I am in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre court tomorrow at 10. 30am fighting a three month trial of 20 years of police bullying.

I will pay cash for its immediate return one black Toshiba lap top, I think, 'NO QUESTIONS ASKED', no one else involved.

 Please tel 07907937953  maurice@kirkflyingvet.com or call in at motor bike shop next to reptile shop on Cowbridge Road West...I will deal with an 'intermediary'

Also stolen is my blue disability badge and the CD in the lap top, at the time, that stored police custody videos, going back 15 years, the Chief Constable has appeared, the way their defence is beginning to unfold, forgotten about!


For Pete's sake, boys, I was your ELY veterinary surgeon for many years, first in Grand Avenue and then next to the Reptile shop, until South Wales Police successfully applied, in 2001, to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, to successfully have my name removed from the veterinary register.

They resorted to this, with fabricated allegations and convictions, once they had given up up trying to invalidate my motoring insurance, demanding to see my documents more than 35 times in 8 years. This was to put sufficient pressure on the insurance companies identified, just as Guernsey police had succeeded in doing to assist in my removal from the island, for me to be unable to make an income working on the farms etc through out the Vale of Gamorgan.


A video summary of 20 years of South Wales Police bullying reliant on Guernsey








Llantwit Major's police sergeant 'Killer' Kilberg Video to follow proved lying to both

 custody sergeant and His Honour Judge Seys Llewellin QC, last month, one of the

custody videos now the police legal team are so desperate to block tomorrow,




Adrian Oliver.
15:11 (1 hour ago)

Dear Mr Kirk,

I refer to your further attendance at our offices on Thursday 28 March 2013, when you again sought to ignore the fact that we have withdrawn your licence to attend at our offices. I am given to understand that you caused disruption and inconvenience to other users of the building which we occupy and that the security staff at the building considered it necessary to communicate with the police in this regard. I would again urge you to deal with any necessary matters in compliance with the court orders which have been made in this matter.

I would also wish to record that you were not prepared to identify the basis of your attendance with the staff who sought to speak with you.

I refer to your telephone contact with Dolmans at 1.30 pm on 2 April 2013. I would again remind you of my prior request that you deal with matters by email due to your propensity to distort comments made in telephone discussion. You have been able to communicate by email and indeed, have sought to encourage the same. I record that it is only during the course of the adjournment of your civil trial that you have sought again to attend our premises and to communicate by telephone, even though you have been prepared to communicate previously by email. I would again ask you to revert to dealing with matters through this medium as it enables both parties to prepare for matters arising in the trial.

You have left a message at 1.30 pm asking for details of the witnesses who are to be called tomorrow (3 April 2013) for trial. You can be advised that it is the intention of Leading Counsel to invite former police officer Robert Osbourne to provide evidence at court on 3 April 2013.

I can also advise you however that Mr Lloyd Williams QC intends to address the court before any further evidence has been provided as to your failure to deal with the disclosure of any videos / digital footage which you might have in your possession.

I trust this email will provide you with sufficient notice to prepare for these matters.

Yours sincerely,


TO DAY, IN COURT, THE ENGLISH TAX PAYER'S very well paid CARDIFF QC, going through the motions of defending the South Wales Police, COMPLAINED OF HIS instructing solicitor's' publicity, a THOROUGHLY CORRUPT SOLICITOR, called ADRIAN OLIVER, of DOLMANS, WHO HAS PROTRACTED THIS CASE  FOR  nearly 20 YEARS purely for CASH, INSTEAD OF ACCEPTING MY BRISTOL LAWYERS original suggestion TO SETTLE.

 Adrian Oliver is now pictured in 'rogue's gallery, on many web sites, across the world, a warning of what is to come if he gets away with it.

 Along with a similarly debased South Wales Police 'puppet', also with out stretched avaricious hands, the  wayward forensic psychiatrist, rumoured to have once worked at Caswell Clinic , Bridgend, Adrian Oliver is now before a similarly debased piece of nonsense for, without the ' too ill'  Williams for protection on my original police MAPPA classification, pleading anything between them to have me locked away in a psychiatric prison for life, Oliver will face his predestined nemiscis

Does it stink?

Adrian P. Oliver


Senior Partner

Dolmans Solicitors

SWP Schedule Defendant witnesses 4th week.pdf

SWP Witness Statement of Maurice John Kirk final.pdf

Dear Poorly Informed Tax Payer,


GUERNSEY, Channel Islands, is where I set up a ‘legal aid’ charity and first learnt to 'cut my teeth' on the current subject now unfolding at last, after twenty years, in Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre. It is HM Partnership's 'cosy relationship' as Lord George Foulkes once put it, the ‘incestuous relationship’ between both executive and judiciary, all protected within it by 'Royal Charters'.


