Trial Day 3 - adjourned to 11am Monday 13th Sept
(pocket history)
Last year more than 19 named psychiatrists and psycologists sat around tables, for hours, to deliberate over Maurice's future welfare, instigated by police using lawful FTAC but unlawful MAPPA implementation, while, once again, the tax payer picked up the tab.
FTAC (Fixated Trait Assessment Centre) January 09 incident, Maurice simply delivering a letter of complaint, about the appauling state of South Wales law courts, to Prince Charles, triggered Metropolitan Police, using Home Office Psychiatrist, to obtain his medical records and pressure the Cowbridge GP to refer Maurice to a psychiatrist.
Barbara Wilding, meantime, the then Current Chief Constable, jumps on the bandwagon, signs her false 25th Feb 09 affidavit, denying knowledge of Maurice's successful court cases in Barry Magistrates and expedites an excuse to further hinder Maurice's now seventeenth year of civil actions for damages, following many police failed malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments, by implementing MAPPA to spy on my material for the civil trial.
Barbara Wilding, Caswell Clinic Psychiatrist and others, then, on 8th June 09, around the very same table, in MAPPA police HQ, Bridgend, hatch a plan to further delay the civil trial that would mean Maurice, if not blocked, cross examining police and ex police, seventy or so, for at least ten weeks, could be sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act.
Maurice is classified as a MAPPA level 3, terrorist level, 'offender', and two weeks later, Barbara uses her own external solicitors, Dolmans, defending her in the civil action, to have Maurice arrested and jailed for over seven months.
On day of arrest Barbara splits the helicopter led thirty police armed raid on his home, in St Donats, into 'Operation Chalice' and 'Black Snow Drop' or some other such name.
The latter were police to take aside his wife, at the search site for a 1916 Lewis Machine Gun they already knew had been been sold a year earlier, to try and persuade Kirstie to sign a witness statement that Maurice had a history of a mental disorder. Police then went on to threaten Social Services to intervene with respect to their ten year old daughter.
During Maurice's imprisonment over ten Cardiff judges refused him bail or knowledge of or sight of any of the MAPPA minutes material having known, all along, he had been level 3 long before the date he was arrested!
To this day Maurice does not know why he was under MAPPA other than, of course, it allowed Barbara to have house and prison telephone tapes to assess his witnesses in the, shortly to be heard, civil trial.
Were the ten judges told?
It stinks, doesn't it? But this aroma, wafting from a Welsh law court, is very unlikely to be any different to a court near you.
1. Peter Vaughan, Chief Constable of South Wales Police appears to ignore 17th August 2010 court order for MAPPA Disclosure
2. HM Prison, Cardiff, deny any involvement with Maurice and MAPPA
3. Dr Tegwyn Williams' letters to the trial judge, together with his redacted and withheld medical records, contrary to Judge Cooke QC's Order and FOI Act repeated applications by Maurice Kirk to disclose, deny the very existence of his 40 minutes of evidence before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, on 2nd December 2009!.
4. Dr Ruth Bagshaw denies creating any medical record after lengthy examination of Maurice.
5.Dr Joseph Sylvester denies creating any medical record after Dr Tegwyn Williams employed him to examin Maurice at length
6. FTAC Psychiatrist reports all redacted
[re MAPPA Disclosure addressed to Police/Prison/Dr Tegwyn Williams,Director of Caswell Clinic, HM Crown Prosecution and Social Services]
5 (iv) The extent to which any documents might exist as a result of such meetings and whether it is understood by the Defendant that he or any other agency present at the meetings would object to disclosure of such documents in the context of these civil proceedings to the Claimant. In the event of any intended refusal the statement should seek to set out supporting reasons for any intended refusal.
Maurice now receives a hurried letter from the Chief Constable's solicitors armed with a seemingly bottomless pocket of resources.
[I wonder what Lord Bingham would have made of all this?]
