Filed under:

I drove an old £350 banger to collect my tired old D-Day Piper Cub, of 30 years ago, registration G-KERK, in a snow storm on Monday in Suffolk and towed her, after two punctures in the blizzard and with no car heater, down through London for an appointment with my local Member of Parliament, Mr John Smith MP, where I highlighted malfeasance across the board in the comic but tragic world of our British Judicial system and came away encouraged....... but not holding my breath!

Back in sunny Brittany putting stairs and log fire in the house for that party bash for life long friends, in Bastille Week, with no water or electric, save a little generator, at the moment while I try and type out a 'wee missive' for Mr Smith to work on.

Tomorrow is to be spent selling, I hope, one of the houses plus pony paddock for just 25,000 Euro in order to pay for G-KERK's sophisticated gear to possibly reach the top of Mount Everest.

Then I have to prepare a legal action against a Frenchman who stole my £20,000 aircraft engine off my almost new but slightly scratched Cessna 172R. Monsieur Phillipe Chaudet of Lyons may not have the Gendarmes calling just yet. They usually refuse to investigate an Englishman's plight, maybe because they have never forgiven us for 'La Guerre de Cent Ans'. Rather like in South Wales at the same time, I suppose, with their Owen Glendour but Chaudet is about to have a shock and far more trouble close to home now so many aviators, injured before me, are coming forward.

If anyone knows anything on Lyons Flying Club and Chaudet, France's 'Christopher Paul Ebbs',...where is his property, his aeroplanes, his business contacts, offspring, where are they and who else has been injured? I would be grateful to know. A reward is offered.  . 


John Smith MP
House of Commons

4th Feb 2009   

                                                  Your Ref K/2002

Dear Mr Smith,

Abuse of Process

Thank you for seeing me at the House of Commons yesterday and promise that you will look into these initial issues concerning our bizarre British judicial system currently milking and running circles around the UK tax payer. Malfeasance, by those in positions of privilege, is your responsibility.  

 ‘Vexatious Litigant' Investigation by HM Attorney General.

  1. Until such time as this action is before a court with prosecution by Her Majesty's Attorney General, you, my parliamentary representative for the Vale of Glamorgan, should investigate my complaint of the thorough disruption this ‘required' investigation has caused to my 17 year running court actions for damages against both the South Wales Police and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. I have only just heard that the HM Treasury Solicitor has employed a team of Whitehall lawyers for the last seven years for this scandalous but lucrative exercise!
  2. The manager of HM Administrative Court in the Royal Courts of Justice features in my appeals in 2001 and onwards when, for example, police took my unlocked car, full of dangerous veterinary drugs and for six weeks left the car on the edge of a public road near Cowbridge. I was later convicted for the related motoring offence, in my absence, due to post operation complications.

The court manager, referring to the above police incident, well over 50 on your patch, involving over 120 charges they have lost, is identified in that memo of 2003 I gave you, the manager stating:

"This and other applications merely (and are, it seems intended to) delay the appeals which should now be determined)". [I have lodged over 50 Judicial Review Applications, many clearly not even opened].

This manager had medical evidence of my inability to attend that Appeal, but was still minded to write what he did with the trivial motoring conviction later used to have me struck off the veterinary register. 

  1. The ‘common purpose' to have me certified was to prevent my legal right for disclosure of evidence of the hatching of a conspiracy when South Wales Police first complained to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2001. Neither party disclosed their respective investigations into my affairs. The college went so far as to refusing any disclosure at all of their contemporaneous notes, created when their team of lawyers swept across the Vale of Glamorgan interviewing my own Barry Veterinary Hospital clients and your local police. The RCVS examined police confidential records, contrary to Home Office Regulations 45/ 1987.
  2. More disruption caused by the manager of HM Administrative Court is highlighted in the internal memos referring to my complaint to the Criminal Cases Review Commission. I showed you documentary proof that my above named defendants were to be taken into the HM Attorney's ‘confidence' to disclose any material that may secure my certification. The Extended Civil Restraint Order, ECRO, was handed down by the manager to block disclosure so, together with the 17 months delay to the Court of Appeal, to finally set down my Appeal for a jury trial, due to the HM Attorney spiriting away to lose or steal files, there was still more malfeasance.
  3. Over 130 files, bearing my name, were rounded up just in the Wales area alone and distributed to numerous lawyers and defendants, no doubt, with some going ‘missing' so that when I employed a barrister to examine the relevant files, the HM Cardiff court was made to admit, in writing, they had disappeared. I have photos and other record against HMCS to prove it.
  4. Disappearance of files from Cardiff County Court included one labelled, Maurice John  Kirk - Potential Vexatious Litigant, containing clear evidence of malfeasance by too many government departments, all dependant on the immunity bestowed on them by ‘Her Majesty's Prerogative'. Mr Smith, your comments on the HM Partnership issue were particularly disturbing to me.
  5. If  ‘exhausted legal remedies', is a likely reason for your inability to investigate my complaint, it is a matter of court record Lord Justice Thomas, in the presence of my McKenzie Friend, Patrick Cullinane Esq., refused me a jury trial or An Abuse of Process Enquiry.

