Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

September 2010 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • Trial Day 6: But hear this.....

    Trial Day 6: But hear this.....
 court ruled I was 'unfit to face trial' and then proceeded to hear police on the law to 'strike out' the whole case, all 18 years of it !  All so predictable, their deliberate delays of 18 years, failed, then machine gun trial, failed, then Broadmoor/brain tumour, failed,  knowing adjournment is to my advantage, on new late police disclosure, attempted 'strike out', last week but failed allowing MAPPA abuse to enter the ring.

    Today,   3 doctors' reports said I was clearly not fit, so judge, in  desperation to kill me off, agrees 'I am not fit' for trial, but immediately allows police to continue argument 'strike out', In front of part heard MJK argument that made police hand over, to judge only, numerous monthly 'Executive Reports' of each clandestine MAPPA meeting between June 2009 to Dec 2009 inlcusive, his imprisonment to eavesdrop on my preparation for 10 week trial.

    I asked for adjournment to argue the law when fit, refused! Asked to find a lawyer, refused!

    Deja vu?
    They are in far more trouble than I ever dreamed they would be.....MAPPA unlawful surveillance must not be aired, because 10 Cardiff Crown Court Judges, addressed for bail, were never informed of the police, defendant in this damges trial, had me MAPPA level 3 for personal use.
    More later...headache and chemist out of morphine sulphate, again! Barry? Do they have a burglar alarm or not?

  • Trial Day 5

    Trial Day 5.

    His Honour has to decide whether to release MAPPA 'Executive Summary' of each month during Maurice's unusual imprisonment for alleged 'gun running' after Dyfed Powys Police concede... West Wales witness statements to be tendered.

    Is the likely appeal to London's Court of Appeal just awaiting the postage stamp?

  • Day 4: Questioning the authenticity of three medical reports

    Trial Day 4: Not your usual predictable day.

    The defendant lawyers continued to question the authenticity of my three doctors' reports and made it obvious, again, that MAPPA disclosure was to be zero.....not even why registered or who sat around the table at the monthly meetings.

    It became appropriate to produce the equivalent file of a police held MAPPA file of reasonable information that had been released by the Powys Police about Meirion, Dafydd and Watkin. Even letters from the very same lawyers, in court, Dolmans were made available but declined by the judge.

    It may have done the trick because at the close of play the judge requested the 7 months of 'Executive Summary' to study overnight.

    But will he release it at 12 noon, tomorrow, when court resumes or will it have been so redacted, re-written and generally falsified Maurice may have difficulty even finding his own name on the parchment?

    The judge was reminded that the Claimant was of the view that his joint conduct with MAPPA, the South Wales Police, present in court, was deliberately continuing his alarm, distress and pain to refuse disclosure of the medical information, given by Dr Tegwyn Williams pleading with Judge Bidder to have the Caimant sent to a maximum high security psychiatric prison for the doctor's own safety.

    Less politely, following the judge's comment, stopping Dr Williams attending court, again, saying 'his time looking after patients was far more important', I reminded him he had been nobbled along with the ten Crown court judges not notifying me, why I had been refused bail each time.

    Bidder, Thomolow and Williams had 'made  a balls of it' and now the judges, prison and CPS were scurrying around trying to cover their tracks...... proceed tomorrow at Noon (court documents on DOWNLOADS)

    (See DOWNLOADS for Judge Bidder QC (quaintly corrupt) 13th September 2010 e-mail to HHJ Seys Llewelyn QC and unlawfully redacted 2nd December 09 Crown Court transcript.)

  • Trial Day 3: Draft Order Presented by Claimant Maurice

    Trial Day 3.

    The court heard 10 Cardiff judges had failed to inform Maurice, applying for bail last year, he had been categorised by Dr Tegwyn Williams, Barbara Wilding, HM Prison and Probation as MAPPA level 3 (terrorist level). Despite the law to the contrary, the presiding judge refused to allow the 'Executive Summary' of each of the seven monthly meetings as it contained information Dr Williams had voiced that caused the judge to discharge him from giving evidence today.

    Williams, in his 30th Sept 09 report to MAPPA had stated Maurice had 'significant brain damage' and should be transferred to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison, for Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP). He, with Professor Roger Wood, further falsified medical records for Judge Bidder QC, on the 2nd December 09, once they were aware Maurice's solicitor had acquired the August brain scans for an independent opinion. The second opinion castigated Williams' conduct for using intrusive techniques of radio isotopes into Maurice's brain, when an MRI would have sufficed.

    Judge Bidder QC, aware of Dr Kemp's conflicting report and that of Dr Silva, of Ashworth, also heavily criticising Williams, then examined Wood's 28th September 09 report,  quoting 'Oliver Reed as a long term drinking partner' of Maurice and the contributory cause of the brain damage.

    Judge Bidder, therefore, prevented Maurice from attending his own court, keeping him locked, below the court for over an hour while Williams, Bidder and Crown Prosecutor Thomolow got into a huddle, tape recorder ordered to be switched off, to decide what next to do.

