Beaten up by Welsh police twice in one day


The court heard on Friday there was a Guernsey open warrant for Maurice's arrest and South Wales Police sat on their hands!

BUT first.....The Criminal Court of Appeal on Thursday, guess where? NOT London, in the Royal Courts of Justice, but in Cardiff Crown Court!!!!......oh to be a 'fly on the wall', listening.

T20120090 - Kirk - proc from 10.40 - 12.26 - 04.05.12 - Copy.pdf

Back in Cardiff County Court, everry day for the next few months, do come and listen to around a hundred South Wales Police giving 'evidence'....its Enid Blyton stuff!

Catagorised as:

1. Very dedicated, vocation community coppers

2. Masonic ordered sheep

3. The group promised  I would not make the 20 years

AND 4.

 The small but influential group you will find in any community, in  any tribe in central

Africa to the ones who first put on black shirts in Italy or willingly joined, in 1933, the Nazi Party

On Monday, another typical incident of over 100 police 'stitch ups', to get my name removed from the veterinary register, currently being methodically dissected, with appropriate analgesia and sharp instruments, in Cardiff's County Court over the next three months.

 South Wales Police's 'exteme and unusual' unlawful conduct, whealding a vendetta based on spite for losing 90% of  well over one hundred criminal allegations brought against me  in courts of The Principality.

There is complete press sensorship due to it being the biggest case against the South Wales Police in living memory.

It was, in the 90s, particularly spurred on by almost daily tax payer's funded communications with Guernsey police, still licking their wounds in a 75% score, despite locking me in their 1811 prison some twenty one times. once with Olle and nearly always whilst

The only Englishman prosecuted in the Island's Census for having the nerve to housing citizens from the UK brought in during the summer to do the work!!

The case collapsed in chaos


The case on Monday, 13th March 13 centres on the fact I was prosecuted for being in breach of the Terrorism Act by flying to Eire at 5am out of a farmers field near Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, to go fox hunting. The case carried on for nearly two days but surrounded the fact I had properly 'cleared foreign' but the huge masonic fraction of South Wales were determined to hound me out of the area.

Police Inspector caught signalling to police on cross examination in witness box.....judge, just as in appeal details of Cardiff Crown Court 4th May 2013 application to appeal details , before Criminal Court of Appeal case next Thursday 14th March 13 (Breach of Restraining Order), I was not allowed to have issued from any Cardiff court!

acquired jury note


And hopefully, while in Ireland, call in at the Reeds

Reeds At Home.docx

County Cork

Reed's Flying Lesson.docx

A sequence of documents will  follow

This blog will blossom in the next few days.....come to court on Monday.......I always buy the lunch!

LATER THIS WEEK  at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre