Benz Benz  from doctor ,now some new remedy at ten times the price!  Infection caught, no doubt, in HM Cardiff prison) where my legal papers etc are unlawfully withheld) 

    Steve and Matthew of Main St garage , Barry are  quick on the job!

    GFT booked for this week-end to validate vy flying licence (subject to prison expediting the booked10th September psychiatric examination and much overdue follow up brain scan).....some progress, at least
     11.50 hrs 
    hospital 'slipped in', at very short notice, an overdue examination and refused my right to examine the X-rays! 
    New insurance docs will be here by Monday
    Test flying is being carried out as we speak (Phil will let you know how its going)
    no guarantee it will be finished today.
    Phil will let you know when you can pick up the paperwork for LAA
    Have you sorted your licence?
     you will need that sorted otherwise the insurance would be invalid

    20 years of Taffia interference (ECHR Article 8 etc ) continues, not accounting for 70's South Wales Police incident's including the hilarious nonsense over  Isle of Man kippers flown into Swansea in my rare J4 Auster, G-AIJM & the quiet incident in Auster Tugmaster, G-ARGI, severely denting a police officer's car roof on take-off from Haverford West, just before sun set, to go duck shooting in NI and attend the Enniskillen Hunt Ball....and the Hawker Hunter, scrambled from RAF Brawdy, minutes later.


    LUIGI STRANATI (part of Cardiff Cabal)

    Area manager of all South Wales courts has orchestrated so many malicious prosecutions, guaranteed immunity to prosecution only because his 'HM' ticket

    Examine the abuse, in law, in the content of this sample! He sent al my court files to Whitehall for a load of lawyers to study,...what did that cost the tax payer???



    'No Jurisdiction' For a conquered Nation I find that pretty rich!

    Her Ladyship was quick to remind me of the apparent law......following the CPS eventually dropping my enforced 2012 imprisonment, in Bristol and Cardiff prisons ,this time, without trial. Her Majesty's representative knew no Crown Court can now order police to disclose the two doctors' utterly fabricated July 12 complaint statements thereby allowing the two police psychiatrist to continue to draw £300,000 for their second year, without working for the NHS (Wales). It stinks, doesn't it?

    Immunity to prosecution is because their fabricated MAPPA and August 2009 psychiatric reports to eventually get me to Ashworth, was signed for Barbara Wilding's personal benefit to delay both my civil damages claim and the WW1 Lewis 'machine gun' trial off my Farnborough flown DH2.

     My shot of the Red Arrows over 2000 Farnborough air Show following a personal invitation by my old Filton days, Brian Trubshaw, saying on the phone the committee had insisted no one was to fly her but myself (clearly, there was also with them some long term aggro with the Campaign Against Aviation )! 

     Just how many more Cardiff court rooms do I have to enter before I hear common sense for someone to simply say,

     "the evidence that you suffer from a 'paranoid delusional disorder' will be disclosed 'as of right' if the police keep having you gaoled on the strength of it".

     I am English first and British second as father taught us six kids while we sat around the breakfast table each day.

     And lest we not forget our school boy hero who won a Military Cross in mud of Picardy for but one reason?

     "You can be black and be a British Subject", if I recall him saying or something similar.

    My many hours spent in both the Taunton Crown and magistrates courts during my misspent youth, possibly, for 'speeding too low' or regularly arriving from St Servan or Morlaix, often in the 'dead of night', a rather too light on  the old paper work  and accompanying a frail old French lady, has taught me, if nothing else, that; truth will out' however hard the buggers try it not to. 

     Low Flying Conviction Quashed with out the need of Evidence


    I really have had a right belly full of Cardiff courts and this week's experience was no exception.

     I dutifully arrived at number one court to have my lawyers from England apply for 'variation' to my draconian bail conditions so I go and sit in the public gallery with human rights workers from afar to give me moral support. We soon were to hear my barrister, there to more politely apply than I ever could after twenty years of that  place but no one had turned up to represent me, me just out of prison again and in a tatty tee shirt and with no comb for my hair!

    I had repeated the usual 'pre fight planning' requirements, for which the Kirk's are so famous  and had travelled to England and spent most of the week between countless Bristol, Bridgwater and Taunton solicitors and barristers' chambers in the futile hope of finding a lawyer to take on, at least, the 'machine gun' damages case and if not the equally easy, 'no win no fee, medical negligence case about their police psychiatrist fabricating medical evidence for huge material gain.

    As for the day's South Wales Police criminal charges, I was facing, I had already lost in excess of one million pounds since crossing the old Severn bridge back in 1992, to by a Welsh veterinary practice in the Vale of Glamorgan and is bluntly indicated in both my banks statements and particulars of claim, if any one thinks I am a liar, listed as court documents after two divorces adjudicated through Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre.

    A barrister recently suggested I may now be eligible for 'Legal Aid' so  I picked, at random, a Bristol lawyer to at least show me how to fill up the forms. I had taken the usual precaution, when placing your freedom in someone else's' hands, primarily accountable to the court and not their client, to instruct several attorneys to attend as it had not been the first time in Wales my appointed lawyers have failed to act on the day due tafia interference.

