Yesterday (04/08/09) I visited Maurice, prison number AK6632, at HMPS Cardiff. He is very thin and is feeling weak. He did not think that he would be able to walk from the healthcare block to the visiting area at my next booked visit (Saturday). He seemed resolute and as astute as ever, but did not answer...
The latest news is that Maurice refused to appear at his bail hearing yesterday, because the court refused him Habeas Corpus (his right to appear in court in person to defend himself against the law) . Instead they would have only allowed him to appear via video link. As a result of his unwillingness...
Hello I was correct. M did stop eating while at the Houston Deportation Centre and has returned some 30lb lighter than he set off. He always loses weight when he does an appreciable amount of flying (so much flying to do, so little time to eat...) but 30lb in a short time is rather excessive and he looks...
Hello Have received some encouraging news from FCO this afternoon (Thurs.). M is expected to be home soon. I have had no opportunity to speak to him but I gather that he has telephoned friends in Texas. I am told that he does not sound too well. I was probably correct in my assumption that he would stop...
Hello (Monday pm) M's friend travelled to Austin deportation centre to visit m today - M is allowed one person to visit for one hour once a week - Monday between 9am and 1pm. He was not allowed access to M as M is in "segregation"? Our equivalent of solitary confinement, I suppose. On receiving...
Good evening (Sunday pm) Still no positive news. I understand that M will be deported, probably within 10 working days if all is straightforward (can any of this be straightforward - none has been so far). I haven't spoken to M for 10 days and hope that he is OK. I suspect that that he's bearing...
Hello (Wednesday am in GB) M is still being held at a deportation centre at Houston. This is confirmed by consular staff. There is no indication yet of when he will travel to GB, but I hope to hear soon (there is still washing up waiting). I have been told a variety of stories regarding this second detention...
Hello Today I received news of M. I was in contact with the consular office late on Friday. The saga isn't over yet. I was told that he was invited to a restaurant for a beer (probably Thursday evening). He said he was outside sitting on a bench with other people, when he was picked up by the police...