    "Maurice now has brain tumour", that's the plan, too dangerous to have bail.

    (See DOWNLOADS 13th Sept 2010 Judge Bidder QC e-mail to HHJ Seys Llewelyn along side 2nd December 2009 transcript extract along side medical reports.)

    [16 psychiatrists consulted, at length, during Maurice's custody, refused to back Williams' fabricated stories at the behest of South Wales Police and ten, if not eleven Cardiff judges.]

    The seventeen years of covert police surveillance on him and his veterinary practice to spend the rest of his days 'locked out of harms way'.

    Judge Bidder QC and Williams and Thomolow spent well over an hour, on 22nd December to redact and/or shred medical records and MAPPA audit trial, ordering that the meetings must no longer carry on in their current form as 3rd parties at the table were likely to 'blow the whistle'. Maurice must never find out why he was under covert surveillance.

    But they all failed and Maurice 'got away', well, for the time being, leaving their last ditch attempt today, to cover up what had been going on for years. Judge Seys Llewelyn QC prevented release of any MAPPA record, at all! Maurice not to know why he had been on MAPPA and why removed on 17th December 09 whilst still in prison!

    Maurice's FOI application meant Professor Roger Wood frantically rewrote the report that had been before Judge Bidder, stating he was no longer an expert on the interpretation  of brain scans, redacted Oliver Reed's name and stupidly referred in the Sept 09 report, to Dr Ruth Bagshaw, about the 'ex Chief Constable', Barbara Wilding, when she did not retire until 31st December 2009.

    Police defence, meantime questions the integrity of three current medical reports from England, frantic for the case to continue as it is abundantly obvious 'it has been arranged': the 10 week trial is to be thrown out  before evidence is heard.

    The judge contacted Maurice's witnesses, Dr Williams and Barbara Wilding, facing cross examination, when it was obvious the truth would come out on the conspiracy. Upon realising the consequences, ten of his mates sat around the MAPPA table, on their own agenda and the manner in which the Defendant, Chief Constable orchestrated Maurice's imprisonment, in the first place.

    Draft Order


    CASE NOs. BS614159-MC65, CF101741, CF204141, 7CF0734S, 9CF02983




    Draft Order


    Upon hearing the Claimant as a litigant in person and leading Councel for the Defendant


    1. The Court having been advised that the Claimant was categorised as "MAPPA Catagory 3" for a period of time in 2009 and that the Defendant's solicitor was to provide a statement by 31st August 2010 and failed to comply with 5(iv) namely:

    5 (iv) The extent to which any documents might exist as a result of such meetings and whether it is understood by the Defendant that he or any other agency present at the meetings would object to disclosure of such documents in the context of these civil proceedings to the Claimant. In the event of any intended refusal the statement should seek to set out suporting reasons for any intended refusal.

    and that the Defendant, the Chief Constable, over seventeen years, and Defendant, HM Governor, over one year have repeatedly failed to comply with Orders for Disclosure that

    (i) their be judgment in favour of the Claimant in above named Actions, with costs


    (ii) a week's adjournment for both Defendants, Chief Constable and HM Governor, to comply to the 17th August 1020 and 26th August 2010 Orders respectfully.

    2. There be proper Disclosure of the 'audit trail' caused by both HM Home Office and HM Justice Ministry's attempts, since its concept, circa 2003, to register the Claimant as a 'Vexatious Litigant'

    3. Dr Tegwyn Williams, Director of South Wales Police Psychiatric Prison, having knowingly falsified medical evidence, on 2nd December 2009, before His Honour Judge Bidder QC and in other medical reports, used before Cardiff Crown Court Judges, on behalf of the Defendant, the Chief Constable, to oppose the Claimant's Bail Applications, to benefit MAPPA Catagory 3 covert surveillance, whilst the Claimant was in HM Governor's custody, be immediately arrested for 'Contempt of Court' or for breach of statute law.

    4. In order that the Claimant may obtain urgent orthopaedic surgery, he be supplied with the undisclosed medical evidence, in the current control of the Chief Constable, HM Crown Prosecution Service, HM Prison Cardiff and National Health Service, relating to the Claimant's period of care, under HM Governor, following his discharge from Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, in October 2009, up to the day of his acquittal of all charges, in Cardiff Crown Court, on 9th February 2010.

    DATED this 13th day of September 2010

    This order was drawn up by Maurice J Kirk BVSc, The Claimant.

  • Before Trial Day 3 - adjourned to 11am Monday 13th Sept

    Trial Day 3 - adjourned to 11am Monday 13th Sept

    (pocket history)

    Last year more than 19 named psychiatrists and psycologists sat around tables, for hours, to deliberate over Maurice's future welfare, instigated by police using lawful FTAC but unlawful MAPPA implementation, while, once again, the tax payer picked up the tab.

    FTAC (Fixated Trait Assessment Centre) January 09 incident, Maurice simply delivering a letter of complaint, about the appauling state of South Wales law courts, to Prince Charles, triggered Metropolitan Police, using Home Office Psychiatrist, to obtain his medical records and pressure the Cowbridge GP to refer Maurice to a psychiatrist.

