Today the court should of heard how South Wales Police had me locked up in Cardiff Prison for days waiting for Guernsey to send them my extradition papers but those families who collaborated with the N-zis, in WW2 chickened out.
So, in retaliation, Dolmans, solicitors, headed by Adrian Oliver, who has personally already purloined over one million pounds of tax payer's money, using me and my family as cannon fodder, backed by Barbara Wilding's armed police helicopter to try and snatch our then 10 year old daughter, relied, stupidly on Caswell Clinic to produce the falsified evidence.
The exceeelent and well credit worthy police officer (we first met 20 years ago in Grand Avenue, Cardiff), gave evidence, but more to the point ......told the truth, to the best of his belief.....if anyone restored my faith in the Cardiff bobby on the beat it was this chap!
So Dolmans had this document served on me, as if another headless chicken in this Jarndyce and Jarndyce affair, expecting a coherent answer......dream on
13 04 22 SWP Defendants Position Statement.pdf
A crate of wine from my next vineyard's pressings and lunch on me, tomorrow, if you attend Cardiff County Court tomorrow at 10.30am and hear the answers.
Please leave all automatic weapons at the door.