    I had crossed the bridge to pay the £6.20p fine for entering Wales, a bridge , I recalled I flew was the first to fly under in the 60s in a lovely old  RAF Chipmunk, whilst being paid twelve and six and a day  ......More later ..'I have to see a man about a dog', as dad would no, on checking e-mails before hitting the sack what have we here?

    !t is now late Friday 20th Sept and still not one lawyer has contacted me, for the 14th November jury trial, with CPS still refusing to disclose even my copy of interview video under caution made in a Cardiff police station.......'nothing new under the Sun' where Cardiff Cabal is concerned.



    I am trying to get floats fitted to Liberty Girl 11 by Friday night so if too dark, approaching zone boundary, I can land enter around Alderney break water  at around breakfast time, Saturday and hopefully, with a few mackerel). 

    My cub floats in Alaska to be shipped for Schneider Trophy on Alderney and November 13 Tower Bridge float plane Regatta in 'The Pool of London' where my daughter, Belinda, set off to successfully row around England , Wales and Scotland!


    The cub floats just need shipping air mail pdq!

    Jeff Walker
    18:04 (1 hour ago)
    to me
    I dont know much about your part of the country. the shipper will want to know the nearest major port that you would like them to arrive at. help me out there.
    Jeff Walker

    Seaplanes North

    3830 Aircraft Drive

    Anchorage AK 99502


    907-245-1119 fax

    From: Maurice Kirk []
    Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 8:39 PM
    To: Jeff Walker
    Subject: cub floats to Schneider Trophy in 7 days

    I need a quote to get floats flown here asap
    it needs to be drafted to be realistic, publicity for you on my web site and humorous enough to find a sponsor to pop up and subsidise!
     ringing later
    044 7907937953
    best regards
    Jeff Walker
    18:27 (1 hour ago)
    to me
    what airport do they need to come into??
    I got your voice mail. what airport??

    e-mail from Jeff: 

    Yes the floats have been resting comfortably for six or seven years indeed.
    sure no problem. I'll put myself in the crate with the floats and install them on the airplane for you when we arrive tomorrow. That gives you time for some test flying before the big race.
    Seriously .......the shipping expenses will be steep but of course it can be done. It would probably take 5-8 weeks unless we put them on a jet...... then the cost would be astronomical.
    They are already disassembled so we can put them in a crate for $900. Beyond that the shipping is what it is....I can get quotes if you tell me what port you want them to show up at.
    I dont suppose there are floats over there that you can buy??
    Jeff Walker

    Seaplanes North

    3830 Aircraft Drive

    Anchorage AK 99502


    Jeff Walker <>
    21:11 (10 hours ago)
    to me
    haven't talked to you since July 2007 it would appear.
    Do you recall you own some EDO 1320 floats in Alaska? the storage fees are
    certainly a bit behind but I dont think I have sent you invoices either.
    That is only part of the reason for the email anyway. I'm thinking you may
    want to sell them? what are your thoughts?
    I have a customer that is looking for some like them.
    I look at your blog still occasionally. Its certianly lively.  hope your

    Jeff Walker
    Seaplanes North
    Floats Alaska
    18th September 2013 @ 5 am
    My dear old chap...... Jeff, a 'blast from the past', is it  six or seven years since I bought those floats to traverse The Yukon? 
    I fill in the Schneider Trophy application papers this very day, would you believe, for  a race track around my dear old  Alderney Island where I was once the resident veterinary surgeon for four years...
     and NOW..... your e-mail  turns up at 5 in the morning !! 
    I only need the EDO floats shipped from Anchorage and fitted to my WW2 D-Day Piper Cub by next Saturday morning.
     The scrutiniser's start things off, for the 100th Schneider Air Race for the one I may win on Sunday...can you do it?
     (I say, 'may win' but I did get to Sydney Harbour first in my first ever air race and if it had not been for all those salmon in the Otago valley river I might not have lingered on the river bank so long and won the New Zealand 'Round the Islands' Race' ending at Queenstown. 
    I cannot come to America myself as I am banned from the USA by some past President who had me flown out in chains, if I recall, despite the, 'out of the blue'[ oh so friendly phone from an FAA officer from Oklahoma City saying,
     "Dr Kirk, we felt you would like to know that you appear not to have infringed any Federal Aviation Authority flight rules when you landed your aircraft in that cow field in Texas"
    [Jeff , I will ring later but follow web site, if things go quiet as they are planning to lock me up again]

    -----Original Message-----
    From: maurice []
    Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:54 PM
    To: 'Jeff Walker

    Will fly cub to you as originally planned
    Will tel you today


    CAA paperwork will take much of winter!

