The Aviation Medical Services told Maurice in February and confirmed it in June : you are unfit to fly. Maurice said it means "We won't reconsider our position regarding your licence, until the NHS states that the diagnosis is 'without foundation'...
This Time Line needs reading from the bottom UP and Key summary docs are on the top here but, please, do not forget the freemason control over all things Welsh (my warning was when Barclay's Bank reneged on loan for purchase of Barry veterinary practice... h My dear old friends, veterinary clients and fellow aviators on Alderney today and, later, Good Evening boys and girls, NEXT YeARS PREdICTED Schneider...
This individual with the South Wales Police gave evidence, on oath, before the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. My name was then removed from the veterinary register, effectively, for life. This individual also had possession of my cub, for a short...
After 2 hours of examination, on the ground and aloft, exhausted Maurice is handed back a much appreciated 'debrief' and a Renewal Stamp in his flying log book! It was 31 years ago when Maurice last flew a PA 28 Cherokee 'spam can' on...
I have today received a Refusal by the Royal Courts of Justice to interfere with the CAA's decision to suspend my flying licences, months ago, just because the US Department of Homeland Security told the CAA I had landed on President Bush's front...
15 years ago I started a civil litgation action for harassment following conduct by the local police including jailing me on an almost weekly basis. To date they have lost 121 criminal charges and won 9. These they served on the RCVS in 2000, the police...
I will be publishing on this blog the 'blow by blow' account of my fight to regain my flying licence and posting the 'heavy' documents such as correspondence, newspaper accounts and the evidence within the downloads section of the site...
On landing at London Airport on 16th May from Huston, Texas, under escort by US Homeland Security officials, I went straight to the Civil Aviation Authority to find out why they had suspended my flying licences. CAA information disclosed only that I had...