It is said that Wales is the test bed for Police State UK. The Multi-Agency Public Protection Agreement (MAPPA) is one such mechanism that was started in Wales. Being categorised level 3, like Maurice was, means being treated like the top most violent 5% of the population: terrorists or sex offenders.
For South Wales Police it meant holding meetings between South Wales Police, NHS and Caswell Clinic (and possibly others) trying to 'assess the risk' that Maurice represented and finding ways of locking him away for life.
Dr Tegwyn Williams played the key role with his false medical reports. But who will acknowledge, let alone admit or compensate? It seems 'cheaper' to pay lawyers and to keep Maurice in prison...
These six pages are an excerpt of a leaked report that HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC refuses to disclose...
Meanwhile, Maurice has been denied the opportunity to cross-examine Dr Williams and is waiting for some sort of sentence for some sort of charge of being imprisoned, under the most oppressive conditions imaginable, ignoring all rights and facilities for prisoners to prepare his defences in a number of court cases...