Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

November 2009 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.

    Dear Sir

    Just why is my 28 October Bail application replied to on 9 November and only handed to me on 23 November, stating I had to use a lawyer?

    The prison refused to process a ‘statutory declaration’ as to my identity in order to obtain a lawyer's services, independent of your incestuous little world of deceit and avarice.

    I have, at last, made you lot admit I am classified as a Level 3 Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements prisoner, settled by the defendant, no less, in my 16 year running action for ‘Malicious Prosecutions’, the South Wales Police.

    Just how long did you know this, Mr Cooke?

    You continue to conspire by refusing to allow me access to CPS evidence to keep my locked up, evidence of a conspiracy to which I am entitled, but you are now directly interfering with my civil court cases.

    Maurice Kirk


    Dr Edward Silva
    Ashworth Hospital
    Mersey Care NHS
    L31 1HW

    Dear Sir


    My apologies for the brief ‘examination’ through my cell door but no one gave me proper notice of your identity, arrival or purpose of visit.  I believe you were someone I could trust.

    It is still a mystery to some as to just where you feature, as you are my 11th psychiatrist while the Cardiff Crown Court continues to refuse to release to me those reports from:

    1. Texas State Psychiatric Hospital – May 2008
    2. Fixed Threat Assessment Centre, Whitehall, January 2009
    3. Princess of Wales Hospital Bridgend,  April 2009
    4. Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust, June 2009
    5. Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Meetings, June – November 2009
    6. ABM Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, August – October 2009
    7. Whitchurch Mental Hospital, Cardiff, October 2009
    8. 12th Psychiatric Report requiring no examination or consent etc etc.

    His Honour Judge Cooke went so far as to spring a court hearing on me at 9.30am on 13 November with just 1 hour 35 minutes warning, to enjoy his repeated refusals to disclose the previous psychiatric reports favourable to me, for the purpose of being ‘fit to plead’, or CPS disclosure.

    His Honour uttered the usual court ‘niceties’ such as a ‘free transcript’ and ‘legal aid’ knowing full well he was lying again, especially when he again refused to seize the Lewis Machine Gun, before the police further tampered with it, refused me a couple of tablets for a severe headache, or order the Crown Prosecution Service to provide evidence I was ‘unemployed’, of ‘no fixed abode’, would ‘interfere’ with witnesses or ‘abscond’ their reason for remand.

    6 Judges and the CPS are attempting to withdraw the machine gun case now it has succeeded in well and truly screwing up my civil action against the South Wales Police in early January 2010.

    Cooke et al, are now attempting an indeterminate prison sentence under IPP Emergency Procedure and 1964 Criminal Procedures (Sanity) Act so I may see you shortly in your High Security Lunatic Asylum.

    Best regards

    Maurice Kirk

    PS I again ask for ‘The Court Bundle’ in the Cardiff Crown Court Brief.

  • Wings Clipped

    Maurice gets out a message.

    ‘To reassure his Lordship that I will not abscond if given bail, I have arranged for the wings to be removed from G-KURK, my worldwide piper cub delayed now for my flight to South Africa.

    G-KERK, my other D-Day Cub, has her engine on the hangar floor!

    G-KIRC, my Challis Chaffinch, the only one in the world, light on paperwork so cannot cross the channel.

    But the good news is, that on Friday His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn, in the civil action, Kirk against South Wales Police, caused the Chief Constable to reveal it was her own solicitors, Dolmans, that made the complaint to instigate my arrest on the 20th of June and who, maybe, with a little help from her friends, instigated the Section 35 of the Mental Health Act using the MAPPA powers so as to not let me attend at least 2 court hearings until Dr Tegwyn Williams had me ‘assessed’!!!

    My current hunger strike forced the early release of the Doctor's final psychiatric report, early enough for me to attend on the 23 October for the Civil Action for malicious prosecutions.

    The Police again denied knowledge of Sgt Rowe smashing his way into my Veterinary Surgery on 6 June 1995, purely to reinstate a Police Inspector's daughter and her drug dealer friend into my overhead flat.

    The plot thickens. 