    Barbara Wilding, meantime, the then Current Chief Constable, jumps on the bandwagon, signs her false 25th Feb 09 affidavit, denying knowledge of Maurice's successful court cases in Barry Magistrates and expedites an excuse to further hinder Maurice's now seventeenth year of civil actions for damages, following many police failed malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments, by implementing MAPPA to spy on my material for the civil trial.

    Barbara Wilding, Caswell Clinic Psychiatrist and others, then, on 8th June 09, around the very same table, in MAPPA police HQ, Bridgend, hatch a plan to further delay the civil trial that would mean Maurice, if not blocked, cross examining police and ex police, seventy or so, for at least ten weeks, could be sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act.

    Maurice is classified as a MAPPA level 3, terrorist level, 'offender', and two weeks later, Barbara uses her own external solicitors, Dolmans, defending her in the civil action, to have Maurice arrested and jailed for over seven months.

    On day of arrest Barbara splits the helicopter led thirty police  armed raid on his home, in St Donats, into 'Operation Chalice' and 'Black Snow Drop' or some other such name.

    The latter were police to take aside his wife, at the search site for a 1916 Lewis Machine Gun they already knew had been been sold a year earlier, to try and persuade Kirstie to sign a witness statement that Maurice had a history of a mental disorder. Police then went on to threaten Social Services to intervene with respect to their ten year old daughter.

    During Maurice's imprisonment over ten Cardiff judges refused him bail or knowledge of or sight of any of the MAPPA minutes material having known, all along, he had been level 3 long before the date he was arrested!

    To this day Maurice does not know why he was under MAPPA other than, of course, it allowed Barbara to have house and prison telephone tapes to assess his witnesses in the, shortly to be heard, civil trial.

    Were the ten judges told?

    It stinks, doesn't it?  But this aroma, wafting from a Welsh law court, is very unlikely to be any different to a court near you.

    1. Peter Vaughan, Chief Constable of South Wales Police appears to ignore 17th August 2010 court order for MAPPA Disclosure

    2. HM Prison, Cardiff, deny any involvement with Maurice and MAPPA

    3. Dr Tegwyn Williams' letters to the trial judge, together with his redacted and withheld medical records, contrary to Judge Cooke QC's Order and FOI Act repeated applications by Maurice Kirk to disclose,  deny the very existence of his 40 minutes of evidence before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, on  2nd December 2009!.

    4. Dr Ruth Bagshaw denies creating any medical record after lengthy examination of Maurice.

    5.Dr Joseph Sylvester denies creating any medical record after Dr Tegwyn Williams employed him to examin Maurice at length

    6. FTAC Psychiatrist reports all redacted


    [re MAPPA Disclosure addressed to Police/Prison/Dr Tegwyn Williams,Director of Caswell Clinic, HM Crown Prosecution and Social Services]

    5 (iv)   The extent to which any documents might exist as a result of such meetings and whether it is understood by the Defendant that he or any other agency present at the meetings would object to disclosure of such documents in the context of these civil proceedings to the Claimant. In the event of any intended refusal the statement should seek to set out supporting reasons for any intended refusal.

    Maurice  now receives a hurried letter from the Chief Constable's solicitors armed with a seemingly bottomless pocket of resources.

    [I wonder what Lord Bingham would have made of all this?]

    Letter from Dolmans, solicitors of South Wales Police

    8th Sept 10

    Dear Mr Kirk,

    I refer to today's hearing and in accordance with the comments of the judge regarding your medical reports. I request that you provide to ourselves and the Court the following documents at the earliest opportunity:

    Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.

    Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.

    Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.

    Full signed copy of the report of Dr .......

    Full signed copy of the report of Dr .......

    Full signed copy of the report of Dr ........

    Full CV of Dr ........

    Full CV of Dr .......

    Full CV of Dr .......

    Copies of any other reports that you would wish to rely upon in support of your application to adjourn.

    Yours sincerely,



    10th Sept 09

    Dear Sir,

    Failed Disclosure

    It is my considered opinion, in the light of your offer to supply the presiding judge, His Honour Judge Seys Llewelyn QC, both Dr Tegwyn Williams's and Professor Wood's medical reports given to the numerous Crown Court judges and Crown Prosecutor, Mr Tomolow, in 2010, with the South Wales Police requesting to have me sectioned, number 41 of the 1983 Mental Health Act, that I withdraw my  latest three medical reports, for an adjournment on medical grounds and rely only on your information, under your client's control, the Chief Constable, Mr Peter Vaughan.

    It was accepted by numerous Crown Court judges, was it not?

    The medical material, to which the trial judge and I refer, are contained in the seven monthly MAPPA meetings, during my unlawful imprisonment, last year, when I was wrongfully accused in trading in prohibited weapons and ammunition and having been arrested, in the first place, only you say, due to my threatening to 'exchange' witness statements through your office front window.

    I am still waiting for that MG11 witness statement, for web site, another Court Order you continue to ignore.

