Maurice Kirk

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May 2008 - Posts

About anything from Warrant for Arrest to our online petition demanding Fair Trials and Compensation, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. The latest video of a 12-minute interview with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.

Breaking News:

Political asylum and protection from extradition granted - for the first time since the French Revolution, to a British citizen. See this post here.
  • What About the South Wales Police?

    15 years ago I started a civil litgation action for harassment following conduct by the local police including jailing me on an almost weekly basis. To date they have lost 121 criminal charges and won 9. These they served on the RCVS in 2000, the police also giving them access to confidential files in both Cardiff and Barry police stations.

    It is of particular interest for our family that it has taken the USA to cause the CAA to face proper 'disclosure', now implicating the South Wales Police, who are behind just why I was deported and earlier struck off the register for life as a veterinary surgeon.

    The attached file is just an indication to the uninitiated of the lengths to which these faceless people will go just for vengence, all at the tax payers' expense.

    I submit another ignored application for disclosure download here

  • CAA Erroneous Data

    I will be publishing on this blog the 'blow by blow' account of my fight to regain my flying licence and posting the 'heavy' documents such as correspondence, newspaper accounts and the evidence within the downloads section of the site (see the link on the main menu above).

    It is my submission, today, that the CAA Licencing Department have been given significantly contradictory and erroneous information from the USA.

    The FAA have confirmed, more than once, that I had committed no US aviation offence by landing in a field at Crawford, Texas and other US Authorities have knowingly engaged in nefarious conduct so as to have me re-arrested, a week later, purely on a pretext to have me deported. This is clearly indicated in the papers so far released to the CAA some of which, but not all, have been disclosed to me.

    What is significantly disturbing in all this was being refused the right to a 'caution', the right to 'make a statement' and to have an independent medical examination throughout my three weeks in custody. My 10 days in solitary confinement without any access to telephone, to inform my family where I was, create or receive mail, use my $4000, have visitors, contact the British Embassy, have legal representation or independent medical examination at my expense, is fact. The deliberate policy of 'minimum audit trail' from the moment guns were pointed at my head leaves me in further difficulties with the CAA who may decide to act only on what they are given.

    This fear is real, owing to the 'huge assumptions' revealed in the numerous, yet to be published, CAA memos by the Licencing Department, so far released to me when I know the Royal Courts of Justice will conduct their 'responsibilities', in my lodged Judicial Review Application, in a manner to which both I and many, many others have been so accustomed.

    The US Department of Homeland Security, created post 9/11, blocked almost all media coverage in the US, refused to submit any documentary evidence to support their allegations for my removal from the US, now needed for the CAA and the Royal Courts of Justice, on the repetitive argument that -

    "NO DHS detained British holiday-maker on a 'Waiver Visa' into USA is allowed access to legal redress as agreed by Her Majesty's UK Government."

    Read the 12 page PDF under the download section of this site for more information - newspaper cuttings, CAA Memo, CAA letter to MJ Kirk, and US charge sheet, later withdrawn.

  • Off The Aeroplane Into The CAA

    On landing at London Airport on 16th May from Huston, Texas, under escort by US Homeland Security officials, I went straight to the Civil Aviation Authority to find out why they had suspended my flying licences. CAA information disclosed only that I had landed on a road outside Mr Bush's front door.

    The Federal Aviation Authority telephoned me, whilst I was still in Texas. I was about to fly her away from the Secret Service at Crawford, miles from President Bush's ranch, where they had kindly been guarding the Cub until my return from Austin State Hospital. I flew her out unsupervised.

    The FAA clearly stated I had committed no US aviation offence by landing the aircaft in the farmer's field. I asked for all documentation from the US authorities sent to the CAA, justifying their action to ground me. These 6 pages were faxed to me and attached to my Emergency Judicial Review Application lodged this last Friday 23rd May 2008, at the Royal Courts of Justice for their Lordships' deliberations.

    Today, Tuesday the 27th May 2008, the CAA now say they have 30 odd more pages from the US - for publication on this site later.

    Watch this space.

