Maurice has left his fingerprints and scruffy photographs in exchange for a document that authorises him asylum in France and protection for one month, with instructions for automatic extensions while Paris examines Maurice's plethora of paperwork, as proof of a "conspiracy" or collaboration between South Wales Police and "HM Partnership".
He told them the two main reasons why he is very frightened:
- the license to kill that was leaked after his 12 weeks in the psychiatric prison, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend
- the medical records fabricated such that he would be locked away for good for "psychiatric" (brain tumour) reasons; he's been fighting to get the evidence ever since his surgeons have asked for them to operate on his hip. Professor Roger Wood, of Swansea University, frantically re-wrote and back-dated his major documents in this conspiracy, while Dr Tegwyn Williams seems to have preferred the shredder.
In summary, here are Maurice's grievances:
- Between June 8 and June 22, 2009, he was 'free' from MAPPA surveillance (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement) level 3 (terrorist), so that South Wales Police could 'kill him lawfully'
- During the twelve weeks he spent in Caswell Clinic, its Director Dr Tegwyn Williams produced a third medical report, the first without examining him, with the intention of getting him locked up for life in Broadmoor, IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) stating "significant brain damage" on the last page
- The charge was possession of a machine gun, even though it was decommissioned; Maurice had displayed it at Farnborough Air Show and sold it over a year earlier. The fact that the new owner got it to work, can hardly be held against him!
- The 40-page judgement in his current civil action against South Wales Police gives him clearance now to sue South Wales Police for 18 years of malicious prosecutions, harassment and false imprisonments, but primarily, their faillure to investigate crimes. However, the 'executive summary' of MAPPA meetings that was ordered to be released, also, is a 'summary of summaries' rather than an 'executive summary' of each monthly meeting that took place at Dr. Williams' Clinic, from July until 17th December 2009, frantic to hide the identity of those aware of of the falsified medical records that caused ten judges to refuse him bail. See Maurice's comments on the executive summary.
For more details or well wishing, please phone him on his English mobile 0790 793 7953 before he remembers where he hid that special bottle of Margaux, for a rainy day.