One does have to wonder whether psychiatrists are capable of hearing, seeing and feeling. When I read this statement that three doctors produced when Maurice was in a cell in Tottenham Police Station, I thought they take "paper reality" more seriously than what is in front of their eyes.
The "medical records" produced by Dr Tegwyn Williams who had not even examined Maurice and was certainly unqualified to interpret a brain scan seem to provide the basis for all future "assessments".
Why don't these people take into account the fact that Maurice is in the top 5% of the population as far as his IQ is concerned? After all, that was established in Caswell Clinic, too! Why do they insist on "paranoid delusional disorder" - this "fantasy" of being bullied and harassed by South Wales Police?
Just as academics keep quoting others' publications, so do judges rely on judgements that have been made beforehand and psychiatrists take a brethren's report for gospel - without checking one iota.
But many people who sign petitions write "The Truth will come Out!" More about what got Maurice into Kentish Town Police Station HERE.