This Caswell Clinic psychiatric report was used to keep me
in prison for eight months, in 2009, destroying my marriage, prior to ‘machine
gun' case when the police helicopter and armed police stormed our home to
arrest me and attempt to snatch my then 10 year old daughter with Social

On release I was then jailed, using the very same
psychiatric report, on three separate occasions in London,
by the Metropolitan Police, twice in Oxford
and eight times in Cardiff.

Each time, in England but not Wales, following my presentation before three London courts and one Oxford court, while I was unrepresented, I was released.

 With all allegations dropped, safe one, a ‘public order offence'm another conspiracy.

That  case was heard in my absence with the Cardiff
authorities deliberately preventing my production from Cardiff prison as it
related to the Musa Nigerian six children
having been snatched by Haringey Council, my being a major witness into the
huge lawyer fraud surrounding this case and  to scupper the chances of their own very
frightened clients [see previous blogs/ gallery and downloads].

But the Welsh police and their very own incestuous and thoroughly corrupt judiciary had a
completely separate agenda, the details of which are legendary.

18th November 2012    2nd CAR BREAK IN

12 11 18 IPCC.doc

This Friday's  2pm Bristol broadcast is planned to name names








9th Oct 2012  JUDGMENT

The European Court of Human Rights delivered a new and remarkable judgment on trade union freedom of expression. In Szima v. Hungary the European Court of Human Rights concluded that a criminal conviction of a leader of a police trade union for having posted critical and offensive comments on the Union’s website was to be considered necessary in a democratic society for the prevention of disorder or crime, and more precisely of preserving order in the armed forces



FROM latest issue of  PRIVATE EYE

i.e. South Wales Police and Cardiff Judiciary's Lynette White murder cover up.



Wails from Wales


For nearly a year a police force has refused to return a journalist’s work on one of Britain’s most notorious miscarriages of justice, despite repeated requests.


Satish Sekar cooperated with police, allowing officers investigating the wrongful arrests of the Cardiff Five two decades ago access to his own investigation. Sekar has covered the case and its fall-out for many years, including for Private Eye.


Officers borrowed material, including taped interviews, for use in the police corruption trial on the strict understanding it would be returned as soon as the trial ended. That trial ended last December in farcical circumstances as the judge decided the eight former police officers couldn’t get a fair hearing because evidence files had been destroyed.


Although the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and the Director of Public Prosecutions are still investigating the trial, Sekar asked South Wales Police to return his property, not least because he was finishing a book about the case. Although Sekar told police chiefs his voluntary cooperation with the force was over, the police have now prevaricated for 11 months and, despite the lack of a court order or it being the proceeds of crime, police still have his material.


They ignore solicitors letters and refuse to explain what entitles them to keep Sekar’s property. “If anyone else had done this they would be arrested for theft”, says Sekar. Police now refuse to talk to Sekar, even though the IPCC has ordered them to record his complaint.”






Aftermath of my 2010 Cardiff  'machine gun' trial acquittal.


In June 2009 helicopter and twenty five other police, many armed, storm our home and jail me for eight months without a shread of evidence of any fire arms offences. As later proved, it was the Chief Constable's private solicitors, Dolmans, who instigated my imprisonment to prejudice the forthcoming three month civil damages trial, she being the defendent !


Thee years later, despite my numerous attempts to retrieve police snatched £10,000 worth of antigue and licenced legally held shot guns and humane killers, the thoroughly corrupt Cardiff cabal have, instead, refused their return and ordered, by that deceitful District Judge Bodfan Jenkins, to pay the cabal  a bill of £4000 costs following my attempted use the courts and1897 Police Property Act  just to return my property!




Between 1992 and 2002 the South Wales Police ordered me to produce my driving documents 35 times. On the 34th occasion I refused and the court was forced, under the then Magistrates Act, to dismiss the case.


I have refused five times since with the police doing nothing about it as they had already complained to The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and succsessfully had me struck off the veterinary register.





I, Christopher Alexander (Ebbs) wish to add to my previous statement, on the matter of Maurice Kirk's common assault conviction at Bristol Magistrates, that I was approached by the South Wales Police to ware a neck brace and sit at the back of the court throughout proceedings while  he was remanded to prison.


YOU maybe you are asking yourselves, the tax payer, why GMC, IPCC, an outside police force and HM Govenment Departments all continue to sit twiddling their toes while South Wales' nemesis looms before them in early 2013.  


It stinks, doesn't it?


Why? These culprits are all on huge protected salaries and pensions paid by you.


So, why have they not had me killed, three years later, with the three month trial looming?









Trying to re live Sir Francis Chichester's world breaking record and without a map?

The cub flew a world record of her own, via Norfolk Island, direct to Coolangata, Queensland.

 (Liberty Girl on a lonely windswept beach on the tip of North Island New Zealand preparing for Queensland)

2013 London to Sydney Air Race list of pilots and their contacts