    These withheld records,by your client, will include the favourable State Psychiatric Hospital, Austin,Texas, USA, psychiatric report that Caswell Clinic, NHS and HM Prison Cardiff all denied me when so desperately needed for my ten Cardiff Crown Court judges, refusing me bail and CAA, having suspended my flying licences on South Wales Police information only.

    Covert MAPPA surveillance allowed your client copy tapes of all my prison telephone calls and correspondence during my preparation for this ten week trial, booked then for January 2010.

    If you continue to ignore relevant Court Orders I propose applying for a Judgment, on Monday, due to your client's blatant criminal conduct, much inherited from Barbara Wilding's nefarious conduct just before her retirement.

    Yours faithfully,


    Letter to Morgan Cole, Solicitors, Cardiff

    9th September 2010

    Dear Graham Miles,

    MAPPA level 3 / FTAC  Thank you for arranging for Dr Tegwyn Williams being able to attend at 11am Monday 13th September 2010, at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, with the medical evidence relied upon when he was before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, last December, attempting to obtain my immediate transfer from Cardiff Prison to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison, IPP.

    I will cut short my Britanny recouperation period, following two days of strenuous torment, due to your client and Ms Barbara Wilding having refused to answer to witness summonses.   South Wales Police' huge team of legal beavers, [and those were only the ones in court], were, no doubt, similarly disappointed in your client's conduct as they have now written to me specifying their need, also, for his medical evidence. See,/blog. The trial judge has expressed yet another medical examination appears to be needed, as Dolmans do not accept the three medical reports from English doctors.  My letter to them, shortly, may be copied to you.

    If you furnished me with 'certified true copy' of the medical evidence, to which I refer, then I see little point in Dr Tegwyn Williams or Barbara Wilding needing to attend court. If medical records appear to be temporarilly mislaid, may I suggest he contacts fellow MAPPA member, Ms Barbara Wilding rtd or the current Chief Constable, the Defendant on Monday, as they were part of the material copied and distributed at the seven monthly meetings with Caswell Clinic always represented. The meetings, apparantly, were to discuss my welfare and needs.

    I will pay you £1000 cash, on the side, for copies of the monthlly Executive Reports of each meeting, Form E, written by the Chair that were freely distributed to County Council, Probation, Prison etc., as the court appears reluctant to uphold my very reasonable application of Defendant disclosure, now subject to an appeal before the Criminal Court of Appeal, in London. `

    Yours sincerely,

  • Before Trial Day 2

    Trial Day 2.

    Are Dolmans, solicitors, today, going to continue lying to the judge? Is Dr. 'walk on water' Williams going to be arrested for failure to attend, again? Is Barbara going to 'come clean' re using part time Cardiff judge, CPS barrister Thomolow, last December, to get me IPP to Broadmoor on falsified medical records made by Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood? Come and watch the pantomime at court 1  10.30am.

    5pm. I am far  too tired to reveal the pantomime of deceit witnessed, today, in Cardiff County Court, for but one purpose, to protect ten Crown Court Court judges, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Barbara Wilding, last December, some determined to get me to Broadmoor, for life.

    PS. At least I did win a significant bet, today. Even to the uninitiated, it may have looked trivial, not knowing the 'end game'. It has taken 20 years to achieve, that the judge would accept, as others were wearing 'hats', I could wear my Yellow Piper Cub Hat, working towards an eventual 'level playing field' for 'litigants in person' in UK law courts.

    In court were two barristers, a partner of a protected Cardiff law firm and a young gentleman, in crazy winkle pickers, just 6 days from solicitor qualification, when just one High Street solicitor would have sufficed. Somebody mumbled in the young man's direction, "Will you maintain your integrity to retirement date?"

    What deceit and intrigue, in court  today , wait.......tomorrow.

    He just wants to go to Brittanny, tomorrow, to get out and away from this current hell hole, South Wales.

  • Sep 7, 2010: Trial Day 1: Key Witnesses fail to answer subpoenas

    Day 1.

    “For countless false imprisonments, malicious prosecutions and failure to properly investigate crimes committed against the Claimant and his family in his house, surgery, law courts and in particular in the court of The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.”

    Ex Chief Constable of South Wales Police, Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams, Director of South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Prison, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend both failed to answer to witness subpoenas served on them by the Claimant.

    Dr Williams, it transpired, had communicated with both police defence lawyers and the court by letters and numerous telephone calls but never to the Claimant, his witnesses.
    Claimant's contact with Caswell Clinic, immediately after today's hearing, established the obvious in that Tegwyn had 'offered' alternative days to give evidence, but the Claimant knew none of it and the Dr's secretary and Morgan Cole, solicitors, Graham Miles, now acting for the Dr, had been primed to keep their mouths shut!

