Latest News - All Comments anything from <a href="">Warrant for Arrest</a> to our <a href="">online petition</a> demanding <strong>Fair Trials and Compensation</strong>, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a <a href="">one-page summary</a> is on a <a href="">complementary and introductory blog</a>. The latest video of a <a href="">12-minute interview</a> with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.enCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)re: Happy 70th Birthday from 12.3.45 to 12.3.15 - on £15.50 a week, 23 Mar 2015 08:07:33 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3899butlincat<p>​Maurice  is due to be released from HMP Swansea on this coming Friday, ​27 March 2015, after serving 527 days in prison [over 1 year 5 months]. He has been waiting for a serious stomach operation for 1 year, 2 and a half weeks.</p> <p>​1]  ​MAURICE KIRK: DOCS RECEIVED 20 MARCH, WHICH TELL OF MORE IRREGULARITIES:</p> <p>Received 20 March '15, documents from Maurice Kirk: </p> <p>  ​1] Reply from S. Wales police regarding a complaint made against them by MK, </p> <p>2]  Sworn affidavit from MK's son Charles Kirk, re: 19/11/2014 hearing, during which MK was rushed to hospital from the court with dire stomach pain, due to his severe and serious stomach ailment not receiving the medical operation that has been denied him since the first week of March 2014,</p> <p>3]  Regina v. Kirk M.J. - case no. 201402428-C1-JIB - pages 1 - 3 of "Summing Up"​,​</p> <p>4]  2 pages of court transcript: 19 Nov. 2014 - A20140082 - pages 67 and 19.</p> <p>is here:  <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>​2]  ​MAURICE KIRK​:​ Document [02/02/2015]: "Regina v. Kirk M. J. - "Summing Up": IMPORTANT IRREGULARITIES EXPLAINED​  ​</p> <p>The 3 documents directly below [entitled "Regina v. Kirk M. J. - "Summing Up" - pages 1 - 3] attempt to highlight  very important factors relating to serious abuses of process, miscarriages of justice and severe irregularities etc. regarding cases against Maurice Kirk, particularly since the false "brain tumour" report from 2009. </p> <p>is here:  <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Happy 70th Birthday from 12.3.45 to 12.3.15 - on £15.50 a week, 18 Mar 2015 15:27:05 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3898butlincat<p>UPDATE 18 MARCH ’15: MAURICE KIRK: LETTER TO CARDIFF COUNTY COURT, + “DEFENDANT DENIED LEGAL PAPERS IN COURT” etc. </p> <p>Received today 18 March, this letter from MK. </p> <p>As usual, anything MK tries to do is blocked.</p> <p>He has been denied the normal “canteen” an inmate should receive for months – to the tune of £10 / week, plus he’s denied postal orders and cheques sent to him being cashed, and more seriously hospital appointments regarding his serious stomach condition, are blocked.  Complaints raised by MK get nowhere, even if they reach their proper destinations. All letters to high-ups in the UK government from people outside the "prison" are systematically ignored – no matter what the grievance is. </p> <p>A disgusting state of affairs, and the only reason this S. Wales lot get away with it is because they have a hold, somehow, over normal process and even the laws of the land being followed.</p> <p>see:  <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Happy 70th Birthday from 12.3.45 to 12.3.15 - on £15.50 a week, 13 Mar 2015 19:06:32 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3897butlincat<p>MAURICE KIRK: 13 MARCH ’15 – IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS RECEIVED: “DEFENDANT DENIED LEGAL PAPERS IN COURT” etc.</p> <p>Maurice Kirk, 70, at present unlawfully held in HMP Swansea, sends more documents showing the [alleged] unacceptable malfeasance by those who should, and are paid very very highly to, know better and act in a way that is legally and morally correct. For example: document 1 below tells of  the denied document containing the re-writing the original magistrates notes [from the “harassment conviction” 1 Dec. 2011] after the jury [of  the 4 May 2012 hearing, where MK was convicted] specifically asked for them – the simple fact that these notes are kept hidden obviously shows something afoot. </p> <p>Another example is the credibility of the so-called “restraining order” related to the ex-NHS consultant doctor [who fabricated MK’s “brain tumour” report which later was proven to be unfactual, let alone this “doctor” being in no way qualified to make such a report, especially when no medical examination took place of MK’s head]. The circumstances of the serving of this restraining order seems highly questionable, as MK stated he knew of no serving of any “restraining order” upon him when being arrested at Wood Green Crown Court in December 2011 [where he went to appear as a witness in the highly controversial “Musa case” of  7 children taken by a certain North London council – another case badly in need of an honest investigation!]