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jeff Walker []
    Sent: 19 January 2006 23:09
    To: 'maurice'

    Hi Maurice,
    Here is the first set of photos. Mr. Ken Hinchey seems like a real peach of
    a guy. We have officially purchased the 1946 EDO 1320 floats from him. No,
    the Bicycle is not included.....nor is his beautiful J3 included ....or even
    for sale. (a little humor for you) I'll get more photos with the floats in a
    thawed out condition at some point. Its about 10 degrees F and snowing here
    in Alaska at the time of these photos just a few minutes ago. (my hands are
    cold on the keyboard typing this note). Ken has upgraded to new Baumann 1500
    floats. . That set him
    back about $20,000 with shipping crating and installation. Nice floats!
    Yours are classics though and will be very adequate after a little
    maintenance. Thanks again.
    Jeff Walker
    Floats Alaska


    (the pilot was, unfortunately de mobbed just before the old Severn Bridge was to be looped)


    The South Wales Police Blackmailed their Chief Forensic Psychiatrist to concoct this medical record purely to stop their WW1 Lewis machine gun case and my 20 year running civil damages claim. Detailed details of 'blackmail' later.  



    MY Recorded delivery LETTER TO OUR NHS (Wales) HEALTH MINISTER

    49 Tynewydd Road,


    Mr Mark Drayford

    Health Minister,                                                                                                                                                                                         Tel 07907937953

    National Assembly of Wales

    Cardiff Bay,

    Cardiff                                                                                                                                                                                                   17th September 2013

    Mr Andrew R T Davies

    Conservative Party

    National Assembly of Wales

    Cardiff Bay


    Dear Mr Drayford and Mr Davies,

    Re: ABM Complaints Dept meltdown – will not tell me whether I have

    ‘Significant irreversible brain damage’ or not? Could you please ask?


    I note the discussion in the media and that the Health Minister says the Complaints Department is busy helping police investigate the three members of staff who have been arrested for making up medical records in the Bridgend NHS.


    You may wish to be aware of my dilemma in that no one at ABM complaints Dept will answer that it may appear as if staff at the ABM Complaints Dept collude with the doctor to completely make up that I have ‘significant irreversible brain damage’ with cancer.


    The simple way to address this is, may be, if you were willing to get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer from the ABM Complaints Dept. So, may be, you can help?


    Please could you answer as to do I have ‘significant irreversible brain damage’ or not? Do you think I should be told so I can manage both my health and my family affairs?


    You may also wish to ask as to why, at a time when NHS money is to be saved and spent wisely, why the ABM NHS, since June 2012, doctors have been indefinitely suspended from NHS duties at a cost which seems to be substantial to NHS and tax payer.#


    Is this behaviour of being paid huge salaries, to do no real work but “make things up’, the NHS you wish?



    Maurice J Kirk BVSc                                                                                                                                                   


    Is there any where else in the civilised world but Wales, this sort of thing could have happened?

    ......yes, actually, there is and it is called the Bailiwick of Guernsey


    A Bristol based court appointed bailiffs threatened with arrest just because, they were told, the owner had the same name as mine! 


    3 09 16 GBH on Bailiff.pdf 

    One of the twelve Cardiff policemen, at the incident, quietly told the shocked Bristol Bailiff,
     " If the owner did not have the same surname as Mr Maurice Kirk we would not even have needed to be here"

    The Writing on the wall in Guernsey

    Now I have to apply to Crown Court for police protection for someone, on my behalf, I cannot go there by court order, to get into my flat as the South Wales Police have installed two violent criminals to prevent my getting my legal papers for a legal proceedings against Peter Vaughan, their Chief Constable

    I need my North Sea survival suit for the crossing of the English Channel to Alderney next week






  • Outstanding Criminal Allegations to be Withdrawn to avoid Statutory Disclosure of Police Conspiracy Evidence 10am Cardiff Crown Court


    Applications today  will be made for the transfer of all my outstanding court cases to be properly heard well out of South Wales, it being exactly what the Crown Prosecution (Wales) have done with me, in the past, when the 'truth' is even too embarrassing for that 'shower' of reject attorneys to stomach. (ex police officer Derrick Hasan, working for HMC&TS Welsh manager, Luigi Stranati, pushed me down a flight of Cardiff Crown court steps to break my leg).

     All welcome , lunch on me as usual.

                                                                                                        T2013 0801

                                                                                                        CF 614159

    Claimant’s Applications to the Recorder of Cardiff include:

    1.    Chief Constable Peter Vaughan to immediately return the Claimant’s passport

    2.    HM Cardiff prison to immediately release The Claimant’s confiscated legal papers and clothes required for both his civil and criminal outstanding litigation

    3.    Her Majesty' Crown Court representative, the Crown Prosecution Service (Wales), to immediately disclose both past and present depositions levelled against The Claimant and ordered by Her Honour Eleri Rees

    4.    The Claimant be allowed immediate access to his GP

    5.    The Claimant be promised clarification, within seven days, as to why he is  still a registered NHS (Wales) mental health patient of Caswell Clinic but refused a follow-up clinical examination and brain scan

    6.    The Claimant be promised, within seven days, disclosure from both HM Judge Thomolow and Caswell Clinic's Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams previously undisclosed evidence that The Claimant has 'significant brain damage' and  cancer sufficient to prevent The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons allowing him to practise veterinary surgery, The Civil Aviation Authority in renewing his professional pilot's licences and for their MAPPA level 3 victim be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Hospital for life

