This new blog site is designed to keep off my 'fun blogs' any future serious anecdotes, heavy documents or evidence of malfeasance and scandal witnessed in the dreary but scary world of deceit and treachery, our UK law courts. Driven by avarice the tax payer funded 'gravy train' is clearly out of control. The fact that it has destroyed much of my life, searching for that man-made concept, 'justice', and, some believe, has seriously damaged marriages and prime time with my children, in their formative years, is a stark warning to others, maybe, contemplating the idea of 'throwing stones at men in tall towers' when unable to get independent legal representation.
Both my father and mother insisted we six kids had a duty to pass on our privileged education and knowledge of life to others, less fortunate or not, who may benefit but without fear nor favour. Sadly, the legal world is not what it was in the 'good old days' when mum was asked to be a magistrate!
Apologies for my English grammar and spelling throughout this web site. I gave up Latin very early on at school for the sciences and obtained only 45% in O Level French, English 'language and liturature', the bare minimum for a university place!
27th Jan 2009
I receive a message today from the House of Commons fixing a meeting with my Member of Parliament who has been kept in the picture ever since the day I sat at our last meeting, in 2002, complaining the very same issues as they are today!
As the Piper Tomahawk, from Cardiff Flying Club, flew over our head, I pointed out Christopher Paul Ebbs, a villain in the general aviation industry and immune to prosecution by the CAA, would have signed the aircraft out for 'pleasure flights'.
Later the local police, hot foot from falsifying evidence at my RCVS enquiry to have me struck off, were made to state to Mr Smith that Ebbs, a thief and fraudster to boot, was immune to prosecution, due to his long periods in a mental home!