It must have been like Christmas for Maurice when he got this letter. He had always trusted that there are good judges and good politicians 'out there' who can make the difference necessary. 

HHJ Seys Llewelly writes It is now more urgent than ever to finalise my judgement

That OBVIOUSLY required not only access to his papers, but also a laptop and printing facilities. 

Well, he eventually got it, but then access to money is missing so that he can send documents to court... 

 The documents that he produced to illustrate his ordeal are:

  1. a position statement of 12 September 2014 regarding telephone monitoring and MAPPA
  2. HM's Daily Spoonful of 'Treacle Treatment' of 09 September 2014
  3. a position statement of 04 September 2014 regarding the temporary release in July and subesequent recall
  4. a press statement of 10 July 2014 regarding the extreme and exceptional bullying and harassment by South Wales Police - no matter where Maurice happens to be. 

May the tide be turning at long last! For more and more people are waking up to

Litigants in Person are thus an undesirable species to be extinguished...