Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

January 2009 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • Freemasons Welsh Assembly


    Just look at the old letter I have just found! 

    Mr Justice Andrew Collins was in on the act even BEFORE I was struck off for this motoring conviction, the incident where the police stole my car and for 6 weeks left it near Cowbridge, miles from the incident, on  the road side, unlocked, full of dangerous veterinary drugs, sufficient to kill a hundred people. My medical note, due to post op pain and the nature of the drugs, was ignored by Collins just like the Cardiff Crown court. It stinks, does'nt it?

    Oh and this one for the MP and the blog:

    Freemasons Welsh Assembly

    In 1999, the Welsh Assembly became the only body in the United Kingdom to place a legal requirement on membership declaration for Freemasons.[29] Currently, existing members of the police and judiciary n England are asked to voluntarily admit to being Freemasons.[30] However, all first time successful judiciary candidates "must declare their freemasonry status" before appointment.[30] Conversely, new members of the police are not required to declare their status.[30]

    In 2004, Rhodri Morgan, the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly, said that he blocked Gerard Elias' appointment to counsel general because of inks to hunting and freemasonry[31], although it was claimed by on-Labour politicians that the real reason was in order to have a Labour supporter, Malcolm Bishop, in the role.[32]

  • Barbara Wilding, South Wales Police Chief's Sworn Affidavit and Welsh freemasons

    FAO John Smith MP

    28th January 2009                                 Barbara Wilding

    • 1. Today I am informed the Chief Officer of South Wales Police, Ms Barbara Wilding, is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not break into my veterinary surgery with a crow bar and sledge hammer and put back the daughter of one of their inspectors in the overhead flat with a local drug dealer, nor does she have any knowledge of the incident.
    • 2. Madam is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not take a statement from Christopher Paul Ebbs who informed Special Branch I had been smuggling pigs into the Vale of Glamorgan from Eire in my 2 seat Piper aircraft leading to a memorable court case, nor was she aware of the incident.
    • 3. Madam will also be mistaken, if she states that her police did not leave my confiscated BMW for 6 weeks on the road side and unlocked, with Immobilon veterinary drug on the back seat, sufficient to kill a three figure number of the general public passing through the Vale of Glamorgan.
    • 4. Madam will be complimented for her terminological inexactitude, should she state her police did not arrange the theft of my veterinary ambulance nor did they prosecute me in Barry Magistrates on this foreign vehicle for ‘no MOT or road fund tax' saying "there was no court case" and she has no knowledge of the incident.
    • 5. Madam will again be 'economical with the truth' if she states she did not know of the unlawful conduct in Cardiff Crown Court causing direct intervention from the jury leaving my trial dead in the water and the wrong person sent to prison.
    • 6.  Madam will again be 'telling fibs', if she states that her police had no recall of record, subject to CPR court disclosure, of some 50 to 60 incidents against me and my veterinary staff despite carrying police ‘occurrence' numbers for reference.
    • 7. Madam will be a blatent liar if she states that her police failed to identify me while Cardiff Magistrates remanded me to prison to stay until some passing pigeon may ‘recognise me'.
    • 8. Madam will again be telling 'porky pies' if she is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not conduct a campaign of harassment, my having to present my valid driving documents 35 times with their harassment stopping almost to the day, 29th May 2002, when my name was removed from the veterinary register by their complaint to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in the climate of 120 failed police prosecutions. This, despite the current stench of our UK judicial system controlled by HM Attorney General, HM Government and HM Partnership.

    Oh yes, I almost forgot. Nor does she have knowledge, the published affidavit next week will reveal, of the 30 odd incidents in the 4th and 5th Action for damages, currently blocked from disclosure by HM Partnership  but her planned retirement before we go to court, my being refused a jury trial of course, is unlikely to deter my issuing the occasional witness summons.

    Today I was also informed I am to pay the costs of my application for above disclosure should I lose the trial in some year hence and I ‘appear' to be 'out of time' to appeal it, despite the draft court order never being agreed. So I am yet to receive a ‘sealed order' upon which to appeal.

    [To the new reader on this site I must explain. All my court actions in the past 15 years have been spirited up/down to the HM Attorney General, his team of Whitehall lawyers and  defendants interrogated, in order to prevent my disclosure application being heard. The RCVS/SWP/HO ‘relationship' all relies now on Section 42 ‘legal professional privilege'!  HM Attorney General and HM Government are, we are repeatedly told, independent of HM Court Service and HM judges nor could they influence the 1967 RCVS Royal Charter despite admission by the RCVS it is, in itself, in clear breach of the farcical 1998 Human Rights Act both ratified by Her Majesty in Council].  

  • August 2007: Complaint to Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)

     Tim Ashton Esq.
    Independent Police Complaints Commission
    90 High Holborn
    London WC1V 6BH                                                                  IPCC Ref  2007/010564

                          South Wales Police and Metropolitan Police

    Dear Sir,

    Further to your e-mail of 1st August 2007 I will first attempt a summary:

    1. On the 19th January 2004 before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons  (RCVS) were Respondents in my Appeal from being removed from the veterinary register on the 29th May 2002.

    2. The RCVS had produced evidence by forging witness statements and presenting them to me as if originals.

    3. The RCVS falsified witness addresses in order that I could not find them.

    4. The RCVS withheld identities of favourable witnesses, interviewed by their lay staff, including all contemporaneous statements of all witnesses contacted.

