Maurice Kirk has had rectal pain, an excruciating situation, which has been impinging on his sleep and more recently, during the day, since late last year. HMP Cardiff rightly organised a colonoscopy at 'The Heath', Cardiff University's Hospital with a Dr/Mr Adam which was supposed to have...
...whilst the defendant was given his glasses on the first day of the trial after many requests, has been denied access to his legal papers,including a large consignment of lever arch files couriered to the court on Monday 17th March. not been allowed photocopying facilities, and going without medical...
So much as far as 'breaking news' is concerned: thanks to weird and wonderful connections, it can be revealed that Dr T M W was de-registered on 02 February 2014 which means he doesn't pay for his license, as he doesn't seem to have employment; I leave it to your own level of being a...
You can't make it up , once again: after all the procedures of 'logging into' HMP Cardiff, 'white shirt' officer 056 tells us that 'Maurice refuses to come to the visit'. A nice 'gate officer' found out that it was the doctor in the hospital wing who had made the decision...