    7.    The Claimant be allowed all civil and criminal Cardiff cases to be, within seven days, transferred to any other courts within their jurisdiction  but not in South Wales

    8.    The Claimant be immediately granted court protection from the continuing criminal conduct and threats to his life by still some within the South Wales Police

    9.    The Claimant be immediately granted unfettered Legal Aid and access to a lawyer independent of the notorious Cardiff Cabal 

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    17th September 2013


    Previous examples of withdrawn indictable offences to avoid disclosure of 'evidence' and the jury's scrutiny

    1. The 'Dangerous Driving' Trial when a Barry police inspector  was caught 'red handed ' by the jury, no less, constantly signalling to his colleague under cross examination

    2. Last summer's 'Breach of Restraining Order' Trial to avoid, again, Caswell Clinic doctors' original conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice by stating I have 'significant brain damage' with possible cancer and now blocking all local area NHS (Wales) GPs or permitting a follow up brain scan for fear of risking their own bank balances


    ANOTHER RING LEADER within a culture of inherent deceit driven by avarice


    Nothing New Under the Sun,

    where the South Wales Police is Concerned!

    Yesterday’s Recorder of Cardiff Crown Court hearing was squeezed in between Her Ladyship’s heavy and far more serious agenda than Chief Constable’s Peter Vaughan’s oh so predictable continuing  harassment of one of their too fast ageing victim.

     Since his predecessor, Barbara Wilding, signed her Dolmans solicitor’s fabricated affidavit, to hide what triggered or contributed to extreme bullying, the incident of her Chief Inspector Brian Genner’s daughter’s miscarriage all blamed on me, police HQ’s  conduct lately has worsened.

     The changing of the machine gun’s paintwork , just to try and fool the jury, may be one out standing incident for Peter Vaughan to now address or Cardiff Cabal’s refusal to even return all my lawfully held antique guns, to the value of £10,000, confiscated purely out of shear spite, may be another but while the stay on all ‘Kirk v South Wales Police’  is in place for, so far 99 witnesses having given evidence, this current ratchetting up  of their multi facetted conspiracy will show us all, at least,  ‘just what really goes on in our UK law courts’.

    Yesterday, for example, if you get in to the public gallery it is designed that you hear little and while not being allowed supervised tape recording for your own use, unlike elsewhere your time there is almost futile.

     If you are in the Dock then forget it as it is even worse even if handed an audio loop to use. Bullet proof glass meant, in one of my recent cases, that it became so ridiculous I pushed off to my cell to have a cup of tea and read the paper while they ‘got on with the verdict (already laid down by written instructions by the then recorder of Cardiff , HHJ Llewellyn Jones QC. In that case the District Judge, John Charles, ordered I was not allowed to cross examine anyone, not just the rogue psychiatrist and Caswell Clinic staff that sanctioned the fabricated paperwork to have me registered MAPPA level 3 to get shot.

    I have to fight for my custody records but, sure enough, my passport was listed in my property but when I was ejected from the prison it was nowhere to be seen!

    Why snatch your passport, my friends in the public gallery asked? Your legal papers  from your prison cell is obvious and the blocking of access to lap top and CDs but why the passport, so unlawfully?

    That is an easy answer

    1.       His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC’s 4th September 2013 Judgment, staying ALL my civil proceedings against the South Wales Police, following their latest ‘knee jerk’ flair up of ‘activity’, to have me gaoled for the seventeenth time, since 2010, without achieving a conviction, means the Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) has had to employ a barrister from outside the area. The Bristol based barrister’s task is to secure my next unlawful incarceration in South Wales signifies just how desperate the Cardiff Cabal is becoming.

    2.       Mark Davenport was a witness, earlier this year, to the South Wales Police having me arrested in Brittany, sectioned and locked up in a French psychiatric hospital. I only escaped further sectioning because a passing nurse, who looked after me two years earlier, recognised me and set the alarm bells ringing. I had been in Pontivy hospital for my hip replacement as my NHS Caswell Clinic diagnosed ‘significant brain damage’ excluded my being able to be operated anywhere in the UK.  Further evidence of the ‘entante cordiale’ police ‘cross border’ conspiracy could only be gathered by my personal complaint to the French IPCC, in person.

    3.       Without my passport in my pocket I could be arrested again, snatched off the street, as ‘ non identifiable’ and sent back to Cardiff prison just as Cardiff police had  been done before from the very same two police stations dealing with this current scenario.

    4.       Her Ladyship asked that I put into writing reasons why I needed all criminal cases to be heard well outside South Wales before considering the possibility of ordering  put in writing

    5.       Her Ladyship asked that I put it in writing why my last year’s incarceration before dropped indictment , following two Caswell Clinic doctors lying to the police that I had been around to their home harassing them, was relevant to this present list of charges.

    6.       Easy, I thought to myself, it is my legal submission that last year’s conspiracy with the two doctors to jail me, without trial, IS within this court’s jurisdiction BUT more to the point, it is relevant to His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC’s civil stayed case. I might serve the full content of the hundred or so lever arch files of evidence during the 27th Sept? proposed management hearing in order to finally get that jury promised me 20 years ago when I first started fighting this cess pit of evil in South Wales.   

