Maurice Kirk

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December 2011 - Posts

About anything from Warrant for Arrest to our online petition demanding Fair Trials and Compensation, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. The latest video of a 12-minute interview with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.

Breaking News:

Political asylum and protection from extradition granted - for the first time since the French Revolution, to a British citizen. See this post here.
  • Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the surest of all guards against improbity.

    Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the keenest spur to exertion, and the surest of all guards against improbity. It keeps the judge himself, while trying, under trial.

    In the darkness of secrecy, sinister interest and evil in every shape, have full swing. Only in proportion as publicity has place, can any of the checks, applicable to judicial injustice, operate. Where there is no publicity. there is no justice. [Hence The Secrecy in Family Courts should be lifted NOW! petition.]

    This quote stems from Jeremy Bentham who lived from 1748 until 1832 as a legal and social reformer. 

    Given that the mainstream media are controlled by the Rule of Money, it is up to free spirited and voluntary web publishers to re-balance imbalances that are being caused by the ever growing increase of non-compliance with the Rule of Law, espcially in 'authorities' and 'respectable organisations'. But when dishonest money is in circulation, what can you expect?

    Actually, most people are born with a conscience. So one could expect ethical behaviour and compliance with the moral highground that 'authorities' and 'respectable organisations' like to adopt...2012 will tell! 

  • On Hunger Strike again...

    Written from his prison cell in Cardiff:

    I am on hunger strike, because:

    1} I am being refused a proper application for bail and to have my medical records clarified or corrected.

    2} Also both South Wales Police and HM Prisons have conspired to confiscate my legal papers, computer, cash and proper access to both telephone and secretarial facilities to defend myself.

    3} More importantly the current reason for "HM Partnership Wales" conspiracy to pervert the course of justice is just to block my access to both the civil and criminal courts in the UK and my civil action for damages due to 20 years of South Wales Police bullying. 

    4} 17 OCT. 2011 County Court letter indicates my appeal for further disclosure of 10 MAPPA meetings, in both police stations or their forensic labs, Caswell Clinic was dismissed as I failed to attend on the 28 Sept 2011.

    5} Likewise BS614159 appeals FD10C00242, FD10C00195 and current Judicial Reviews including CO/4298/2011 again because prison refused my request to contact the court.  

    6} H.H.J. N. COOKE QC refuses with Cardiff Magistrates to consider my private persecution information laid against Dr Williams for falsifying my medical evidence at the request of the Police.

    7} "H.M. PARTNERSHIP WALES" refused to produce or notify my legal representative alternative in my place for High Court and administrative court 28th Sept + 4th Oct. hearings knowing I was seriously incapacitated during the first 2 weeks of my current remand in custody to face a Section 2 Harassment Act 1997 explained by Dr T Williams.  

    8} In September 2011 I was transferred from London Police Station "demanding my lawyers hand over my own legal papers", and best of this nonsense "conspiracy by aeroplane to abduct 6 young Nigerian children snatched by Haringey Council".

    9} Cardiff Prison refuse my my legal papers, basic stationer, to be able to interview my own defence witnesses or get proper medical attention.

    10} By Sept. 11 letters, the Independent Police Complaints Commission have given South Wales Police "dispensation" from an enquiry of their "shoot to kill" policy and painting the machine gun a different colour. 

    11} H.M. Prison refuse to release my faxes from my lawyer.

  • Arrested for Breach of Restraining Order never ever Seen yet

    How on earth can one make sense of such madness? Once upon a time, the Rule of Law was governing. Then it became the Rule of Money. But now? Cui bono? Who benefits? What is in it for whom when Maurice is "inside" rather than free? 

    Who needs to make sure he's inside?

    Who is happy, while he has to practise self-discipline yet again? 

    Go figure... Hornsey Police Station. For he was in Wood Green Court to give a witness statement and to see whether the Musas might be getting bail... 

  • Another Warrant for Maurice's Arrest

    Last night at 21.10 hours a WPC from Llantwit Major phoned to inform Maurice there is an arrest warrant out for him, for, apparently, breaching a restraining order he's never seen.

    Having had a "senior moment" of quiet reflection he's asked himself these two questions:

    1. Has he upset the infamous Gerald Elias QC, the Standards Commissioner for the Welsh Assembly?

    2. Did he upset Edwina Hart, the former Health Minister or her successor, Ms Griffiths, by asking for their so called 'evidence' to support the medical records for MAPPA?