In response to requests for more info about charges against Maurice, the following has come to light.


Right click on the image to view the info they use to arrest him.




Notice that they say FIREARMS, WEAPONS. For anyone who missed the trial Maurice was found NOT GUILTY BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS, of any firearms offences. That was in 2010, but of course there is no conspiracy against him!




Here is what Wiki says about VISOR.



Violent and Sex Offender Register

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In the United Kingdom, the Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR) is a database of records of those required to register with the Police under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (the 2003 Act), those jailed for more than 12 months for violent offences, and those thought to be at risk of offending. In response to a Freedom of Information request in 2009, for example, Greater Manchester Police reported that of 16 people in their area placed on ViSOR since 2007 on their initiative and not as a result of a relevant conviction, 4 (25%) had clean criminal records.[1] The Register can be accessed by the Police, National Probation Service, and HM Prison Service personnel. Private companies running prisons are also granted access.[2] It is managed by the National Policing Improvement Agency of the Home Office.

Notification Periods for offenders sentenced under the Act 2003:[3]

In April 2010 the United Kingdom Supreme Court ruled that indefinite notification requirements contained in section 82(1) of the 2003 Act were a breach of individual human rights as they were disproportionate.[4][5] As a result of this appeals against inclusion of the register were introduced. Appeals can be made after inclusion on the register for 15 years and are made to the local Police force. Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Remedial) Order 2012







And here is the Judgement handed down by Judge Bidder on 17th October 2013.






And Maurice's response to that judgement,