    7.       I was, incidentally, again refused a copy of my custody video as defendant interview, under caution, as it is so crucial, each time, to expose police conspiracy.

    8.       The exclusion of the video is the first positive indication of the CPS proposing to drop the charges as no judge in Wales will get you the proof of the conspiracy on depositions once the case is buried. It stinks, doesn’t it? 

    9.        Often, just like in many of my previous cases, none of the relevant CCTV footage, under the care of the police/CPS/courts or ‘apparent ‘victim’ making the complaint appears to be disclosed, despite my demanding as soon as the hand cuffs clip on. Just as HHJ John Curran QC said to the 2012 ‘Breach of Restraining Order’ jury, in reply to their note, for court and custody records and cell CCTV, ‘unavailable’! Deja Vu 

    More facts to go on this posting later tonight IF NOT A NEW BLOG .......'light at the end of the tunnel'



  • Melissa Laird Freed Nigerian Musa Family Next? CARDIFF CROWN COURT Tues 17th Sept @10 am

     WANTED for perverting the course of Justice

     The man responsible

    Peter Vaughan Chief Constable of South Wales Police


    His equally corrupt predecessor Barbara Wilding


     & their thoroughly corrupt & greedy Dolmans partner

    NOT FORGETTING The Caswell Clinic man and wife Dr Janis Hillier

     who fabricated both psychiatric reports and complaints to police, without even examining me and without the appropriate

     qualifications. The man who asked Judge Bidder QC I be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security psychiatric hospital for life!

    Dear Adrian Oliver,

    Tell you what I will do:

    I will do a deal with you......I will remove this picture of you,application  for punitive damages against both you and your client and my moderate bill for £1000,000, for costs so far incurred, if you:

    1.  remove your fraudulently inflated £1000,000 bill of costs, accountable to no one

    2. immediately snatch back my passport off your client, the Cardiff police, stolen after their17th arrest of me without a conviction since your 'machine gun/MAPPA conspiracy collapsed

    3.  retrieve my legal papers and clothes from the Cardiff prison, stolen out of spite for being, yet again, caught lying to His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC in Governor Booty's gutless promise I would get 'easy and quick access to my confiscated legal papers, use of my own cash for stamps and stationary and print from my lap top for awaited closing submissions

    4. advise your client not to drop current fanciful criminal allegations against me, for 'assault on a convicted drug dealer' and 'witness intimidation' of a man convicted of a sect18 grievous bodily harm' offence both currently applied for to be heard well out of South Wales following the latest tip off that there is very real risk of yet another indictable allegation being withdrawn just avoid 'disclosure of your conspiracy to pervert the course of justice


    (the difficult bit)

    3.confirm you will no longer continue to lie and cheat for your MAPPA and Caswell Clinic 'gravy train' clients as yet another indictable offence  has a 'real risk ' of being withdrawn today that was due to be served on me



    Will it be the burka, yashmak or my full Roman Centurion suit of armour I wear in court tomorrow while leaving my short sword, scutum and chariot  with my soldiers across the river?

     [Bail restrictions by CPS include that I cannot cross the River Taff to the west of Cardiff but can go to France]


     20 years of  police harassment is really what this is all about and is best summed up succinctly by:

    Kirk v South Wales Police 4th September 2013 Judgment

    13 09 04 BS614159 Judgment.pdf 


    Haringey Council snatch all seven kids of gaoled Musa parents while Melissa has just one of the many horrendous stories of abuse in our secret family courts for the benefit of lawyers 




     MUSA PARENTS report in to Tottenham just before we all got gaoled......and just what is the Nigerian government offices, based near Trafalgar Square, doing about it?




    While South Wales Police withhold my passport (CONTRARY TO RECORDER OF CARDIFF's EXPRESS ORDERS TO THE CONTRARY), to prevent my preparing for their on-going civil damages trial and Cardiff Prison refuses legal visits, visits from my witnesses, family and helpers while seizing my legal papers and best clothes when they ejected me from the prison for the ambulance.


    Only South Wales Police & Cardiff Prison knew I was booked  for a 10th Sept 2013 independent prison psychiatric examination with a brain scan from a Dr Seeley, level 12 forensic psychiatrist, who had already supplied the courts, police and me with a written July 2009 report along with Dr Gaynor Jones's favourable report, both on my DOWNLOADS, with both contradicting the 3rd August 2009 MAPPA level 3 report concocted by the Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding and rogue Caswell Clinic police blackmailed psychiatrist who I am not allowed to name.

    On 7th August 2009 His Honour Judge Llewellyn Jones QC then had me sectioned 35, under 1983 Mental Health Act, to be incarcerated to Caswell Clinic Prison with out having even been examined by the signatory to the psychiatric report!