. </p> <p>MK’s cases and hearings for so long have been riddled with occurrances such as has been just described, allowing all sorts of  events completely unrelated to justice and morality to occur. Document no. 6 below, a letter from Maurice Kirk to Alun Cairns, MP, [Barry, S. Wales] , dated 1 March ’15,  typifies exactly this.</p> <p>The first document below, 1]  “Regina v. Maurice John Kirk – Defendant denied Legal Papers in Court” 2 March 2015:   followed by:</p> <p>2] “Magistrate’s Public Court Records and My Son’s Affadavit”</p> <p>3] “Position Statements 10, 8, and 1st March:</p> <p>4]  “For The Attention Of: the Criminal Case Review Commission [CCRC]:</p> <p>5]  “Extracts from 14th March 2013 Criminal Court of Appeal Judgement”:</p> <p>6] Letter from MK to Mr. Alun Cairns, MP for Barry, S. Wales:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>Maurice Kirk, 70, has been in HM prison since October 16 2013 - over 500 days. He was released on licence in July 2014, on the most severe of restrictions at a hostel, but recalled to prison within days, accused of breaking the terms of his release licence on the most questionable of circumstances. This "recall" meant MK had his sentence effectively doubled, viz. from the 8 months normally servable on a 16 month sentence, to having to serve the full 16 months.</p> <p>MK has been awaiting an urgent stomach operation but been denied it for over a year now, as certain medical records are denied being shown to MK and the surgeons who were to perform the colonoscopy, or similar operation, who will not perform any operation until they see these records.</p> <p>MK getting a doctor from the private sector is yet another problem, as is getting a cheque cashed in MK's name, issued in December 2014, which could pay towards vital and urgent private medical treatment, </p> <p>Numerous other restrictions, in various forms, exist, eg. not letting MK have the full amount of weekly prison "canteen" amount he is entitled to - see more: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Bring this man before the court., 11 Mar 2015 20:15:59 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3894WhistleBlower2<p>Slowly slowly catchee monkey. </p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Bring this man before the court., 10 Mar 2015 03:26:13 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3893butlincat<p>UPDATE: MAURICE KIRK, 8 March 2015: LEVESON: APPEAL APPLICATION JUDGEMENT / POSITION STATEMENT 25 FEB. '15</p> <p>Below, first, the transcript of the judgement of the 14 March 2013 Royal Court of Justice Criminal Court of Appeal application to appeal  the conviction of 4 May 2012 of 9 months imprisonment for “breach of restaining order” imposed I December 2011, before Lord Justice Leveson, Mr. Justice Mitting, Mr. Justice Male, the applicant being Maurice J. Kirk.</p> <p>MK points out that great discernment must be used regarding this transcript, and alleges also that the “crown court chopped out transcript parts and jury notes to stop RCJ 'getting it' ” and “crown court hid jury notes, not just from me but “R.C.J.!!!” – these very notes that are still refused MK to this very day!</p> <p>Followed, 2ndly, by MK’s very revealing “position statement” of the 25 Febuary 2015: </p> <p>is here: </p> <p><a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href=""></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Bring this man before the court., 05 Mar 2015 21:02:02 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3889butlincat<p>Today 5 March is roughly the 1st years anniversary of the beginning of MK's stomach ailments, the medical operation for which has been denied for a year now, almost to the day since the end of the 1st week in March, 2014.</p> <p>Some of the latest documents received from Maurice Kirk, very ill, disabled and in great pain a lot of the time in HMP Swansea, after entering the place perfectly healthy =</p> <p>   <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>1] MK's complaint about a £1000 cheque he received in mid-December 2014 still not being cashed, with HMP Swansea's responses.  Please bear in mind the cheque was received by HMP in December 2014.</p> <p>2]  an affidavit by a close supporter regarding the continuing denial to MK of certain "Clerk of the Courts" notes [to be continued]:</p> <p>3] Regarding the attempt, in 2009 to have MK locked away forever in a high-security psychiatric hospital ["Ashworth"], using what has now been revealed to be a fictitious report written by the now ex-NHS and "Caswell Clinic" consultant psychiatrist and director [who was in no way qualified to make such a report, it being made without any medical examination of MK also], which stated MK had a "brain tumour" and also "a paranoid delusional disorder" [used in court proceedings to the detriment of MK] -  the renowned brain specialist Dr. P. Kemp of Southampton University's comments regarding MK's alleged "brain tumour":</p> <p>Following that a  handwritten note from MK which states [qu.] "Damning rebuttal neuropsych report over brain scans done at Bridgend Hospital. Crown court kept quiet. Received on 1/12/09. Police fabricated reports, the day before police tried to have me sectioned to Ashworth". [unqu.]