Once again: Maurice's experiences are beyond anybody's imagination. His sister writes:
Luckily I was at home to receive the ONLY phonecall Maurice has been allowed to make since being held at Cardiff Police Station on Friday. A member of staff at Cardiff prison dialled and spoke to me first:
Apparently he is being held as he had failed to attend Cardiff Police Station to receive a charge of HARESSMENT against Dr. Tegwyn Williams (the Doctor who suggested to a bail court that MJK was suffering from a brain tumour when he could not find another psychiatrist to agree to having him sectioned and locked away for life) but who has refused to release the medical notes to the court or the patient!
Maurice went to the Cardiff Police Station as they had confiscated his computer AND his legal documents which he was using to show that the Police had been harassing him for over 18 years!
As a side issue MJK was also acting as a McKenzie Friend for the Musa parents who have a legal battle against Haringey Council who have taken their 6 children. He had asked the Musa's lawyer to return their legal documents to the family but he refused to hand them to the respondants.
On the way to Tottenham Police Station to report this Sabine and others witnessed Maurice giving chase and removing a baseball bat from an attacker who was beating a victim in the street.
On arrival at Tottenham Police Station the Police again put MJK in a room and then after a few minutes they arrested him for failure to answer police bail in Cardiff and sent him down there but not before Haringey Council asked for MJK to be sectioned as they did not want him involved with the 'Musa snatch case' as he was helping the parents. Luckily the female clerks and magistrates of the court were having none of this rubbish and this caused the CPS rep to shake in his shoes(!) as there was an unseemly shouting match. MJK was granted bail and not sectioned.
NEXT WEDNESDAY MJK is to appear in front of Cardiff magistrates as the CPS are going to try again to SECTION Maurice.
MJK says' Please I would be MOST GRATEFUL if there were friends in the gallery as they would not dare to section me in Public'.
So this e mail is to plead that someone in Cardiff or elsewhere get to the magistrates court on 28th Sept in support of Maurice.
Celia (MJK's sister)
PS MJK has a medical problem which requires further investigation. It has worsened since he has not had access to his script drugs. There is a suggestion of internal bleeding which the prison doc is concerned about. As it is the w/e the Dr has found some appropriate drugs within the prison but MJK needs an endoscopy as soon as possible.