Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

March 2013 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • POLICE APPLICATION for POLICE CUSTODY VIDEOS TO BE BLOCKED from His Honour Judge Seys Lewellin QC on 3rd April

    Witnesses for Week 4 Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 3rd April 13 10.30


    Queens Council for the Chief Constable of the South Wales Police will apply on Wednesday, 3rd April, to block this video from being shown to the trial judge, His Honour Judge Seys Lewellin QC, EXACTLY as they succeeded in doing at  my original 2000 magistrates, 2001 appeal and three JR applications after these same police, an Inspector Collins reported the driving conviction that the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons relied upon to have my name removed from the veterinary register , effectively , for life!

    Adrian Oliver.
    15:11 (1 hour ago)

    Dear Mr Kirk,

    I refer to your further attendance at our offices on Thursday 28 March 2013, when you again sought to ignore the fact that we have withdrawn your licence to attend at our offices. I am given to understand that you caused disruption and inconvenience to other users of the building which we occupy and that the security staff at the building considered it necessary to communicate with the police in this regard. I would again urge you to deal with any necessary matters in compliance with the court orders which have been made in this matter.

    I would also wish to record that you were not prepared to identify the basis of your attendance with the staff who sought to speak with you.

    I refer to your telephone contact with Dolmans at 1.30 pm on 2 April 2013. I would again remind you of my prior request that you deal with matters by email due to your propensity to distort comments made in telephone discussion. You have been able to communicate by email and indeed, have sought to encourage the same. I record that it is only during the course of the adjournment of your civil trial that you have sought again to attend our premises and to communicate by telephone, even though you have been prepared to communicate previously by email. I would again ask you to revert to dealing with matters through this medium as it enables both parties to prepare for matters arising in the trial.

    You have left a message at 1.30 pm asking for details of the witnesses who are to be called tomorrow (3 April 2013) for trial. You can be advised that it is the intention of Leading Counsel to invite former police officer Robert Osbourne to provide evidence at court on 3 April 2013.

    I can also advise you however that Mr Lloyd Williams QC intends to address the court before any further evidence has been provided as to your failure to deal with the disclosure of any videos / digital footage which you might have in your possession.

    I trust this email will provide you with sufficient notice to prepare for these matters.

    Yours sincerely,

    Adrian P. Oliver

    Senior Partner

    Dolmans Solicitors

    SWP Schedule Defendant witnesses 4th week.pdf

    SWP Witness Statement of Maurice John Kirk final.pdf


    Dear Poorly Informed Tax Payer,


     GUERNSEY, Channel Islands, is where I set up a ‘legal aid’ charity and first learnt to 'cut my teeth' on the current subject now unfolding at last, after twenty years, in Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre. It is HM Partnership's 'cosy relationship' as Lord George Foulkes once put it, the ‘incestuous relationship’ between both executive and judiciary, all protected within it by 'Royal Charters'.


     .The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon's immunity to prosecution is the classic example when still refusing to ‘convene a court’, contrary to statute, simply to consider my numerous applications, over the last nine years, for my name to be returned to the veterinary register. [See the past twelve years of ‘Down Loads’ and other ‘Blogs’ on this website].


    Here, in 'Old South Wales', as dentist John Wilson in 'New South Wales' will quickly concur, 'Her Majesty's Prerogative' continues to allow rampant nefarious conduct in our UK law courts to flourish, compounded by outdated 'adversarial systems' once based on trust.


     Take the ‘Musa Family Case’, as another typical example, currently on appeal, we think’, where Haringey Council lawyers ‘cashed in’ on the act, again all immune to any HM regulatory retribution or HM prosecution in either our civil or criminal courts. 


     [The Nigerian couple are currently serving seven years imprisonment with all seven of their children now snatched and outrageously ‘re homed’ instead of just being put on the next flight to Nigeria].


    The paranoia surrounding this tragic case was further revealed in the way I was jailed for ‘attempting’ to fly the kids home in my two seat WW2 Piper Cub and then being prosecuted, in my absence, as Cardiff’s judiciary would not even ‘produce’ me from similarly outdated prison system! .This old ‘Out of Court’ video, below, has been held back until now to be a stark warning of things yet to come both in England and Wales, if not already here. 

      Does it stink or does it stink?

      EXPOSURE VIDEO of GUERNSEY,  as an IRA safe house, drug dealer's dream, insider dealer's paradise and where the incestuous island's De Vic Cary's grand father collaborated, as Bailiff, with the Germans, enough for Churchill intending to have him hanged, was the same little b+stard who jailed me 21 times, anything to prevent education on 'basic human rights' to be intoduced to a two teir structure his masonic mates and the serfs.


    While in Wales,

    We still have a Dr Tegwyn Williams 'at large', on 'long term sick with his wife,' on my account, despite falsifying yet further 'victim' statements

    11 11 15 Solicitor letter to Cardiff Magistrates.pdf

    12 08 20 MJK MG11 Redacted shr.pdf

    Much more about NHS (Wales) multi million  conspiracy, later.

    In Cardiff County Court this Month

    Lantwit Major's police sergeant  Kilberg, one of many in the 1990s police force, who had my name removed from the veterinary register is caught out lying to the currently presiding judgere along with a few others already heard and shortly to also give evidence.

    Enclosed is a 90s Barry police station custody video of Kilberg lying to the custody sergeant that I was in breach of a public order offence despite the custody sergeant specifically asking for that clarification.

    His Honour Judge Seys Llewellin QC or the police QC, during the three months civil action currently in session in the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, asked for clarification on exactly the same point with the South Wales Police sergeant qualifying the issue by stating the custody sergeant made the mistake when writing down the facts.

    The truth of the matter was his partner, PC Gareth Holmes was right there, seen on video and refusing to support the deliberate lie either by recording it in his pocket note book or in his subsequent MG 11 witness statement.

    Llantwit Major's Police Sergeant Kilberg Video to follow


    Meanwhile a letter of more importance, if  'testicles on a plate without an anaesthetic' is to be avoided, to the only others in Wales, apparently, responsible for maintaining law and order throughout The Principality........

    13 03 31 to CPS NHS.doc

    AND this latest thoroughly insulting bit of nonsense from Cardiff's magistrates, court concerning the police refusing to return some £10,000 worth of antique guns and a walking stick confiscated in 2009/10 while desperate to get me a 10 year mandatory prison sentace for 'trading in prohibited weapons '!

     Such as the WW1 Lewis machine gun, the most effective such weapon in the war and was bolted to my, now sold, replica DH2 RFC biplane fighter, an aircraft, like the September 1940 Hurricane, that turned the tables in 1916, just at such acute points in two world wars.....b*stards

    13 03 28 Shot Guns and Muskets MagistratesCase Stated Response.pdf


    Masonic Devil Worship?

    Dolmans, Cardiff solicitors, 

    You either settle or or I publish ex Chief Inspector' Jenner and ex Ely police station's Inspector Roe's recorded evidence denying , as did the b*tch of bitches, Barbara Wilding, by sworn affidavit, denying the knowledge of  court cases and her ordering the use of a sledge hammer and a crow bar to break into my Cardiff veterinary surgery just to put back Jenner's daughter, Alison, effectively putting trouble and druggies back into my overhead flat .

    Your client also had me put in Cardiif prison, for four days, pretending you vermin could not 'recognise' me!

    Your client had the machine gun painted a different colour to try and fool a Cardiff jury

    Your client had me up for speeding when in possession of the photograph of the true driver, his name adress and when I arrested CPS lawyer Stoffa the police ran a mile , in the wrong direction

    Your client repeatedly had me arrested on the road side following a purported positive breath test only for there to be a zero reading within 20 minutes on the police stations' ' definitive test' machine.......any filthy trick to aggrevate and proke a victim.

    Do I appear drunk in this Bridgend police custody video? This was immediately after 10pm arrest at Pencoed but almost negative reading on the station definitive machine (a lager or two at lunch time). The arrest was for for 'dangerous driving', that the south Wales Police lost, before a jury, after the judge had to stop the Cardiff trial for jury complaining the police were signalling to their mates onwhilst under my cross examination.

    Your client, in 'Operation Orchid' tried to snatch our then ten year old child, using social services, bullying my then wife to signed a pre prepared witness statement that I was evil bunch of lawyers conspired  with NHS' Morgan Cole, solicitors to use Dr williams to have me arrested by armed police helicopter but failing to get a conviction or steel our daughter but instigated immediate divorce proceedings ....the thought of spineless tactics I should of expected 

    As lawyers you advised Barbara Wilding to have me registered MAPPA level 3

    Your client, with your advise, then had Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams of Caswell clinic, to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act without a shred of evidence and without even examining his patient, for one delay this three month trial ever coming to court!