    HHJ Llewellyn Jones QC went on to gaol me for a month for 'contempt of court', in July 2010, following HHJ Nicholas Cooke having deliberately lied to me when promising me the release to me and clarification of the facts contained in Dr ****** ********/Professor Rodger Woood (Swansea University)/Chief Constable's  conspiratorial documents concocted before the 7th June 09 Barry Police Station MAPPA level 3 minutes. Leaked minutes, from another source, record I was 'likely to be shot' (lawfully) if I approached Barbara Wilding as I had done, at her private office, in the inner sanctum of Police HQ, Bridgend just days later.

    [On 18th June 2009 I has surrounded by tin hatted police sporting flack jackets, studded with  stun grenades whilst brandishing sub machine guns but too many CCTV cameras and members of the general public saved my life].

    HHJ Llewellyn- Jones QC then, on 14th November 2011, in order to further cover up the MAPPA/machine gun conspiracy, only orchestrated to halt my police damages claims needing over 300 witnesses, continued to allow the blackmail of the Caswell Clinic psychiatrist and immunity to prosecution.

    HHJ Llewellyn- Jones QC sent sealed written orders, as Recorder of Cardiff, to District Judge John Charles, to block my right, on 1st Dec 11 'harassment of Dr' trial, to cross examine, call witnesses or even see the prosecution exhibits! Orders contained therein indicate also how the CPS barrister, David Gareth Evans, was to pretend I was to be served a completed typed Restraining Order, in the cells below, so I would breach it.

    11 12 01 RO CPS Draft REDACTED.pdf

    11 12 01 Restraining Order.pdf


    4th May 12 jury, for that proposed offence and in my forced absence, asked the bloody obvious question, to see cell and corridor CCTV and court and custody records, if such a 'service' of a court document had ever occurred.

     HHJ John Curran QC quickly lied to the jury by saying none was 'available' having clearly been told I was, by then back in the Cardiff prison being attended by a doctor and team of nurses.

    Deja Vu? 

    HHJ Paul Thomas QC knew bloody well the decommissioned WW1 Lewis machine gun, in Jan 2010 trial, to get me a 10 year mandatory prison sentence, had been painted silver from black by an aircraft engineer, after I had sold the DH2 aircraft to the Lincolnshire museum  after she flew at the 2000 Farnborough Air Show.

    HHJ Paul Thomas QC and prosecution witnesses from the two museums, bought from and sold to, all knew that I knew that they knew that I knew the police had painted it back to 'all black' to try and fool the jury.

     HHJ Paul Thomas QC and prosecution witnesses from the museums all knew that I knew that they knew that I knew the judge knew the police would have to paint it back to silver if the conspiracy to stop the police civil damages claim from proceeding.

    KEY Players in this 20 year Cardiff Cabal multi faceted conspiracy all have been given immunity to prosecution with the HM ones, of course, immune to criminal proceedings against them, as always, despite the purpose of two World Wars and Magna Carta. 

    My last five days, here in Bristol, facing slammed doors in my face when simply trying to find legal representation to force the Welsh authorities disclosure of public documents, further sums up the sick state our UK law courts are in when dominated by the avarice of 'reject attorneys', as the late Gerald Gillow would describe them.



    Cardiff  Prison re3fused to reply to countless re3asonable requests from a Litigant in Person un convicted






    Helper (witness in numerous courts) jots down dates and places of Cardiff Cabal conduct lately and sends record to Maurice via two 13th Sept 13  e-mails:




    What I've done is copy what I've written in diary into this email, it starts 25 July 13
    25 June Tues 13.... MJK hearing, to do with Evans CPS assault, New Restraining Order has appeared....original in Merthyr Tydfil? Don’t like it, E says two day hearing....
    23 July Tues 13
    ....MJK final submission..verdict 3 months time, Hamilton, Phil the pilot, M came back for tea...M experienced phone difficulties also computer interference first hand....He had to go out the street to talk to Celia
    24 July wed 13...MJK turned up for glasses
    26 July Fri 13....Met E, about M's Doctor.....why he was over the moon about it......(the doctor that had thrown him out was now welcoming him back with open arms)
    1st Aug Tues 13 ....  MJK's car OK
    12 Aug Mon 13 ...MJK was not produced at magistrates court....Met DL....TE and I in attendance
    13 Aug Tues 13....MJK's opposed to Crown Court....he did not appear on video link from prison
    16 Aug  Fri 13....Attended Crown Court DL spoke for bail application....Smyth in attendance for CPS, he from Bristol....E was there , another application next Thursday ,as M is going to appear then....
    22 Aug Thurs 13
    .....MJK 9.30... Crown Court ....did not bail.....released from Knox Rd 6.45....stayed here Thurs night
    23 Aug Fri   13
     ....Went to Crown court with MJK.....he was arrested 10.25....In Magistrates court around 4.15...out by 4.55....MJK has chosen to return to jail.....
    28 Aug Wed 13....Letter from M...sent stamps, envelopes carbon , other stuff to follow
    29 Aug Thurs 13
    ....Video link MJK...Joined ( when it was first mentioned to join the assault charges from the Magistrates court?) Monday 2nd Sept.....Woman Judge...." In principle I will grant bail".....
    31 Aug Sat 13
    ....Letter from MJK



    (2nd e-mail)