    This appeared more interesting in that the Claimant reminded the police lawyers and trial judge that, as MAPPA members, both Barbara and Tegwyn were, most likely, sitting at their same monthly MAPPA meetings, last year, discussing Maurice's Level 3 and surveillance. Lewis machine gun running was just small beer for why Maurice was classified 'terrorist level'. These two were far more interested in obtaining evidence from surveillance, to undermine the 18 year civil action for damages and how they could get him to Broadmoor maximum High Security Psychiatric Prison. The defence admitted, as late as last month, the MAPPA meetings to have started in June 09, weeks before he was even arrested. Why? They continued through July, August, September, October, November and December 09 when, for some mysterious reason, the Claimant was removed from the MAPPA register completely. Why?

    So why was Maurice really refused bail by 10 Cardiff Crown Court judges, after Barry Magistrates had granted him unconditional bail? Was it because he was dangerous to the public or dangerous to the defence legal team, just serving an estimated bill of £800,000 on Maurice, if he loses? The trough, the snouts, the gravy train..... come and witness for yourself and follow this cartel, in Cardiff, unravel in an environment of deceit and intrigue.

    Today's opening proceedings uncovered what the police are really worried about. Wilding, using her position on MAPPA, obtained information on Maurice from the high level surveillance, enjoyed by the legislation, with no need to divulge its findings except the external defence lawyers, in court, using tax payers' cash for their own pecuniary advantage. The prison, in July, denied, in writing, the Justice Ministry had any knowledge of these monthly MAPPA meetings. If they are not also lying, then South Wales Police have a problem that may scupper Maurice's desire to cross examine the hundred or so police officers due, shortly, to be cross examined, cross examined at length.

    The Judge cut proceedings short, at 14.30, to study any possible 'abuse' by Tegwyn and Barbara, getting Maurice refused bail, on 2nd December 09, when the CPS, it has now become clear, had asked Tegwyn to tell HHJ Bidder QC, with Crown Court tape turned off which, in itself is unlawful, if anyone out there is still really taking the South Wales judiciary seriously. So the CPS are also behind this web of deceit.

    Late disclosure by the police dominated the day's proceedings. First it was Tegwyn's 26th August letter to the court and communications with Dolmans, first denied by leading QC, Lloyd Williams and trailing barrister, Natalie Sandercock, trying to wriggle out for their major player, Tegwyn, facing lengthy cross examination by writing his professional involvement with Maurice had ended, when he was transferred back to Cardiff Prison in October 09. What a blatant lie. No, he's a doctor, he walks on water.

    So why was Tegwyn giving evidence on the 2nd December 09, Maurice in the cells below, stating that Maurice had 'significant brain damage', suffered 'paranoid dillusional disorder' due to his belief that the South Wales Police were persecuting him? He was far too dangerous to be given bail, as the HM Crown Prosecutor, Thomolow, was anxious to repeat (this time caught on tape), Tegwyn believed Maurice had a brain tumour?

    Defence complained that Maurice, in his DOWNLOADS skeleton argument had revealed he was hiding the identiy of those in the helicopter chase across Wales in 2001. But examination of police skeleton doc has revealed that at least 15 new witnesses deliberately withheld for 10 years, despite monotonous requests for crime ref numbers and identities of those at each of the 100 odd police incidents. Dolmans 'shot in the foot', not necessarily, come tomorrow and find out.

    On a lighter note the police conceded that if they were claiming £800,000 costs (rarely taxed) I could alter my Particulars of Claim, limited at no more than £50,000, to 'unlimited'. What Dolmans were really saying was: the tax payer pays or Maurice pays, either way they can continue to 'milk the system' in a simple case, DENIED A JURY, what any High Street solicitor could masticate during trip from home to his office.

    So, tomorrow, every one in court is to pretend MAPPA rules are 'clear and understood', Maurice is 'fit to face 10 weeks of this opening garbage' and the nasty cop will reign triumphant again and continue getting the promotion, while the vocational minded leaves the force in utter dispair. We may be hearing about MAPPA minutes, Caswell masonic minutes or even hear about disclosure, at last, of police surveillance material gathered from outside Maurice's veterinary hospital, over many years.

    Ex Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams in Tuesday court to realease medical records needed for hip operation. Judge Orders Police Covert Serveillance MAPPA details be disclosed with Medical Records as Judge's Cooke, Thomas & Bidder Refuse to Obtain Police Planned Falsified 2/12/09 Court Medical Records to Get Me an IPP Broadmoor Imprisonment of Indeterminate Length.

    This video blog and diary of fact, not fiction, UP DATED almost DAILY, is of what is really going on in our courts. and British Constitutional Group   is a warning of things to come. Who is next?Oliver Reed takes a flying lesson    
    Remedy?  I remember, fondly, the newspaper cartoon at the height of trouble with Saddam Hussein and government ministers considering sending in their ultimate deterrent... the cartooon is of Oliver Reed being parachuted into Iraq (above photo is Ollie just before his 'flying lesson' in my WW2 Auster in a Cork field just down the road from his house). Full picture on 'GALLERY' Maurice's Pics.

    And here's a video of me in a meeting of victims in the House of Lords.