    Oh, yes and what is the latest? Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams falsifies another police victim statement, in july last year, having me locked up for weeks in prison until the CPS then get involved to prepare for another rigged Cardiff judiciary jury trial.

    And what did the CPS find? Dr Williams' circa 21st July 13 'victim' statement record? I had been around to his home and had harassed both he and his wife, Dr Janis Hillier causing the police to 'move me on'...utter bollocks,,,I do not even know or wish to know, other than to arrange a private prosecution 'procedure'as to where the fat over paid 'toad' lives. 

    Oh yes, I almost forgot....four times I have been to the police stations to complain and written long statements but your client, you advise them, ignore him , he will not live much longer.

    Two sets of lawyers, one from England and one from Cardiff, have asked both the police and the CPS for a copy of that July 13 victim statement but they both reply....."it cannot be found" 

    Just for starters...... and we now move into two months of more fun or is it Romans chapter 12, verse19, is it?

    Why is your client continuing to ignore the seriousnes of Christopher Alexander's (alias Ebbs). statement of yet anopther south wales Police conspiracy?....Worried it might be true? But you lot can continue to steal another  huge chunk of tax payers' hard earned cash if you 'string it along' just like my seven or so listed Actions against your client. Remember, police officer Rice told the court he had no knowledge of Ebbs/Alexander or recognise him standing at the back of the court.

    12 10 26 Ebbs Staterment.pdf

    Your clients' collusion with Cardiff masonic devil worshiping judges had my web site closed down, last time, when we got a little too close to the truth about your disgusting money making regime but try it again and the articles will spring up on 10 other already primed web sites positioned abroad

    Your client ran to the protection of Judge Nicholarse Cooke QC and got it following His Honour's receipt of the following 'jury note' of a flagrant conspiracy by the South Wales Police caught red handed' by the jury!!! That aborted 'dangerous driving' case must be heard also in the next few days, I presume?



     Punitive Damages

    Punitive DamagesInEnglandand Wales, exemplary damages are limited to the circumstances set out by Lord Devlin in the leading case of Rookes v Barnard:Devil

    1. Oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional actions by the servants of government.
    2. Where the defendant's conduct was 'calculated' to make a profit for himself.
    3. Where a statute expressly authorises the same.

    Rookes v Barnard has been much criticised and has not been followed in Canada or Australiaor by the Privy Council.[7]

    Another case that could arguably be seen as an example of punitive damageswas that of Attorney-General v BlakeMusicin which the defendant profited from publishing a book detailing his work for MI5. The details were very old and therefore did not cause loss to the state. The publishing was, however, in breach of the contract of employment (and incidentally criminallyin breach of the Official Secrets Act 1911). The defendant was required to give an account of his profits gained from writing the book.

    Thecourts have been very reluctant to follow this approach,[9]emphasising the materiality of the criminalelement required for these damagesto be considered.

    2) aggravated damages

    "Aggravated damages are compensatory in nature, while punitive damages are awarded as punishment for egregious conduct....

  • HM Crown Prosecution Service (Cardiff) & Police 'Cannot Find' Dr's Victim Statement for GMC, IPCC, CCRC, MP or ECHR while Civil Trial continues on 3rd April

    • This is just typical of how I have been treated for more than 20 years in South Wales!


    These 5th April 2000 police are to be cross examined every day next week starting Wed 3rd April in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre at 10.30am.

    Police officers at the scene as well as at Roath and Rumney police stations with Osborne giving false evidence at the 2002

    PC 1215 Robert Osborne

    PC 3689 Gareth Price

    PC Mick Carter

    PC Steve Coles


    And this scandalous incident is facing cross examination in the following week, rumour has it

    A sample documents in sequence of the jibberish uttered by those ultimately responsible, HM immune to prosecution, for what goes on in Cardiff courts EVERY DAY

    It was an absolute pleasure and I was proud to be before His Honour Judge Peter Jacobs, each time, the only judge, incidentally, in about 20 years of my life in that putrifying environment who actually awarded me bus fares etc from the CPS, never handed over, as opposed to the Griffiths Williams and Hickenbottoms of this world, a couple of scum bags if ever I knew one. 

    It was a sad day for Cardiif when this judge left the circuit for England directly after this hearing!!

    Just plough your way through these three documents, please, as an example of what really goes on in our courts at tax payers' daily expence and never checked by any one!

    (A random pick from five, no less, lever aarch files of some thirty odd court appearances as police are desperate to have me struck off and without a driving licence)

    01 10 04 Judge Peter Jacobs Judgment.pdf

    01 03 19 Judge Peter Jacobs Ruling.pdf

    02 04 15 Cardiff Crown Court Ruling_0001.pdf

    And don't miss this random 'pick' off my then new website that caught the eye of Lyle and NancyCambell of Phoenix , Arizona, 'aviator and aviatrix extrordinaire' who went on to sponsor my flight to australia by WW2 Piper Cub!

    01 06 02 D Colin Davies series of redacted off 001 web site.docx

    South Wales Police, out of shear spite, reported this 'failure to supply a specimen of breath' to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons because, since 1993, the police had lost around eighty criminal allegations against me out of ninety but in this case,using their influence on the judges to ban my web site for fear this video other proof of bullying would be broadcast world wide, doubled their wickedness by repeatedly ignoring His honour Judge Vosper qc's orders to disclose custody records.

    This video was only released once I was convicted and banned with out evidence, of course, being called.

    Come to the Wednesday hearing and watch Price, Osborne et al account for themselves lying again?

    the Privy Council ruled the RCVS  £60,000 bill, for my losing the appeal in Downing Street, was 'cumulative' for the motoring convictions sited to have my name removed from the veterinary register for life.

    Horsey Lightly, solicitors, were paid off only this week to expedite/avoid what was to be an ugly divorce hearing all this week indicating fraudulent valuations by both Cowbridge and Llanwit Major estate agents


    Your Client: Kirsty Kirk

    Our Client: Maurice John Kirk

    We thank you for your letter dated 18 March 2013 the contents of which we note and for which we are obliged.

    It may or may not be of relevance to the outcome of the ancillary relief proceedings, but if our security on Mr Kirk’s property at 49 Tynewydd Road, Barry alone or in combination with whatever beneficial interest he may have in The Marlpits, is insufficient to meet Mr Kirk’s liability to this firm in full, it is our intention to issue a petition in bankruptcy against Mr Kirk.

    We are aware that 49 Tynewydd Road is being marketed for sale, but we do not know the value of the prior charge secured against the property.


    Yours faithfully

    Horsey Lightly  

     Despite thousands of pounds paid up front, from prison (machine gun), this extra was added for 'an abuse of process'

    Judgment dated 1/2/11                                       

    Principal sum : 25,612.54

    Interest at the judgment rate

    From 1/7/10 to 26/3/13 = 999

    days @ 5.61 5,604.39

    Order dated 17/8/11

    Under paragraph 4 : 214.00

    Under paragraph 8 : 2,200.00

    Interest at the judgment rate

    From 5/10/11 to 26/3/13 =

    538 days @ .53 285.14


    Total: 33,916.07

    Interest continues to accrue at the rate of £6.14 per day.

    Despite the Privy Council's ruling of 2004 Their Lordships were minded , in 2011, to state Horsey Lightly, solicitors,  seven pages of draft 'grounds', for my around 5th annual application for  re enstatement, was 'an abuse of process'

    shear lawyer greed?

    It all stinks, doesn't it?


    Now, Readers, interest yourselves with the Cardiff Crown Prosecution Service, always 'hand in glove' with the police when it is supposed to be impartial---------another very Welsh trait based on inherent deceit.

    This is another example, NHS(Wales) this time, yet another example of South Wales' wide spread nafarious conduct always protected by gangs of tax payer paid lawyers answerable to no one.

     Head of Dept,                                                                                     

    Crown Prosecution Service                                             28th March 2013

    Cardiff CF10                                                                  FIRST LETTER



    Dear Mr Dickson,


    Falsified Forensic MAPPA Level 3 Medical Records

    Re: Request CPS Review ‘all’ conditions so a Restraining Order does not set me up to fail?

