Dear Governor


In the wake of Mr Nick Hardwick’s inspection of HMP Swansea, this is to ask what prevents you from ensuring that Mr Kirk

1. gets the medical attention he has been needing for weeks;

2. can telephone not only his sister but also his McKenzie Friends and has access to his money for that purpose;

3. can advance his proceedings as directed by HHJ Seys Llewellyn, since he has to act as Litigant in Person?

More on and

Whilst writing, can you assure me that emails sent via Email a Prisoner do get delivered, and with what kind of delay?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

Sabine K McNeill


Co-Founder, Association of McKenzie Friends, > 30,000 visits since Feb 2012
…assisting Litigants in Person as Public Interest Advocates

Blogger, Victims Unite! > 360,000 visits since August 2010
... empowering victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression

Web publisher and McKenzie Friend, Flying Vet and Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police
... advancing the Cause for Litigants in Person: > 24,000 visitors since August 2010

WANTED: Fair Trials and Compensation > 500 signatures & 14,300 page views
... painfully renewed in its necessity as the Flying Vet is in HMP Swansea with a serious medical condition

Organiser, Forum for Stable Currencies - meetings in Westminster since 1998
... advocating Economic Democracy through Freedom from National Debt