Fresh in is the official transcript of Maurice's appeal on the 1st of March at the Crown Court in Cardiff, available here for public scrutiny of the way things are done.
A20110290 - KIRK all proc - 01.03.12.pdf
How interesting ...
The Law is not an Ass - so please guess who the asses are...
Public Domain - and relevant to Judge Charles
Latest issue of Private Eye issue No 1312 page 30
Police 5 - Black and blue
"After Liam Stacey was jailed for 56 days for tweeting nasty racist abuse about Fabrice Muamba and others following the footballer's collapse, the Crown Prosecution Service was keen to highlight its role in the successful prosecution.
"Racist language is inappropriate in any setting," the CPS chirruped. "We hope this case will serve as a warning to anyone who may think that comments made online are somehow beyond the law".
This of course is the same CPS that decided - even when presented with recordings of officers threatening and racially abusing a young black man - that no charges should be brought against the police."
End quote.
Murdoch's scum merchants wrote a scurrilous piece about Kirk during the Machine gun Trial - Murdoch's percieved as not so scummy others; over at The Times also wrote an article 'Timesonline' about the Kirk Trial ....
How come they never thereafter mentioned Kirk's "Acquittal" - or wasn't that:
"In The Public Interest"? [BSkyB claim public interst issues when it suits them!]
Perhaps the overriding objective was more in line with protecting the scum CPS acting to protect the scum SW Pigs? Ho Hum.
Relevance - Norman Scarth dis-sected and tore to pieces - in the run up to Maurices Machine Gun Trial - the Psychiatirck {Trick} repoort.
Norman has just stated - from out there Quoted as follows - some people might need to read it several times to appreciate it>
Dear Lord Puttnam,
We understand you to have said "Leveson has uncovered a banana republic: CORRUPT PRESS, CORRUPT POLICE, CORRUPT POLITICIANS." Please forgive me for pointing out a most important omission from your list - CORRUPT JUDGES! Could it be you are unaware that such creatures exist? I can assure you they do - in very large numbers!
The so-called 'News Media' (along with Government & Parliament) leads the populace in worshipping them as Gods. Could it be that they have succeeded in brainwashing even you into believing this?
In fact they are the GODFATHERS of the Legal/Judicial Mafia, which operate the most successful Protection Racket in the world. If it is evidence that you want, I can provide you with volumes, as can many others. The persecution inflicted on me by this Mafia started 17 years ago, increasing after I stood for Parliament (1997) & published the book 'CAUSE for CONCERN', & even MORE so after my single-handed success in the European Court of Human rights. Far from decreasing as I get older, the persecution is increasing (& become more blatant!) to the extent that, AT THE AGE OF EIGHTY SIX I have been forced to flee the land of my birth - THE LAND FOR WHICH I FOUGHT IN WORLD WAR II - & seek asylum abroad! I HOPE you will want to know more.
Norman Scarth.
The Leveson Inquiry is a smoke screen, to take people's mind off what is INFINITELY worse. NS