    Thank you for your letter 20 March 2013. My 22 January 2013 letter is to vary “all” conditions. I understand that the CPS previously proposed the following sorts of conditions in 2011 and so it follows we vary the past CPS draft proposals to seek a proportionate response:- 

    1. I can agree not to contact Dr Tegwyn Williams. [I have instructed private detectives to locate Drs Williams and Hillier’s home in order that there may not be a repeat of my last summer’s vindictive imprisonment following his false ‘victim’ statements].
    2. I agree not to disseminate any untrue information with regards to Dr Williams.
    3. That the Order end on………Date?
     As Dr T Williams is not at Caswell Clinic and has not been there for a very long time it would seem wrong to deny me my rights and liberty of access to my NHS clinic.


    It is also normal NHS procedure, after being an inpatient (sectioned or otherwise), that if he is confused, unhappy or seeks reassurance regarding what has occurred and/or is written, that the patient is to return to the same clinic to discuss issues with the same ‘group’ of clinicians.

     Under the Data Protection Act the same clinicians are to update the records to make all that they have ever written to be fair, true and accurate. Clinicians not at Caswell in 2009 cannot address data. It must be the team at Caswell. There were over twenty writers in the three months of my team assessment or forced unnecessary and unlawful incarceration.

    Dr Williams and his lawyers are accused of abuse of power and workplace bullying where the Caswell team wish to build a relationship with me. If I name a good genuine clinician, who will help me, will Dr Tegwyn Williams and his lawyers then bully that clinician not to help?

    I cannot now name any helpful good clinicians for fear of them receiving a repeat bullying.

    You mention that Morgan Cole, solicitors, say that there is no facility to conduct tests for brain damage at Caswell Clinic when Dr Tegwyn Williams seems to say there is, in that Caswell Clinic is the host to commission and deal with investigation of specific issues of brain damage effecting behaviour relevant to MAPPA level 3 forensic psychiatry.


    Why, then, did Dr Williams ask the Crown Court to section me first to Caswell Clinic and then to Ashworth Prison if not to determine the presence or absence of brain damage?

    Why does Dr Williams avoid clarifying whether I have significant irreversible brain damage?

    His last summer’s false ‘victim’ statement, police countersigned, means the CPS recognises Dr T Williams is not without blame when dropping all charges. So is the CPS now proposing to vary my Restraining Order to that of a more proportionate one or do I appeal to Europe?

    Yours sincerely



    Maurice Kirk BVSc

    Copy to: GMC,MP, IPCC, CCRC & ECHR


    28th March 13

    FAO CPS Cardiff

     Second letter Why will neither South Wales Police nor Cardiff CPS produce Doctor Tegwyn Williams' victim statement for the IPCC/CCRC and my MP and that of his wife's, also dated July 2012, falsly complaining of being harassed at their home?

    I enclose further video evidence of blatant conspiracy to pervert the course of justice this time by Police Sergeant Kilberg lying on oath before His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC, a few weeks ago, just as he did in 2002, before the Royal College of Veterinary surgeons to have my name removed from the veterinary register.

    Enclosed is a 90s Barry police station custody video of Kilberg lying to the custody sergeant that I was in breach of a public order offence despite the custody sergeant specifically asking for that clarification.

    His Honour Judge Seys Llewellin QC or the police QC, during the three months civil action currently in session in the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, asked for clarification on exactly the same point with the South Wales Police sergeant qualifying the issue by stating the custody sergeant made the mistake when writing down the facts.

    The truth of the matter was his partner, PC Gareth Holmes was right there, seen on video and refusing to support the deliberate lie either by recording it in his pocket note book or in his subsequent MG 11 witness statement.

    Just when is this expensive NHS/ police South Wales scandal going to come to an end and the true culprits brought to trial or do my friends and myself do it ourselves?

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    Puits aux Papillions

    49 Tynewydd Road St Doha

    Barry CF62 8AZ 22230 Merdrignac

    UK 07907937953 Brittany



    Dear readers,

     Back to this Wednesday's trial........

    As usual it is all about 'disclosure of evidence' so if the police can withhold names of witnesses, custody records and police personal note books  etc then they usually have you 'buttoned up' and 'up a creek without a paddle' in  any subsequent criminal or civil proceeedings.

    A case in point is next Wednesday's hearing, where the police witheld the overhead  Newport Road, Cardiff, video until I was convicted.

    I visited, by court order, to serve yet another copy of it on Dolmans, solicitors, acting for the Defendant , the Chief Constable of South Wales Police only to receive the following: 

    Deliberate Failed disclosure including denying even court cases took place


    Dear Mr Kirk,

    I refer to the videos which you purported to send to Melanie Standley on Monday 25 March 2013.

    I have been unable to open the ZIP files which you have sent and have asked my IT team to investigate the same. My IT team advise me that you have used the Windows Movie Maker program to seek to transfer the files to us. However, what you have sent us is not of sufficient size to include any movie footage. Whilst we cannot open the files, the file type which you have sent are: .wlmp

    I am advised that these are project data files created by movie maker and not the actual footage and that this explains why the files which you have sent to us are so small.

    As such, we are unable to view the footage which you had purported to send.

    I would be grateful if you would attempt to re-send the files, but this time, to myself at this address.

    I have copied this email into Rosie Pahl in case the court has the same issue.

    Yours sincerely, 


    Adrian Oliver.

    25 Mar (4 days ago)


    Dear Mr Kirk,

    Attendance at our offices

    I refer to your and anticipated attendance at our offices at approximately 4:55 pm on Friday, 22 March 2013. I record that you entered the reception area of our offices despite having previously been advised that your license to attend our premises had been revoked and that you would be trespassing if you entered our premises.

    This decision was not taken lightly, but was based upon our previous reasonable requests for your dealing with matters by e-mail and correspondence and the fact that it had been necessary to ask for police officers to attend our offices due to your refusal to vacate the premises on a prior occasion. In addition, you have made several unwarranted indications of your intention to effect a citizen's arrest upon me personally. I have no wish for my staff to become embroiled in any issues relating to your expressed intention. I am also aware that you have distributed leaflets relating to myself which are inappropriate and inflammatory.

    I would be grateful if you would abide by the indication which has been provided to you. If you continue to seek to enter our premises, then it will again be necessary for us to involve the police.

    Your purported reason for attendance at our offices

    You indicated to the person who dealt with you that you are seeking to attend regarding VHS cassettes and a DVD and that you are seeking to draw attention to discrepancies between the same.

    The person who dealt with you indicated that he would not be able to assist in this regard, but you indicated that he would be returning to our offices at 4:00 pm on Monday, 25 March 2013.

    Your need to comply with a court direction

    A direction was made by the court on 13 March 2013 that you were required to produce by 4 pm on Friday 22.3.2013 the videos which you have in your possession by email and that those which you did not have in digital form, were either to be supplied to the court in digital form, or if not practicable, to be lodged with the Court by that date, for the particular attention of Mrs Rosie Pahl.

    It is clear from this direction that the intention was that you should lodge any relevant tapes or digital copies with the court, rather than this practice. In particular, we are alert to the fact that you have suggested to the court that this practice cannot be relied upon to produce appropriate copies.

    The court has made it clear that the court is to take control of any documents which you produce. You are therefore reminded of your obligation to provide any relevant material to the court as directed by the court.

    It is noted that on Sunday 24 March 2013 you directed an e-mail to Melanie Standley of this practice (who is absent from the office this week) providing a link to a “you tube” site. It is noted that you also referred to videos having been stolen from your vehicle.

    Please acknowledge receipt of this e-mail.

    Yours sincerely,

    Adrian P. Oliver

    Senior Partner

    Dolmans Solicitors


    Yesterday, 28th March, I returned before 4pm and attempt to serve videos, they already have, in a different format but was blocked at the door with no one accepting the videos causing me to haildown a police officer to witness it for the trial judge on wednesday.

    With revolving door barred and this police officer, in attendance, giving me  friendly advise, I left with the damning evidence of Sgt Kilberg's lies that had my name removed from the veterinary register.



    GUERNSEY, Channel Islands, where Maurice 'cut his teeth' on the current Welsh subject of HM Partnership's daily corruption at the ignorant tax payers' expense.....a video so apt....

  • Rampant Fraud caused by South Wales Estate Agents, Police and my own London solicitors over HM Privy Council and RCVS Solicitors

    Divorce proceedings commenced the minute the South Wales Police launched 'Operation Chalice', being twenty or so police, some armed, surrounding our home while we were peacefully sipping tea in the front garden, as an armed police helicopter hovered overhead. Once the hand cuffs clicked on and having failed in getting me 'lawfully' shot Barbara Wilding sent in 'Operation Orchid ', another expert team but this time to snatch our then ten year old daughter with the aid of Vale of Glamorgan Social Services.