    2nd Sept Mon 13....Crown Court MJK bail but conditions not good....just passing the jail by chance MJK collapsed outside the prison on green patch....Taken to hospital 4.15...he had been there since 3.35...(I spoke to 114)...
    9 Sept Tues 13...Met MJK for lunch, at clinks outside prison.....went to prison for his belongings 2.15-2.25...No belongings of his. Spoke to... prison officer Grogan 234...
    (other officers I had spoken to while MJK was not present...114 the day of his collapse , 237 regarding a visit)
    Outside the magistrates court the security person said "CPS said you did not breach your bail" we then went for lunch     DL took MJK in his car...he had his computer....
    12 Sept Thurs 13
    .....M rang...In Bristol trying to get a solicitor to act for him....he spoke to the bailiffs, they were attacked by the biker....Belinda in court with biker......what date?
    does not know if he will go Tues Magistrates court...
    That’s it Maurice up to’s just my bullet points to jog my memory......

    13 09 14 A Day in the Life of a Litigant in Person.docx  50% DRAFTED


     Police surround me at Cardiff magistrates for the 3rd time in a day.





     Prison refuse to accept stamps from my son and numer4ous others knowing police or Governor Booty continues to hold my passport and dispersable cash for spending whilst in custody


    All part of the  lawyer driven  Cabal 'treacle treatment' and 'black mail on LiPs who  refuse to fall for their defence falling into the wrong hands so police can re jig the charges .


    My son, Caspar, attempted to get stamps to me on 24th August 13 but they never came to my cell just as with numerous helpers; post sending cash/cheques/ postal orders  going blocked, disappeared, stolen or returned.


    Cardiff has a thoroughly deceitful environment, almost as bad as Guernsey and a disgrace that it is part of the United Kingdom.




    News letter

    Cardiff Crown Court Hearing 17th Sept 2013

    I am out of Wales at last and staying in England as it is currently far too dangerous to return to that place.

    Return I will, whether I like it or not but leaving as little a 'carbon foot print' as possible while I try to dispose of any remaining nonsense so regularly metered out by those embittered incestuous bunch of evil bstds that seem to run the place.

     I just cannot face any more from such a sick environment dominated by their very own administration based on unabated inherent deceit and driven by avarice knowing they are answerable; it seems, to no one.

    Outstanding Issues

    1. Police Caswell Clinic Dr / MAPPA level 3/ Attempt to Kill / Machine Gun conspiracy cases are now priority for publicity in England over this routine abuse of process achieved by the continuing ‘cover-ups’ by NHS (Wales), GMC (Wales), IPCC (Wales), HM Cardiff Prison & HMCS (Wales) and controlled by a an Assembly paranoid in getting 'self rule'.

    2. This week, for example, I was 'shown the door' from a Cardiff solicitor's office, Declan somebody, for a ridiculous reason but meaning I was not going to get 'his services'. He was my 81st specialist lawyer now I or my past secretary has approached to act in any of my criminal or civil cases initiated, by the way, either by the bullying South Wales Police or equally corrupt Crown Prosecution Service (Wales), a major player in their oiling of the tax payer funded ‘gravy train’. 

    3.  I am today preparing a 'position statement' for my stayed civil damages South Wales Police trial and will speak late today as to dates, times and places of recent police multiple arrests and imprisonments etc but my memory is deteriorating fast.

    4. Police disclosure issues, outstanding, are also now most urgent before they are also shredded.

    There is now a real risk for my current criminal proceedings being dropped following Cardiff police refusing to investigate an English bailiff being seriously assaulted by squatters.


    They were conducting a lawful eviction in Ely on the very same premises of my laughed out of court 1995 criminal offence allegations and 1995 drug  boy friend of purported miscarriage police officer's daughter.


    What this really means is both police and CPS CCTV footage and documents will now be quickly gathered and shredded, just like it has been every year since 1992 when a conspiracy has gone ‘pear shaped’. Anything to cover up the continuing exposure of extreme police harassment that started, actually, in the very same Cardiff building and triggered by a routine Guernsey police phone call over my arrest for stealing my own motor bike! My apparent causing of  ex Chief Inspector Brian Jenner's daughter's miscarriage was the main cause of my last 20years of misery but this fact only came to light during this summer from her boy friend’s evidence in the ninety nine witness three month trial not yet ended.

    This CCTV, MG 5/6/11s, S9s etc evidence, as with 2012 'Breach of Restraining Order' jury request for obvious disclosure of court and custody records, are all needed for yet another damages claim with all docs now urgently needed for HMJ Llewellyn QC to witness the continuing harassment by police, CPS,HMCS and others in the Cardiff Cabal, to prejudice the 20 year running civil trial by diluting truth.

    5. I enclose a July 2010 Luigi Stranati Area Manager letter, obviously back dated, to try and cover up their disgusting day to day conspiracies and in order to have me struck off the veterinary register. I have never seen the July 09 letter before nor known about it. [Prison has seized my copy of Luigi's letter, along with my legal papers that were in my prison cell further proving conspiracy their futile  nefarious conduct.



