Trial Day 3.

The court heard 10 Cardiff judges had failed to inform Maurice, applying for bail last year, he had been categorised by Dr Tegwyn Williams, Barbara Wilding, HM Prison and Probation as MAPPA level 3 (terrorist level). Despite the law to the contrary, the presiding judge refused to allow the 'Executive Summary' of each of the seven monthly meetings as it contained information Dr Williams had voiced that caused the judge to discharge him from giving evidence today.

Williams, in his 30th Sept 09 report to MAPPA had stated Maurice had 'significant brain damage' and should be transferred to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison, for Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP). He, with Professor Roger Wood, further falsified medical records for Judge Bidder QC, on the 2nd December 09, once they were aware Maurice's solicitor had acquired the August brain scans for an independent opinion. The second opinion castigated Williams' conduct for using intrusive techniques of radio isotopes into Maurice's brain, when an MRI would have sufficed.

Judge Bidder QC, aware of Dr Kemp's conflicting report and that of Dr Silva, of Ashworth, also heavily criticising Williams, then examined Wood's 28th September 09 report,  quoting 'Oliver Reed as a long term drinking partner' of Maurice and the contributory cause of the brain damage.

Judge Bidder, therefore, prevented Maurice from attending his own court, keeping him locked, below the court for over an hour while Williams, Bidder and Crown Prosecutor Thomolow got into a huddle, tape recorder ordered to be switched off, to decide what next to do.

"Maurice now has brain tumour", that's the plan, too dangerous to have bail.

(See DOWNLOADS 13th Sept 2010 Judge Bidder QC e-mail to HHJ Seys Llewelyn along side 2nd December 2009 transcript extract along side medical reports.)

[16 psychiatrists consulted, at length, during Maurice's custody, refused to back Williams' fabricated stories at the behest of South Wales Police and ten, if not eleven Cardiff judges.]

The seventeen years of covert police surveillance on him and his veterinary practice to spend the rest of his days 'locked out of harms way'.

Judge Bidder QC and Williams and Thomolow spent well over an hour, on 22nd December to redact and/or shred medical records and MAPPA audit trial, ordering that the meetings must no longer carry on in their current form as 3rd parties at the table were likely to 'blow the whistle'. Maurice must never find out why he was under covert surveillance.

But they all failed and Maurice 'got away', well, for the time being, leaving their last ditch attempt today, to cover up what had been going on for years. Judge Seys Llewelyn QC prevented release of any MAPPA record, at all! Maurice not to know why he had been on MAPPA and why removed on 17th December 09 whilst still in prison!

Maurice's FOI application meant Professor Roger Wood frantically rewrote the report that had been before Judge Bidder, stating he was no longer an expert on the interpretation  of brain scans, redacted Oliver Reed's name and stupidly referred in the Sept 09 report, to Dr Ruth Bagshaw, about the 'ex Chief Constable', Barbara Wilding, when she did not retire until 31st December 2009.

Police defence, meantime questions the integrity of three current medical reports from England, frantic for the case to continue as it is abundantly obvious 'it has been arranged': the 10 week trial is to be thrown out  before evidence is heard.

The judge contacted Maurice's witnesses, Dr Williams and Barbara Wilding, facing cross examination, when it was obvious the truth would come out on the conspiracy. Upon realising the consequences, ten of his mates sat around the MAPPA table, on their own agenda and the manner in which the Defendant, Chief Constable orchestrated Maurice's imprisonment, in the first place.

Draft Order


CASE NOs. BS614159-MC65, CF101741, CF204141, 7CF0734S, 9CF02983




Draft Order


Upon hearing the Claimant as a litigant in person and leading Councel for the Defendant


1. The Court having been advised that the Claimant was categorised as "MAPPA Catagory 3" for a period of time in 2009 and that the Defendant's solicitor was to provide a statement by 31st August 2010 and failed to comply with 5(iv) namely:

5 (iv) The extent to which any documents might exist as a result of such meetings and whether it is understood by the Defendant that he or any other agency present at the meetings would object to disclosure of such documents in the context of these civil proceedings to the Claimant. In the event of any intended refusal the statement should seek to set out suporting reasons for any intended refusal.

and that the Defendant, the Chief Constable, over seventeen years, and Defendant, HM Governor, over one year have repeatedly failed to comply with Orders for Disclosure that

(i) their be judgment in favour of the Claimant in above named Actions, with costs


(ii) a week's adjournment for both Defendants, Chief Constable and HM Governor, to comply to the 17th August 1020 and 26th August 2010 Orders respectfully.

2. There be proper Disclosure of the 'audit trail' caused by both HM Home Office and HM Justice Ministry's attempts, since its concept, circa 2003, to register the Claimant as a 'Vexatious Litigant'

3. Dr Tegwyn Williams, Director of South Wales Police Psychiatric Prison, having knowingly falsified medical evidence, on 2nd December 2009, before His Honour Judge Bidder QC and in other medical reports, used before Cardiff Crown Court Judges, on behalf of the Defendant, the Chief Constable, to oppose the Claimant's Bail Applications, to benefit MAPPA Catagory 3 covert surveillance, whilst the Claimant was in HM Governor's custody, be immediately arrested for 'Contempt of Court' or for breach of statute law.

4. In order that the Claimant may obtain urgent orthopaedic surgery, he be supplied with the undisclosed medical evidence, in the current control of the Chief Constable, HM Crown Prosecution Service, HM Prison Cardiff and National Health Service, relating to the Claimant's period of care, under HM Governor, following his discharge from Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, in October 2009, up to the day of his acquittal of all charges, in Cardiff Crown Court, on 9th February 2010.

DATED this 13th day of September 2010

This order was drawn up by Maurice J Kirk BVSc, The Claimant.