Enid Blyton could not have made this up!!!

Anyone knowing which court tomorow, lunch is on me!

Bring 'renta crowd' and megaphones......and there I was, getting drunk because I failed to get this wickedness to Crown Court tomorrow.

Could be Haringey Magistrates Court in Bishops Road, Highgate...but knowing the wickedness of CPS and HM Partnership and Memorandum of Understanding....could be anywhere South of the Tyne.

Well, it turned out not to be a court, but a mental hospital for the Musas! Without a blanket, being asked to take clothes off, the Musas had a terrible time in custody, but escaped being sectioned.

Maurice had the pleasure of being visited by three level 12 psychiatrists in his cell. They had the power to send him to Broadmoor or any other high security prison for LIFE. Hence he refused to respond to any of their approaches to get him to say something. Very wise! For they went by the assumption that Dr. Tegwyn Williams' "assessment" of "persistent delusional disorder" was a valid one, as demonstrated by this statement

Isn't it amazing that the tentacles of the South Wales Police extend to Tottenham Police Station, thanks to modern technologies???

Sabine writes on Victims Unite:

As Maurice writes on his own blog: Enid Blyton could not have made it up: Maurice gets himself arrested - quite consciously - as he wanted to tell the local Magistrates what is going on in Haringey Council.

  1. He was charged with "criminal damage", for he had smashed the window of a door, behind which he had been held unlawfully since Saturday night.
  2. The Duty Solicitor in Haringey Court told me yesterday that Maurice was right with his claim.
  3. However, during the hearing, the CPS seemed to have a field day by going into "previous convictions" and "old medical reports". In fact, three level 12 forensic psychiatrists produced a statement about him based only on data stored on him re South Wales Police. He refused to engage in conversation aka "autism". To think that such psychiatrists can send you to high security prisons such as Broadmoor for life is seriously frightening.
  4. When the Court wanted to grant bail, the CPS duly asked to appeal within two hours, but didn't.
  5. Hence Maurice was set free, with a next trial date set for 14th November.

Meanwhile, the Musas were arrested on the same charges and are expected to be heard in one of the following courts this morning:

  • Haringey Magistrates Court
  • Highbury & Islington
  • Enfield Magistrates Court, Tottenham

Christopher Booker had written on Sunday Couple denied legal help while lawyers make £1m removing their children. And the Nigerian national paper Leadership published British Journalist Writes Jonathan Over Seized Nigerian Children..........

RING ALL COURTS and NEWSPAPERS ,,,,,,,,,, WHERE ARE THEY?............... PLEASE RING SABINEs NUMBER ..................

Ppolice have my computer [all the French air field diversionary spots and storming of Haringey SS, should plan F now come into play at the Nigerian High Commission].................

Police also have my French and English mobiles, brief case and court papers....................

Meanwhile the aircraft hidden along the Kent coast might be soon found and the Calvados for the cuddly Duty Solicitor, as someone described Bill, might also have been found causing my aircraft engineers and ground crew for the next D-Day onslaught on the Normandy beaches, with 300 hysterical kids, getting thoroughly p****d!