I was refused ‘leave' to the House of Lords on such a fundamental Common Law and Human Rights issue of being refused a civilian jury. Police harassment case is simple and ‘document light'. His Lordship said it was ‘hopelessly out of time' when clearly the court date stamp indicated it was not.

  1. The HM Treasury Solicitor, RCVS and Barbara Wilding all plead ‘legal professional privilege' not to disclose evidence relating to this 7 year investigation and 10 years of police harassment, with my being gaoled and made to produce motoring documents 35 times. It all stinks, doesn't it?
Independent Police Complaints Commission

The Commission refuses to properly investigate or show disclosure as to what is being done about:

  1. my complaints to various Metropolitan Police Stations of proven perjury before both the Judicial Committee of the HM Privy Council and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons by lawyers.

Despite proof from numerous JR hearings the Privy Council clerk refuses any further Humble Petitions.

  1. my ‘recorded delivery' complaint, returned as ‘not known', from Cannon Street Police Station, listing  criminal conduct by Penningtons, solicitors, of Gutter Lane, London.
  2. my complaints to the South Wales Police, including perjury, arsons, thefts, assaults,  break -ins into my veterinary surgery, false imprisonments, perverting the course of justice etc., etc.

Only this week, I am told Barbara Wilding, Chief Officer for the South Wales Police, is signing  a sworn affidavit that she knows nothing of my being taken to court saying there was no court; she knows nothing of her police breaking into my surgery with a crow bar to re-instate a police inspector's daughter in my flat; she knows nothing of my being sent to Cardiff prison due to her police ‘being unable to identify' me; she knows nothing of the deforestation caused by the paperwork created in the years of her letters with road fund tax and insurance departments in frantic attempts to get me off the road to prevent my practicing veterinary surgery; she knows nothing of her inspector signalling to his colleagues in the witness box, under cross examination, causing the jury to complain but with my subsequent imprisonment when I complained.

The IPCC documents, on this issue, are to follow this letter when I can find them secured in Brittany.

HM Information Commissioner for the 1966 Data Protection Act

  1. This bizarre complaint to you is the way the RCVS have managed to refuse disclosing the content of their investigation, to remove me from the veterinary register, before the manager of the Administrative Court. RCVS protection under the 1967 Royal Charter orders each HM judge to do just that, while I am fighting my corner relying on the 1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act, 2004 Schedule, specifically stating: the RCVS must disclose the findings of their enquiry and must place me before a court within three months!  So just who drafted and who ratified both totally contradictory legislation and who is ultimately responsible if is not your government?
  2. How can the IC rule in favour of the RCVS without even looking at the evidence withheld?
  3. How can the RCVS get away with falsifying a magistrate's evidence without police investigation?
  4. How can the RCVS Registrar get away with obtaining hostile police to be my ‘defence witnesses' despite a Court of Appeal Order, by Mr Justice Sullivan, still ringing in her ears?

You may note the word ‘Freemasonry' was never mentioned by either of us.

I am neither ‘street wise' nor appropriately educated to fight such deceit in a ‘gravy train' fuelled on tax payer's money, there being no accountability for those in HM ‘frilly knickers' other than to Their Maker.

