Obviously, there are pains after an operation! But the joint pain is gone, immediately post op, he says... today, 30th March, after a fine paella, lunch with a succulent leg of chicken, French style, tarte Normande, a well matured chevre cheese and cafe noir to die for, served by a bevy of beauties, we are not sure if Maurice will surface for a week or two.
Lunch to be followed by personal 'kine' (physio) et il cherche la porte derriere l'hopital pour le bar (Bar d'Hopital) en face du Centre Hospitalier de Bretagne pour 'autre' medication, (changer le liquide avec la meme coleur apres l'operation [regardez la photo gallery]) et il trouve Cyber space!
Et cette cigare, apres une semaine, incroyable!
He has asked the doctor to find the pieces 'de la vielle hanche' for the photo gallery.
Meanwhile his 'asyle', asylum application, protection from wicked Welsh HM Partnership and plodding police, is now in front of the board in Paris.
If you want to find out yourself, ring him in the hospital in France on 0033 29728 4450 1085. He has no internet connection, tres antique!
mais 'le service' est merveilleux .
0033 624 571 548 dans sa poche ou a la maison, St Doha: la semaine prochaine, il espere, 0033 296 258 451.
THANKYOU for letters and telephone messages from all over the place!