Arrest of Crown Prosecutor David Gareth Evans

Dear Mr. Kirk,

I have pleasure in confirming that, further to telephone and written correspondence, Mr. Tony Dicken of CPS Cardiff agreed to make available a number of CPS files involving Dr. +++++++++( one complaint was subject to a no further action decision). These were to be provided in time for your renewed application for leave to appeal conviction for breach of a restraining order also involving Dr. ++++++++.
The arrangement was that these files could be delivered to the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.
Since our meeting last Sunday I have telephoned CPS Cardiff on your behalf about this disclosure but have been met with no answer.
I trust this assists.

David Leathley L.L.B.; of Lincoln's Inn. Barrister.
And so it goes on, here in South Wales, in my third decade, now, of witnessing the stench that pervades our society from the acts of either police or CPS continuing to distort, fabricate and generally withhold evidence so necessary for  either our civil or criminal courts.

Western Mail 4th August 1993.pdf

 13 05 22 Claimant Harassment Victim Application.doc

Hearing at Cardiff Magistrates 25th June 13 (bring a packed lunch) Doc2.docx


A private persons arrest was conducted in Cardiff County Court foyer

 Private Prosecution.wmv

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism.

The current formulation of Narcissistic personality disorder in the diagnostic manual DSM-IV has been criticised for failing to describe the range and complexity of the disorder; it focuses overly on "the narcissistic individual's external, symptomatic, or social interpersonal patterns--at the expense of his or her internal complexity and individual suffering" which has reduced its clinical utility 


Then may I suggest you examine the next document that, if true, might have caused it?

 Guernsey Police collaboration with South Wales Police was FIRST PROVED by me on 3rd Dec 1992 when I was interrogated by the Commander of Barry police station, a Chief Superintendent no less,  when accused of arson, burning out my Piper Cub, for the insurance (it was not even insured).


 09 02 25 Chief Constable Barbara Wilding Affidavit RCJ Applic.doc


Rough draft for Friday's applications before His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC

22nd May 2013

Claimant’s Position Statement


A)   Witnesses outstanding in 1-3 Actions

1.      Ex Inspector Colliandris  (medical argument irrelevant)

2.      Ex Chief Inspector Sean (Shawn) Trigg  (key player)

3.      Ex Brian Jenner  (Recall re Break in Cardiff Vet Surgery)

4.      Ex Chief Inspector Insp Robert Nelson Roe (Recall re Break in Cardiff Vet Surgery)

5.      Ex Chief Inspector Collin Jones  (key player)

6.      Inspector Andrew Rice (Recall re 1st Action 8.23 & CP Ebbs/Alexander)

7.      Inspector Steve Parry  (Penal order on Defendant)

8.        Jonathan Clayton Air Traffic Controller (Dangerous flying/Penal Order)

9.           Ex Chief Constable Barbara Wilding  (Defendant)

10.          Ex Special Constable Frank O’Brian (Penal Order on Defendant)

11.          Ex Special Constable Ridley (Penal Order on Defendant)

12.       Mrs Diana Graham (Foreign Witness Summons)

13.         A Gafael  (re break in Cardiff Vet surgery/Penal Order)

14.        G Thomas (stolen BMW m/c/ Penal order)

15.        ‘Yosser’ Nigel Thomas (stolen BMW m/c)

16.           Michael  Murphy (Defendant’s destruction of Claimant’s vehicles)

17.       Mrs K Kirk

18.       Mrs G Jones

19.      Mrs J Hanson 

B)     Application for Jury Trials for:

a)     4th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments

b)    5th Action  Machine gun Case/malicious pros, false imprisonments

c)     6th Action  Forensic Psychiatrist/NHS (Wales)False Medical Records

           d)     7th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments

      e)     8th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments 

C)    Claimant’s Fitness to Continue?

D)   Previous ‘struck out’ incidents in 1-3 Actions to be re instated

E)     Current Civil Proceedings (post Woolf/ Human Rights Act)


F)  HM Crown Prosecution Service continues to ignore disclosure applications from Claimant, his solicitor or from his  barrister re:


              i) Refusal to disclose evidence to clarify NHS psychiatric records at Caswell Clinic, Glanrhyd Hospital, Bridgend

             ii)  Refusal to disclose July 2012 evidence re doctor's statement that caused Claimant imprisoned          

            iii) Refusal to disclose depositions re above withdrawn indictment of 'harassment'

            iv) Refusal to disclose depositions re one Lewis machine gun indictment and subsequent acquittal

             v) Refusal to supply Claimant with copy of his own MG11 victim statement re above outstanding issues

            vi) Refusal to supply Claimant with date he was first deemed to have a mental disability


G)     Interim payment for costs and damage


A sample of Re examination Evidence

 13 05 20 Re ex of Clnt BS 614159.pdf


Pilot Mag Apr 2002 Profile Pt 2_0001.pdf

09 08 28 SPECT & MRI Scans.pdf



[Extract from my 15th May 13 e-mail to Inspector Grothier of South Wales Police Professional standards Dept. HQ. Bridgend]

Inspector Andrew Rice of South Wales Police 


 Mr Ebbs/Alexander gives evidence in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre today, 15th May 2013 at around 10.30 and as both you and your vast legal team very well know you should be there to witness the evidence and read his statement by your QC as 'non controversial' 12 10 26 Ebbs Statement.pdf 


You need, may I suggest, to be talking with the trial judge and/or clerk of the court as to timing but, in the interests of so called 'justice' and the Rule of Law,bring a few friends.

(After a good lunch with Andy Aishe, all paid for by Mr Alexander, they both gave evidence)



Air traffic controller, Jonathan Clayton (JC)  and Inspector Steve Parry, both vital eye witnesses, have both been 'spirited away for a few weeks by the police, until the case is over. Despite witness summonses served they currently, as for those below, enjoy the protection of the 'Taffia'.