    The latest count, now, is twelve Cardiff Crown Court Judges, no less, appearing to have 'cooked the books' just to protect the Chief Constable of South Wales Police, Dr Tegwyn Williams, Professor Roger Wood and many more within their HM or Royal Charter protectorate free to harass and jail innocent members of the public with gay abandon.

    "Do as I say, not what I do"', is the current  welsh judiciary mentality reminiscent of, perhaps,  "When government is wrong, it is dangerous to be right", attributed to Voltaire.



    I am getting just the 'smidgen' of a feeling Cardiff 'HM Partnership' Crown Court judges, immune to any form of prosecution, namely Their Honours, Nicholas Cooke, Vosper, Bidder, Peter Thomas, LLewellyn Jones, E Rees, Jones, Hughes,Thomolow, the latter doubling up as HM Crown Prosecutor, et al, all opposing me bail, ALL KNEW or should have known, from day one, Fixated Threat Assessment Centre [FTAC] and medical evidence had been fabricated, totally dependant, it now turns out on a Dr Tegwyn Williams and his down the road 'world expert', so described by him, in the same masonic lodge, no doubt, a Professor Roger Wood, to help 'cooke the books' with Caswell Clinic's Maesteg back street 'wonder boy' holding the reins. Below's diary will indicate to those, paying for all whis, South Wales Police had me under covert surveillance for years thus now witholding 'disclosure' for my 18 year running civil action for a host of malicious prosecutions and imprisonments catagorised in my 2008 Abuse of Process Application for police failing to identify occurrence numbers for some two hundred incidents involving both me, my family and veterinary practice.  

    Messrs Wood and Williams will also experience 'Lawful Rebellion' in my eighth attempt to obtain ALL the medical records, redacted and falsifed, put before numerous Cardiff judges, just to refuse me bail and obtain an IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) under Section 41 of  the 1983 Mental Health Act. The doctors have been reported to the police in England, for what good that will do, having falsified reports and now, just because I escaped a potential ten year prisone sentance, for possession of a machine gun and and ammunition, the doctors have had to hurriedly 're write' them!

    In April Barry Magistrate District Judge dismissed my Caswell Clinic 'attempted burglary' allegations but refused  disclosure of South Wales Police medical records (MAPPA) or costs whilst the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons used the same proven falsified records, that I was mentally ill, attempting, in Cardiff County Court, to strike out a one million pound damages claim. The original conspiracy with South Wales Police, to have me struck off, in 2002, the very same RCVS lawyers, for example, were recently at the Royal Courts of Justice  claiming £6,676.83p costs for a mere £250 exercise to put a £75,000 charging order on my property which was tantamount to FRAUD. It started with £66,000 for the 2004 Privy Council Appeal costs, taxed down to £44,000, just another example of FRAUD but then who cares with their 1967 HM

    112.  7th Sept.  court progress report shortly

    111. 6th Sept. 18 years of police persecution on today's DOWNLOAD

    110. 3rd Sept. outbreak of war again

    109. 2nd Sept. Off on my buggy to the nearest doctor to try, again, to get the South Wales ringed medical industry to hand over my medical records for Judge Seys Llewelyn QC......the police may attend

    108. 1st Sept. Judge Seys Llewelyn QC said, on 17th inst, "go out and get an independant medical report....what a bloody joke, I said, what a bloody joke, in South Wales?

    I have just wasted most of a day hobbling around Cardiff:


    Minister of Health
    The Welsh Assembly
    Cathays Park
    1st September 2010
    Dear Sir,
    Withheld Medical Records by Caswell Clinic
    I find it disappointing that after some six months or so, of asking Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, to release my records, it continues to refuse to release to me or to my GP or, more urgently, to my surgical team now having cancelled my proposed total hip replacement operation yet again!
    Despite numerous promises from Caswell, to me and my GP, my records, discussed in public, on the 2nd December 2009, before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, stating I had 'significant brain damge' and possible cancer (see transcript), none of us have yet been furnished with the relevant  documents for surgery.
    Rest assured I have exhausted all normal avenues available to me, for lawful recovery and so, under high levels of pain killers now, I am most worried as what I might do next.
    Both the executive and politicians, already contacted, continue their apparent behaviour that I will eventually go away.
    His Honour Judge Jeys Llewelyn QC is awaiting that medical report in order to give weight to an enquiry into the conduct of the South Wales Police when Dr Tegwyn Williams acted, unbeknown to other members of the South Wales MAPPA, something I also have had confirmed, in writing, before going public on web site.
    My complaint to you, direct, is with the hope a reply from you can be obtained, to put before His Honour on 6th September 2010.
    Thank you
    Yours faithfully

    Note to Welsh Assembly Health Minister

    1st September 2010

    I found an 'independent' doctor today, or so I thought and presented her with my last year's hospital records, but only obtained by way of my FOI ACT application. The purpose was to reply to the suggestion, put by the trial judge, on the 17th August, that if I found an independent report, on your current medical state, I will look at it, to adjourn the hearing.

