Maurice Kirk

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January 2014 - Posts

About anything from Warrant for Arrest to our online petition demanding Fair Trials and Compensation, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. The latest video of a 12-minute interview with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.

Breaking News:

Political asylum and protection from extradition granted - for the first time since the French Revolution, to a British citizen. See this post here.

    After the hearing supposedly set for the 16th January mysteriously vanished into the abyss of the court system run by Mr Strinati.

    A week ago Maurice was whisked off to court with half an hours notice, but despite Judge Bidder "reserving" the matter for himself, it was to a different court and a different Judge that Maurice was taken.

    IMG_0001 Newport.pdf

    It also appears that the Judges order to find him a place in a bail hostel has been "officially actioned" !

    Bail Hostel..pdf

    Here is what Maurice thinks of it all,





    The listing for Maurice's bail application before Judge Bidder was removed yesterday, apparently because the probation service couldn't find anywhere for him to stay! -- But since then, a hearing took place that had NOT been listed!

    You may remember that the Judge ordered the Probation people to "look into it" and it would appear that that is all they have done!

     Here is another link to some more info on the bent lawyers club;

    For the benefit of anyone who has missed them I repost a couple of links;

    In 2003 Operation Tiberius found that men suspected of being Britain’s most notorious criminals had compromised multiple agencies, including HM Revenue & Customs, the Crown Prosecution Service, the City of London Police and the Prison Service, as well as pillars of the criminal justice system including juries and the legal profession.

    The report – marked “Secret” – found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society.

    Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police.

    and in 1997 the Guardian published "Freemasons in the Police": 

    I can scarcely believe how little coverage this has had, this should be National Headlines, people should be out in the streets, yet scarcely a murmour!

    A secret police report concluding that just about the whole civic society is compromised by the masons to the degree where it seems that nothing can be done and no one seems interested!

    This is exactly what Maurice has been fighting so hard to expose and these people, the ones mentioned in the report are the same ones who are keeping him in gaol!

    The evidence is mounting but the question now would seem to be.....who do we present it to?

    In the meantime here is the transcript of proceedings in court on the 3rd January A20130139 - KIRK - PROCS - 03.01.14.pdf

    And here is the transcript of the 7th January via video link! A20130139 - kirk- ap - 07.01.14.pdf

    While we wait for the one they didn't record, here is the transcript of a Judgement from Judge Bidder from October.


  • Kept in Jail - despite the 'Sledge Hammer to Crack a Nut' approach - an excellent Court Account from an excellent Supporter

    Maurice's case was further adjourned today by Judge Bidder to sometime next week.

    Maurice had argued that the case was being brought to stop Judge Seyss Llewellyn from giving judgment in his civil case against Sth Wales Police, and he had shown that he had been persecuted by the police, especially in revenge for his acquittal in the "machine gun" case.

    Maurice also stated that he now had exclusive evidence that Dr Tegwyn Williams had concocted the bogus medical report in respect of him, and had tried to get him committed to Ashworth Secure Hospital for life on the ground that he had "significant brain damage", and that these events related to the conspiracy against him back in 2009.

    A proposed address in Northampton for bail was also totally discredited as an officer from Northampton police who went round to it and make enquiries at two flats A and B. The occupants of the first address had stated that they had never heard of Maurice.

    The other residents also stated that they hadn't seen the occupant, a former pilot and associate of Maurice for several weeks and believed that he was away in the Phillipines.

    Maurice accused the Sth Wales police of trying to make suggestions of an improper nature against him, but when this was raised, Judge Bidder informed him that there was no suggestion that this was the case.

    However, Maurice disputed this, and stated that the Sth Wales police had put this on files, but Judge Bider then cut of the video link so Maurice couldn't address the court further.

    An address in Cowbridge Road was also refused for Maurice on the basis that Mr. Davenport, the alleged victim of common assualt had raised objections that he had passed his house on several occasions, and was concerned about Maurice contacting him.

    He was however refused bail by Judge Bidder on the basis that neither of the addresses provided were suitable according to the various police reports. this was on the grounds that Maurice might "interfere with witnesses".

    However, Judge Bidder then directed the Probation Service to try to make arrangements to see if a Bail Hostel could be provided outside of Cardiff, and we will see what transpires next week.

    Judge Bidder also made the observations that Maurice had probably already served the time for any prison sentences that would likely to be imposed in respect of the common assaults involving Mr. Davenport and also the Intimidation of Witness charge.

    Judge Bidder also tried to get Maurice to present arguments as to why the cases should be transferred out of Wales and gave him several opportunities to explain why, and after Maurice had addressed him, ruled against this on the basis that it would cause further delays. Maurice again raised the "machine gun" case and the massive conspiracy against him by Sth Wales Police.

    In addition, Judge Bidder directed that the new appeal that Maurice has lodged re the alleged common assault on Prison Officer Rogan be heard later than the current Gareth Evans appeal.

    This was because he considered that there would likely to be findings made by the Judge, relating to Maurice's credibility in that case, so a different judge should therefore hear that appeal.

    He also directed that the Gareth Evans appeal should be heard by a Circuit Judge and not a Recorder, as it involved an alleged assault on a barrister in a court.

