18 weeks less time served was the sentence - for the harassment supposedly - while the charges for the criminal assault and the failure to attend the bail were squashed.
They just seem to make things up as they go along, as long as their bad intentions succeed:
- not being able to look after the civil action
- not releasing those medical records
- not cross-examining Dr Williams.
May their consciences offer their weight after all when the time comes...
With 22 current court cases running, Maurice will have more to add and to appeal, I suppose after these experiences...
South Wales Police managed to 'camouflage' the 28th Sept hearing.
After the good news I was told he didn't want to sign the release document and that he would stay for the remaining nine weeks.
But then he was out after all and stepped into a 'gate arrest'. True, on 28th November he should have been in court in Highbury. But I had told Haringey that he was in prison. And prisons are supposed to 'produce' prisoners to courts. So why did that not happen?
Well, when he was due on the 14th in London, his case was heard in his absence on the 9th and dismissed 'without evidence'. The broken window wasn't broken enough, I suppose.
But with a national computer system, surely everybody knew that he was in HMP Cardiff and couldn't be in court!
What's the malicious intention in this part of the country???