Poor Haringey Council victims in Wood Green Crown Court on Tuesday having had their seven children snatched by Haringey Council. On 15th a private prosecution at Westminster Magistrates while Cardiff continue to refuse to list my private prosecutions on the ring leaders who had me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act now three years AGO!
If there is a 'doubting Thomas' out there who still questions anything on this and other associated web sites about the current appalling state of Cardiff law courts then, may I suggest, you listen to and or watch a series of tapes and videos now available to you.
While the Supreme Court is allowed to be filmed and Cardiff repeatedly refuse me the right to hear Crown Court tapes of hearings, at gross variance to their extortionately expensive transcripts, especially those made lately over their very own rogue psychiatrist and perjuring Cardiff HM court and custody staff, then be my guest and ring 07907 937 953 for details.
Until the day Cardiff's own judiciary is answerable to any one, as they bargain with Whitehall to write their own law, then just how bad can it get when they do finally get what they have already been promised?
Last one to leave switch the light out.
My latest letter to Criminal Court of Appeal, London
Criminal Court of Appeal
Criminal Court of Appeal ref: 201203241
Royal Courts of Justice Cardiff Administrative Court ref: CO/3970/2012
3rd August 2012
Dear Case Worker,
Appeal against Breach
of Restraining Order Conviction
Only by Bristol Crown Court’s repeated intervention have I been able to now obtain
at least a few of the pages of
contemporaneous record from the Cardiff Magistrates court log, the latter
having written , more than once, stating I that am not entitled to it.
Within the late released pages, one enclosed, AFTER my 2nd
May 12 Crown Court hearing for ‘Breach of Restraining Order ‘, subject to your
appeal, there is a sealed set of Crown Court and/or Administrative Court Orders
for ‘when Mr Kirk is convicted’.
Several of my
Judicial Review Applications were then current and have now been heard , again
with my being quite unaware of the ‘sealed brown envelope’s content that
directly related to them.
I make application for the disclosure of the content of His
Honour Judge Christopher Llewellyn QC’s ‘sealed brown envelope’ as there will
be or there was, before they got warning , a finally drafted Restraining Order, no doubt.
Should the court require that I have available the most accurate record of
the full deliberations of District Judge John Charles Cardiff Magistrate’s,
leading to the purported service of a Restraining Order, on allegations contrary
to 1997 Prevention of Harassment Act, then I will supply.
Maurice J Kirk BVSc
Copy to Bristol Crown Court
Administrative Court
Feedback from this blog now indicates why the content of the 'sealed brown bag' from the recorder of Cardiff was so hushed up by the Cardiff cabal.
It is all about why the prison prevented my attending the 28th Oct 2011 London court and my sentencing, re Musa Haringey Council solicitors fiddle and why my JR was blocked from process following my severe conviction, also in my dramatic absence, that notorious Cardfiff case, last year, charged for 'Threat to kill the Lord Mayor of Cardiff'.