
It has now been confirmed that Maurice is being "accomodated" in a halfway house approved hostel in Swansea, He is being held under a one hour curfew and has to return to the hostel to sign in every hour.

He is listed as MAPPA level 3, in other words he is classed as a terrorist and one of the top five percent most dangerous criminals in the country! 

One has to wonder exactly who he is most dangerous to?

 He was transported to the hostel from Cardiff prison in a convoy of two vehicles and escorted by two prison officers and three probation officials

All of his court and legal papers are being stored in a facility several miles from his accomodation making it extremely difficult for him to get there and back within the hour.

It seems that such tight restrictions have been placed on his movements in order to set him up to break one of the conditions so that he can have his licence cancelled and be returned to prison, all within the letter of the Law you understand.

All decisions about his fate are now in the hands of the Barry/Vale of Glamorgan probation service.

Hang on a minute, what exactly did this man do? it all seems a bit lost and confused,

Perhaps he murdered some innocent person in a most vile and heinous manner?

Maybe he masterminded a plot to overthrow the government of the day ( which is busily covering up the paedophilic misdeeds of one of its predecessors in the eighties)


In actual fact what he did was call out a corrupt doctor who wrote a false and malicious report at the behest of the Crown (prosecution service) in order to try and have him sectioned to Ashworth for life, after the South Wales police made up a story about him trading in machine guns.

A jury of his peers agreed with him that the evidence was false and freed him.

He then made public the misdeeds of the doctor and on several occasions produced evidence in court to back up his claims. This was repeatedly ignored and he was rewarded, after a stalinesque trial, with a restraining order to stop him telling the truth. When he insisted that the truth be heard he was thrown in gaol. Somewhere along the line he was classed as one of the most dangerous men in the country.

I repeat, most dangerous to whom?

He has just served eight months of his life in gaol for refusing to be silent about the corruption in the judicial system.

That's what you get for telling the truth about the masonic cabal that runs South Wales!



The news in today, which is still a bit sketchy so far, is that Maurice was released on licence from HMP Cardiff at 11.05 this morning.

Apparently he may have been driven to a bail hostel in Swansea by the probation service.

It is believed that he is required by the terms of his licence to live at this hostel and to report back to the hostel every hour.

The fact that he has not yet contacted any of his supporters leads us to believe that this may be the result of another condition of his licence.

No one on the outside was aware of or informed about his release in advance, not even his family!

That is all the information available at the moment, this site will be updated as and when more news comes to light.