    Once The 'independent' doctor heard of the medication I was on, she quickly said," morphine alone will affect and cause 'confusion' and 'drowsiness' which, in such a long court case, as you descibe, will seriously affect your ability to conduct your own case. If you had a lawyer, of course, to do the questioning of all those witnesses, it would not be quite so bad."

    She then contacted my GP Practice and left the room for at least ten minutes. When she returned it was a completely different story. "Without all your records I cannot write you a report". "But that is the heart of the problem", my having shown her Dr Tegwyn Williams' Oct 2009 Psychiatric Report, earlier, required under the 1983 Mental Health Act, Section 35, for a Crown Court judge.

    The doctor had read Dr Williams' report, stating I had 'significant brain damage' but she commented, now, that my GP had written, today, asking her,

    "focussing mainly upon the use of analgesia to control his pain and its potential side effects".

    I told the 'independent' doctor, "But I have been trying to obtain verification and copy of my medication from my practice for two weeks now and why, in such extreme circumstances, I need to be on such a high level of analgesia." The GP records, I told her, are for a psychiatrist, radiologist and an independent doctor, all in England, all anxious to prepare their own independent reports for the judge, in five days time.

    I then said, "well, please, write what you said you would, earlier, on my word alone, this time, that I am on morphine sulphate". I offered her the chance to see the prescribed drugs with me but, while she had been out of the room, something had occurred to change her mind and so she refused whilst declining payment.

    Maurice, why do you continue to dream of the old days, before Blair et al?

    [Now I may understand as to why Dr Ruth Bagshaw and Dr Joseph Sylvester, after hours of Maurice interrogation, in Caswell Gulag Prison, last summer, now, in writing, through area NHS Management, of course, the usual tactic to hide the truth, deny any record was kept of their joint findings!]

    Extracts from 2008/2009 MAPPA/ Barbara Wilding Police Report for Welsh Assembly. (She has the chair of charity that helps fund Caswell and Tegwyn, I have just been be checked out.)

    Who are the MAPPA offenders?

    Offenders eligible for MAPPA are identified and information is gathered then shared across relevant agencies.

    The nature and level of the risk of harm they pose is assessed and a risk management plan is implemented to protect the public.

    There are 3 categories of offender eligible for MAPPA:

    Registered sexual offenders(Category 1) - sexual offenders who are required to notify the police of their name, address and other personal details and notify any changes subsequently;

    Violent offenders (Category 2) - offenders sentenced to imprisonment/detention for 12 months or more, or detained under hospital orders. This category also includes a small number of sexual offenders who do not qualify for registration and offenders disqualified fromworking with children; and

    Other Dangerous Offenders (Category 3) - offenders who do not qualify under categories 1 or 2 but who currently pose a risk of serious harm, there is a link between the offending and the risk posed, and they require active multi-agency managementLevel 3

    Active Multi-agency Management . As with level 2 but these cases additionally require the involvement of senior officers to authorise the use of special resources, such as police surveillance or specialised accommodation, and/or to provide ongoing senior management oversight.


    Dr Ruth Bagshaw

    Psychologist and Clinical Lead,

    Caswell Clinic

    Gwenan Roberts

    Cwm Taf NHS TrustProtection Department

        * Memorandum of Understanding between SMB and Duty to Co-operate Agencies
        * Formal Terms of Reference developed and agreed for SMBViSOR

    ViSOR is a national database holding details of sexual and violent offenders, and other dangerous persons. The three MAPPA Responsible Authority agencies - police,prison and probation - are able to work onthe same IT system enabling the sharing of risk assessments and risk management information on individual violent and sex offenders in a timely way to reduce re-offending.

    South Wales have been pro-active in developing a multi-agency ViSOR / MAPPA team that works together within the same office and shares access to police and probation IT systems. We look forward to prisons joining this co-located team, ensuring that we have the capacity to provide a comprehensive single help-desk facility for all MAPPA professionals in South Wales.

    The team is committed to ensuring that no member of the public comes to harm because critical information known by one agency was not, subsequently, shared appropriately with others.

    (above Extracts taken from official South Wales Police 08/09 Annual Report overseen by Barbara Wilding)

    107. 31st Aug.

    South Wales Police (MAPPA) refuse Judge's Order to disclose content of MAPPA  8th June 09 meeting at Police HQ, Bridgend, between Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic and Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, to have me arrested 22 days later, just to get me to Broadmoor. See police letter on downloads.

    106.  Arrested, recently, at 5.30am for Section 4 'Racially Aggravated Harassment' catching, red handed, a couple of coloured gentlemen paid to smash up my property. Today PCs Adam and Dave, just 28 days after the damage complaint, pretend they have come for the extensive damage, promising immediate arrest of the culprits, but it soon became clear all they wanted were my photos taken at the scene...all so predictably devious, when dealing with the South Wales Police.