    See Downloads for CAA and RCJ  Documentation

  • Pulled Pilot's Licence Forces Hangar Sale

    Filed under:
    • 1916 DH2 replica, ex Farnborough Air Show £50,000
    • 1946 Auster 6A dismantled complete on trailer, [less engine] only £5,000
    • Choice of engines - Gypsey 10/1 /2, good 0300D, 0290, io 470, etc. will sell separately
    • P20 Pacer, recond. Engine, new avionics, 150 HP £27,000
    • 1946 J3 Cub and 1943 J3L4 Cub both with ‘history' best offers over £20,000
    • Taylorcraft  (best kept secret in aviation) dismantled, only  £6,000
    • Spare Lycoming 65 and prop £3000
    • Minimax, beautiful, only £3,000
    • Pipistralle 2C, new engine 70% complete with trailer £2,000
    • Complete Rallye 854 and engine dismantled £2000
    • 30 wood and metal propellers etc

    Email: or Tel:   +441446792109  +447966523940

  • 30lb Lighter


    I was correct. M did stop eating while at the Houston Deportation Centre and has returned some 30lb lighter than he set off. He always loses weight when he does an appreciable amount of flying (so much flying to do, so little time to eat...) but 30lb in a short time is rather excessive and he looks positively scrawny. Last Saturday found us in casualty as he was so unwell. He was discharged to rest, drink lots of water and eat small light meals - he has done none of these and is now having difficulty in eating at all. However, little changes and pale, wan and thin as he is he has started to tackle the CAA in an effort to have his licences restored.

    I gather from the FCO that Houston Deportation Centre described M as being difficult to deal with ....(not so easy to live with sometimes).

    KK (M's wife)

  • Heading Home to the UK


    Have received some encouraging news from FCO this afternoon (Thurs.).  M is expected to be home soon.

    I have had no opportunity to speak to him but I gather that he has telephoned friends in Texas. I am told that he does not sound too well. I was probably correct in my assumption that he would stop eating in a protest re his predicament.

    Let's see what tomorrow brings. The next post may be by M.

    KK (M's wife)

  • Nil Information

    Hello (Monday pm)

    M's friend travelled to Austin deportation centre to visit m today - M is allowed one person to visit for one hour once a week - Monday between 9am and 1pm.

    He was not allowed access to M as M is in "segregation"? Our equivalent of solitary confinement, I suppose.

    On receiving this information I telephoned the consular office in Houston. Perhaps more information can be discovered tomorrow.

    It may be that he prefers his own company at the moment.

    I hope that he is not refusing food - he alluded to this when being held at Austin State Hospital and I'm afraid that the conditions that were frustrating him then are now magnified.

    It would be good to know when he is likely to be back here in GB. I certainly find this somewhat protracted "nil information" time rather difficult, not least because one can only speculate on the true situation.

    KK (M's wife)

  • Only One Step Up From Jail

    Good evening (Sunday pm)

    Still no positive news. I understand that M will be deported, probably within 10 working days if all is straightforward (can any of this be straightforward - none has been so far).

    I haven't spoken to M for 10 days and hope that he is OK. I suspect that that he's bearing up. I was told that a deportation centre is "one step up from jail". Perhaps he's more comfortable than here at home.  

    His friends haven't managed to track all his belongings - some appear to be missing including his video records of this trip and his GPS.

    Hope very much to hear more soon.

    KK (M's wife)

  • Out of the Frying Pan into a Sink


    (Wednesday am in GB)

    M is still being held at a deportation centre at Houston. This is confirmed by consular staff. There is no indication yet of when he will travel to GB, but I hope to hear soon (there is still washing up waiting).

    I have been told a variety of stories regarding this second detention though a clear common theme is that he was offered the opportunity of release on the condition that he signed papers accepting that he was intoxicated. He maintained that he was not and so would not sign. At this juncture the immigration/deportation system came into play.

    I have not spoken to M since Thursday and I don't think that consular staff have spoken to him yet. M's friends have been unable to speak to him by telephone as he has no money to buy a ‘phone card - and couldn't be sent any until we could quote his "alien number".  This number was given to me yesterday afternoon.

    Hopefully, he will be able to make contact soon. He will be pleased to hear that his little aircraft is safe. We are trying to track his belongings, but this is not easy without direct communication.

    I expect that he is fine.

    KK (M's wife)

  • Deportation from United States


    Today I received news of M. I was in contact with the consular office late on Friday. The saga isn't over yet.

    I was told that he was invited to a restaurant for a beer (probably Thursday evening). He said he was outside sitting on a bench with other people, when he was picked up by the police. (This is in line with the information that I initially received via the FCO on Friday.)

    Police stated that he had been seen walking around town aimlessly with a gas can.

    M believes that the secret service traced him to this location by him using his credit card and the public intoxication charge was used to hold him until the Secret Service arrived. Three agents told Maurice he landed on a road near Crawford, and this is the reason for his deportation. Robert Rutt 237(a)(4)(A)(2) of immigration act.

    As admission you have engaged or at any time after admission were engaged in a criminal activity which endangers public safety or national security.

    He was given the opportunity for secret service to drive him to the airport for flight to London, and would not be deported. But he did not want the charges on his record for offenses he did not commit.

    When he refused, they shackled him in hand and ankle cuffs and chains, and taken to Deportation Center in Houston.

    M wants the media to know about this.

    KK (M's wife)

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