Maurice Kirk

Latest News

May 2008 - Posts

About anything from Warrant for Arrest to our online petition demanding Fair Trials and Compensation, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. The latest video of a 12-minute interview with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.

Breaking News:

Political asylum and protection from extradition granted - for the first time since the French Revolution, to a British citizen. See this post here.
  • Reunited With His Little Aircraft

    Good morning.

    I spoke to M yesterday who confirmed that he had been released. He was planning to fly his little aircraft to stay with friends prior to his return - expecting to be here in UK early next week.

    I am humbled by the many kind messages and offers of help that I have received. Most have responded warmly to his latest scrape, though he has clearly exasperated some people.

    The FCO certainly know their stuff - if one has to get into a scrape abroad, then a Brit is the best nationality to be.

    I have been asked if I expect M to continue flying...I don't expect it, but am absolutely sure that he will. He had two hours to reflect on his future (which could have been very short indeed) after ditching into the Caribbean. I don't think that he can be put off.

    KK (M's wife)

  • One Flew the Cukoo's Nest


    M has been told that he will be released tomorrow morning.

    This has been confirmed as being the understanding of the consulate representative helping him. He is expected to be released at 10 or 11 o'clock local time to local police in order that his belongings can be returned and then taken to his aircraft. I am not clear if he will then be able to fly or whether he will need to arrange transport. I guess that Secret Services will want to check his route before he leaves. As far as I can establish there remains a court hearing at 1pm relating to M's being detained but I'm not too sure about this.

    M is in pretty good spirits though perhaps suffering cabin fever at having been restricted for 4/5 days.

    On his release I'm sure that a much clearer picture of what happened will emerge.

    Hopefully tomorrows events will run smoothly and M will be home soon.

    KK (M's wife)

    PS the firearms in use when M was arrested were 9mm Berettas (not Smith and Wessons).


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