A very frightening experience"

Andy Aishe, my pilot in 'Liberty Girl' whilst my licence was temporarily suspended, told the court, that the helicopter followed us from Wenvoe mast to St Donats (15minutes) 


 "A very frightening experience",  "helicopter rotors might chop the wing off"


JC had let it slip, after I had loosened his tongue a little one day, in the Six Bells, that the video the two police were making from the police helicopter was record as just how dangerously close they were to us as they all could read the writing on my t shirt, I'd rather be flying G-KIRK!


13 05 12 Gafael st.pdf (Mr Anthony G Gafael has been summoned by special court order to give evidence this Friday at 10am)


On 24th May at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre there will be an application for the production of :


Barbara Wilding, ex Chief Constable, ex Inspector Howard Davies, ex  Chief inspector Brian Jenner, ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe, ex Inspector Sean Trigg and serving Inspectors, Steve Parry and Andrew Rice and Sgt Kilberg, all for being implicated in bullying, misfeasance, malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments and having my vehicles destroyed or stolen and setting up a Penarth police station car park 'sting'.


10 09 28 Murphy Statement_0001.pdf

13 05 14 D Insurance st.pdf

13 05 04 Receptionis st.pdf

IWitness Statement Kevin Fairman.docx


1. The police watch my BMW motor bike being stolen, Ex police officer Booker from Llantwit Major, slipping it out on cross examination.

2. Gerald Thomas (Gerry) I meet on the Cardiff prison exercise yard, while I am in for 'trading machine guns'  and who tells me how he heard the theft going on at the back of the Barry veterinary Hospital. He heard it on his illegal police scanner radio.

3. He hears it has crashed not a few hundred yards from where he lives and so nips down to watch the police arriving and the rider running away.

4. Gerry notices 'a foreign number plate' on it actually being 'all numbers'----Guernsey.

5. The police wait until the garage truck arrives to recover the bike.

6.  BUT by the time he gets to the incident with police still in attendance no number plate is on the bike!

7.  So back at his garage he has to remove the bike panelling to locate the chassis number, rings it in to the Barry police station in order that the 'owner' can be traced.

8. six weeks later 'Yosser' Nigel Hughes, a BMW rider in the police force, comes into my hospital with a rescued, off the M4, young Rottweiler which he hopes to keep. A 'conversation takes place' that causes Mr C at the garage, another client, to return my bike.


The following photo is of his original record book to confirm , which he did in court, the police only needed it chassis number to audit trail its route of owner ship. Oh, surprise,  surprise, I had bought it off a Guernsey police officer, a Mr Farnham son of someone 'in music'. 


But the Ely police, only a few months earlier, had me jailed in Cardiff prison for stealing my own bike and being unable to serve a summonses as they neither knew who I was nor where I lived.




Note the details re contacting Barry police station (in red) and chassis numbered with name of owner put in six weeks later.


 Out of 50 other such pages, of years of 'recoveries' in this book, no over incident is so recorded. It stinks, Dad, doesn't it?




 The 'Officer In the Case' (OIC), while I was locked up in a cell until prison next day, rang Guernsey police, from Fairwater police station, giving them my name which caused, the court heard, an immediate reply, "he always goes to court as Claus Barbe"




 Theft Just one of the 31 incidents in his hearing in four other actions  lodged and similarly delayed waiting to be listed for trial, NHS(Wales) Caswell Clinic and a certain 'W11 Lewis machine gun' case that will be a lot more fun to manage


Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police



And now something completely different!



PILOT MAGAZINE article will be featured, per page, in following blogs starting with the first page, I suppose. Material for it was sort of acquired by a very old friend, the then editor, Philip Whiteman, whilst we enjoyed the occasional few bottles of very fine claret. 




Pilot Mag April 2002 page 1.pdf

Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (2).pdf


Some chap signing out his name 'Phillip something....... on some new fangled community type internet  talking system, far too complicated for me to, if I remember it, was it not a Philip something for some pilot magazine, at Biggin Hill that foggy day, in 2002, when 51 aircraft suddenly  started up their engines all at once, in inclement weather, all, apparently,pointing at the 'coat hanger' in some penal colony.... and I do not even have a route sorted!


One guy had been loading a large suitcase into his twin and when asked he opened it . the leather case was fulI to the brim with aviation charts/ topographical maps and all weighing a ton!


 I had dug out  my old school atlas,(my nav aid to winning a bet), earlier that week with enough Empire on it for plenty of fuel stops and repairs as Amy had the use of. The old atlas would  allow me to fly between the pink bits so I didn't get lost.


Of course, I remember now, it was Philip that rummaged around on the floor of the clogged up cockpit, with aircraft now taxying by for the active runway (pointing the wrong way fro Australia). Amongst much rubbish he found and un ruffled a sort of map to meticulously calculate a bearing and much DR to, at least, to the English Channel and, anyway, I didn't need a map of France for Nice, I'd been there before.  


So much for one more page of your article, Phillip, you do not the recall all my stories , that night, as another special landing strip, of same name, reaches territorial waters tonight , needing a wee cub landing for a proper 'send off'!


It was 6am in Plymouth Sound, circa 1979, another 'flat top' for the scrap yard (with HUGE History) , a Fastnet or was it the smallest 6.8 vessel to cross the pond, I forget, I used to be paid, vin those heady days,  for photos for Fleet Street.


BUT much problems with 'she who has to be obeyed' ,  the CAA , a pending action, so unusual, stopping me from landing on the ARK ROYAL that early grey morning. My children, never miss .....the opportunity in life, it only comes once , I know, I was that soldier.


Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (3).pdf




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