. </p> <p>Ashworth is a secure mental hospital - from Wikipaedia: "Ashworth Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital in Maghull, Merseyside, England. Ashworth is one of the three high-security psychiatric hospitals in England and Wales, alongside Rampton and Broadmoor, that exist to work with people who require treatment due to their "dangerous, violent or criminal propensities". [source:  <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a> ]</p> <p>4]  MK Position Statement 31 January 2015 [scroll down for more recent pos. statememts - 16 + 18 Febuary '15].:</p> <p>Important past posts:</p> <p>MAURICE KIRK IN PRISON 500 DAYS ON SUN. MARCH 1!! – WRIT OF “HABEUS CORPUS” ISSUED – POSITION STATEMENT 18 FEB. ’15</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK – POSITION STATEMENT 18 +16 FEB. + DOCUMENTS RECEIVED 19 FEB. 2015 inc. LETTER TO GMC, RCJ APPEAL CT, + more</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK UPDATE 15 FEB. 2015 – regarding “the fairness, proportionality, apparent bias and bad faith in the decisions of 11 July 2014 to recall Mr. Maurice Kirk to prison”, + more</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK - THE STORY SO FAR - A BRIEF SYNOPSIS  [UNTIL OCT. 2014] - FILES B, C, D. [30 pages] inc. "Fabicated Medical Records", "Breach of Restraining Order Appeal" statement 6/6/14, + more</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK – SOCIAL VISIT REFUSED 6 FEB. – POSITION STATEMENT 16 JAN. 2015, + more</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK v S. WALES POLICE: UPDATE 4 FEB. 2015: NOW HELD 475 DAYS IN HM PRISONS UNLAWFULLY!</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK PAROLE HEARING – CANCELLED!! JUST LIKE THAT!!</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER: MAURICE KIRK - NOT TAKEN TO THE COURTROOM FOR HIS HEARINGS 7 TIMES!! [actually its more!]</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>15 Jan. UPDATE: MAURICE KIRK – IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS RECEIVED 5 JAN. 2014 – OVER 420 DAYS IN H.M. PRISONS!! STILL NO STOMACH OPERATION AFTER 10 MONTHS!!</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK – IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS RECEIVED 5 JAN. 2014 – OVER 420 DAYS IN H.M. PRISONS!! STILL NO STOMACH OPERATION AFTER 10 MONTHS!!</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK IN PRISON OVER 420 DAYS – THE DISGUSTING UNHYGIENIC CONDITIONS MK IS HAVING TO PUT UP WITH IN HMP BRISTOL – 12 DEC. ’14, + IMPORTANT DOCS.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>MAURICE KIRK: 12 DEC.: WELSH GOVERNMENT REPLIES – A WASTE OF TIME</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: Bring this man before the court., 27 Feb 2015 22:40:55 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3887butlincat<p>From Maurice Kirk, 69, at present in HM prisons 500 days on Monday 1 March! : </p> <p>POSITION STATEMENT 18 FEB. 2015</p> <p>Case no.: BS614159  [with others]</p> <p>A FEW CURRENT COMPLAINTS</p> <p>Dear Sir,</p> <p>1]  After many months of trying to get my property out before more goes missing I might have managed of getting my passport, credit cards and laptop out yesterday with clear evidence of damage to the package.</p> <p>2]  Much time, yet again, this morning was wasted arguing for release out of my Dec. 14th £1000 cheque, still not banked, after a stream of utter nonsense and excuses over why "Security" or Andy Phillips [Chief Security Officer, HMP Swansea] orders override, each time, my attempts to expedite both civil and criminal litigation.</p> <p>3]  My legal advisor, travelled from Gibraltar,  states, in his today received letter I had: "I was refused to see him" on his visit - this, again, are lies orchestrated..</p> <p>4]  I have legal papers to serve on you, the Parole Board and Courts but your staff refuse to take any for you to copy them, cash my cheque, or disclose the liars over my last denial of visitors.  I hold you PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE.</p> <p>5] Cardiff County Court have confirmed individual service on prison personal of their home addresses [as named defendants] is valid [see HMP Cardiff Damages Claim 9cFo2983]</p> <p>6] I am allowed my telephone numbers back since August 2013 - why?