.The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon's immunity to prosecution is the classic example when still refusing to ‘convene a court’, contrary to statute, simply to consider my numerous applications, over the last nine years, for my name to be returned to the veterinary register. [See the past twelve years of ‘Down Loads’ and other ‘Blogs’ on this website].


Here, in 'Old South Wales', as dentist John Wilson in 'New South Wales' will quickly concur, 'Her Majesty's Prerogative' continues to allow rampant nefarious conduct in our UK law courts to flourish, compounded by outdated 'adversarial systems' once based on trust.


Take the ‘Musa Family Case’, as another typical example, currently on appeal, we think’, where Haringey Council lawyers ‘cashed in’ on the act, again all immune to any HM regulatory retribution or HM prosecution in either our civil or criminal courts.


[The Nigerian couple are currently serving seven years imprisonment with all seven of their children now snatched and outrageously ‘re homed’ instead of just being put on the next flight to Nigeria].


The paranoia surrounding this tragic case was further revealed in the way I was jailed for ‘attempting’ to fly the kids home in my two seat WW2 Piper Cub and then being prosecuted, in my absence, as Cardiff’s judiciary would not even ‘produce’ me from similarly outdated prison system! .This old ‘Out of Court’ video, below, has been held back until now to be a stark warning of things yet to come both in England and Wales, if not already here.

Does it stink or does it stink?

EXPOSURE VIDEO of GUERNSEY, as an IRA safe house, drug dealer's dream, insider dealer's paradise and where the incestuous island's De Vic Cary's grand father collaborated, as Bailiff, with the Germans, enough for Churchill intending to have him hanged, was the same little b+stard who jailed me 21 times, anything to prevent education on 'basic human rights' to be intoduced to a two teir structure his masonic mates and the serfs.




While in Wales,


We still have a Dr Tegwyn Williams 'at large', on 'long term sick with his wife,' on my account, despite falsifying yet further 'victim' statements

11 11 15 Solicitor letter to Cardiff Magistrates.pdf

12 08 20 MJK MG11 Redacted shr.pdf

Much more about NHS (Wales) multi million conspiracy, later.

In Cardiff County Court this Month

Lantwit Major's police sergeant 'Killer' Kilberg, one of many in the 1990s police force, who had my name removed from the veterinary register is caught out lying to the currently presiding judgere along with a few others already heard and shortly to also give evidence.

Enclosed is a 90s Barry police station custody video of Kilberg lying to the custody sergeant that I was in breach of a public order offence despite the custody sergeant specifically asking for that clarification.

His Honour Judge Seys Llewellin QC or the police QC, during the three months civil action currently in session in the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, asked for clarification on exactly the same point with the South Wales Police sergeant qualifying the issue by stating the custody sergeant made the mistake when writing down the facts.

The truth of the matter was his partner, PC Gareth Holmes was right there, seen on video and refusing to support the deliberate lie either by recording it in his pocket note book or in his subsequent MG 11 witness statement.

Llantwit Major Police Sergeant Kilberg Video to follow


Meanwhile a letter of more importance, if 'testicles on a plate without an anaesthetic' is to be avoided, to the only others in Wales, apparently, responsible for maintaining law and order throughout The Principality........

13 03 31 to CPS NHS.doc

AND this latest thoroughly insulting bit of nonsense from Cardiff's magistrates, court concerning the police refusing to return some £10,000 worth of antique guns and a walking stick confiscated in 2009/10 while desperate to get me a 10 year mandatory prison sentace for 'trading in prohibited weapons '!

Such as the WW1 Lewis machine gun, the most effective such weapon in the war and was bolted to my, now sold, replica DH2 RFC biplane fighter, an aircraft, like the September 1940 Hurricane, that turned the tables in 1916, just at such acute points in two world wars.....b*stards

13 03 28 Shot Guns and Muskets MagistratesCase Stated Response.pdf


Masonic Devil Worship?

Dolmans, Cardiff solicitors,

You either settle or or I publish ex Chief Inspector' Jenner and ex Ely police station's Inspector Roe's recorded evidence denying , as did the b*tch of bitches, Barbara Wilding, by sworn affidavit, denying the knowledge of court cases and her ordering the use of a sledge hammer and a crow bar to break into my Cardiff veterinary surgery just to put back Jenner's daughter, Alison, effectively putting trouble and druggies back into my overhead flat .