    First Day of Hearing Tuesday 26th March 2013

    IPCC not fit to purpose

    Bristol's Dialect  Radio 93.2 FM 12th March 13 Interview, on my 68th birthday, and in its many others on this web site, interviewed me over the predicted complete Welsh Press sensorship of  all this, the culmination of some 20 years of bullying. The first few incidents  are high lighted in the three month South Wales Police trial continuing, on 2nd April 13, in Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre. 

    Down load this one and  last year's interviews by clicking the red button at the bottom:

    As if South Wales Police have not already done enough to our family now the lawyers for local estate agents, some who may have gone to school with my ex wife, are now with a court case of their own! Then we have, also with an interest in our family home and enough to have a hugely inflated charge on the property, is  a John Devlin of Horsey and Lightly, solicitors, London. He was, it appears, primed to take advantage of my incarceration, during 2009, facing a mandatory10 year prison sentance for trading in 'machine guns', to inflate his legal fees ten fold.

    John knew nothing of MAPPA legislation, when I spoke on the prison telephone, in around October 2009, nor did I expect him to know but that did not stop him causing me huge thousands in legal bills. Meanwhile  down at Barbara Wilding's Bridgend police head quaters a Caswell clinic psychiatrist was being promised immunity to prosecution if he had me sectioned to a psychiatric prison without even examining his proposed patient!

    Yes , of course he would, the doctor told the MAPPA level 3 clandestine meeting unlawfully devoid of alll other 'agents'.

    Yes, of course Maurice will now have very sharp long finger nails, after nearly eight months in Cardiff prison and  ready, if given half the chance, to scratch the surface paint off , right before the jury's eye, to expose the new owner's silver, painted on a year earlier when Maurice had sold the DH2 aircraft to the the Lincolnshire  museum.

    Yes, of course the trial judge, Paul Thomas QC, has masonic orders not to let Maurice or his gun experts any where near 'Court Exhibit One', the newly painted, by the police lab next door, to an 'all black' WW1 decommissioned Lewis machine gun!  

    No, of course the originally painted silver 'gun' still has the paint underneath but has to appear 'all black' to fit Maurice's web site video before it was sold! [see You Tube Maurice Kirk].

    The Matrimonial Home   

    Fraudulently valued at around  half it's open market value while just across the fields there is another house at three times the price ov erlooked by other properties, without the land, the stream

    and the land is valued  at almost  half market value


    [See aerial photo and sale details in 13th blog below]

    Only £450,000 for a four bed house set in 18 acres, well stocked trout lake, snipe and pheasant shooting, excellent blackberry hedges bordering a well maintained 3 runway  airfield equipped with the latest VASI (Class BD), night lights and ILS (Class FTOC).

     International flights by 24hr ppo only [CONTACT Mr Murphy or Gibbs care of South Wales Police].


    Owing to offers, the unique hangarage, patents pending, are now subject to sale prior to auction date

     ST Donats Airfield AUCTION at Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan (see aerial photo and 13th Blog below) has been pre ‘valued’ for apparent fraudulent purposes and divorce proceedings, currently going on in The Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.Our airfield, it appears, has been wrongly valued by several hundreds of thousands of pounds, no doubt with the usual incentives and is a matter which will shortly be placed in the hands of a competent police force.Publication of all currently available estate agents’ documents will be published shortly, on this web site, in order to emphasize as to what clearly regularly goes on behind the closed doors of both Cowbridge and Llantwit Major High Streets. It is but one example of apparent wide spread ‘white collar crime’, detected in many forms in commerce and may not just be going on in the Vale but throughout The Principality.

    I am told, by others, the practice is rife and I have observed, for myself, during my 21 years of living and working in South Wales and especially when commissioned to do aerial photographs for such individuals, of routine nefarious practices, in such a ‘cozy relationship’ between estate agents and their property developers to the sure detriment of their so called ‘client’.

    'Code Nepoleon' and  and a high street 'notaire', for both parties, with their inquisitional techniques for simply getting at the truth, are long over due for UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man's law courts because avarice prevails. 


    HRT, Brinsons & Fairfax and others , it has been suggested, may need to consider their position and take leghal advice

    13 03 22 Appeal Permission given.pdf 


     Other examples due to a 'Royal Charter', originally designed protect the chosen, will be published from time to time.

     Please send in your own experiences and info, for possible publication to: or telephone 07907937953. 

     [A new web site, naming names, is currently being designed, for Wales and shotly to be launched, on the same successful structure as]



    AND Now for something completely different or is it?


    IPCC ,


    Manchester M33 0BW

     21st March 2013

     Dear Sir, 

    South Wales Police & Recent ‘Harassment’ Supreme Court Ruling

     Re your 26th February 13 letter I really must protest.

    Last year the IPCC refused to personally investigate the way the South Wales Police re painted a WW1 Lewis machine gun purely to try and fool the jury. The police failed, yet again but I was acquitted when facing a mandatory 10 year prison sentence in a psychiatric prison.

    Now your letter of 26th Feb 13 states the same police in Cardiff ‘cannot find me’re my complaints to your so called independent organisation!!! I regularly visit and report written complaints to police and I, no doubt, am still on MAPPA level 3 24/7 covert surveillance to prejudice my current civil actions---‘money no object’

    My Second point ‘needing clarification’?

    My complaint is not easy to hand but I hope it is the continuing complaint re Dr Tegwyn Williams chief forensic psychiatrist for the South Wales Police who asked HHJ Bidder QC, in 2009, that I be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security prison, for life, due to ‘his only’ MAPPA diagnosed, that I have possible brain cancer but I have 'significant irreversible brain damage' and far too dangerous to be let loose amongst the community.

    The second point I hope was the fact that this same police doctor signed a July 12 victim witness statement, countersigned by the police, obtaining my imprisonment until October 12 when released, all charges dropped, the CPS realising it would fail. Dr Williams had written I had been around to his house and had ‘harassed him and his wife, Dr Janis Hillier, also saying police were called to the scene!!

    I am currently under a dubious restraining order, now questionable due a recent high Court ruling, which would of had me very quickly convicted had a word of what the police and Dr TW Williams had written been true. I went round to the police again, yesterday and made them admit nothing whatever has been done to my request for investigation into yet another falsehood originating from an NHS Wales 'sick' doctor.

    I am currently trying to find a team of lawyers in England to continue my complaints with five other different publically funded departments but when the IPCC simply continue to hand a substantive complaint, each time, back to the dirty culprits, to investigate themselves, then why do we all bother? 

    Yours truly,

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    13 03 20 CPS RO.pdf

    Cider press purchase with barrals and bottles

    Another  example  Uk's daily Royal Charter fraud just to protect  the 'chosen'. 

    First, it was a 'Victims Unite; meeting at the House of Commons, to discuss with members from both the House of Lords and Commons, just what can be done about the current state of UK law courts.

    Then Genevieve and myself had just enough time, before the afternoon session, for me to hobble across Parliament Square to the HM Privy Council court, with my trusty 'scribe' to write a 'readable'; application and lodge it against the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for refusing to even convene a court to consider, contrary to law, whether I may practice veterinary surgery.

    Just seven pages of it, drafted by Horsey Lightly, solicitors, around the corner, now deemed 'an Abuse of Process' by Their Lordships, are holding me to bankruptcy proceedings if I do not pay their extortionate near £40,000 legal bill!

    It stinks, doent it?

    But, as with the RCVS, lawyers no longer have a regulatory body.


    Well, did she, with World War 111 nearly lost, without even a shot being fired?

    Where estate agent and Royal Charter 'white collar' fraud blossoms.......



  • 21st DAY of 3 Month Trial is back on 3rd April 2013 at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre

    The day may start with the police attempting to block still further disclosure of essential evidence of 20 years of extreme bullying and inactivity when I was in trouble. The following video clip, from their own over head Newport Road, Cardiffm camera, filmed at the time of the so described 'high speed car chase' from Cardiff Crown Court, catches the beginnings of Maurice being 'roughed up' also in Roath police station with top half of custody video blanked off so not to be able to identify the police officers present.

    The three month trial, covering only about a third of some one hundred or so police incidents of bullying or deliberate 'inactivity', by not answering to Mauirce's urgent calls for help, following assaults on his person, burglaries, arson and thefts of his numerous vehicles.

    Overhead police video was withheld from Maurice until court hearings and end appeals were exhausted .....all part of their general standard

    following a deliberate act of arson to destroy my Piper Cub aircraft and Guernsey Police High Court Papers destined for Royal Courts of Justice

    video taken from outside South Wales Police', Central Cardiff Police Station

    Outside Royal Courts of Justice following futile Judicial Review applications proving what an utter mess our court system is in but, as long as it still generates money, lots of money for the chosen and not even taxed, then who cares as the average tax payer has no idea of the big British scam.

