That, at least, is the opinion of Maurice who sees the hidden black hand behind the latest disruption to the site.
It is a well known tactic of the security services to employ internet trolls to disrupt sites that are spreading a bit too much truth!
As the police are having a hard time stopping Maurice's revelations, they seem to be mounting another campaign on a second front, much as they did in the machine gun farce when they used threats to remove his daughter by the Social Services to weaken his position and divert attention from their wholly spurious firearms claims.
It may well be the case that there is more than one police/government agent acting on this site as they are often known to play "good cop, bad cop" in order to cause more disruption and confusion.
Anyway, it is good news according to Maurice as it shows that they are getting desperate to stop the dissemination of the truth.
Here is another way they try to shut him up.IMG_0004.txt Evans Ap2.txt Evans Ap3.txt Evans Ap4.txt
This is the same tactic used by Judge Charles to stop him getting the truth out of the Doctor.
Again, they are using the Laws designed to protect children and vulnerable people. Of course they can't actually say that he is vulnerable as the man is a barrister and spends his days in court rooms ripping into witnesses.
So instead they make up a pretence that the" quality of the evidence" will be somehow improved if Maurice is kept shut up in the fish tank and some masonic appointed lawyer questions his "brother" about none of the key points.
Well they are right, from their point of view the quality of the evidence will certainly be improved, no questions of any import will be asked and they will be able to cover up their cover up, so to speak.
On the subject of his hunger strike untill they cease to obstruct his
defence of himself, apparently he is being moved to the hospital wing
So either they are concerned about his health or they are preparing to be concerned.