</p> <p>signed</p> <p>M. J. Kirk  [see attatched handwritten document from M. J. Kirk]</p> <p>more:</p> <p><br /></p><p> </p><div class="ecxgmail_default" style="font-family:arial black,sans-serif;font-size:small;"><br /></div><div class="ecxgmail_default" style="font-family:arial black,sans-serif;font-size:small;"><a href="" class="c_nobdr t_prs" target="_blank"></a></div> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: The history of malfeasance in the courts goes on, 21 Feb 2015 05:19:33 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3884butlincat<p>Documents received from Maurice Kirk, including "position statement" 16 Feb, + other documents, then the "UPDATE 15 FEB. 2015 – regarding “the fairness, proportionality, apparent bias and bad faith in the decisions of 11 July 2014 to recall Mr. Maurice Kirk to prison”, with more important documents: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <p>Position Statement 16 Febuary 2015 [transcribed from MK's handwritten statement directly following, see link above]:</p> <p>"Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police</p> <p>BS 614159 etc.</p> <p>16 Febuary 2015</p> <p>CLAIMANTS POSITION STATEMENT</p> <p>1] Claimant has exhausted all conceivable routes to assist court representation re: criminal and civil cases, but each time proved blocked by police.</p> <p>2] 24/7 surveillance is controlled by MAPPA / Probation, Barry police.</p> <p>3] Documentary proof on all, leaving only postbox and one telephone number.</p> <p>4]  All complaints procedures documented and repeated to prove it.</p> <p>5]  10 court appearances blocked by using NHS [Wales], HMP, GeoAmey, and courts.</p> <p>6]  Severe gut pain diagnosis and examination not progressed since 2013 GP.</p> <p>7]  Police / court / HMP / Probation / MAPPA audit trail documentation buried.</p> <p>8]  CCRC refuse to disclose 1 Dec. 2011 Cardiff Magistrates Clerk of Court notes and log.</p> <p>9] Private GP consultation refused for 17 months as police block appointments.</p> <p>10]  HMP Cardiff, Swansea, Park and Bristol have all confiscated legal data.</p> <p>11]  ABMU Healthtrust refuse to clarify or correct police psychiatric reports.</p> <p>12]  Swansea University Psychiatry Dept. refuse to correct fabricated reports.</p> <p>13]  HMP staff assaults and robbery by prisoners never properly investigated.</p> <p>14]  Civil court judgements against prisons and custody are proved worthless.</p> <p>15]  HMC + TS ignore court applications, lose records and alter court logs.</p> <p>16]   Prisoners sentence doubled without court appearance required, based purely on unsubstantiated documentary evidence controlled from Barry.</p> <p>17] Writs of Habeus Corpus from members of claimants family are all blocked.</p> <p>18]  Successive prisons refuse to share claimants medical records.</p> <p>19]  Successive concise directions  from Cardiff County Court ridiculed.</p> <p>20]  Direct, face to face, claimants complaint  to HM Prisons Inspectorate, countless HMP governors, HMP doctors and law courts all proved futile.</p> <p>21]  The very same applies to Information Commissioners Office, National Offenders Management Service [Wales], NHS [Wales], Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Independant Police Complaints Commission, The Welsh Assembly,  GMC [encl. 21/09/14 to GMC] and Prison Probation Ombudsman leaving only friends and family for help.</p> <p>signed </p> <p>M.J. Kirk  BVSC</p> <p>HMP Swansea"</p> <p>see more: </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_new"></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: The history of malfeasance in the courts goes on, 12 Feb 2015 02:10:50 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3883Guido<p>So the judges just decided that the last 21 days that he has been in gaol don't count as being in gaol and he has to spend another 21 days in gaol to make up for the last 21 days when he wasn't in gaol?....even though he gaol....for the last 21 days!!</p> <p>Does this sound ridiculous to anyone else or is it just me?</p> <p>and all because it was ridiculous and totally without merit to appeal against his conviction because quite obviously there is no corruption in the judiciary or the police?</p> <p>Whilst you try and make sense of this nonsense, here is some more police corruption that obviously doesn't exist!</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href=""></a></p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">re: The history of malfeasance in the courts goes on, 11 Feb 2015 21:33:29 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3882Jack Robin<p>Maurice's application for leave to appeal was dismissed in an outcome driven judgment delivered in 10 minutes.  </p> <p>No consideration was given to any of the legal issues and points that Maurice had raised, which was odd as the previous judgment relating to a dismissal application was delivered with great precision and consideration.</p> <p>In a final act of torture, the court determined that Maurice's applications for leave to appeal against conviction and sentence were without merit and the court vindictively directed that 21 days on each of the two counts on which he had been found guilty by Judge Rowlands not count towards his current sentence.</p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">