     See program on IPCC not fit for purpose

    HM Royal Charter corruption may be thriving in the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons but in NHS (Wales) psychiatrists it is rife! 

  • Police Helicopter Chase Low Level Over Vale of Glamorgan Amusingly Fails to Catch Pilot Without a Licence in Court Today

    We all heard in court, today AND AGAIN ON FRIDAY 15th MARCH, of a police constable, at Cardiff Heliport, 'all on his own', having the authority to launch the police helicopter with pilot and two crew on board and fly off and chase Maurice Kirk and his trainee pilot in his wee piper cub registration G-KIRK.

     On only a phone call received from some unknown person, on a semi open BT line, this helicopter flew for 35 minunutes at huge cost to the tax payer as the police wished to video Maurice to try and prove, would you believe , that he was the pilot and without a licence!

    BUT Police in the Powys helicopter, while parked at Staverton airport, Gloucestershire, just an hour earlier, saw Maurice's aircraft booked out as he as 'pilot' and watched him  climb into the back seat right in front of them. YES , you guessed it, they radioed ahead to have launched the Cardiff police helicopter instead of approaching Maurice there and then.

    During the 'hairy scary chase' the police, as it came out in a lengthy cross examination, had to admit 'beware of the Hun in the sun' seemed not to be understood.

    It was only appreciated, the court heard, as observer for the helicopter pilot, when he completely lost sight of Maurice's aircraft but long enough for Maurice to have him in his imaginary gun sights and in range for at least a five second burst, had Maurice had not forgotten his WW1 Lewis machine gun, at the time.

    This ridiculous trial continues for another two months , at least

    County Court in Cardiff, tomorrow, 12th March, pilot's 68th birthday, will disclose a a very dangerous escapade.

    Also, we continue the failed prosecution of the same pilot accused of breaching Sect 5 of Terrorism Act when flying to Eire  to hunt with the County Meath fox hounds, in a 1954 old two seat aircraft, out of a farmer's field near Cowbridge!

    Do come as it willcould be as amusing as the last three weeks of a three month trial following 20 years of relentless  police bullying and bugger the cost

    On my birthday at 5am

    a FACE BOOK missive from New Zealand from my dear old friend, US aviator North Carolina's John Dawson, who helped me, scribbled on  breakfasT nap-kin, at 4am in Burma, on how to fly to Australia without even a map 

    a cut and paste of my reply as he enjoys the New Zealand air  safari


    Maurice Kirk <>
    08:23 (16 minutes ago)
    to John, bcc: celia, bcc: jeff, bcc: janet, bcc: blinky, bcc: Caspar, bcc: Timothy, bcc: mr, bcc: meirion, bcc: Guy, bcc: Terence, bcc: Bruce, bcc: Sabine, bcc: Belinda, bcc: Genevieve
    Currently fighting police in court
    See my blog on and spread the word ....many magic memories of NZ air race and friends for life.....enclosed photo on a beach in North Island just before my world record..chasing my school boy hero, Sir Francis Chichester.....Norfolk lslaland to Brisbane with around 90 imp gallons of go- juice on board !!!
    Enclosed exhibit for this mornings court is to remind Welsh police of my 1972 incident when they tried to stop me going to Northern Ireland to go duck shooting ... I therefore put this aircraft 'over' the police car seriously crumpling the roof and causing a Hawker Hunter to be scrambled from RAF Brawdy with the vain hope of first finding me, in the failing light of a January night, and then trying to tuen me back from Ennis killen aerodrome for that night's Enniskellin Harriers Hunt Ball and Sunday's 5 am flighting of geese, grouse drive before lunch and floight back to work for Monday 8am surgery. .
    Hours later , i total darkness , with Janet gun dog , shot guns and crtridges , with no electics(Auster 6a 1946 Tugmaster) only the break in the clowd , just at the right moment did I catch a glimpse of that famous runway , built for the Yanks(1943) because the 30 secs of moon between the thunder clowd s reflected on the pools of water on it!
    On taxying to dispersal, suddenly 6 sets of head lights switched on ..... and we were immediatedl surrounded by the Royal Ulster Police force ,,,,in force!!!!!
    After a few formalities, for a book one day, the police all started laughing and said that by the South Wales telexes and phone calls they were recieving, from th police, "we thought you had launched a full blooded rebellion"!!.
    I am experiencing a failing memory, on my 68th birthday but it will be nothing like so 'selective' as their witness later today.
    Apparentlly, the 'burden of proof is on the police' in this damages claim ...... but some seventy or so police and some thirty or so civilian police staff have all been briefed to say, in cross examination, "I know nothing" other than what the police solicitors wrote in their statement to then sign.
    The classic is the Barbra Wilding, Chief Constable 26th Feb 2009 sworn statement , no less, riddled with proven lies as this three month trial laboriously unfolds.
    I have to now go wash a shirt, in the bath, to be before Lord Justice Leveson in the Criminal Court of Appeal on Thursday, 14th March at Cardiff Crown Court.......I will try and reply next time you send an e-mail but by a, hopefully tame pidgeon coaxed through the bars of my HM Cardiff prison cell.
    'Blue skies'
    and remember John,
    put a good a word in to your President , to let me back in, to fly on to the Falklands and 'look after thine airflow lest the ground come up and smite thee"
    Maurice Airace 35
    Dear Tax Payer,
     GUERNSEY, Channel Islands, is  where Maurice first learn't to 'cut his teeth' on the current subject now unfolding, at last, in Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre.
    It is HM Partnership's 'cozy releationship' as Lord George Foulkes once put it, the incestuous relationship between both executive and judiciary, protected by 'Royal Charters'as on the Royal College of Veterinary surgeon's immunity to prosecution.[See down loads and other blogs below].
    Here, in 'Old South Wales', as dentist John Wilson in 'New South Wales' will quickly concur, 'Her Majesty's Preogative' continues to allow rampant nefarious conduct in our law courts to flourish compounded by outdated 'adversarial systems' once based on trust.
    This video so aptly may portray...... 


    Signing up to 'I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK' at

    Please click on the link below to confirm your signature on the
    pledge at the bottom of this email.

    The pledge was created by Patrick Cullinane and reads:

    'I will I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the
    Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st
    October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of
    JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK but only if 150 other
    people from the UK will do the same. We the People in the UK
    have been denied our GUARANTEED RIGHTS to due-process via the
    Common Law Trial by Jury, which is the Law of the Land.'

    the team

  • Lord Leveson Mr Justices Mitting & Males REFUSE Maurice's Applic for NHS (Wales) Falsified MAPPA Psychiatric Reports to be CORRECTED OR CLARIFIED


    14th March 2013 Criminal Court of Appeal, whilst sitting in Cardiff, refused Maurice Kirk both legal representation and clarification​ion as to whether he had 'significant​ brain damage’ and 'possible' cancer reported to 2009 Cardiff Crown Court, by a South Wales police psychiatrist, whilst recommending his victim be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security Prison for the doctor’s own safety, from an interested third party, an elderly Norman Scarth Esq.

    That makes 14 UK judges, now, protecting NHS (Wales) and South Wales Police policy and damned the danger to the general public, to allow servicer of the 'Gulag card' on anyone who dares threaten their


      Maurice's very simple submission, today, stating, at the out set he only wanted his psychiatric reports corrected or clarified.

    They had already had the refusal drafted months ago

    Maurice asked for an ajournment for legal representation but was refused.

    Maurice asked it be adjourned owing to a JR application was outstanding about the circus of District Judge John Charles circus on 1st December 2011....Maurice was refused 

    Their Lordships already had this document from me, knocked up at 6am on the day, served on them for Cyberr space world wide ECHR and CCRC


    Please note today's court judgment is a stark warning to others in Wales of what has been going on re the practice of false psychiatric reports understood by no one, not even the writer.

    This judgment means trouble  

    Criminal Court of Appeal                                                                                              ref: 201203241 D2

    At Cardiff Crown Court                                                                 ref: CO/3970/2012 &CO/6357/2012

                                                                                                                                                            1CF 03546


    Regina v Maurice John Kirk



    Application to Appeal




    The trial was unsafe because:



    1. The jury was denied the defence evidence



    Extract taken from 4th May 2012 Cardiff Crown Court hearing at approx. 10.45am


    JUDGE CURRAN:    Do you intend give evidence?


    MR KIRK:   It depends on whether you let me get my legal papers that are down stairs.


    JUDGE CURRAN:   Mr Kirk, I am not going to let you get at what you call your legal papers.


