13th October 2015
1st Dec 2011 Cardiff Magistrates Harassment Conviction
Failed Disclosure contrary to Criminal Procedure Rules
While I continue to scour the country for a solicitor, to accept instructions for simple disclosure of court records, I will list again what is needed to clear my name of six imprisonments, amounting to three years of my life, deliberately concocted by the South Wales Police simply to prejudice our multiple civil proceedings.
1. Full magistrates court records of the twelve hearings and especially those of the clerk of the court.
2. Copies of all of the prosecution exhibits especially the ones slipped in, on the day of the substantive hearing, suggesting a missive was sent by the victim to Caswell Clinic, Bridgend's police chief psychiatrist.
3. Why was their victim repeatedly denied copies of the magistrate's court exhibits needed to fight the appeal?
3. Full court records of 1st April 2012 Cardiff Crown Court appeal against harassment conviction.
4. Evidence relied on by 4th May 2012 trial judge (1st 'breach of a restraining order') when informing the jury, following their jury note to him, that the magistrates' records were 'not available'.
5.Evidence before Their Lordships, in March 2013, when their reason to refuse the appeal was because no evidence was sent from the Cardiff Crown Court, in the first place, that the jury had asked to see the clerk of the court's notes. Jury had specifically asked for clerk's contemporaneous notes following his hiding in a cell.
6. Full copy of the original court records obtained by the Crown Prosecution Service on, admitted, at least three occasions following alterations to them, each time, by others.
7. Full copy of the magistrate's court records, by February 2012 when copied to the Criminal Cases Review Commission following the victim’s complaint that he had no knowledge of any such 'retaining order ' having been handed down yet alone served on him!
8. Full copy of the victim's immediate 'gate arrest' police records following his release on 1st December 2011 from the Cardiff magistrates' cell that will also record no ‘restraining order’ was given to their prisoner.
9. The identity and full records of the Geoamey Custodial Services officers, on duty that day, who can each give evidence to clear this police victim's name.
Why is it, time and time again in our British judicial system, where HM Partnership individuals get ‘found out’ but are privileged to be immune to prosecution, their victims, instead, are made to suffer all the more?
Maurice J Kirk BVSc
SEE http://.www.butlincat.wordpress.com
Who will help Maurice to go to Royal Courts of Justice and European Court?
Filed under: YouTube, South Wales Police, Machine Gun, Caswell Clinic, Royal Courts of Justice, MAPPA, Cardiff County Court, IPCC, Cardiff Magistrates Court, harassment, GMC, Failed Disclosure, Abuse of Process, NHS WALES, David Gareth Evans, CCRC