Yours sincerely,

Maurice J Kirk BVSc

Copy to:

Lord George Foulkes, John Cameron MP, Vince Cable MP,



John Smith MP
The House of Commons

8th Feb 2009                                                                        Your ref K/2002

Dear Mr Smith,

Abuse of Process

As I enter my 18th litigation year with your South Wales Police they have still not released Barbara Wilding's promised ‘sworn affidavit' and even refuse to serve their witness statements, also contrary to Court Order, in the hope I will run out of money, run out of steam or simply die.

I enclose my letter, 11th June 2001, just as a reminder for you of the conduct of your police and your HM Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) destroying evidence and especially HHJ Griffiths Williams, insulting my intelligence with a name like that, promising me a fair trial. He refused to secure what was left remaining, contrary to previous orders for the police to disclose by HHJ Vosper QC, HHJ Bishop and many others and considered it a big joke by CPS barristers, at the time, laughing in front of my secretary in Newport Crown court whilst evidence was shredded.    




Tel no: 01 446 733406    Fax no: 01 446 748500



Veterinary Surgeon:  

Maurice J Kirk BVSc, MRCVS


11 June 2001

John Smith MP
House of Commons


Dear Mr Smith,





I refer to my previous letters regarding the police deliberately destroying custody records despite applications within days of my arrest to retain.

Today, in court, Judge Griffith Williams argued for over an hour trying to overrule a previous Judge's orders of 4th June, to make the prosecution produce custody videos, notebook records, PNC printouts on vehicles etc, some within 5 days.

The prosecution admitted they had not even actioned Judge Bishop's orders and admitted that various videos had been destroyed.

Clearly this hurried hearing, fixed by telephone late Friday afternoon, has followed from what these records reveal and clearly indicates a conspiracy.

Are you able to intervene?

Yours sincerely

Maurice J Kirk


Mr Smith, this very same, now Mr Justice Griffiths Williams, went on to refuse my Crown Court Appeal for ‘common assault' on the security guard, the conviction used by the aforementioned RCVS lawyers to have me struck off the veterinary register for life. Mr Griffiths Williams ordered £11,000+ costs against me which were repeated with the RCVS £66,000+ awarded by your HM Privy Council despite the following simple facts:

  • 1. Retired Cowbridge police inspector, Howard Davies, was made to admit before him, he struck the first blow, hard across my face, sufficient to mark and cause me to lose my balance whilst having attended as Honary Veterinary Surgeon at the Cowbridge Agricultural Show, witnessed by 20, all too frightened to intervene.
  • 2. At Magistrates court the CPS refused to produce Davies's original statement.
  • 3. Not one member of the agricultural committee, some clients and one my own father-in-law, knowing the vital eye witnesses, would help identify the witnesses, many being registered stall holders at the scene. Such are the politics in Wales.
  • 4. Bridgend magistrates made written record for the Appeal that the 18 stone security guard admitted he came running down the hill to strike me from behind causing me to be knocked to the ground and witnessed by 40 plus, none of whom would testify despite the £1000 reward offered on pamphlets scattered later from an overhead by aircraft. Your environment, Mr Smith, your patch.
  • 5. The barrister for the CPS wrote to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, following the college's refusal for him to give evidence on my behalf, confirming in unambiguous terms the above facts and had he known the relevance, before the Appeal, he would have refused to fight the case for the Crown.
  • 6. I was actually charged with a ‘breach of the peace', extinct within a year and a day but the CPS, many months later, drummed new charges burying the original despite falsifying the ‘charge sheets' by altering those originally written out by the only straight policeman in this saga, the one(s) he tried to put before the first sitting magistrates. Jackie Seals, the CPS on the day, had other ideas and refused, "for fear of incriminating myself" despite HHJ Gaskell's remarks, when I last had her in the witness box on an earlier but futile Abuse of Process Application in Cardiff Crown Court.
  • 7. I was denied the opportunity to be ‘bound over to keep the peace' in Barry court and was served the new charges AFTER the Bridgend case had already started!

Another police incident, on your patch, just to indicate ‘common purpose':

I  am face down on the tarmac in the middle of Cowbridge High Street , blocking the traffic, with two burly policemen on top of me applying handcuffs for yet another, later proved, trumped up motoring charges, the 34th time I was made to produce documents!