    I was only handed it by the court manager during my arrest, with this week for entering Cardiff Crown Court to apply for legal aid as no solicitor, in Cardiff.


     The content of the letter stinks and is clearly 'ultra vires' which just about sums up the Cardiff Cabal still plotting to have me registered as a ‘vexatious litigant.

    6. I am also frantic to get back to France as my airfield, in Dinan, have now towed my car away, full of papers, for not returning in time as promised.

    Both police and HMP Cardiff deny, before witnesses, having either my legal papers or my new passport despite CCTV footage from police foyers and HM prison C Wings recording I was without either when refused my right to return to collect my things from my prison cell (labelled ‘HIGH RISK’) but, instead, bodily carried by prison officers from the landing and thrown out of the front gate onto the grass.

    I am now into my 3rd day in Bristol trawling for solicitors to do any of my work at all, civil or criminal. At least 12 law firms, so far, have not even returned a phone call following my convoluted routes all over the city

    One played the usual games, to get my defence for the police, without accepting their firms names to go on court there nothing new under the sun?


    Bristol Crown Court refuse to have any of my criminal cases transferred to them from Cardiff so just how did the CPS manage it, on my last nonsense 'common assault' allegation when I was pushed down Cardiff Crown court steps, on walking sticks, by an ex police bully, Derrick Hasan, who broke my leg?


    My lingering in Wales, these past years, was in the hope of seeing my daughter but that is clearly not to happen.



    Maurice J Kirk BVSc




    For nearly a year  the HM Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) have refused to disclose the depositions prepared for last November's aborted trial by jury containing two Caswell Clinic police psychiatrists victim statements that thst I visited their home and harassed them when I have no idea wher they live or desire to know! I was kept in both Cardiff and Bristol prisons for weeks and weeks while the South Wales Police knew, full well, I have never harassed any doctor in my life and the guilty parties were asked, by senior police, to make up a story to further delay the civil trial while a sequence of break -ins could bee arranged, with my cars and property, to steal my carefully stored exhibits, over the past 20 years or so,


    While both psychiatrists are feigning illness, for another year of sick leave due to my 'harassment' they are grossing another £300,000 before private work is considered. Couple that with the money dished out to NHS lawyers, to protect their investment, with no effective accountability and it is ALLYOUR MONEY!






    *If HM Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) are made to release their depositions of previous indictments brought against me then the rogue Caswell Clinic doctor, with others, is likely to go to prison while the CCRC (Criminal Case Review Commission), CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons may be swamped with renewed applications.










     An aerial view of CASWELL CLINIC, Glanrhyd Hospital, Bridgend, where I spent three months of sheer terror while South Wales Police conspired to have me further sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act to be transferred to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Hospital for life

    12 04 21 MJK Psychiatric Summary REDACTED.pdf.

    10 06 07 One Million Pound Claim against NHS (Wales)_only R (1).pdf







    There are numerous issues buried in this 20 year running damages claim explaining as to why the Cardiff Cabal continues to block progress in my legal right to prosecute in the civil courts their extreme abuse both I and my families have suffered so far.

    The current impossibility in getting, in either Cardiff or Bristol a firm of so0licitors is an indictment in its self

    See, for example, the continuing nonsense metered out from South Wales Police HQ when Inspector Rice featured so much in the numerous malicious prosecutions. One being how South Wales Police crossed the River Severn back in the 90s and met up with Christopher Alexander (Ebbs) to try and persuade him to change his evidence in Bristol Crown court and RCVS London Court to get me struck off as a veterinary surgeon . Usual blackmail on his professional flying licences were muted as did the CAA with me in Taunton when negotiating a plea for an offence of low flying I had never committed.




    Norman Scarth
    11:51 (1 minute ago)
    to public.enquiri., Justice
    The very name of the 'National Offenders Management Service' is a lie
    All too many of those incarcerated in Britain are not 'Offenders' at all.  Many are 'On Remand', & subsequently found 'Not Guilty'.  Many innocents who have been found guilty have been stitched up in our corrupt Quisling Courts by corrupt CPS & police (Stefan Kisko being one of many).   Some are indeed 'guilty'(???) of breaking one of the many BAD laws brought in by the mass murderers & war Criminals of the Blair Regime & the 'Heirs to Blair'.   Many are political prisoners &/or whistle-blowers, incarcerated to silence them.   Some are there for having failed to hide their 'Contempt' of our contemptible courts & arrogant judiciary (see footnote).
    Call them 'Prisoners': Call them 'Captives': Call them 'Convicts' (if they have been convicted), 
    As such they will join a long illustrious list which contains the names of such as Mahatma Gandhi, the Suffragettes, Deitrich Bonhoeffer, Pastor Martin Neimoller, Alekzandr Solzhenitsyn, Vladimir Bukovsky, Nelson Mandella, Steve Biko, Ken Sara Wiwa, Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali, & a great many others, some who survived, many who did not.
    But PLEASE - do NOT lump them all together as 'OFFENDERS'!



    This blog will mature over the coming days if I am not again gaoled for the next 'stitch up' theCardiff Cabal have in mind