Dr Edward Silva
Ashworth Hospital
Mersey Care NHS
L31 1HW

Dear Sir


My apologies for the brief ‘examination’ through my cell door but no one gave me proper notice of your identity, arrival or purpose of visit.  I believe you were someone I could trust.

It is still a mystery to some as to just where you feature, as you are my 11th psychiatrist while the Cardiff Crown Court continues to refuse to release to me those reports from:

  1. Texas State Psychiatric Hospital – May 2008
  2. Fixed Threat Assessment Centre, Whitehall, January 2009
  3. Princess of Wales Hospital Bridgend,  April 2009
  4. Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust, June 2009
  5. Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements Meetings, June – November 2009
  6. ABM Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, August – October 2009
  7. Whitchurch Mental Hospital, Cardiff, October 2009
  8. 12th Psychiatric Report requiring no examination or consent etc etc.

His Honour Judge Cooke went so far as to spring a court hearing on me at 9.30am on 13 November with just 1 hour 35 minutes warning, to enjoy his repeated refusals to disclose the previous psychiatric reports favourable to me, for the purpose of being ‘fit to plead’, or CPS disclosure.

His Honour uttered the usual court ‘niceties’ such as a ‘free transcript’ and ‘legal aid’ knowing full well he was lying again, especially when he again refused to seize the Lewis Machine Gun, before the police further tampered with it, refused me a couple of tablets for a severe headache, or order the Crown Prosecution Service to provide evidence I was ‘unemployed’, of ‘no fixed abode’, would ‘interfere’ with witnesses or ‘abscond’ their reason for remand.

6 Judges and the CPS are attempting to withdraw the machine gun case now it has succeeded in well and truly screwing up my civil action against the South Wales Police in early January 2010.

Cooke et al, are now attempting an indeterminate prison sentence under IPP Emergency Procedure and 1964 Criminal Procedures (Sanity) Act so I may see you shortly in your High Security Lunatic Asylum.

Best regards

Maurice Kirk

PS I again ask for ‘The Court Bundle’ in the Cardiff Crown Court Brief.