SUMMARY OF 20 YEAR RUNNING SCANDAL in just short documents for the new reader:

A Dolmans fabricated affidavit following His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC's Order re 'disclosure' of numerous police incidents they were trying to bury


FAO Dolmans, Solicitors

Dear Mr Adrian Oliver, 

31st May 2013
Please find enclosed 23rd April 2009 worker's statement
Research uncovers photos already with court handed in with my Abuse Application of 8th Sept 2008 that sparked off the falsified Chief Constable 25th Feb 2009 affidavit,  her notice to quit and her personal attempt to having me shot by having me registered MAPPA level 3 and not telling me about it

09 02 25 Chief Constable Barbara Wilding Affidavit.pdf

09 04 23 Worker Witness Statement.pdf

13 05 27 Misfeasance Application BS 614159 CF101 741 CF204 141.pdf  

13 05 28 997435 Respondent's Skeleton Argument.pdf

13 05 27 Anthony Gafael Witnessed Statement for the Trial Judge BS416159.pdf

13 05 28 adjournment appl High Court BS 614159.doc

Private Tape Recording, ‘Litigants in Person’ to be awarded legal costs and the Crushing of Family Court Cartels

The future of our UK court administration, if not already a night mare, is a pretty grim one right now with the lack of funding for expertise and the extra work caused by the withdrawal of legal aid.

 One’s inability to find a truly independent lawyer these days with ever mounting unexplained costs incurred, should you be so lucky, is why I am adding to the problem by having to act alone.

Also, if my current Cardiff court action is typical of a ‘litigant in person’ floundering around in a quagmire of both regulation and custom with fast aging faculties barely keeping his head above water, then what is the future of our law courts when many more are forced to do the same?

In order for ‘litigants in person’ to achieve anything from the clear futility of it all then to further break down lucrative and unfair cartels, as currently practised in UK courts, is what each of you must strive to do and share the information from your mistakes.

 May I suggest we remain vigilant in what is to be ultimately achieved, significant reform of grossly outdated money driven judiciary and not to allow our own court cases to over shadow this primary objective, the clinching of that man made concept, justice for all parties.

Private Tape Recording in Court

1.  This to be supervised by the court only

2.  Your recorder  be placed with the clerk of the court who will only record evidence on oath

3.  As to its use then it is for the presiding judge to so order where appropriate

The main danger and need for current legislation in banning the indiscriminate tape recording of court proceedings, from the public gallery for example, is because other private conversations may be picked up when so often it is privileged.

If my current Cardiff  court action is typical of a ‘litigant in person’, floundering around in a quagmire of both regulation and custom with fast aging faculties barely keeping my head above water, then what is the future of our courts when many more are forced to act alone?

 My appeal, re private tape recording, is listed for 7th June 2013 in the Royal Courts of Justice if I do not withdraw from it following the apparent black mail move by Mr Justice Morgan, again, in ordering the South Wales Police to attend to further try in having me made bankrupt .

What has them worried is the fact that Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police is yet to give evidence in the three month running trial , in Cardiff, as was she, with a few other ring leaders, who used the public purse (misfeasance) to feather their own nests and carry out Guernsey's  wishes .

Here are some of my documents for RCJ (To be added in next few days):

1. Application for the 'Defendant' to give her evidence in part heard trial

13 05 Tape & Def WitRCJ Applic.pdf

 13 04 18 barrister cont note re Tape Appl.pdf

13 05 14 Morgan J RCJ Order.pdf

2. Her false February 2009 sworn affidavit denying knowledge of police breaking into my Cardiff surgery and numerous court cases relating to my 10 years of covert police surveillance of my veterinary clients and practice buildings

3. The right to tape record, properly supervised, of evidence given on oath only. 



TAPE Judgment.pdf


The tapes, all in my possession and requested to be played, on 7th June  at RCJ, include cross examination of retired  Ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe (recalled back to court by judge as he had previously denied even knowing me), Cardiff barrister David Gareth Evans ,CPS in my 1st Dec 2011 Harassment/breach of restraining order imprisonments, perverting the course of justice and Royal Courts of Justice hearing before Lord Moses over deceitfully written psychiatric reports for Barbara Wilding just to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act to be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Hospital for life.

95 07 22 Sgt Roe St.pdf 

13 05 22 A G Gafael Court Order.pdf

My bizarre experiences surrounding my acquisition of this following few statements would need a week of work in order to putting it into plausible print!

13 05 27 Anthony Gafael Witnessed Statement for the Trial Judge BS416159.pdf

13 04 08 CAA NATS Jonathan Clayton Evidence Blocked.pdf

These and other tapes, some stored for nearly twenty years, may be published on this web site subject to the RCJ ruling and, if needed, final European Court of Human Rights ruling because, as for now, His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC's Order not to disseminate, stands.


3rd published page of my continuing Pilot Magazine  seven page article written after my little 'jolly' to Sydney Harbour 

13 05 27 TAPE blog Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (3).pdf


AND as for Family court lawyer cartels take the Musa Nigerian family case, and 'snatched seven children, just as a day to day example,  with the Haringey Council wickedly shielded by 'HM' so their string of solicitors and barristers could milk the proverbial tax payer funded 'gravy train' without even fear of any taxation of their extortionate make believe bill of costs.

‘Remove children from criminal families’, says Sheffield judge

Top judge Alan Goldsack QC who is retiring at the end of May pictured in his chambers at Sheffield Crown Court 21 May 2013 Image Paul David Drabble

Published on the 25 May 2013 17:06

South Yorkshire’s top judge has called for children to be removed from dysfunctional homes to end the ‘frightening’ cycle of crime.

Judge Alan Goldsack QC, Recorder of Sheffield, revealed he is now dealing with the grandchildren of criminals he prosecuted or defended 40 years ago.

The judge spoke out as he retired after 43 years in the legal profession.

He said: “Some people become criminals because they enjoy crime and think it’s a good way of life and if they don’t get caught they think they can have a good lifestyle.

“But a frightening thing is the number of people I see who are the grandchildren of the people I have prosecuted and defended 40 years ago – because crime runs in families in the same way that being a doctor, teacher or lawyer does.

“We have to get in on the ground and remove young babies from the families that are going to produce the next generation of criminals, and that is why I did family law right up until the end because I think it is very important work.

“I have read so many pre-sentence reports where I said to myself ‘why was this person not adopted at birth? All the signs were there’.”

Judge Goldsack said prisons are full of criminals who are products of a failing care system, where children are removed from dysfunctional homes too late – at an age when it is difficult to find adoptive parents so the youngsters end up in care.

“A huge proportion of people that we see at court are products of the so called care system and a huge proportion of those in prison are a product of that so called care system,” the judge added.

“Family is all important if you want to prevent people becoming criminals - a stable family life prevents most people from becoming criminals.

“The care system is not working as well as it should be by a long chalk.

”Once children get beyond the age of four or five, what do you do if you bring that child into the care system?

“There is a shortage of parents wanting to adopt children of that age or above, so only few will be found homes, and if you a child you leave until they are nine or 10 the care system can’t do much for them at all - they can up going back home because there is nowhere else to put them.

“Children removed from home at 11 or 12 will invariably end up in a children’s home, which is why we have to get in early.

“It’s not uncommon for a dysfunctional family to have £250,000 spent on them, but if we got in early and removed children from these homes we could save thousands.”

[tks to M.B.]