    Judge Bidder finally commenting on the common assault charges generally that the CPS prosecutors and the police should show some tolerance and better judgment in bringing them, as they were taking up an inordinate amount of court time.

    He was also concerned that common assault charges appeared on an Indictment, and this appeared to be disproportionate.

    He also requested that in future, those responsible for prosecuting take more care in considering which charges were the most appropriate rather than bringing these minor type of charges.

    It has therefore become clear that Judge Bidder is extremely concerned that a "sledge hammer to crack a nut" approach has been adopted by the Sth Wales Police and the CPS in respect of minor charges such as common assault, and that the court was thereby becoming clogged up with these types of cases.

    Here are Maurice's own accounts - thanks to Butlin Cat

    MK calls after his court hearings today 7 Jan. + 3 Jan. 14 - he explains what happened in each.

    4 calls from Maurice Kirk - 1 Jan., 30 Dec, for 10 mins followed by calls from 29 Dec., followed by 28 Dec.:

    Earlier calls  from MK in HMP Cardiff from the 15, 17, 23, 25, 26  Dec. 2013:

  • KEPT IN JAIL - at least until Tuesday - despite investigating crimes and now proving them

    I shall have to become techno-savvy and record my phone calls to be believed. After all, only Maurice can really tell what went on today. But he said clearly: he should be immune from prosecution, as he did not only investigate crimes, but can now also prove them. He tells more in this phone call to a solid supporter.-This morning's phone call adds a few notes about Wales vs UK.Here is his bail application

    From our joint perspective of long-term supporters, here is the scenario:

    1. At all cost Maurice must be prevented from succeeding in his civil damages claim against South Wales Police (SWP).

    2. The essence of this claim is his supposed possession of a machine gun.

    3. Having been struck off as a vet, courtesy of SWP, this machine gun case led to untold further extreme and exceptional bullying, harassment and imprisonments which were supposed to lead him to high security prison Ashworth – with the infamous fraudulent diagnosis by the famous doctor.

    This Machine Gun Case summary was put together in January 2011.

    This Background to Arrest for Gun Possession of October 2009 mentions the following judges involved:

    1. Judge Nicholas Chambers QC
    2. Mr Justice Goudie QC
    3. Mr Justice Lloyd
    4. Judge Hughes.

    On 26th June 2009 it ends citing more or less the same kind of complaints that he’s been experiencing every time he’s been imprisoned.

    Since then some six more judges got to know about the various levels of crimes committed and being covered up.

    The current arrest is just one of them:

    • vague charges such as witness intimidation and breach of restraining order, produced for today’s hearing, not in an arrest warrant,

    • no bail because the addresses hadn’t been checked out by SWP. One wonders why not!?... After all, HMP Cardiff were promised he'd be moved to HMP Bristol because they can't cope with him any more!

    Some dare call it ‘conspiracy realism’, for it’s not a theory. One of the questions to be asked is: what makes Luigi Strinati, the Delivery Director for Wales pick which judge for which purpose?

    The barristers from Swansea and Bristol (!) who were unprepared for today might be better informed by Tuesday and SWP might have checked bail addresses out by then. The glimmer of a ‘fair trial’ might just be seen next Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, SWP is being investigated in the House of Lords and the falsification of crime statistics has been the subject of an inquiry by the Justice Committee. Is it a consolation that Maurice is not alone?

  • To stitch up or not to stitch up again – that is the question – on 3rd January in Cardiff Crown Court!

    Filed under:

    Maurice will be in Cardiff Court on 3rd January – regarding that Restraining Order that was never served - at 10.30 - despite all despicable prison 'punishments' amounting to sheer torture. 

    It appears as if I’m supposed to be served with one now. Or why else would SWP Police phone me while I’m abroad to meet me PERSONALLY as 'potential witness' re Restraining Order and website publication? Experts call it 'witness intimidation'. Others remind me of my right to remain silent. 

    Is it holier to admit to a crime and speak the truth and nothing but the truth or is it nobler to get somebody to commit a crime to cover those of a public authority / institution? Employees are just doing their job. Whether in prisons, the Police, Courts or the NHS. And buddies (brethren) must be protected at all cost.

    And thus the web is competing with the wisdom of the universe that gave us each a conscience. It enables us to choose between doing right and wrong, hurting or healing. May everybody who chooses to hurt (again (and again)) eventually feel some pain themselves – or whatever it takes for them to remember to switch their humanity ON.

    May 2014 become a Year of Breakthroughs – for all victims of white collar criminals – especially Litigants in Person such as Maurice, who are brave enough NOT to be oppressed, repressed and suppressed by institutions of ‘professionals’ that ultimately can only exist because they employ dishonest people fed by dishonest money, to put it mildly. Filthy Britain's Malevolent Masons is another blogger's view. 

    May the Courts, especially in Wales, respond to Sir James Munby [President of the Family Division]’s appeal to “adapt to the realities of the internet – in particular social media”, i.e. blogging - to express one's thinking - also across more than one victim and more than one issue - just for the sake of justice - especially in prisons - and fair trials - especially in courts.