Letter from Dolmans, solicitors of South Wales Police
8th Sept 10
Dear Mr Kirk,
I refer to today's hearing and in accordance with the comments of the judge regarding your medical reports. I request that you provide to ourselves and the Court the following documents at the earliest opportunity:
Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.
Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.
Letter of instruction to Dr....... when she was requested to prepare a report on you.
Full signed copy of the report of Dr .......
Full signed copy of the report of Dr .......
Full signed copy of the report of Dr ........
Full CV of Dr ........
Full CV of Dr .......
Full CV of Dr .......
Copies of any other reports that you would wish to rely upon in support of your application to adjourn.
Yours sincerely,
10th Sept 09
Dear Sir,
Failed Disclosure
It is my considered opinion, in the light of your offer to supply the presiding judge, His Honour Judge Seys Llewelyn QC, both Dr Tegwyn Williams's and Professor Wood's medical reports given to the numerous Crown Court judges and Crown Prosecutor, Mr Tomolow, in 2010, with the South Wales Police requesting to have me sectioned, number 41 of the 1983 Mental Health Act, that I withdraw my latest three medical reports, for an adjournment on medical grounds and rely only on your information, under your client's control, the Chief Constable, Mr Peter Vaughan.
It was accepted by numerous Crown Court judges, was it not?
The medical material, to which the trial judge and I refer, are contained in the seven monthly MAPPA meetings, during my unlawful imprisonment, last year, when I was wrongfully accused in trading in prohibited weapons and ammunition and having been arrested, in the first place, only you say, due to my threatening to 'exchange' witness statements through your office front window.
I am still waiting for that MG11 witness statement, for web site, another Court Order you continue to ignore.
These withheld records,by your client, will include the favourable State Psychiatric Hospital, Austin,Texas, USA, psychiatric report that Caswell Clinic, NHS and HM Prison Cardiff all denied me when so desperately needed for my ten Cardiff Crown Court judges, refusing me bail and CAA, having suspended my flying licences on South Wales Police information only.
Covert MAPPA surveillance allowed your client copy tapes of all my prison telephone calls and correspondence during my preparation for this ten week trial, booked then for January 2010.
If you continue to ignore relevant Court Orders I propose applying for a Judgment, on Monday, due to your client's blatant criminal conduct, much inherited from Barbara Wilding's nefarious conduct just before her retirement.
Yours faithfully,
Letter to Morgan Cole, Solicitors, Cardiff
9th September 2010
Dear Graham Miles,
MAPPA level 3 / FTAC Thank you for arranging for Dr Tegwyn Williams being able to attend at 11am Monday 13th September 2010, at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, with the medical evidence relied upon when he was before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, last December, attempting to obtain my immediate transfer from Cardiff Prison to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison, IPP.
I will cut short my Britanny recouperation period, following two days of strenuous torment, due to your client and Ms Barbara Wilding having refused to answer to witness summonses. South Wales Police' huge team of legal beavers, [and those were only the ones in court], were, no doubt, similarly disappointed in your client's conduct as they have now written to me specifying their need, also, for his medical evidence. See,/blog. The trial judge has expressed yet another medical examination appears to be needed, as Dolmans do not accept the three medical reports from English doctors. My letter to them, shortly, may be copied to you.
If you furnished me with 'certified true copy' of the medical evidence, to which I refer, then I see little point in Dr Tegwyn Williams or Barbara Wilding needing to attend court. If medical records appear to be temporarilly mislaid, may I suggest he contacts fellow MAPPA member, Ms Barbara Wilding rtd or the current Chief Constable, the Defendant on Monday, as they were part of the material copied and distributed at the seven monthly meetings with Caswell Clinic always represented. The meetings, apparantly, were to discuss my welfare and needs.
I will pay you £1000 cash, on the side, for copies of the monthlly Executive Reports of each meeting, Form E, written by the Chair that were freely distributed to County Council, Probation, Prison etc., as the court appears reluctant to uphold my very reasonable application of Defendant disclosure, now subject to an appeal before the Criminal Court of Appeal, in London. `
Yours sincerely,