Your client also had me put in Cardiif prison, for four days, pretending you vermin could not 'recognise' me!

Your client had the machine gun painted a different colour to try and fool a Cardiff jury

Your client had me up for speeding when in possession of the photograph of the true driver, his name adress and when I arrested CPS lawyer Stoffa the police ran a mile , in the wrong direction

Your client repeatedly had me arrested on the road side following a purported positive breath test only for there to be a zero reading within 20 minutes on the police stations' ' definitive test' machine.......any filthy trick to aggrevate and proke a victim.

Do I appear drunk in this Bridgend police custody video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSPSX-hVEE.

Your client, in 'Operation Orchid' tried to snatch our then ten year old child, using social services, bullying my then wife to signed a pre prepared witness statement that I was insane.......you evil bunch of lawyers conspired with NHS' Morgan Cole, solicitors to use Dr williams to have me arrested by armed police helicopter but failing to get a conviction or steel our daughter but instigated immediate divorce proceedings ....the thought of spineless tactics I should of expected


As lawyers you advised Barbara Wilding to have me registered MAPPA level 3

Your client, with your advise, then had Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams of Caswell clinic, to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act without a shred of evidence and without even examining his patient, for one purpose.....to delay this three month trial ever coming to court!

Oh, yes and what is the latest? Dr Tegwyn Mel Williams falsifies another police victim statement, in july last year, having me locked up for weeks in prison until the CPS then get involved to prepare for another rigged Cardiff judiciary jury trial.

And what did the CPS find? Dr Williams' circa 21st July 13 'victim' statement record? I had been around to his home and had harassed both he and his wife, Dr Janis Hillier causing the police to 'move me on'...utter bollocks,,,I do not even know or wish to know, other than to arrange a private prosecution 'procedure'as to where the fat over paid 'toad' lives.

Oh yes, I almost forgot....four times I have been to the police stations to complain and written long statements but your client, you advise them, ignore him , he will not live much longer.

Two sets of lawyers, one from England and one from Cardiff, have asked both the police and the CPS for a copy of that July 13 victim statement but they both reply....."it cannot be found"

Just for starters...... and we now move into two months of more fun or is it Romans chapter 12, verse19, is it?

Why is your client continuing to ignore the seriousnes of Christopher Alexander's (alias Ebbs). statement of yet anopther south wales Police conspiracy?....Worried it might be true? But you lot can continue to steal another huge chunk of tax payers' hard earned cash if you 'string it along' just like my seven or so listed Actions against your client. Remember, police officer Rice told the court he had no knowledge of Ebbs/Alexander or recognise him standing at the back of the court.

12 10 26 Ebbs Staterment.pdf

Your clients' collusion with Cardiff masonic devil worshiping judges had my web site closed down, last time, when we got a little too close to the truth about your disgusting money making regime but try it again and the articles will spring up on 10 other already primed web sites positioned abroad


Your client ran to the protection of Judge Nicholarse Cooke QC and got it following His Honour's receipt of the following 'jury note' of a flagrant conspiracy by the South Wales Police caught red handed' by the jury!!! That aborted 'dangerous driving' case must be heard also in the next few days, I presume?

Punitive Damages

Punitive DamagesInEnglandand Wales, exemplary damages are limited to the circumstances set out by Lord Devlin in the leading case of Rookes v Barnard:Devil

  1. Oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional actions by the servants of government.
  2. Where the defendant's conduct was 'calculated' to make a profit for himself.
  3. Where a statute expressly authorises the same.

Rookes v Barnard has been much criticised and has not been followed in Canada or Australiaor by the Privy Council.[7]

Another case that could arguably be seen as an example of punitive damageswas that of Attorney-General v BlakeMusicin which the defendant profited from publishing a book detailing his work for MI5. The details were very old and therefore did not cause loss to the state. The publishing was, however, in breach of the contract of employment (and incidentally criminallyin breach of the Official Secrets Act 1911). The defendant was required to give an account of his profits gained from writing the book.

Thecourts have been very reluctant to follow this approach,[9]emphasising the materiality of the criminalelement required for these damagesto be considered.

2) aggravated damages

"Aggravated damages are compensatory in nature, while punitive damages are awarded as punishment for egregious conduct....

Two Stolen Lap Tops and a huge store of documents and film lost in one winter.


That lap top was stolen from outside my old Barry veterinary surgery, last October, together with vital evidence in a red canvas hold-all.....never returned. 

A short video of 'Liberty Girl' on a beach on the top of North Island, New Zealand just before her world record to Brisbane, Australia

