At the hearing for sentencing yesterday, Friday the 2nd May, Maurice received 8 months for the conviction for breaking the restraining order and the same for making threats to damage!

The following was reported by a supporter who was present in the court;


Sentence was passed by HHJ Rowlands today at Cardiff Crown court over video link from Cardiff Prison where Maurice is now being held.  

The judge cut off Maurice's speech in which he referred to "significant brain damage" and MAPPA level 3, on the grounds according to him that it wasn't mitigation and proceeded to then pass his sentence.

the judge gave 8 months on each of the 2 charges he was found guilty of by the jury to both run consecutively, making 16 months in total, minus the six weeks he also got for the Rogal assault at Cardiff Magistrates' Court back in December 2013.

However, if he wins that. appeal, then that sentence will of course be quashed.

HHJ Rowlands didn't however order the restraining order to be amended, although Mr. Smyth on behalf of the CPS applied for this.  

HHJ Rowlands was of the view that there had been no evidence that any postings were still on the site that were prohibited, and that the effect of the original order was to prohibit continuing publications even though they may have been posted prior to the Order being made.

HHJ Rowlands also stated that he was taking into account Maurice's age and medical problems, but was of the view that Maurice hadn't shown any remorse or contrition and had persisted in his campaign as he was obsessed by what he perceived as conspiracies and persecution by the authorities.

There was also no application for costs by the CPS, somewhat surprisingly.  The trial must have cost at least £30,000 if not more.

Therefore, if the six weeks for the David Rogan appeal is taken into account, assuming that his original sentence isn't quased, Maurice should therefore  be due for release sometime in the middle of August, although on licence for the remainder of the sentence.

No doubt others will make interpretations and comments on the sentences passed today..

However, we can only speculate as to why Maurice in fact received quite a lenient sentence.  No doubt others will comment further on this.  I say no more.