John Smith MP, Labour Member for the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, UK
House of Commons
Westminster 12th May2009
Dear Mr Smith, Your Ref K/2002
Barbara Wilding False Affidavit
Further to previous letters on the state of the Vale of Glamorgan Police let me recite a fairy tale:
I was kept waiting 56 minutes at Barry police station, this afternoon, just to make a written complaint of Perversion of Justice and Contempt of Court by a lawyer, Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Cardiff.
He indicated, in writing, two Barry Magistrates court cases had never taken place!
- 1. When the first police case collapsed I arrested the HM Crown Prosecutor, Mr Stoffa and while I waited for the police to arrive he failed to break my grip of his collar as he was shaken by the neck as a terrier kills a rat, a rat being exactly what he is.
- 2. A photograph fell from the CPS file he was desperately trying to withhold from me.
- 3. The photograph was that of my employee caught by police speed camera but I was ‘the boy in the dock' for it, despite my having furnished my employee's name and address as the driver.
- 4. We heard the police sirens from Barry police station all the way to the court with hoards of ‘men in blue' come bursting into the court, Sgt Rice to the for, at full gallop [see recent downloads].
- 5. Sgt Rice, Adrian Oliver says, remembers no court case and the court office has no record of it!
- 6. The other case, he also denies ever happened, was not dissimilar; I am in court for no insurance.
- 7. CPS had overlooked the fact that PC O'Brian had failed to issue me with a traffic ticket to produce, having been on the surveillance team 24/7, staked out earlier in the road, to watch me and those who came in and out of my veterinary hospital. Police did this for several years!
- 8. Upon information from Guernsey, of all places, I have the letters to prove it, they then tried another Noddy Land prosecution only for it to be stopped, mid flow when the magistrates realised it was yet another stitch up, the police finally lost 121charges, but who is counting?
Ah, but is it you, Mr Smith? Today, in Barry police station, the acting inspector, surrounded by reinforcements with video camera running in one hand while the other rested on the CS gas canister, having been told I was "appearing to look menacing", simply apologised that he could not take a complaint as did not have ‘the resources' and I should make my complaint to the Law Society!
Not unfamiliar with the wickedness of "The Memorandum of Understanding between Law Society and Chiefs of Police" his comment fell rather on ‘deaf ears' as he refused my statement already prepared!
Yours sincerely
Maurice J Kirk BVSc