    (The Appellant was not allowed to be present or allowed to call any defence witnesses)



    1. The jury was misdirected


    Jury note(s) to the learned judge they received a response, in the forced absence of the Appellant, that there was ‘no evidence’ from both the custody manager and court clerk’s contemporaneous notes and CCTV footage stored from GEOamey Custody Services cameras positioned both in the Appellant’s cell and in the long custody suite corridor or from the HM court’s controlled cameras at both exit of the custody suite and building.


    LEE BARKER, the custody suite manager said, both on oath and in his witness statement, that he ‘served’ the ‘restraining order’ in the cell after he had to first unlocked the cell door.


    MICHAEL WILLIAMS said, both on oath and in his witness statement, that he saw served on the Appellant the ‘restraining order’ whilst the Appellant was on crutches in the corridor returning from the toilets. Potential weapons, such as crutches, are not allowed in that area.


    CCTV cameras recorded the part hand written  ‘restraining order’ remained in BARKER’S hand , whilst in the cell and recorded the Appellant literately being dragged out and thrown out of the suite by no less than five angry custody officers who then threw his crutches onto his head as he lay on the floor of the public corridor. The camera at the exit of the building recorded defence witnesses, called to give evidence, seeing the Appellant both in hand cuffs and in a wheel chair.

    1. The jury was subjected to a ‘An Abuse of Process’

    The psychiatrist subjected the Appellant to the NHS (Wales) zero tolerance policy thereby seriously prejudicing current civil litigation from 20 years of persistent police bullying by

    a)      Causing the Appellant to be registered, in Barry police station, on 8th June 2009, a MAPPA level 3 victim, to be one of the 5% most dangerous so registered and then


    b)      On the 22nd June 2009 caused the Appellant to be arrested and remanded in custody on dreamed up fire arms charges over a WWI antique Lewis machine gun and then

    c)      had  the Appellant, on 7th august 2009, sectioned  under the 1983 Mental Health Act, without even examining his own patient and then

    d)      without the appropriate qualifications and contrary to others with appropriate qualifications, recommended to a Crown Court, on 2nd December 2009, that  the Appellant be further incarcerated into Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison for the doctor’s own safety (see para39 of 19th October 2009 psychiatric report) and then

    e)      The psychiatrist wrote that the Appellant had ‘significant brain damage’ with the court being told, in the forced absence of the Appellant, that he possibly had cancer’

    f)     The Appellant has NEVER been supplied with the evidence, clarification or retraction of such nonsense despite this Appellant’s last application before this very same Criminal Court of Appeal for that very same purpose

    g)      The mischief by Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams continues

    Last July he signed a ‘victim’ statement that the Appellant had harassed him at his home with his wife, Dr Janis Hillier, also of Caswell Clinic, to such an extent that they are now both on ‘extended sick leave’. The lies continued in that he also stated police had to be called to the scene but with Appellant’s subsequent imprisonment ending by all charges being dropped.



      4   Section 1 (3) of 1997 Harassment Act provides a DefenceThe Appellant was not allowed at the1st December 2010 summary hearing, while facing ‘harassment’ allegations of the police doctor, at its subsequent 1st March 2013 appeal or even at the 4th May 2013 jury trial to put a legal argument that the police doctor had knowingly committed crime, due to police black mail and therefore the Appellant was permitted

    a)      that it was pursued for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime

    b)      that it was pursued under any enactment or rule of law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any enactment

    c)      that in the particular circumstances the pursuit of the course of conduct was reasonable


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc       14th March 2013



    At my age the evilness from UK courts' cartel is but small beer.

    I broadcast a taste of last time I was in front of Their Lordships, in the Royal Courts of Justice, on another futile  appeal, having served yet another prison sentance caused by Dr Tegwyn Williams, re a Cardiff judge daring to suggest, ney insult my intellegence, that he would order and obtain, bloody liar, for the NHS (Wales) to produce the evidence I was to be sent to Ashworth ipp as a public hazard.

     Who filmed this, quite without my knowing and definitely without my approval , I do not know but had I known I would not of been so subservient......and the rest.

    Dr Tewgwyn Wlliams black mailed by police to recommend to His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC that I be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison 'for his own safety'!..... see paragraph 39

    4th Williams Psych Reprt 19 10 9.pdf

    9 12 1 medical Kemp.pdf


    Dr Tegwyn Williams' wrong doing?


    1. The Appellant believes Dr Tegwyn Williams is an unaccountable Clinical Director who can call on NHS lawyers and NHS chiefs to cover up his wrongdoing. It is in papers, that were not before the Courts in this case, that Dr Tegwyn Williams is that unaccountable that he calls on the support of the Chief of local NHS and Welsh NHS to use police to stop complaints about him going to the General Medical Council


    1. Dr TW to help his associates (some local police) in a civil dispute, Sectioned the Appellant, without first assessing him, when the Appellant was not a patient of those kinds of services.


    1. Dr TW then entirely made up that the Appellant had significant irreversible brain damage and made application to indefinitely Section the appellant to High Security Hospital. He failed in his attempted to indefinitely Section as no other medical doctor would support him.


    1. The point is that Dr Tegwyn Williams is not medically qualified to interpret brain scans, as that is the job of the neuro-radiologist who has training and qualifications so to do. Dr Tegwyn Williams does not use or invite anyone who was medically qualified.


    1. The Clinic team wrote in the team assessment from the three monthly Sections at the Caswell Clinic, that they wanted to build a relationship with the Appellant as an outpatient and draw him in.


    1. But each time the Appellant would attend Caswell clinic Dr Tegwyn Williams would arrange that Police were called to arrest him.


    1. In the end, to prevent the General Medical Council acting on what Dr Tegwyn Williams does wrong, he brought zero tolerance prosecutions by claiming, in short, that lawful accurate comments that were not defamatory, made him feel harassed.      


    Changes in law and interpretations.


    1. Does it matter that what the Appellant says is accurate and not defamatory and now changes in the law (reform of public order Section 5) also means that an insult is no longer meant to be harassment ?


    1. Also Courts have decided to recognise playful or eccentric comments as not malicious and with the example of a jovial threat to blow up the airport as meaning to be light hearted.


    1. That light hearted meaning is very relevant to the Appellant as his ‘Wanted posters’, were clearly meant to be light hearted comment from a man well now as a harmless eccentric.


    1. Where is the proportionality in wanting to imprison a 67 year old man for making accurate, reasonable, eccentric, light hearted but entirely justified and necessary comment ?


    Stafford NHS scandal, the Need for Freedom of Expression and Appellant’s course of conduct and alleged Breach, can stop suffering and worse.


    1. Mr Jeremy Hunt, the Coalition Health Minister encourages the need for people to be able to speak out when things go wrong in the NHS and that no gagging Orders should exist on NHS conduct. Especially as around 1200 people needlessly died at Stafford as there was no where to complain and little way to speak out


    1. There are said to be at least fifteen other hospital Trust like Stafford.


    The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and “incompatibility”


    1. The Appellant would be raises whether the Criminal Court of Appeal would grant permission for an application to ague “incompatibility” on how the Act is not compatible with Human and Fundamental Rights and that Parliament could not have known the effect that it’s legislation would have.


    1. As we are aware it is for the Higher Courts to declare incompatibility and for Parliament to remove that incompatibility, if it so wishes.


    1. It is said that the ‘course of conduct’ in the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 is unique to the UK. No other country has it. Other countries make do with stalking laws and other like measures. One reason why all other countries do not use ‘a course of conduct’ as a criminal offence is that it is said that this kind of law is open to too many problems and abuse.


    1. One of the four cornerstones of EU law is that a person must be able to tell that their conduct would be a criminal offence. The UK law interprets that as would know with advice of a lawyer.


    1. Yet full time Judges decide on if a course of conduct amount to harassment in ways that the best lawyers in the UK cannot predict how Judges will interpret what amounts to harassment in for example the zero tolerance, white collar, neighbour or family disputes. The appellant believes that means that the Protection from Harassment Act is clearly not compatible with EU law, and that is but one example.


    1. With the Malicious Communications Act 2003, a new stalking law and various other measures and that the Harassment Act is know to be so widely over used and miss used, many call for the 1997 Act to fade away, in favour of expanding the scope of other laws

    Maurice John Kirk BVSc

    12 March 2013

    My 64 page statement completed as police helicopter hovered over head as armed police surrounded the matrimonial home (see blog below of home and aerodrome up for auction due to a broken marriage) with frightend wife citing this incident, in divorce papers, due to Operation Orchid, to snatch our then 10 year old daughter at the same time as my hand cuffs clicked on.