    5. The RCVS, in 2002, falsified information by way of plain verbiage relying on the decisions of a mentally ill, retired High Court judge, Sir John , deliberately given the position of Legal Advisor to the RCVS hearing. His decision was relied upon at the Court of Appeal to prevent me from having any witnesses of fact, also contrary to law, relating to their ‘charges' (11 minor convictions, 5 of which were motoring).

    6. The RCVS relied upon these convictions to have me struck off on the pretext, told by their lying barrister, Alison foster QC, to the Downing Street entourage, because I had ‘disrespect for authority'.

    7. The RCVS obtained policemen to attend the hearing , overnight, on the pretext they were defence witnesses when the Court of Appeal had already ordered none of them were allowed.

    8. In October 2006, for the first time, the RCVS admitted being in the possession of favourable statements for me but they had not been disclosed as they were ‘believed' to be ‘privileged' [qualified] between their client, the South Wales Police and their Penningtons, Solicitors, Cannon Street, London.

    9. Similar statements were withheld from me, even from my own veterinary clients, when the vast RCVS investigation team had descended upon South Wales.

    10. The RCVS were disclosed police confidential records of my dealings with the police, the complainants in 2001 to have me struck off.

    11. Police records available but not all revealed, contained unlawful conduct by a small handful, to begin with, of police driven only by vengeance following their loss of 130 prosecutions based on harassment.

    12. Police caused around 16 false imprisonments.

    13. No veterinary surgeon has ever or will ever again, been subjected to such sustained unlawful conduct for such trumped up nonsense.

    14. Penningtons, acting for an honourable profession, conspired to pervert the course of justice from day one.

    15. Penningtons even attempted to introduce the usual ingredients to have someone struck off, namely, DISHONESTY and/or MISUSE OF DRUGS and/or DRUNKENESS and/or MALPRACTICE but failed on the lot.

    16. As you are only too well aware these lawyers relied on the ‘Memorandum of Understanding between Chiefs of Police and the Law Society' to guarantee them immunity to prosecution

    You refer to my numerous detailed complaints in the past about the South Wales Police shuffled and binned by the Police Complaints Authority.

    They were a total waste of time and were there for political purpose only

    Just why the IPCC is different and not there just to hoodwink the general public into believing there is an ‘effective remedy' only you know?

    The current scale of unlawfulness in the judiciary will never be reduced by the IPCC

    I will throw you just 2 complaints for starters:

    Complaint A) relates to the above 16 marked paragraphs.

    Both the Metropolitan and South Wales Police have refused to properly investigate or request ‘further and better particulars'.

    I have received no replies from the Metropolitan Police at all.

    The recorded delivery letter of complaint to Cannon Street Police Station was returned, marked ‘unknown'!

    On the 6th October2006, other police stations in London, Scotland Yard and Paddington, were visited and both refused to even write anything down with one referring me back to the RCVS court! 

    That same complaint was forwarded to the South Wales Police who have responded receipt and no more.

    Complaint B)   This is a complaint of Abuse of Process part of which is set out in my letter of complaint of the 27th July 2007 delivered to the Barry, South Wales, police station. Their reply of 7th August 2007 indicates no action will be taken. Am I expected to be surprised?

    All dates of my communications and police identifications can be supplied by them by South Wales Police ref   CJ/KE/32/M1.119/2007 of 7th Aug 2007 letter from  Bridgend HQ.

    I will not be holding my breath.

    Yours sincerely,  


    Maurice Kirk BVSc
    Barry Animal Health Centre CF62 8AZ

  • John Smith MP Takes Up My Case on HM Immunity to Prosecution

    This new blog site is designed to keep off my 'fun blogs' any future serious anecdotes, heavy documents or evidence of malfeasance and scandal witnessed in the dreary but scary world of deceit and treachery, our UK law courts. Driven by avarice the tax payer funded 'gravy train' is clearly out of control.  The fact that it has destroyed much of my life, searching for that man-made concept, 'justice', and, some believe, has seriously damaged marriages and prime time with my children, in their formative years, is a stark warning to others, maybe, contemplating the idea of 'throwing stones at men in tall towers' when unable to get independent legal representation.

    Both my father and mother insisted we six kids had a duty to pass on our privileged education and knowledge of life to others, less fortunate or not, who may benefit but without fear nor favour. Sadly, the legal world is not what it was in the 'good old days' when mum was asked to be a magistrate!

    Apologies for my English grammar and spelling throughout this web site. I gave up Latin very early on at school for the sciences and obtained only 45% in O Level French, English 'language and liturature', the bare minimum for a university place! 

    POST 1

    27th Jan 2009

    I receive a message today from the House of Commons fixing a meeting with my Member of Parliament who has been kept in the picture ever since the day I sat at our last meeting, in 2002, complaining the very same issues as they are today!

    As the Piper Tomahawk, from Cardiff Flying Club, flew over our head, I pointed out Christopher Paul Ebbs, a villain in the general aviation industry and immune to prosecution by the CAA, would have signed the aircraft out for 'pleasure flights'.

    Later the local police, hot foot from falsifying evidence at my RCVS enquiry to have me struck off, were made to state to Mr Smith that Ebbs, a thief and fraudster to boot, was immune to prosecution, due to his long periods in a mental home!