This makes Dr Tegwyn Williams and other culpable of falsifying medical evidence. Will anybody care? Will any judge honour this? The brain scan was carried out by instructions from Consultant Rupert Evans at University Hospital Cardiff.
Maurice encloses
- the latest fanciful witness statement by Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams of 14 October 2013
- the 2nd December 2009 part transcript of Dr Williams' application I be incarcerated in Ashworth maliciously registered MAPPA level 3 by irregular 8th June 2009 meeting
- 1st December 2009 Dr Paul Kemp conclusion.
No fiction writer can make it up.
No other de-registered veterinary professional would have endured the shame and kept the fight going - for the five years of just this little part of his journey of 30 years!!!
If only HMP Cardiff staff could give him two crutches, medical attention and pain killers!!! What prevents them? Who tells them NOT to be helpful?
Why can't he do photocopying? What 'consolation' is it that Melissa Laird experienced exactly the same kind of problems as Litigant in Person in HMP Holloway? She is another Litigant in Person (LiP) I know from experiences with imprisonment. He gave her hope when he visited her in as he wants to advance the cause of LiPs and help other LiPs, as he asked to be put on his complementary site. It meant soo much to her! And she keeps asking how he is, while still homeless - as a victim of the UK authorities - and the UK Judiciary are doing their best not to delilver justice either! Melissa who told me that every day of unlawful imprisonment is compensated with £300.
How many people have to go to prison to find out what a ridiculous system is operating in there?
How many babies have to be stolen from mothers' wombs for the world to BELIEVE what parents and supporters have been saying for years???