    Who will be next to suffer under power crazy South Wales Police Hierarchy?

    09 06 19 64 pages of Witness Statement of Maurice John Kirkl.pdf

    Maurice Kirk v Dr T W Williams.docx

    11 03 10 Dr T W position statement (1).pdf


    Glamorgan Gem 30th Sept 10.pdf

    10 09 06 SWP_Claimant_interim_Skeleton.pdf

    10 09 06 SWP_Claimant_interim_Skeleton.pdf

    TO stop this trial from starting Dolmans, solicitors advised Barbara Wilding and MAPPA meetings in Caswell Clinic, would you believe, on how  to instigate her Metropolitan Police intorduced tactic of a 'shoot to kill' policy but first she had  had to get me  registered MAPPA level 3, using Dr Williams, in order for it to be a 'lawful kill' 

    the 22nd June 09 police raid , using well over twenty, some armed, police officers, and helicopter, under Operation Chalice' to surround our home was co-ordinjated with anotter pack of police officers , under Operation Orchid' in order to snatch our daughter.....telling my wife I was so dangerous a threat to her and the general public our Genevieve was to be 'taken into care'.   Kirstie had other ideas.

    10 12 7 MJK MAPPA Executive Summary.pdf

    To stop this on going trial , currently in Cardiff County Court, for police now proven police criminal conduct and harassment damages,  from ever reaching cross examination stage, first it was 'my possession of a machine gun 'fiasco and then the State playing this fabricated medical 'findings', their 'Gulag Card', as seventeen years of police harassment, so far and HM assisted 'treacle treatment; whough Cardiff's iniquitous law courts had failed to block the true state of both our law courts , prisons and police forces, right across The Principality.

    09 09 03 MG Trans Redacted.pdf

    Their Lordships, together with the documentary evidence that Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams knowingly falsified, in the presence of South Wales Police officers, his Sect 9 countersigned witness statements, to obtain my false imprisonment, are to consider the 'ramifications' of the enclosed transcript from part of 4th May 12 'Breach of Restraining Order' conviction hearing, now the  subject of their deliberations.

    The transcript clearly indicates, just as in the 2010 'machine gun' scandalous jury tria, l was refused even my legal papers and personal court exhibits even in thew  court room!

    On 4th May2012 His Honour Judge Curran QC, whilst I was forced to be absent due to requiring urgent medical attention, had refused me Dr Williams or any others, named, to be either my 'character witness' or as a 'witness of fact'.

    On 1st December 2011 District Judge John Charles had done exactly the same, in my absence, when he convict me for 'harassment' of Dr Williams following the publishing of further falsifed documents by Dr Tegwyn Williams, namely,  my series of NHS (Wales) Caswell Clinic psychiatric reports culminating, on 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court, that I be further sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act, due to 'significant brain damage' and 'possible cancer', in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison.

    Closer scutiny of my Casswel Clinic, Bridgend, medical records, discloses, as in his October 2009 psychiatric report, his other and most pressing reason as to why I had to be moved to Broadmoor or Ashworth was because of 'veiled' threats , he told me, of 'reprisals' by an old gentleman by the name of Norman Scarth!

    T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf

    Experts in the field confirm there was no sign of relevant brain damage BEFORE Williams even writes the report without appropriate qualifications.

    On 7th August 09, when he wrote his first released psychiatric report, [previous others only for MAPPA South Wales Police meetings], as His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC stated, when refusing, recently, to 'strike out' my one million pound damages claim against NHS (Wales), without evening examining his patient! 

    09 09 01radiologist scans report.pd


    09 12 02 Transcript Crn Crt REDACTED.pdf

    09 12 17 Court Hearing to Extend IPP.pdf

    You may like to Google  'The Real Maurice Kirk'  and come to the County Court tomorrow and Crown court on Thursday

    ps  My birthday is on Tuesday

     Quiz Time:

    What does a Duchess, a dairy maid and a cow have in common


    It was most unlikely my father fought on the D-Day Beaches


    Work it out for yourself

    my e-mail is



    Signing up to 'I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK' at

    Please click on the link below to confirm your signature on the
    pledge at the bottom of this email.

    The pledge was created by Patrick Cullinane and reads:

    'I will I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the
    Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st
    October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of
    JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK but only if 150 other
    people from the UK will do the same. We the People in the UK
    have been denied our GUARANTEED RIGHTS to due-process via the
    Common Law Trial by Jury, which is the Law of the Land.'

    the team

  • 16th Day 11th March 13 Cardiff Court High Speed Police Helicopter Chase re Collapsed Police Prosecution Smuggling Pigs in from Eire & Guernsey's Outstanding Warrant for My Arrest! 

    Beaten up by Welsh police twice in one day


    The court heard on Friday there was a Guernsey open warrant for Maurice's arrest and South Wales Police sat on their hands!

    BUT first.....The Criminal Court of Appeal on Thursday, guess where? NOT London, in the Royal Courts of Justice, but in Cardiff Crown Court!!!!......oh to be a 'fly on the wall', listening.

    T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12 - Copy.pdf

    Back in Cardiff County Court, everry day for the next few months, do come and listen to around a hundred South Wales Police giving 'evidence'....its Enid Blyton stuff!

    Catagorised as:

    1. Very dedicated, vocation community coppers

    2. Masonic ordered sheep

    3. The group promised  I would not make the 20 years

    AND 4.

     The small but influential group you will find in any community, in  any tribe in central

    Africa to the ones who first put on black shirts in Italy or willingly joined, in 1933, the Nazi Party

    On Monday, another typical incident of over 100 police 'stitch ups', to get my name removed from the veterinary register, currently being methodically dissected, with appropriate analgesia and sharp instruments, in Cardiff's County Court over the next three months.

     South Wales Police's 'exteme and unusual' unlawful conduct, whealding a vendetta based on spite for losing 90% of  well over one hundred criminal allegations brought against me  in courts of The Principality.

    There is complete press sensorship due to it being the biggest case against the South Wales Police in living memory.

    It was, in the 90s, particularly spurred on by almost daily tax payer's funded communications with Guernsey police, still licking their wounds in a 75% score, despite locking me in their 1811 prison some twenty one times. once with Olle and nearly always whilst

    The only Englishman prosecuted in the Island's Census for having the nerve to housing citizens from the UK brought in during the summer to do the work!!

    The case collapsed in chaos


    The case on Monday, 13th March 13 centres on the fact I was prosecuted for being in breach of the Terrorism Act by flying to Eire at 5am out of a farmers field near Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, to go fox hunting. The case carried on for nearly two days but surrounded the fact I had properly 'cleared foreign' but the huge masonic fraction of South Wales were determined to hound me out of the area.

    Police Inspector caught signalling to police on cross examination in witness box.....judge, just as in appeal details of Cardiff Crown Court 4th May 2013 application to appeal details , before Criminal Court of Appeal case next Thursday 14th March 13 (Breach of Restraining Order), I was not allowed to have issued from any Cardiff court!

    acquired jury note


    And hopefully, while in Ireland, call in at the Reeds

    Reeds At Home.docx

    County Cork

    Reed's Flying Lesson.docx

    A sequence of documents will  follow

    This blog will blossom in the next few days.....come to court on Monday.......I always buy the lunch!

    LATER THIS WEEK  at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 

  • Police Smash their way into My Cardiff Surgery by Sledge Hammer 24/7 Servaillance Police in Court Tomorrow

    On Thursday, 14th March, at Cardiff Crown Court, Lord Leveson and fellow Mr Justices, I hope, will let me list the obvious three main reasons why I should be granted the Article 6 right to appeal on the small matter of 'Breach of a Restrsaining Order'  when it wasnever served on me in the first place.

    T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf


    Oh what a bit of fun, oh yes, retired Police Sergeant Robert Roe and retired Chief Inspector Genner both denied any knowledge of it despite the former writing the Anthony Gaphael (£1000 reward for his evidence on oath if YOU can find him)  tenant complaint statement, writing,it  in his own hand, with the purported drug dealer, 'entered' my flat!

    oh what a bit of fun, even father of the tenant, Ms Alison Genner (£1000 reward also for her evidence on oath if you can find her) as a Chief Inspector, said he rushed straight to my Ely surgery, on finding his daughter had been, apparently, evicted and locked out, onlyto then, today,  suffer 'selective amnesia',  as with many police, so far cross examined, as  with Ely police sergeant , he unwisely admitted  he found at the scene.

    BUT a van full of coppers, armed with a sledge hammer and crow bar , were later scene, perhaps, breaking in my main door  just to put the Chief Inspector's daughter back into my flat despite having caused damage well exceeding a four figure sum.