I shout, as is my custom, for witnesses and get them this time and see a Volvo car with door open and ladies beside it appearing clearly shocked at the spectacle.

When cautioned I quoted the car registration number to be checked and written down.

Your South Wales Police then blatantly lied when I asked to call that registered owner and/ or driver to say what she saw. Police 'persuaded' your magistrates they could not ‘find' the driver, registered owner of the Volvo or the vehicle itself that regularly parked at the incident next to their very own sleepy police station.

The magistrates compounded malfeasance, as they have done over 118 other failed police charges, by instead of ordering disclosure, simply dismissing the case to protect.

 Would the same have occurred across the border in England, I wonder?

I enclose, as promised in my last letter, a random IPCC missive for your reference. Timothy Ashton clearly also feared to tread on the toes of the ‘supreme high priest', with rolled up trouser leg, in charge of Barry's Masonic lodge, the heart of all this deceit.

Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)                    CF 101741

90 High Holborn
London WC1V 6BH

t: 020 7166 3196

f: 020 7166 3496                     IPCC Ref 2007/010564

6th January 2008

South Wales Police disclosure of confidential records to Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Dear Sir,

  • 1. Around 5 months ago I gave consent to the IPCC to freely investigate and disclose any material given to them of unlawful conduct by the South Wales Police in their dealings with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
  • 2. They have both apparently satisfied the Information Commissioner, for the 1998 Data Protection Act legislation, would you believe in writing, that the police and my clients of the Barry Veterinary Hospital were, between 2001-2004, ‘clients' of the college! This gives them, they say, the excuse of ‘privilege' for failing to disclose favourable witness statements, under their joint control from the ‘clients', prior to or during the RCVS and Privy Council hearings between 29th January 2002 and July 2004. They denied they existed but now some of those witnesses have come forward to confirm perjury and fabrication of forged statements.
  • 3. The police and college say it gave them the right to call 10+ South Wales Police to give evidence at the 2002 RCVS hearings, some without even witness subpoenas, despite the Court of Appeal Order stating they could not attend.
  • 4. This excuse of ‘privilege' [qualified or absolute] goes further. The Police disclosed my confidential records and statements of witnesses to the lawyers, Penningtons of gutter lane and lay staff of the college, the records being sufficiently incorrect to have influenced the trial. They included criminal convictions that did not even exist. Their action was also contrary to Home Office Regulations 87/45 but who's counting?
  • 5. At the Court of Appeal Lord Justice Thomas of South Wales obviously refused my Abuse of Process Application in this matter whilst refusing, in the same breath, any ‘legal representation' or ‘right of appeal' from his predicted decisions.
  • 6. In 5 years I have heard precisely nothing, other than acknowledgments of receipt of my around 100 written complaints to either the South Wales Police, Privy Council, your predecessors, numerous government departments and now you.


Maurice J Kirk BVSc 


So, Mr Smith, until I move onto the list below, identifying further nefarious activities, all entwined in ‘The web they weave' just to exploit your tax payer, I will patiently await your findings.


The ‘Buck' Stops at Buck House?

I offer other ‘Litigants in Person', unable to get independent legal representation, a list of UK departments responsible, not necessarily in this order but to write to their respective Members of Parliament for immediate consolidated action.  

•1.    4th  and 8th Feb 2009  letters sent to John Smith MP

HM Attorney General
Independent Police Complaints Commission
Information Commissioner

•2.              2009

Criminal Cases Review Commission
Cardiff County Court/HM Court Service
RCVS/South Wales Police Conspiracy

•3.               2009

HM Crown Prosecution Service
HM Cardiff Prison
HM Home Office/Ministry of Justice

  • 4. 2009

Vale of Glamorgan Magistrates
Cardiff Crown Court
Royal Courts of Justice

•5.              2009     

HM Privy Council
HM Government of the United Kingdom
HM Freemasonry.


