Press Release no 2

Bankruptcies Used As Weapons Of Terror By Solicitors

Demonstration on 22 July 2008, against unscrupulous solicitors and the failure of the self-regulatory system to control them. The Law Society has not taken the complaints of many solicitors' clients seriously eg 4 separate complaints against one firm of solicitors and still it is not enough for the Law Society to strike them off.
Demonstration starts 9.00 am on the 22nd July outside the Central London County Court and at 9.00 am at Brentford County Court. The group at Brentford County Court will join those at the Central London County Court at 11.00am. The whole demonstration will go by car and bus to Gloucester Place.  From there, we will go to the Royal Courts of Justice.  We will walk to The Law Society in Chancery Lane. 

From there we will make our way to Parliament.  At 2pm committee room no 6 has been booked so MPs can address the demonstration.  After the meeting in Parliament the demonstration will move on to the Ministry of Justice, Victoria.  At the same time a delegation of 5 members will go to 10 Downing Street to hand in a petition.

The demonstration will be attended by a few Members of Parliament, and Casia (Complaints Against Solicitors action for Independent Adjudication), SACL (Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers), Unjustis, and Liberty will be represented.