15 08 07 FOI app R.pdf CCRC give flat refusal, of course..........So can any one help me, please, put this into Europe and RCJ pantomime asap? 15 08 15 Even the Criminal Case Review Commission.docx
More extracts from recent docs shortly or on new web site
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPW4Bac3hDI&feature=player_detailpage https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VNvQFlFy9Cs Infringement Notice 15 07 07 Alun Cairns MP.docx See Face Book,You Tube & petitions......BUT study the facts yourself
Witnesses for Week 4 Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 3rd April 13 10.30 STOP PRESS Queens Council for the Chief Constable of the South Wales Police will apply on Wednesday, 3rd April, to block this video from being shown to the trial judge, His Honour Judge...
This is just typical of how I have been treated for more than 20 years in South Wales! BEATEN UP IN FULL VIEW OF OVERHEAD CAMERA These 5th April 2000 police are to be cross examined every day next week starting Wed 3rd April in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre...
The day may start with the police attempting to block still further disclosure of essential evidence of 20 years of extreme bullying and inactivity when I was in trouble. The following video clip, from their own over head Newport Road, Cardiffm camera...
JUDGMENT 14th March 2013 Criminal Court of Appeal, whilst sitting in Cardiff, refused Maurice Kirk both legal representation and clarificationion as to whether he had 'significant brain damage’ and 'possible' cancer reported to 2009 Cardiff...
DAY 8 of TRIAL Wide Spread corruption in the South Wales Police and Welsh courts seems to emerge as we enter the eighth day of a farcical trial, riddled with deceit. First, the day opens, with my application/argument that if Inspector 1581 Anthony Rice...
Any Offer over £650,000 before AUCTION, by Court Order, will be seriously considered Tel 07907937953 BUT do not forget: T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12.pdf "We Will GetThe B******d" See overhead video http://www.youtube...
A 'meeting of minds', yesterday, during a whole day in discussions with various MPs chairing each meeting, means further touble for the dishonest within our judicary. Invincible prejudice protecting those who work there, from criminal prosecutions...