    Not only can the hospital prevent me attending the Civil Action during the 12 week ‘assessment', I have now found out the Hospital, the County Court and the Crown Court have been writing about me all summer without my knowledge!

    I am in Crown Court 10am Monday 26 October.



    Remand Prisoner Kirk BM8473

    HM Prison


    South Wales



    Tuesday 03 November 2009


    0853     PO refuses to inform me whether it is police, probation or lawyer booked in for 9am for 2 hours 15 minutes.  Refuses to indicate which (7) court case, which files to carry to visitors compound. ‘Until you get there cannot tell you'.

    0914     Different PO states it's a psychologist from High Security Ashworth Psychiatric Hospital Liverpool.  I repeat I need proper notice, proof of identity, tape recorded and/or independent witness. (All in writing to authorities on countless previous occasions)

    Refuse? No.

    0915   Locked up in cell.  Write hurried letter to Dr?

    0918   Medication called.  Let out to medical orderlies - refused again, diclofenac tabs for arthritis (8th day).  Queue dominated by prisoners for either methadone and/or screaming to be sent to Caswell Clinic!

    0940   Original PO refused who/why Dr from HM Ashworth?

                Locked up.

    SO and PO explains psychiatrist from Ashworth from Court order of 26 October (HHJ Eleri Rees)

    I hand letter to SO to copy and deliver to Psychiatrist, stating I am not refusing, I require a minimum of 24 hours notice, taped, witnessed.

    ‘This is my 9th psychiatrist' signed.

    0952   Copied and returned.

    10.30  Dr at cell with healthcare manager to ‘assess fit to plead and stand trial'.

    XE on who is behind all this abuse.

    Dr admits never experienced a case re ‘fit to plead' but ‘not fit to stand trial without legal representation'.

    Seen explanation on my website?  Dr answered (later)

    Seen my medical records neither I nor my GP can get? Dr answered (later).

    What law are they trying now ‘because they failed miserably on Section 35 1983 Mental Health Act?   Dr answered (later)

    10.50  Dr. court can say ‘not fit (no challenge of Dr William's 4 psychiatric reports or release of my medical records)

    11.08  Are you fit to instruct any lawyer?

    Dr promises ‘bundle of papers' from Crown Court.  I explain I have had all these sort of promises from Cardiff Judges in the past and invariably ‘a pack of lies'.

    I won't get it, meaning all the correspondence between Judges and CPS and Caswell Clinic and HMCS and MAPPA and Justice Ministry and other gulags in South Wales (Whitchurch and Llanarth Psychiatric Hospitals, Swansea and Cardiff Universities, where so many previous psychiatric reports originated).

    I ask Dr. did you actually ask to see my medical ‘history'?

    Reply ‘They could not find MJK medical records.

    Dr:  How did all this start? 

    Suggest he read my 64 page witness statement dated 19 June 09 written ‘just for an occasion as this' once I realised all the South Wales Police had left, following the signing of the Chief constable's 25 Feb 09 sworn affidavit.

    Documents given to Dr.

    1. 2003 HM internal memo by Treasury Solicitors and HM Attorney General Re: Vexatious Litigant.
    2. Caswell Clinic internal memos (also see website)
    3. MJK 19 June 09 witness statement.  For civil action Re Covert Police Surveillance
    4. Chicago USA, Psychiatrist Report in Rebuttal (off website)

    Dr: Have you ever threatened violence?

    ‘I was picked for public school 7 aside rugby finals at Twickenham'

    Both Caswell Clinic and Cardiff Court refuse to remove falsely reported conviction of ABH on their record just as the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2002, laboured under false information, again supplied by South Wales Police with ‘intent'.

    I ask the Dr "where is the element of ‘intent' in my current predicament now facing an IPP prison sentence of indeterminate length for public protection?"

    "For public protection or for yet another Judge, on 2 December, at last quashing my Civil Action, on 10 January 2010 and blocking the machine gun case, never ever intended to see the light of day?"

    11.32  Dr leaves cell a little better informed stating he needed to return.

    Every cloud?