It obviously helps to have prison experience, if you want to survive those limitations and de-humanisations.

When Norman Scarth realised how severely hampered Maurice was, while he does have a few court proceedings to look after, he pointed out that litigants in person have the legal right to have access to computers, printers, Law Library, etc. In fact, Norman praises two prisons but got great obstructions in others! Eventually, he was even given a laptop in his cell. 

So why do South Wales Police not return Maurice's laptop which they stole on August 24th - for "efficient investigation of the offence"?

Why is he prevented from communicating with courts, solicitors, McKenzie Friends, friends and family? 

Why is his mail being opened and sent to one of his supporters? 

Here are judgements that HMP Governors should follow and respect. They are based on Article 6 of the Human Rights Act. In fact, Articel 6 (b) ensures "the right to time and facilities to prepare a defence." But do prisoner's have human rights?...

  1. Raymond v Honey (1983)
  2. Ponting v Governor of HMP Whitemoor (2002)
  3. Cooper v HMP Service (2005) 


Do Litigants in Person have a chance to be treated fairly?

Maurice's Mission Statement

The trial concerning Dr. Tegwyn Williams on 10th November is on behalf of those that have been sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act unlawfully, reliant on arrogant and deceitful doctors immune from HM prosecution due to HM Crown Court rules.