Maurice Kirk

Latest News

August 2008 - Posts

About anything from Warrant for Arrest to our online petition demanding Fair Trials and Compensation, for Maurice and other victims, in the spirit of human rights. For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. The latest video of a 12-minute interview with Maurice on Jersey in Dec 2010.

Breaking News:

Political asylum and protection from extradition granted - for the first time since the French Revolution, to a British citizen. See this post here.
  • Pilots Licence in My Hot and Sticky Hand!

    Filed under:

    The CAA, today, special delivery, kindly sent me a licence to fly again!

    Clearly, they have double checked that the report from Uncle Sam, causing immediate suspension of my licence, that I had been "engaged in criminal activity" and had landed on the road, right outside the gates of President Bush's Ranch in Texas, was quite erroneous. The Federal Aviation Authority confirm no aviation offence had occurred, when I had actually landed in a farmer's field, 5 miles from the ranch in a severe thunderstorm.

    Now all I need is a US Visa, as quick as possible, in order to fly the wee cub onto Argentina and the British Falkand Islands.

    That obtaining a visa is not going to be easy. I think I may need 'a little help from my friends', as the Beatles would say.

    Meantime, tomorrow, it is up with the early birds to motor the bike down South and pick up another WW2 Piper Cub.  I will fly her back, over the water, to South Wales for work on her for a proposed flight south for Cape Town, South Africa.  Only Basking sharks to contend with, I hope! 

    L Klee [] was put in the post, for me, the latest French distress beacon but with only 12 miles to cross, between England and Wales without a dinghy either, I'll risk it. 

    Some urgent ground work was needed today for her arrival. The afternoon was spent trying to get those damned horses to pay for their keep and eat down the rest of my 600 feet runway. I managed to erect two of the three wind socks vital for the landing, usually hampered with a cross wind from the prevailing westerly. The chain saw was at work as well, that Kirstie will no doubt notice in day light, my having lopped off the top of a tree a little for a slightly shallower approach. Every inch counts when handling a new lady.

  • Now Only Four Aircraft and Hangar Full of spares to be Sold

    1946 Burma War Auster 6a (same used for 1951 Vivian FoulkesTrans Antarctic Expedition)  and Gypsy engines failed to reach eBay reserve price yesterday so going for 'best offer' to make room for my new pretty 1943 WW2 Piper Cub preparation for Everst or Cape Town?

    A 'worthy charity' needed to raise money for, on either journey? Also any ideas, please, on how to persuade President Bush to let me back into  Texas to continue cub  flight on to Argentina?

    Thank you.

    PS  CAA say I have a pilot's licence in the post and Lloyd Klee, from Auckland, New Zealand, who sold me the beacon that saved my life in the Carribean, put down the girl to tell me, a minute ago, the French manufacturers are expediting, via Mirage jet, their latest model to allow me to fly from Southampton to Cherbourg this weekend, without nappies!    

  • CAA 'Trapper' Stamps Maurice's Log Book - eBay Auster Sale STARTS

    After 2 hours of examination, on the ground and aloft, exhausted Maurice is handed back a much appreciated 'debrief' and a Renewal Stamp in his flying log book!

    It was 31 years ago when Maurice last flew a PA 28 Cherokee 'spam can' on a similar GFT, General Flight Test, but that was at Oxford for his UK Commercial Licence.

    This means the stranded yellow Cub in Texas, subject to CAA Head Office immediately lifting the suspension, can be flown on to the Amazon, Agentina and Falklands this autumn if kind President Bush grants Maurice a Visitor's Visa?

    Kirstie is likely to find, in a few days, another little J3 L4 1943 D-Day Piper Cub tucked up in her stable (MY HANGAR) here at St Donats International Airport being hastily prepared for flight to Cape Town or will it be Mount Everest? 

    Meanwhile, in order to pay mounting bills, eBay receives Maurice's first of many aircraft, engines and 40 propellors to sell off!