Being away from it all - on asylum in Brittany - makes Maurice think more long term. So he remembered that
- On 4 October 2008 he wrote to Barry police station identifying about 40 police incident numbers, asking for their progress on each one. Since he did not receive any information, he lodged an Abuse of Process Application
- In November 2008 HHJ Nicholas Chambers QC ordered to disclose the thefts / arson / assaults / motoring allegations and identity of police (eg. overhead video)
- Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police, was ordered to sign a disclosure affidavit by 6/7 January 2009
- Dolmans, the solicitors of South Wales Police, pretended not to have received the Order
- On 25 February Maurice visited Dolmans demanding the affidavit or he would arrest her for 'contempt of court' and call in an outside police force.
- That afternoon she signed it - 6 weeks after the Court Order.
- In April 2009, he formulated this position statement.
- Maurice believes that his visit to Dolmans, together with this letter made them 'ratchet up' their actions:
- the intent to shoot
- register MAPPA (terrorist level 3) - as can be seen in this MAPPA report leaked from Caswell Clinic.