    Nine of the thirty five police incedents, being heard in court , over the next ten weeks, will match today for deceit and intregue

                                           Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police                       BS614159


    8th March 2013

    Claimant’s Position Statement


    1.      The Claimant has fear of becoming even more bored if senior and ex senior police officers, such as the court experienced yesterday, persist in continuing to ‘lie through their back teeth’ while everyone sits around doing nothing about it.


    2.       Yesterday’s Action ONE Para 8.26, Break- in to my Cardiff veterinary surgery, at 175 Cowbridge Road West, using a sledge hammer and crow bar) and my subsequent arrest, not theirs, for the ‘eviction of tenants’, ex police inspector ROBERT ROE stated, on oath, that the tenant’s six page 1995 witness statement of complaint was written by him stating both he, of Ely Police station , almost next door and ANTHONY GAFAEL, the other tenant, had entered the flat on that same date.


    3.       We had already heard from the police QC that it was not written by ROE but written by the investigating police officer in the case, a police officer ROCHE, yet to give evidence, who, in turn, will deny any knowledge of my Barry police station arrest by two plain clothes, my being in breach of the Tenancy Act, no, I was only arrested once and by a uniformed officer, for the one charge of ‘criminal damage’!


    4.       I am bemused as to how both ex senior police officers, with usual “I know nothing” mentality and with repetitive ‘selective amnesia’ tricks, are not immediately arrested for perjury unless Principality courts are all like this?


    5.       Chief Inspector Genner said he, following a telephone call from his distraught daughter, drove straight to the surgery and saw Roe while and advised his daughter to have no further involvement in the matter.


    6.        Was it a ‘Trojan team’ from police higher command, to break in and re insert Alison into her flat, that Genner saw at the surgery because Roe said he never saw him?  


    7.       Both ROE and Genner bluntly denied ‘any knowledge’ of what happened after their single visit to my surgery, one seeing his daughter with her property, some purported ‘stolen’ and some suffering purported ‘criminal damage’, while the police officer also said he ‘washed his hands of the affair’, saying it was a civil matter for the County Council, possibly and even wrote a report to them!


    8.       AND yet no police, so far, remember my much detailed statement of complaint, with photographs, of the thousands of pounds of water damage done by these bone fide two tenants causing the ceiling of my operating theatre to collapse onto my operating table fortunately not while I was at work.


    9.       The Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, denied knowledge of any of this affair, in her 25th Feb 09 sworn affidavit just as she did for the police, to be heard today, mysteriously only now disclosing their existence some near 20 years after the event!


    10.    Some to give evidence to day even when Ex Police inspector Sydney Griffiths was, back in 2006, commissioned to establish the truth of my then twenty three incidents of complaint and Force Solicitor, Leighton Hill, advising for the preservation of all original documents, specifically for this three month running trial.


    11.   The Claimant now applies, under the rules of ‘best evidence’, for sight of all original witness statements as the Police legal team have stopped examining their own witnesses, whilst on oath, while the ‘burden of proof’ remains on them.


    12.   An interim payment by the Defendant for damages claimed to indicate, if nothing else, some semblance of ‘Equality in Arms’


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    E-mailed to me by a supporter:

    I suggest that you get a reporter to the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre tomorrow Friday in Park Street to watch a very long suffering man expose an horrific crime that the SW police have consistently ignored from amongst their own ranks. The evidence of the purpetrators is beginning to fall apart under the forensic examination of their victim. The police are defended by thousands and thousands of taxpayer pounds the victim is almost bankrupt and so is using his own wit.

    It MUST be witnessed by the independent press.
    Dont shirk your duty or you will be next in the firing line.

    Poor Wales

  • STOP PRESS Tomorrow 7th March Police Defend Their Smashing Their Way into my Surgery with Sledge Hammer and Crow Bar

    14th Day of Three Month Damages Trial

    The fun starts 10.30am at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.....bring a packed lunch and a friend, fineFrench cigars and candy floss served at the interval


    T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf

    Court Order prevents me from publishing the vital exhibits but it is a public hearing.....remind me, every one for me to ask permission of the trial judge that you can take notes (on my behalf) as things are going to move quickly, in order for Defendant to steam roller over the truth.

    FACTS:  as to what happen at my Cardiff surgery around 6th June 1995 concerning an alleged eviction of supect drug dealer and his Mol

    £1000 for eye witnesses to this multiple police incident at 175 Cowbridge Road West CARDIFF (next to Reptile shop), surgery being now the 'last thing' in two wheel transport.....'Mr Scooter' (Cardiff) and see

    ALSO SABINE and EBERT  on Bristol community Radio......the state of the wide spread greed and corruption in our UK Law Courts


    Money paid out for tracing an ANTHONY GLEN GAFAEL and nee ALISON GENNER , daughter of retired Police Inspector B A GENNER, last known address ST ATHAN 

    MORE  money paid out if I get them to give evidence 

  • Maurice Kirk v Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams (NHS Wales) at Criminal Court of Appeal next Tuesday 14th March in Cardiff Crown Court


    I woke up at 4am, to day and realised the very real risk of a repeat performance, with Norman Scarth and myself videoed in the Royal Courts of Justice court, before Lord Justice Moses, over my appeal to my imprisonment after reminding the then Recorder of Cardiff, upon my acquittal over a WW1 Lewis machine gun, that his  shallow promise that 'I will get the Caswell Clinic evidence', to support the police doctor's psychiatric report, that I am so dangerous, due to 'significant brain damage'!

     I, therefore, cannot cross examine police officers and should be locked up, IPP for good, in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric prison, anything to protect Cardiff courts' nefarious conduct.

    Three years on and I find still neither GMC nor IPCC will intervene while both indicating there will not even be 'an investigation' in to Barbara Wilding's having the 'machine gun' painted a different colour, Dr Tegwyn Williams' and Professor Rodger Wood'[s fabricated NHS (Wales) oh so damaging medical records, clearly proven criminal conduct.


    Criminal Court of Appeal Criminal                                                  ref: 201203241 D

    Royal Courts of Justice Court       ref: CO/3970/2012 &CO/6357/2012  1CF 03546


    6th March 2013


    Dear Case Worker,


    Regina v Kirk

    ‘Breach of Restraining Order’ Appeal at 14th March 2013 Cardiff Crown Court


    I continue to be in some difficulties in the matter of ‘disclosure’ of evidence, in order to clear my name, concerning the unlawful manner in which I was registered MAPPA level 3, later jailed on spurious ‘machine gun’ offences and then, when it became clear that lot was collapsing, to be then incarcerated in Caswell Clinic prison on a bogus psychiatric report by a Dr Tegwyn Williams who did not even afford me the courtesy of first examining his patient!  09 09 30 INTERIM PSYCHIATRIC REPORT Oct1 2009 REDACTED.pdf


     1997 Prevention of Harassment Act clearly indicate a patient’s right to either ‘detect’ or ‘prevent crime’ and my attempts in stopping, once and for all, the twenty years of extreme and unusual bullying by very senior police officers, as my current three month civil trial is  so clearly exposing, with their cowardly use of ‘bobbies on the beat’ to do their dirty work.


    The Crown Prosecutor clearly stated in Cardiff Crown Court the need for him to give evidence, on oath, to confirm it was he, not the district judge, that arranged the draft ‘restraining order’ to be taken to me in the magistrates’ cells, for my consideration and approval. The fact that only one visit to me ever took place is painfully evident if one simply looks at the oral evidence and conflicting clerk of the court’s and GEOamey Custody Services manager’s section 9 MG 11 witness statements, custody records and CCTV.


    I have again attempted to instruct a barrister for Tuesday’s hearing but the Welsh authorities continue to refuse me the right to listen to the court tape, of the period when I was forcefully dragged from the court dock, immediately after the trial judge, yet again, had refused me my right to have my legal papers, already confiscated and lying at the foot of the stairs and that included my defence exhibits for both me and my awaiting defence witnesses.


    The Crown Prosecution Service continues to refuse me copies of my depositions, especially those prosecution papers containing Dr Williams further falsified ‘victim’ evidence, of last summer, stating I had ‘harassed’ him and his wife, Dr Janis Hillier, at his home, causing me still more months in jail, whilst un convicted, until all daft charges were reluctantly dropped.


    I simply must have the ‘case summary’ prepared for Their Lordships by, e-mail and returned today, as it may be incorrect and order or not for me to hear the portion of Cardiff Crown court tape this week, with the release of depositions, by e-mail, from the CPS, if I or anyone else is going to be ready in time to prove the whole affair was an utter shambles.


    Yours truly,


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc


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