He invented the concept of radical monopoly: when a technical medium is or appears to be more effective, it creates a monopoly which denies access to other media. The mandatory consumption of a medium which uses a lot of energy (for example motorised transportation) narrows the fruition of use value (innate transit ability).
[By "radical monopoly" I mean the dominance of one type of product rather than the dominance of one brand. I speak about radical monopoly when one industrial production process exercises an exclusive control over the satisfaction of a pressing need, and excludes nonindustrial activities from competition]
Just look at the root of what is wrong in our UK courts.
What are Australians doing about it? Signed only this week, the ink is still wet!
Proclamation Confirming
Common Law Courts in Australia
At the Parramatta Leagues Club, Sydney
the 15'h day of April, 2011.
A congregation of Australian Free Men and Women who are Sovereign
Human Beings created by God.
WHEREAS by the Constitutional Enactments of Magna Carta 1297 ,
Petition of Right 1627 , Habeas Corpus 1640 and Bill of Rights 1688 are
declared to be in force as law in Australia since 1828 and never to be
subverted nor extirpated:
BE IT KNOWN that the Commonwealth of Australia is a Common Law
Jurisdiction and that all the Courts of Australia are Common Law Courts
where Free Men and Women can exercise their inalienable Right to Trial
by Jury.
And whereas We the undersigned Sovereign People of Australia hold that
Proclamation Confirming
Common Law Courts in Australia (cont.)
so essential to the preservation of Truth, Justice, Freedom and Democracy
is the Right to Trial by Jury, any denial of this inalienable Right
constitutes Treason against the People of Australia.
We hold that no Federal or State Parliament can abolish or diminish this
essential Right protecting Life, Liberty and Property.
We hold that Juries ought to be competent, independent and impartial,
when they carry our their duties and responsibilities, including the
judging of the facts and law presented to them, and that they ought to
execute Justice with Mercy in all their Judgments.
We hold that, in any action, unless a Court obtains the clear and
unequivocal consent of all parties to be without a Jury, that Coutt has no
Jurisdiction to proced summarily and any such awards, doings and
proceedings shall be held to be null and void.
Given at the Parramatta Leagues Club, Sydney, this fifteenth day of
April, in the year of Our Lord in two thousand and eleven
God Save Australia!
Proclamation Confirming
Common Law Courts in Australia (cont.)
signatures (cont.):-
(Well Done, John Wilson, from a UK chronic litigant up against outdated Royal Charters)
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble,
Success keeps you Glowing ,
But Only Faith Keeps You Going!