Yours sincerely,

Maurice J Kirk BVSc

Copy to: Lord George Foulkes, John Cameron MP, Vince Cable MP &


John Smith MP

10th Feb 2009


Dear Mr Smith,                                                                                                                                

Your Ref K/2002

                                                   ABUSE of PROCESS

Followers from around the world are pressing me to submit to you an already published letter of mine, I had overlooked, on web site to the IPCC:

Tim Ashton Esq.
Independent Police Complaints Commission
90 High Holborn
London WC1V 6BH                                                                  IPCC Ref  2007/010564

South Wales Police and Metropolitan Police

 Dear Sir,

 Further to your e-mail of 1st August 2007 I will first attempt a summary:

1. On the 19th January 2004 before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) were Respondents in my Appeal from being removed from the veterinary register on the 29th May 2002.

2. The RCVS had produced evidence by forging witness statements and presenting them to me as if originals.

3. The RCVS falsified witness addresses in order that I could not find them.

4. The RCVS withheld identities of favourable witnesses, interviewed by their lay staff, including all contemporaneous statements of all witnesses contacted.

5. The RCVS, in 2002, falsified information by way of plain verbiage relying on the decisions of a mentally ill, retired High Court judge, Sir John Wood , deliberately given the position of Legal Advisor to the RCVS hearing. His decision was relied upon at the Court of Appeal to prevent me from having any witnesses of fact, also contrary to law, relating to their ‘charges' (11 minor convictions, 5 of which were motoring).

6. The RCVS relied upon these convictions to have me struck off on the pretext, told by their lying barrister, Alison Foster QC, to the Downing Street entourage, because I had ‘disrespect for authority'.

7. The RCVS obtained policemen to attend the hearing, overnight, on the pretext they were defence witnesses when the Court of Appeal had already ordered none of them were allowed.

8. In October 2006, for the first time, the RCVS admitted being in the possession of favourable statements for me but they had not been disclosed as they were ‘believed' to be ‘privileged' [qualified] between their client, the South Wales Police and their Penningtons, Solicitors, Cannon Street, London.

9. Similar statements were withheld from me, even from my own veterinary clients, when the vast RCVS investigation team had descended upon South Wales.

10. The RCVS were disclosed police confidential records of my dealings with the police, the complainants in 2001 to have me struck off some of it incorrect..

11. Police records available but not all revealed, contained unlawful conduct by a small handful, to begin with, of police driven only by vengeance following their loss of 130 prosecutions based on harassment.

12. Police caused around 16 false imprisonments.

13. No veterinary surgeon has ever or will ever again, be subjected to such sustained unlawful conduct for such trumped up nonsense.

14. Penningtons, acting for an honourable profession, conspired to pervert the course of justice from day one.

15. Penningtons even attempted to introduce the usual ingredients to have someone struck off, namely, DISHONESTY and/or MISUSE OF DRUGS and/or DRUNKENESS and/or MALPRACTICE but failed on the lot.

16. As you are only too well aware these lawyers relied on the ‘Memorandum of Understanding between Chiefs of Police and the Law Society' to guarantee them immunity to prosecution

You refer to my numerous detailed complaints in the past about the South Wales Police shuffled and binned by the Police Complaints Authority.

They were a total waste of time and were there for political purpose only.

Just why the IPCC is different and not there just to hoodwink the general public into believing there is an ‘effective remedy' only you know?

The current scale of unlawfulness in the judiciary will never be reduced by the IPCC

I will throw you just 2 complaints for starters:   

Complaint A) relates to the above 16 marked paragraphs.

Both the Metropolitan and South Wales Police have refused to properly investigate or request ‘further and better particulars'. 

I have received no replies from the Metropolitan Police at all.

The recorded delivery letter of complaint to Cannon Street Police Station was returned, marked ‘unknown'!

In the 6th October2006, other police stations in London, Scotland Yard and Paddington, were visited and both refused to even write anything down with one referring me back to the RCVS court! 

That same complaint was forwarded to the South Wales Police who have responded receipt and no more.

Complaint B)   This is a complaint of Abuse of Process part of which is set out in my letter of complaint of the 27th July 2007 delivered to the Barry, South Wales, police station. Their reply of 7th August 2007 indicates no action will be taken. Am I expected to be surprised?

All dates of my communications and police identifications can be supplied by them by South Wales Police ref   CJ/KE/32/M1.119/2007 of 7th Aug 2007 letter from Bridgend HQ.

I will not be holding my breath.

Yours sincerely, 


Maurice Kirk BVSc, 

Barry Animal Health Centre CF62 8 AZ