    105. I just don't believe it! What are these HM departments going to pull next?  see download MAPPA disclosure order and court manager continuing to block all my e-mails for 14 on going court cases

    104.  Norman,

    l've forgotten your phone number under morphine suphate, diclofenac etc ! web site, closed again completely now please confirm
    Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship or Shooting Rats in a Barrel?
    Special and Punitive Damages
    MJK v HM Prison
    In Cardiff court, today, HM prison revealed  in-coming mail is always copied before sent onto Justice Ministry (ie Particulars of Claim sent by Cardiff court in April 2009 and my Application for Judgment for £50,000 sent in June 09).
    But HM prison, today, denied receiving either, their reason to throw out my judgment.
    But if 'no record'  how did I hear His Honour Judge Seys LLewlyn, in October 09, castigating the HM Treasury Solicitor's department when it admitted to him ( or his secretary) "they had received the application for judgment in June/July 09 but believed it to be part of their on going 2003 investigation, using a team of Whitehall lawyers, who have been beavering away for seven years, trying to stick a 'Vexatious Litigant' label on me, purely to block disclosure in the South Wales Police case for damages?
    Apparent judge's annoyance of what he heard, following my letter from prison, caused me to obtain judgment, there and then, in the middle of a case management hearing re South Wales Police.
    But who, if not both are lying? Police were made to admit, in writing, I had been under MAPPA level 3 (terrorist) covert surveillance from early June 09, before I was arrested to December 09, once Dr Tegwyn Williams had obtained my continuing imprisonment telling yet another judge I had significant brain damage and possible cancer.
    HM prison have denied, in writing, any knowledge of me ever being under MAPPA whilst I was in Cardiff Prison.
    Cardiff Court is blocking my e-mails, to file documents and failed to send me His Honour's comprehensive three page account for both parties as he was unavailable to continue the case today. I was handed it only after the hearing it stipulating serious issues, one being that the transcript of of His Honour Judge Chambers QC 's view on the case, in January 2009, was needed today.
    The judge had also ordered the full audit trail of the two court documents, had they been received by the prison, getting to the HM Treasury Solicitor, be disclosed to today's court  but the prison has, again, refused, using the routine procedure of using some else to swear a statement, reliant on 2nd hand information by avoiding the recently retired Governor, Ms West.
    The prison failed to send me, until during the hearing, the new Governor's 'statement of truth',  ordered by HHJ Seys LLewelyn QC, because, of course, Ms West, who under the circumstances of MAPPA , Vexatious Litigant Surveillance and ECRO (Extended Civil Restraint Order Rules), together with my previous successful claims for false imprisonment against HM Prison, meant Ms West was not just in the MAPPA loop of monthly probation and police and Caswell doctors around the same table, I was a litigant in person and therefore had free access to all defence preparation for a pending 10 year prison sentence.
     For a man purported to be 'trading in machine guns' and 'fighter aircraft' having applied for a £50,000 judgment are we expected to believe HMCS/HMPCardiff/Probation/Police and Caswell psychiatrists were not discussing my welfare daily to overlook a claim for £50,000?
    Nothing new under the sun, they say as I await, but do not holding my breath, for a judge has ordered full MAPPA disclosure during this relevant period by 31st August 2010.
    Interestingly, Norman, HHJ Seys LLewelyn QC wrote his  four page brief to 'parties' before 4pm 25th June 2010, two months ago, stating I had to state if action was personally against Ms West. No wonder I only recieved the document today!
    So that is why am I being denied sight  of court logs, prison records, etc, PROPER DISCLOSURE, under the law, the heart of all our grievances?
    Now back to some more pain killers.
    Bonne nuit.
    103.  WARNING, should you fly too close to the sun!

    Eight Examples of HMCourt Service blocking Maurice Kirk's E-Mail court papers being processed


    1) 25th August 2010  The following message to  <>  was undeliverable.

    The reason for the problem:

    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.1.0 Sender Denied'

    2) 18th August 2010 The following message to <> was undeliverable.

    The reason for the problem:

    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.1.0 Sender Denied'

    Cardiff Magistrates

    3) 25th August 2010

    The following message to <> was undeliverable.

    - Show quoted text -

    The reason for the problem:

    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.1.0 Sender Denied

    This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.

    For more information please visit

    Final-Recipient: rfc822;

    Action: failed

    Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)

    Remote-MTA: dns; []

    Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.1.0 Sender Denied'  


    4) 23rd August 2010

    This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

    Delivery to the following recipients failed.

    Barry Magistrates

    5) 25th August 2010

    The following message to <> was undeliverable.

    The reason for the problem:

    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.1.0 Sender Denied'

    Court of Appeal (Civil Division) London

    6, 7 and 8)

    Dear Sirs

    Please find enclosed correspondence from Mr Maurice Kirk in connection to his appeal.

    Unfortunately neither Mr Kirk or Mr Bowen are able to effect delivery of this document by email and have asked me to forward same for your attention.

    Please be as good as to confirm receipt.

    Yours sincerely

    Dafydd Morgan

    102.  Absolutely Urgent

    24 August 2010

    Jane Hutt AM

    Assembly Member for Vale


    Ms Edwina Hart,

    Minister for Health and Social Services,

    Welsh Assembly Government,

    Cardiff Bay


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